Latest website: This question from Western journalists is already very harsh.

The audience at the scene also thought that Wen Qi should use some official excuse to fool this question and not give a positive answer.

Unexpectedly, Wen Qi actually said that even if the user's mobile phone is completely out of battery and there is no energy block in hand, the mobile phone can still be turned on.

This kind of answer immediately aroused everyone's interest.

Everyone at the press conference fell silent, staring at Wen Qi with glasses and lenses, waiting for Wen Qi's answer.

Wen Qi explained very patiently: "Actually, I have just said that the most important thing about a bio-battery is the bacteria, its living environment, and the food we provide it."

"The reason why we recommend users to use standard energy blocks is because the biological laboratory of Changtian Technology has conducted repeated experiments, and it can be concluded that the colony in the battery compartment of the mobile phone can completely metabolize the energy blocks."

"The metabolites are just some gas and water, but no other impurities."

"But that doesn't mean our colonies can't use food other than standard energy blocks to provide electricity."

"If the user of the Hanhai 2 mobile phone is in a very inconvenient place, and the mobile phone is out of battery and has no energy blocks, it can use noodles, rice, etc. eaten in daily life to power the mobile phone when it is shut down."

"Let's take rice as an example. We only need to put no more than 20 grams of rice through the back cover of the battery compartment, then the colonies on the battery can use the rice for metabolism, and the rice is enough to provide power for the mobile phone."

"20 grams of rice can make the mobile phone use for more than a week, and occasionally use rice or noodles to supply power for the colony, and it will hardly affect the life of the battery."

"Of course, if you use these things for a long time, it will definitely reduce the life of the battery."

After Wen Qi finished answering this question, she looked at everyone with a smile on her face.

At this time, the audience in the audience's eyes can no longer be described as shocked.

They never thought that the battery of the mobile phone could play like this.

No wonder Wen Qi said just now that as long as you have something to eat, your phone can be turned on.

This technology is really useful for users.

Especially for those mobile phone users who go out for a long time, if the user is on a business trip for one or two months and does not carry energy blocks during this two months, then they can use rice and other high-calorie foods instead of energy blocks. This perfectly solves the battery life problem of the mobile phone.

Wen Qi's answer left Western reporters speechless, and they couldn't find anything to refute.

Because even if people are on a business trip or going out for fun, they always have to eat. If a person does not eat, it must be dead. What does a person who hangs up care about whether the mobile phone has power?

Wen Qi joked again: "Protein and fat contain a lot of energy, which can be secreted by the human body. When there is really no electricity or food, protein and fat can also be used in emergencies, so never worry about the chance of hanhai 2 mobile phones. No electricity."

Although Wen Qi's words were intended as a joke, they were indeed a survival technique.

When you get lost in the wilderness and your phone runs out of battery, you can indeed use the methods Wen Qi just mentioned to keep your phone turned on.

Some people didn't understand the meaning of Wen Qi's last sentence

A spectator turned to ask his partner:

"Just now Mr. Wen said that protein and fat can also be used in mobile phones?"

"However, if I'm lost in the wilderness, my phone is out of battery, and I have no food, where can I find protein and fat?"

The partner resisted the urge to laugh and looked at him, and then put his finger into his nostril in full view.

After a while, a **** and white thing came out.

He said to his companions: "Didn't you take biology class before? The human body is actually constantly expelling some dead cells, and these cells are composed of protein and fat."

Everyone was disgusted!

But he immediately understood what Wen Qi had just said.

It turns out that boogers can also generate electricity.

"I said, are you disgusting? If you want to give an example, you can use your fingernails or something as an example. Why are you digging your nose when you have nothing to do? I vomited out the overnight meal."

The friend was even more excited when he heard this, and quickly said, "Hey, don't tell me, if you can really spit out the overnight meal, when you are in the wilderness, the overnight meal can still be used as energy for the battery of your mobile phone .”

As soon as these words came out, the people around laughed.

Jokes are jokes, nausea is disgusting, the bio-battery-related data indicators that Wen Qi put forward can already make the Hanhai 2 mobile phone the top mobile phone in the world.

"Our Hanhai 2 mobile phone also has reverse charging technology. If your other mobile phones have no power, the Hanhai 2 mobile phone can become a natural power bank." Wen Qi continued.

This technology is also very useful!

Natural charging treasure, the power is almost unlimited!

At the end of the press conference, Wen Qi gave the sales price of Hanhai 2.

Hanhai 2 mobile phones are also divided into high and low configurations due to differences in memory and storage capacity.

Among them, the sales price of the low allocation is 6999 yuan, and the price of the high allocation is 7999 yuan, which is exactly the same as the price of 1 lot of Hanhai.

The screen used is not as good, but the more advanced chip and battery, the price is exactly the same as the Hanhai 1 mobile phone, which can be regarded as a conscientious production.

However, the phone is currently only sold in Xia Guo.

As for the European market, because it is troublesome to apply for a sales license, it will not be sold for the time being. The reason for the trouble is that the Hanhai mobile phone uses a bio-battery.

Biobatteries are not only relevant to the energy sector. It is even more concerned about the ecological security of a place, so Europe is very cautious about this.

The audience at the scene saw such a sale price, and there was only one word in their hearts to buy!

After the press conference, the audience and reporters at the scene were reluctant to leave.

They also raised some technical aspects of the market.

Wen Qi replied to them one by one.

After the press conference, Wen Qi came to the backstage, and Chen Xiao had already prepared a grand celebration banquet for the Hanhai Technology team.

Only then did Wen Qi realize that her back was already soaked.

She said to Chen Xiao with some embarrassment: "Today's performance can only be regarded as mediocre, and I haven't reached the best state yet. I feel that some logic is not clear."

Chen Xiao said with relief: "Your performance is already very good! You have completed the introduction of the Hanhai 2 mobile phone very well."

Wen Qi looked at Chen Ling with affection.

The two are college classmates, and they have come to today step by step.

That kind of feeling, many people can't understand.

Wen Qi even thought that if she hadn't met Chen Xiao, she would definitely not be standing on this stage today.

She might find a very ordinary job, meet an ordinary boy, and live like this for the rest of her life.

But it's different now.

Wen Qi can feel that she has realized her life value in Hanhai Technology.

Human life is only once.

Let yourself live a more colorful life, this is the true meaning of life.

But at the dinner table of the celebration banquet, there was one person who could understand Wen Qi's current feelings.

This person is Shen Wei.

Shen Wei and Chen Xiao are high school classmates, and they have come all the way to the present.

Chen Xiao's success made Shen Wei also very happy.

It's just that Shen Wei felt a little jealous.

Especially when she saw Chen Xiao and Wen Qi making eye contact just now, she felt an indescribable emotion in her heart.

But at this moment, Chen Ling also looked back at Shen Wei, which warmed Shen Wei's heart a lot.

Jobs drank champagne and was very excited.

If he was at Apple at this moment, he should not be much higher than Cook when it comes to this score.

He is very happy to witness this historical moment in Hanhai Technology today.

What is the true meaning of life?

Jobs felt that at this moment he should have some insight.

Jobs raised his glass and said: "Ladies and gentlemen, let's drink to this great moment!"

This sentence is well-spoken and in Chinese.

Everyone raised their glasses of wine.


Jobs said again: "Then let's take a guess and make a bold prediction."

"How much sales can Hanhai 2 mobile phone @ launch day be?"

Apple 6 is the world's first @ debut.

A total of 10 million units were sold in the first week of release, and 4 million units were sold on the first day of release.

Jobs boldly estimated: "iPhone 6 is released globally, so it is reasonable to sell 4 million units on the first day."

"Our Hanhai second-hand mobile phones are only sold in the Xiaguo market."

"I expect that we can sell 2 million units on the first day, which is very satisfying."

Wang Xiang was also very happy, and made a bet to Jobs, "I estimate it is 3 million units. Let's make a bet. If I lose, I will give you the box of Longjing that I treasure."

Jobs did as the Romans did, and gradually fell in love with drinking tea.

Jobs laughed and said, "I've lost again, and I'll give you my treasured coffee machine!"

Some were happy and some were sad, and Changtian Technology held a grand celebration banquet.

And Cook, who hadn't slept all night, couldn't sleep at all.

The CNN he was watching had already cut off the live broadcast of the press conference and turned it into the morning news.

But the image of the press conference was still echoing in Cook's mind.

The so-called snake hits seven inches.

The breakthrough technology of Hanhai mobile phone this time hits the seven inches of consumers precisely.

Such a price, such a technology.

Cook believes that if he is a consumer, he may also buy a second-hand Hanhai mobile phone.

People with low and middle incomes will consider the cost-effectiveness of mobile phones, and buying a mobile phone will be extremely entangled.

The middle class and high-income groups are probably pursuing fashion.

Even if you want to play for a while, you must buy a Hanhai 2 mobile phone.

Let alone how good the performance of Hanhai mobile phone is.

Just the black technology of bio-battery has made countless people willing to pay.

Cook knows that relevant departments in the United States have been studying the microbial technology of Changtian Technology.

But after such a long time, there must be no gains, otherwise it is impossible for Cook to get some news.

The only thing Cook is more fortunate about is that the Hanhai 2 mobile phone is currently only on sale in Xiaguo, and it is not listed in the global market.

The impact on Apple's sales is only limited to Xia Guo.

He now just hopes that the European market will have a bad reaction to the microbial battery. It is best to determine that the biological battery does not comply with the European ecological species protection laws and prohibit the sale of the mobile phone in the European market.

However, Cook feels that this reason does not seem to be valid.

Because the bio-battery and the combined colony therapy of Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center have similarities in purpose.

If the sale of bio-battery mobile phones is prohibited in Europe, does it also mean that the combined colony therapy of Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center cannot be implemented in Europe?

This is obviously impossible.

Cook couldn't help but let out another long sigh.

There is simply no way to bridge the gap in technology.

He didn't know when it started, but Apple actually became the chaser of Changtian Technology.

Apple has a strong desire to imitate whatever products Changtian Technology produces.

For example, Hanhai mobile phone has developed a very intelligent Xiaoying voice assistant.

The Apple mobile phone has spent a lot of money to upgrade Siri in various ways, hoping that Siri will have a smart model similar to Xiaoying, but it is a pity that Siri has not reached such a height and is still mentally retarded.

The extremely depressed Cook shut himself in the office.

What kind of problem Cook was thinking about all day, only he himself knew.

After the press conference, Huawei was the most excited.

If the Hanhai 2 mobile phone can be successful, it will definitely drive the development of the Yinghuo ecological chain.

Huawei Mobile, which almost put its future on the firefly ecosystem, also let out a long sigh of relief.

Ren Fei is now thinking about a question, since it has been bound with Changtian Technology, will there be a chance for future Huawei mobile phones to use Changtian Technology's bio-battery?

Overseas mobile phone companies led by Apple and Samsung continue to make a fuss about the ecological chain, so the Yinghuo ecological chain matrix led by Hanhai Mobile can also make efforts on hardware and software simultaneously, forming a dislocation competition with overseas mobile phone companies, This can attract more users.

In the early hours of the morning, Ren Fei, on behalf of Huawei and his own name immediately congratulated Changtian Technology and Hanhai Technology, and raised the question of whether Huawei can produce food bio-batteries.

After receiving the private email from Ren Fei, Chen Xiao expressed his gratitude to him, and did not reject Huawei's request to use the bio-battery, but only said that this matter can be discussed.

Ren Fei was ecstatic after receiving Chen Ling's reply.

Under the watchful eyes of the global media, the Hanhai 2 mobile phone officially started selling.

This may be the only high-end flagship machine in the world that uses a TFT screen.

The strong attraction brought by the bio-battery has made Hanhai's second-hand mobile phone live up to expectations.

This time, the Hanhai 2 mobile phone is sold online and offline simultaneously.

On the day of the sale, the crowds in the major Hanhai mobile phone experience stores across the country ranged from 1 to 2 kilometers to 4 to 5 kilometers.

Li Haitao, the chief engineer of Xiaguo Construction Company, who has been working in other places for a long time, also asked for leave from the construction site today, and made a special trip to queue up at the entrance of the experience store to buy.

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