Qian Xiaoxiao touched her buzz cut and asked Sister Xin for a hat. She said, "If I go back like this, my parents will nag me that I can't get married."

When they see her like this, they will definitely tell her that she can't get married, and then ask her to grow her hair long and cover it up until it turns white. I heard them say that when I was a kid, I thought getting married was terrible. This is not allowed, that is not allowed. If I do something wrong, they will say that my in-laws will dislike me. Now that I'm older and see more things, I'm even less willing to get married. A man without money is like a dead dog, and a man with money will show off and find women outside. So why get married? It's so good to be alone and comfortable.

Lu Jiaxin didn't like to hear this the most: "The value of us women is not to get married and have children. If they keep nagging you about how you can't get married, just fight back. Anyway, they don't support you, so there's no need to tolerate it, otherwise they will keep nagging. If you shut them up, they won't nag anymore."


The next day, when Lu Jiaxin woke up, Xiaoxiao was no longer in the villa. She went to find Gu Wenfeng. Everyone has their own things to do, and Lu Jiaxin is the same. Her plan for the day is to go to the stores. She didn't bring many people with her, but dressed up as an ordinary customer.

She went to nine stores in one morning, observing from the perspective of a consumer, and then found a lot of problems. Some salesmen are too enthusiastic and talk to you non-stop as soon as they enter the door; some are too lazy and let the customers look by themselves, and they only perfunctorily ask a few questions; and some simply abandon the order if there is no size the customer wants, and never think of transferring from other stores.

After having lunch outside, Lu Jiaxin went back. When she got home, she saw a familiar voice and shadow, and she smiled and said, "When did you come back?"

"More than an hour ago, the housekeeper said you went shopping. Who did you go with?"

Lu Jiaxin shook her head and said, "I didn't go shopping, I went to patrol the stores under its umbrella, and found a lot of problems. Before, I always wanted to open more stores to quickly seize more market share, but now I find that if these problems are not solved, the more stores I open, the more losses I will suffer in the future. ”

So she didn’t plan to expand the store, but to manage the more than 100 stores under her first, otherwise they would go bankrupt if there was any disturbance.

Nie Zhan nodded: "It’s better to be steady and steady."

In fact, he had already seen the problem of Green Forest, but he just didn’t say it. Many things can only be grown into a qualified boss by experiencing them and finding ways to solve them. If he makes too many suggestions, it will become dependent.

Lu Jiaxin talked about Qian Xiaoxiao’s return: "This money was not spent in vain. Xiaoxiao has been reborn in two years. With her and Yan Yijun in the future, my safety will be guaranteed."

Nie Zhan smiled and said: "No one is like you, spending so much money to send people for training. With such a large sum of money, a team of bodyguards can still make up for the annual salary."

Lu Jiaxin said: "Brother Feng and Xiaoxiao can protect me from bullets, can your bodyguards do it?"

"Ahu and Ajie can."

Lu Jiaxin didn’t argue with him about this, there was no point: "I heard that you went to Australia this time, not to acquire a hotel, but to acquire a clothing brand? ”

Because Nie Zhan has acquired many hotels in the past two years, she naturally thought that going to Australia was also to discuss which hotel to acquire, but it turned out not to be the case. If she hadn't asked before, Nie Zhan would have said it, but this time he didn't reveal a single word, and she learned it from Wang Yadan.

Nie Zhan smiled and said, "Yes, to acquire a clothing brand called Jeanswest."

Lu Jiaxin was stunned and asked, "What did you say, you want to acquire Jeanswest?"

Nie Zhan took out a document from his briefcase and said with a smile, "It's not that I want to acquire Jeanswest, but the acquisition has been successful, and now it is my company."

Lu Jiaxin immediately took the document and saw that it was indeed the acquisition of Jeanswest. She herself is in the clothing business, so she naturally knows Jeanswest. It was originally an Australian fashion brand, and was later acquired by Hong Kong Sunrise and became its subsidiary. She didn't know the specific year of the acquisition.

Putting down the document, Lu Jiaxin looked at Nie Zhan and praised him sincerely, "You have a good eye. ”

Nie Zhan had said before that if he wanted to open up the international market, the most convenient way would be to acquire a clothing brand company with mature sales channels. Unexpectedly, he spent so much time choosing and actually chose Jeanswest. You know, this clothing company later became the largest garment manufacturer and export trader in Asia.

Nie Zhan held her in his arms and kissed her: "I have always had a good eye. Why did you only realize it now? Don't you care about me too much?"

He didn't tell Jiaxin because he wanted to give her a surprise, but unfortunately Jiaxin was not as happy as he expected.

Lu Jiaxin smiled and pushed him away: "I was sweating all over when I went out today. You don't mind the smell, but I am uncomfortable! I'm going to take a shower first."

When Lu Jiaxin came downstairs, Nie Zhan told her that he wanted to hand over Jeanswest to her: "You are more professional than me in the clothing field, and I will take care of it for you."

Lu Jiaxin didn't refuse, but just said: "I found many problems with Green Forest today! ”

The teacher once used Jeanswest as a model for them. The management has put a lot of thought into the development of Jeanswest. In order to protect and enhance the brand image, they start from the chain store's sanitary environment, store layout, merchandise display, patient smiling service, comprehensive after-sales service, salesperson recruitment and promotion, job training and guidance, etc., so that customers feel at home when they enter the store.

Nie Zhan thinks this is not a problem: "You only took over the company in March. It is inevitable that you will have omissions without experience. However, you learn while managing and correct problems immediately when you find them. You are already a qualified boss."

This was very useful to Lu Jiaxin. Clothing is her specialty, but being a designer is not the same thing as being a boss, so she is learning while managing the company.

Nie Zhan said: "If the waiters at Green Forest do not provide adequate service, then hire someone to train them. Xiaoli's service attitude is very good. You can hire them to train your store staff."

He knows that Lu Jiaxin doesn't like small life, but business should not be based on personal preferences, but should be based on interests. Nie Zhan said: "Jiaxin, we spend money on their services so that we can have the opportunity to earn more money from them in the future."

Hearing this, Lu Jiaxin couldn't help but laugh thinking that she was still making money from Japan: "You are right, spend money to buy their services, and then turn around to make more money from them."

Mo Hongbin, Sang Wen and Deng Weihai were all helping her to go long on the Nikkei Index. From the end of last year to now, it had increased five times. She kept her principal and continued to go long. Speaking of which, her big start in the financial market was Green Coin/Japanese Yen, and she made a lot of money.

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