Rebirth 1983: Starting from taking back the family property

Chapter 572: The Noble Family begins broadcasting

Li Huini stayed in Sijiucheng for almost a month. She visited all the scenic spots and also went to Beijing University and BGI. After she came back, she made an appointment with Lu Jiaxin for dinner.

While eating, Li Huini said: "The mainland is developing very fast now, with a large population and good prospects. I told my grandfather that we can enter the mainland market."

See, this is the result of being exposed to it. While playing, I also learned about the economic discovery and inspection market in the mainland.

Lu Jiaxin nodded and said: "Yes, the development prospects in the mainland are very good. I don't have time on the weekend. I will go to the mainland on Saturday and will not come back until Monday."

She wants to build a factory in the mainland. Green Forest's factory in Hong Kong City is too small. She plans to enter the mainland market in two years, but now she has to prepare in advance.

Li Huini said: "Jia Xin, I found that women in the mainland don't wear much makeup, they all wear bare makeup. Everyone loves beauty. I think cosmetics and skin care products have a lot of potential in the mainland."

"What, are you going to start a cosmetics business?"

Li Huini did have this idea. She looked at Lu Jiaxin with bright eyes and asked, "Are you interested? If so, let's do it together?"

Lu Jiaxin shook her head: "I'm too busy."

If you don’t have the energy to do it together, investing in a small way is meaningless. In fact, she had always wanted to buy a cosmetics company and make her own cosmetics. However, one after another problems with Xinxin Real Estate and Green Forest made her realize that her management was loose and easy to be exploited. Let’s correct and manage the problems of the two companies first, and then talk about opening a cosmetics company.

Li Huini was a little disappointed.

Fast forward to early October, and The Family is on air. Originally Lu Jiaxin was interested in cooperating with TVB, but the boss of the company was too stingy and wanted to buy out the copyright at the price of an ordinary drama, both in Hong Kong and overseas. Of course, Lu Jiaxin would not agree, so she contacted the top management of ATV, and they decided to buy it after watching the first two episodes. They only bought out the broadcast rights in Hong Kong City, not overseas ones.

Lu Jiaxin wrote the outline of "A Famous Family" and she also checked the forty-episode script. Needless to say, the plot is very interesting, and the costumes and makeup are all designed to look the best. The director we hired is good at making this type of drama, and the leading actors all fit the roles well.

The drama was aired in prime time, and after two episodes, there were reviews in newspapers and magazines the next day. It has nothing to do with Wanjia Film and Television, it is ATV who wants to build momentum for this drama.

First, this drama is well-produced, with exquisite costumes, props, and makeup; second, the plot is compact, with blood, love, and feelings of family and country; third, there are many flaws, controversial, and the whole process is sour...

On the fifth day of the show, Tian Pengyu called Lu Jiaxin and said, "Boss, our famous family is in trouble. Boss, fortunately we only sold the copyright to Hong Kong City, otherwise we would have suffered a huge loss."

It's only been six episodes and it's already become a hot topic. The ratings will continue to rise with more exciting episodes to follow. If it becomes popular in Hong Kong, overseas copyrights can command high prices.

Lu Jiaxin said amusedly: "Who didn't agree to make a TV series in the first place?"

Tian Pengyu first admitted his mistake and then expressed his attitude: "Boss, from now on I can take pictures of whatever you ask me to do. Even if I take pictures of a dog, I will have no problem with it."

In later generations, a famous director made a movie about a man and a tiger, which won major awards and became a hit at the box office, but Lu Jiaxin did not have the ability to do this.

Tian Pengyu said: "Boss, Lan Yinggu offered to renew the contract for five years. Boss, there are too few stars in our company, so we need to sign more."

Lu Jiaxin nodded and asked him to come up with a plan, and then said: "The key is to make good content. If Wanjia Film and Television becomes a flagship in the industry, those stars will compete to participate. But if you want the company to grow, you still need to We need to cultivate a group of our own people.”

Tian Pengyu said yes repeatedly. In the past, when Nie Jingting was the boss, he was always the one asking for help, and even the people who nodded and kowtowed wouldn't do it to him. Now when you go out, you will be greeted by "Boss Tian" politely, especially if some celebrities want to appear in their company's movies. This kind of treatment has never happened before!

Of course he is happy to be praised, but Tian Pengyu is clear-headed. For important roles in movies, he must find actors with good acting skills that fit the role, otherwise no matter how generous the gift is, it will not work. Smashing the company's sign was equivalent to destroying his own job.

Halfway through the TV series, Zong Shimeng called and asked, "Jiaxin, Liu Yushu is not dead, right? Ah Fang will be so sad if he is going to die."

Lu Jiaxin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She even called to ask about the plot, but there was no one else.

"Why don't you say anything? Are you really dead? No, Liu Yushu can't die. I won't watch this crappy drama about him dying."

Lu Jiaxin laughed loudly: "She's not dead, but Liu Yushu's fake death is another turning point in the heroine's life. Sister Shimeng, why did you become so emotional after you became pregnant?"

Zong Shimeng's mood immediately improved after she got the answer she wanted. She smiled and said, "I don't know either. I have become sentimental since I was pregnant with this child. I can't bear it even though it is so small and not worth mentioning." Stop crying, Zhifeng said the baby is a girl."

"That's two good words."

Zong Shimeng smiled and said: "If I were a girl, I hope my child would look like me. None of the three children I gave birth to looked like me. They would tease me every time I took him out."

After chatting for a while, Zong Shimeng asked with a smile: "If you are at home on the weekend, I will come find you."

"Can you go out?"

"You can't go to crowded places. It's okay to go to your house."

"Then I'll call Meitong over and join us."

Thinking that the four of them used to go shopping and chat together, Zong Shimeng couldn't help but mention Shi Xinyu: "Her family arranged a blind date. The man is the son of her father's friend. They have known each other since childhood. They can be said to be childhood sweethearts. They got engaged last month and the wedding date is set at the end of the year."

Lu Jiaxin exclaimed: "Why didn't you tell us about the engagement?"

Always said hurriedly: "I asked Meitong, she didn't know about it. She said Xinyu didn't call her. Maybe she was afraid that seeing us would remind her of Tao Yong?"

Lu Jiaxin said: "She hasn't taken away the engagement dress she asked me to design before. Since she is engaged, I put it up for sale."

Tao Yong has already paid, and later the two broke up and let Lu Jiaxin deal with it. It's just that I'm not sure whether the two will get back together, so I left it alone. Now that Shi Xinyu is engaged, the probability of getting back together is almost zero, so there is no need to leave it alone to take up space.

Zong Shimeng said with some regret: "When we were playing together, I disliked you and Nie Zhan the most. But I didn't expect that you are still in love now, but they have separated."

The main reason is that Lu Jiaxin came from the mainland. She thought that Nie Zhan might be looking for a new experience, and would break up when they found that their values ​​and consumption concepts were different. But after that meeting, she knew that she thought too much. The little girl is very thoughtful and confident.

"Breaking up and getting back together is a normal part of life."

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