Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 993: Technology is not enough, the camera to make up?

To be on the safe side, Wen Qi arranged for technicians to manufacture a batch of prototypes and distribute them to her employees for internal testing and to collect user experience. If the operation is too difficult and the functions are too weak, then it has to be changed.

Those employees were all excited.

This has become a trend. Every time a new product comes out, everyone actively participates in the test, and everyone wants to be the first to try it.

After all, Changtian Technology can produce epoch-making products every time, and these employees are honored to be the guinea pigs of the experiment.

"Eh? Why is there a small box?" The employee who participated in the internal test opened the mobile phone box, and there was a small box inside, which said "Mayfly 1m", picked up the manual, and it turned out to be the latest version of the civilian version. Machine, m means "civilian".

Turn on the phone, enter the accompanying software, enter the specific number of the drone, and soon link to the drone, and then input the screen seen by the mayfly drone into the phone.

"What a clear picture!" Everyone praised, and controlled the drone to fly up and down, left and right, and the surrounding scenery swayed like a revolving lantern.

Some people think that the pictures on their mobile phones are not enjoyable, so they simply switch to Zemeng wearable devices, which makes it even more enjoyable.

I am like a bird flying in the sky, and the pleasure brought by the first-person perspective is indescribable.

Human beings have had the dream of flying since ancient times. Taking an airplane is not the same concept as being able to fly.

Follow the perspective of the mayfly drone through the woods, through the sunshine in the forest, across the lake, skip the fragrant flowers, dance with the butterflies and birds, people seem to live in nature.

"Hoho! It's so cool!" The age of the employees ranged from young to middle-aged, regardless of gender, all of them were so happy that they howled like wolves.

After reading the reactions of these people, the technicians are more sure about the prospect of the product.

After taking advantage of the random flight, someone exclaimed: "Oops! It's beyond the controllable range, and the drone can't be controlled anymore!"

The others looked at this person nervously after hearing this, and half a minute later he shouted again: "Eh? The drone is back!" Sure enough, the mayfly slowly flew towards the employee, and finally landed on the shoulder of the person .

This miraculous scene made everyone amazed again.

This look, which has never been seen on the market, makes the R&D staff very satisfied, and this effect is what they want.

If you can't even impress your own people, why should you impress consumers?

What just appeared is Mayfly's accompanying function. As long as it is connected, Mayfly will always pay attention to the connection between itself and the main device. Once it exceeds the controllable range, it will expand its search range and find its own main device.

It will perch on the user's shoulder unless specifically ordered.

After a while, everyone sat together excitedly to communicate, and the most discussed was the function of taking pictures.

The lesbians exchanged selfies, and everyone browsed the photos that Mayfly had just taken for themselves on Hanhai's mobile phone, and the twittering was very lively.

"It's so real, even my fine hairs can be seen, it's too clear!"

"Hey, you, I have a small red pimple on the back of my neck, I need to pay attention to rest."

This is a compliment to the sharpness of the shots.

What satisfies everyone the most is the shooting skills.

"This shooting method is really amazing. I don't need to find a boyfriend to take pictures in the future. That guy looks impatient. I really hate it!"

And the photos taken by **** men are weird.

"It turns out that this is the case in the sewer, it's disgusting, there are so many bugs!"

"It's so boring! I saw a pond just now, and I've heard of the fish in it. One fish even wanted to jump up and eat my drone! It's that fish, I took a picture of it! I'll go there next time We made a nest over there and caught it."

"I was attached to the roof of a car just now, man, just like Spider-Man. The pictures around are so cool!"

"I just flew to the pool and it's doing really well there!"

"Tsk tsk! No wonder every drone has to be numbered, registered and backed up, just to prevent people like you!"

"Hey! I'm passing by!"

The discussion was extremely lively, and many questions were answered one by one, but most of them were praised.

Especially the sharpness of the camera, it really beats any camera or SLR on the market. If the real-time picture fluency is included, other mobile phone cameras on the market can be completely ignored.

However, the only thing that drones should pay attention to is reporting and control, and it cannot be used by some crooked people to spy on privacy and confidentiality.

This starts from the programming. With the intelligence of the mayfly drone, it is not difficult to do this.

If you touch the bottom line many times, you will take the initiative to cut off contact, and then report.

With all the procedures in place, the secret production of the new version of the Hanhai mobile phone and the civilian version of the Mayfly 1m began.

Due to the high requirements of the foundry, naturally the order was not handed over to an external company, and Tiangong Technology Group, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, undertook the manufacturing task.

In order to mass-produce these new products, the production line has been upgraded, otherwise it would be impossible to control them at all. Such a small chip, such a small body, and the "fingers" of the manipulator have become more slender, just like "Song of Everlasting Regret" engraved on the hair.

There is not much noise on the assembly line, only the robotic arm is rotating rapidly, picking up the original, welding, and assembling.

A small number of workers check whether the production is up to standard by amplifying the instrument at key nodes.

Others looked at the control instruments and programs, and everyone was very serious. The products produced this time will once again shock the world.

To everyone's surprise, the cost of the mayfly civilian version is less than 400 yuan even if the neuron computing group is added, and such a set of things is cheap at 40,000 yuan.

Those drones or SLRs on the market are stupid, big and not smart, and can easily cost tens of thousands of yuan. Mayfly is absolutely conscience at this price.

While Changtian Technology was in full swing to develop a new generation of Hanhai mobile phones and civilian mayflies, other mobile phone giants in the world also made moves.

Unlike Changtian Technology's active updates, they are forced.

The two giants, Apple and Samsung, were forced into a corner by Hanhai mobile phones and Mengze wearable devices. Sales plummeted, and they have lost money for several consecutive quarters.

It’s really incomparable, the operation is not as smooth as Changtian Technology, the security is not as high as Hanhai’s mobile phone, the picture quality, function, and experience are almost wiped out, and even the price is not comparable. Can Apple and Samsung’s life not be difficult?

After all, these large international companies are big companies. They can only start with marketing thinking, that is, they don't talk about the use of the product itself, but talk about the subsidiary things.

They portray their products as used by successful people, and Hanhai mobile phones are used by dicks, how can successful people use Hanhai mobile phones like dicks, right?

Not to mention, there are really people who buy it. These people have knelt down for a long time and think that the imported one is the best. At least it is expensive, and it can prove their economic strength. ?

However, fools are a minority after all, and such money is limited, so the mobile phones launched by Apple and Samsung this time focus on photography.

They even built momentum on the Internet in advance, found a lot of technology bloggers to write articles, and did their own evaluations.

It is said that the performance of today's mobile phones has long been saturated. The mobile phones three years ago can easily run the current software, so everyone should not be entangled in performance issues, but pay attention to the records of life.

So, they worked **** the camera lens.

Samsung’s camera parameters are very luxurious. The rear four-camera arrangement has a 12MP2.2 super wide-angle, a 108MP wide-angle main camera with Corning superclear lens, which can effectively reduce ghosting and glare, and a telephoto lens with triple optical zoom 10mp2.4 and a 10x optical zoom lens 10mp4.9.

In addition to the ultra-wide-angle, all support optical image stabilization; the front is a 40MP 2.2 sensor, and the rear is equipped with four cameras, which support 8k superhdr video shooting, and the video shooting ability is excellent.

The camera on Apple’s side is also very powerful. The iphone13promax has a larger camera array. The main lens is Apple’s largest camera so far. The pixel size is 1.9 microns, which is higher than the standard model’s 1.7 microns. At the same time, it provides an /1.5 aperture, and the rated light is 49% higher than that of the iphone12promax. .

The ultra-wide-angle camera offers a larger f/1.8 aperture for brighter, high-quality photos while providing a wider field of view. The telephoto lens has also been improved. The iPhone 13promax telephoto lens provides 3x optical zoom, which is 2.5x higher than the iPhone 12promax.

The entire iPhone 13 series has added a movie mode, and the promotion is to allow users to become movie masters.

Another new feature on the iPhone 13 Pro Max is "Photography Style," which lets you choose between tones and warmth, including standard, rich contrast, vibrant, warm, cool, and more.

This means that creators can choose the style of photography and shoot movies of different styles, horror, documentary, and era can all be done.

The cameras of these two mobile phones are already comparable to a set of movie-level camera equipment, which was unimaginable before.

If it wasn't for the fight against Changtian Technology, I probably don't know when I would be willing to put it in.

In order to realize these camera functions, the two companies have really worked hard. Those R & D personnel have been soaking in the laboratory day and night, their bodies are smelly, and the laboratory is full of unpleasant smells.

But it was such a desperately produced thing, Wen Qi almost went crazy laughing at the sight, is the thing shown in the demonstration serious?

This is simply like Lu Ban playing a big ax in front of Guan Gong's door, and the clarity and detail are completely incomparable.

And what a coincidence!

Changtian Technology is engaged in videography, and these companies are also engaged in videography.

Apple and Samsung have released such "amazing" new products, Changtian Technology is quiet, and the reporters can't sit still.

The expected needlepoint did not appear, so how can I write articles to attract attention?

So everyone intentionally or unintentionally asked about Hanhai's mobile phone on various occasions.

Wen Qi was the key figure, but was blocked by reporters in the end.

"What do you think of Hanhai Mobile's new mobile phones from Apple and Samsung? Do you feel a lot of pressure?"

Wen Qi thought to herself: "With such a product, if it can live for a week, I will be considered a loser."

But she won't tell the truth, she gave an official and formal answer: "First of all, congratulations to Apple and Samsung for developing excellent products. At present, the performance of Hanhai mobile phone and Zemeng equipment is usable, and Changtian Technology does not plan to upgrade within this year. .”

After speaking, he slipped away.

Everyone was stunned!

Hanhai mobile phone and Zemeng equipment are not upgraded this year? !

The reporters began to make up their minds infinitely.

They took Wen Qi's attitude as Hanhai's mobile phone did not dare to face the challenge head-on. Faced with the powerful camera functions of Apple and Samsung, Hanhai was not sure that it could win, so it backed down and gave up upgrading within this year.

This statement was agreed by many media people, who wrote articles and made videos to analyze the reasons why Hanhai's mobile phone was avoided.

The most talked about is that the photography technology of Hanhai mobile phone and even the whole Changtian Technology is based on the domestic sea-gull company, and the camera technology of sea-gull company is far inferior to that of Samsung and Sony.

Many articles use the shock body to attract attention.

"Shocked! A generation of technology geek companies are limited by the technical shortcomings of domestic companies. Why do Hanhai mobile phones avoid it?"

"Heartache! How much homework do you need to make up for Hanhai's mobile phone to catch up with Samsung and Sony's camera?"

"Powerful functions are not as powerful as selling points! If Hanhai's mobile phone can't catch the camera needs of contemporary people, it can't catch the whole market!"

Many articles are analyzed wantonly. In fact, the author behind it may not really think so, but the hit rate of writing in this way is As expected, it has triggered a counterattack from many netizens.

"Hanhai mobile phones are definitely in stock, and the group that has produced controllable nuclear fusion, isn't it a matter of minutes to get a camera function?"

"How much money do you charge to write these **** articles to start a war? Are those camera functions really better than the current Hanhai mobile phones?"

"It's really good. Spending so much money to buy a mobile phone is for taking pictures? It's as stupid as those idiots who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy electric cars for refrigerators, color TVs, and big screens."

Then some netizens who bought Apple and Samsung couldn’t help mocking these netizens, saying that they are diehards of Changtian Technology, and they just talk nonsense. That kind of tone caused a bigger dispute.

Apple and Samsung are happy here, and Hanhai Mobile has not confronted itself, which proves that Hanhai Mobile has surrendered.

But now that the Internet is so popular and the topic is so hot, it is a super effective free advertisement for me, which is extremely helpful for increasing sales.

"The hateful Hanhai mobile phone had better keep shutting up, the past time has crushed us!" Apple's executives beamed with joy.

Cook frowned, he was not so optimistic: "I always feel that this matter is too smooth, unlike Changtian Technology's style. In the past, if we had any good things, they will definitely come up with better things soon market."

"You think too much, you don't know how much effort we spent on the mobile phone this time, the Apple R&D center in the United States has excellent talents from all over the world, and Changtian Technology only relies on Xia Guo's own people.

There must always be angles that cannot be taken care of. Changtian Technology did not expect that our focus will be on photography. Hahaha! "

This executive is full of confidence, while the other executives are full of smiles, and the conference room is full of joy.

Everyone agrees that users are tired of stacking parameters, and what they need is experience!

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