Rebirth 1999: Opening up a crucial new field Chapter 831 of the Black Technology Era

In addition to the smart cars that have been planned, the most critical field where Jinghong chips can be used is wearable devices.

The history of the development of mobile phones is actually the history of human technological progress.

From the Bell telephone at the very beginning, to the desktop shaker phone, then landline, mobile phone, feature phone and then smart phone.

Communication equipment is becoming more and more advanced, and its volume is getting smaller and lighter.

The ultimate requirement of human beings for the tools used in daily life is to be easy to carry without getting in the way.

Today's users have a hard time imagining what it was like to have a brick-like mobile phone in the 1990s.

Similarly, after dozens or hundreds of years, human beings will find it very strange and incomprehensible to see that everyone is holding a palm-sized mobile phone.

What replaces smartphones must not be other brands of mobile phones, but more portable wearable devices.

Chen Xiao is not the only one who can consider this issue.

In fact, mobile Internet or terminal equipment companies all over the world have considered this issue.

Including Apple, htc, Google, Samsung, etc., also agree that wearable devices will definitely replace mobile phones.

Companies such as htc and Google have been out of the smart phone terminal track, and they have also started to make wearable devices a few years ago.

For example, htc, which everyone thought was dead, is actually not dead. Instead, it started to produce wearable smart devices by itself or as an OEM for Sony and other companies a few years ago. Live nourished.

In the current wearable device market, there is no disruptive technological revolution, most of them are just gimmicks.

Many manufacturers pursue wearable devices, just to make their stock prices rise a bit more, or to win venture capital and sell their companies at a good price.

At present, the wearable devices in the world are roughly divided into two parts.

One is represented by smart watches and smart bracelets, which are relatively mature daily functional wearable devices.

The principle of this type of wearable device technology is relatively simple, and the technology is relatively mature.

The technical purpose of smart watches and smart bracelets is only to record some daily physiological and exercise indicators of users.

Therefore, adding the word "smart" in front of the bracelet and watch does not mean that the bracelet and watch are really smart, but that they have a rather impressive function.

Another big part is the very hot ar and vr devices on the market.

The full name of ar equipment is called augmey, which is augmented reality technology.

It is a technology that calculates the position and angle of the camera image in real time and adds the corresponding image. It is a new technology that "seamlessly" integrates real world information and virtual world information. The virtual world nestles and interacts with the real world.

For example, during this period of time, the popular Mengkebao game in Dongyang, the user opens the Mengkebao mobile game, and the camera of the mobile phone will automatically work.

From the screen of the mobile phone, you can see cute elves on the street or in the grass, but there are no such things in real life.

This is the application of AR technology.

Holographic projection is also a kind of AR technology.

For example, in a variety show in Dongyang, the organizer used AR holographic projection technology to resurrect Aunt Deng on the stage.

It has to be said that in this regard, Toyo is at the forefront of global technology.

The full name of vr technology is called virtual reality, which is virtual reality technology.

Virtual reality technology includes computer, electronic information, and simulation technology in one, and its basic implementation method is to simulate the virtual environment by computer to give people a sense of environmental immersion.

To put it simply, virtual reality is to bring the real you into the virtual world, and everything you see is an illusion, giving you an immersive experience.

For example, in Toyo's anime Sword Art Online, the equipment that the protagonist brings to play the game is a VR equipment.

Of course, in real life, VR technology is not as advanced as Sword Art Online.

There are various VR devices on the market now, but the technical level is not very high.

At best, it's just a simple optical conversion device, with a mobile phone placed in front of the eyeglass barrel.

After the user wears the device, looking at the specially processed picture played by the mobile phone, he feels as if he is in the picture.

Even with such a crude principle, there are few games or application resources that match it on the market.

However, the sales of VR devices are better because action movies can also undergo simple visual processing, allowing users to be immersive.

This is good news for bachelors.

Especially on some websites, there are benefits for selling equipment and giving resources.

This has made many male netizens well-versed in it and flock to it.

But whether it is VR equipment or AR equipment, or smart bracelets and smart watches.

None of them have reached the goal of wearable smart devices envisioned by humans.

There are three reasons for this dilemma.

The first is that the size of the device is too large.

Wearable ar and vr devices weigh at least two to three hundred grams, and if some have better performance, they may reach one or two catties.

Such a bulky device can be worn on the head and watched movies in bed, but it is absolutely impossible to use it in daily life, study and work.

If you look on the street, who is actually walking with vr glasses.

You will never cast envious glances at him, but will silently scold him for being an idiot.

The second reason is that the performance is insufficient.

All of the current wearable devices are either simple visual tricks or simple virtual reality, which are integrated with each other, such as the Mengkebao game.

Equipment has not really brought convenience to human life, work and study.

The reason for this is that in addition to the fact that the computing power of the device chip does not meet the requirements, many applications also fail to meet the requirements.

The third reason is also the most important reason, and that is the issue of battery life.

If the bio-battery of Changtian Technology is not used, the power consumption of wearable devices built according to the functions of mobile phones is also very considerable.

The power consumption means that the battery volume increases, but also means that the weight increases.

Of course, there is no way for wearable devices to be fully popularized, and there are many reasons.

These are all stumbling blocks on the road of equipment development.

But the Jinghong chip developed by the laboratory can perfectly solve this problem.

Not to mention the performance aspect, after the biochip is co-packaged with traditional semiconductor chips, the performance it possesses will far exceed all commercial chips currently on the market.

Whether it is used on a PC or a wearable device, there is no problem at all.

The most important point is that Chen Xiao can know from the instruction manual that the neuron biochip can be directly connected to the brain.

If the neuron biochip can be directly connected to the brain, the whole human eye can be regarded as a wearable device.

In this way, the problems that the equipment is too large, or unsightly and inconvenient to carry can be avoided.

But this is just more like a research path for the future of technology.

The road still has to go forward step by step.

In addition to telling Qu Ping about the research on dna storage, Chen Xiao also told Qu Ping about some technical principles of neuron chip and brain connection.

2015 has come to the end.

Chen Xiao will still work together with the team members in the laboratory to overcome problems.

Chen Xiao smiled and said to Qu Ping: "Before we develop the technology of neuronal change and brain connection, it should be no problem to use our packaged Jinghong chip to make a simple wearable device?"

Chen Xiao asked Qu Ping and the team to make a simple wearable device, the purpose of which was to test the relevant functions of the Jinghong chip.

After all, there are still two months, that is, December will be the 2nd World Internet Conference.

Last year's World Internet Conference Changtian Technology did not participate for some reasons.

This time Changtian Technology will definitely not be absent.

Xia Guo is the host of this World Internet Conference, and the venue is Wuzhen, which is very close to Changze Island.

Of course Changtian Technology will participate.

Chen Xiao has always done things either not to do, or to do the best.

Some time ago, Changtian Technology just released a bio-battery and the Hanhai 2 mobile phone equipped with a bio-battery.

Therefore, participating in the World Internet Conference this time is unlikely to be a re-wok.

Moreover, the nature of the World Internet Conference is not the same as that of companies launching new products.

The World Internet Conference is more about conceptual and theoretical products, and it is people's expectations for the future development of the Internet world.

Therefore, Changtian Technology does not need to launch any new products this time, it only needs to launch a more conceptual product.

Since it is a conceptual thing, there is a certain error tolerance rate.

Your product does not need to be perfect, but it must be representative.

Then the wearable devices produced by Jinghongxin are absolutely representative.

Chen Xiao also said to Qu Ping: "We don't have any regulations on the appearance of our products, nor do we have any regulations on the content of the products. I only have one request, which is to bring out the characteristics of the Jinghong chip."

There are still two months to go.

Qu Ping believes that she can perfectly complete such a task.

"A conceptual product that maximizes the performance of Jinghong chips."

Qu Ping said while thinking: "This thing may not be easy to do just by relying on life science and medical laboratories."

Qu Ping is going to ask Changtian Technology Hardware Company for help.

According to common sense, September and October of 2015 were also the busiest time for Changtian Technology.

After Gao Miao returned to Changzezhou from the northwest region, he immediately discussed with Wang Xiang and Wen Qi the new task given by Chen Xiao - to establish a car company.

Changtian Technology tried to acquire domestic brands such as Guozhongtai.

But the other party is either a lion with a big mouth, or has no intention of selling at all.

Now there is no way to buy an automobile company with a production line, so Changtian Technology has to register an automobile company by itself.

After discussing for a long time, Chen Xiao suddenly thought of a problem.

When Chen Xiao acquired Bird Company, one of the most important reasons was that Bird Group was engaged in automobile production, but in the end it didn't work out, but was heavily in debt.

When Changtian Technology acquired Bird, it also asked Bird to divest its subordinate automobile business as a non-performing asset.

After all, the non-performing assets have been stripped. The stripping does not mean that they are gone, but the financial treatment is different.

Before the acquisition of Bird, Bird also cooperated with Changfeng Automobile and other companies, and has its own complete automobile production line and automobile production technology.

It was just because there was not enough funds to produce cars.

Now the car production plant, the original equipment, and the car production technology are still under the name of Bird.

Of course, it has now become the asset of Changtian Technology.

The current factory equipment is still there and no one cares about it.

Although these things are backward, they are not unusable.

Some things just need to be improved to make a product.

And at present, Changtian Technology wants to make new energy vehicles, not to synthesize them all at once, how many cars to roll off the production line, and how many units to sell every year.

Chen Xiao's request is very simple, just make a conceptual product.

Then summarize the experience and lessons from the conceptual products and find the rules.

When there is nothing wrong with it, it will be mass-produced.

Wen Qi said to Wang Xiang: "When we audited Bird, we also saw this part of the assets."

"It just so happens that Bird Motor's headquarters, production lines, and factories are all in Zhejiang Province, and the land in this place is relatively valuable, so we didn't sell this part of the land and equipment at the beginning, but let him put it on the account and put it Didn't move there."

It was in the interests of Changtian Technology that Wen Qi did this at the After all, Zhejiang Province is also a coastal province, and Ning City is a relatively developed city in the coastal area with a relatively concentrated population.

Such urban land must be more and more valuable there.

Although Changtian Technology does not have any real estate development company, knowing that the land price will rise, it is impossible to sell it at a low price at the beginning, and Changtian Technology was not short of money at that time.

I didn't expect that Wen Qi's unintentional planting of willows at the beginning would still be useful now.

Wang Xiang was overwhelmed, "Let's go to the car production plant in Ning City to take a look."

"Ningshi and Suzhou-Hangzhou are both in Zhejiang Province, and the distance we drove there is not too far."

"Mr. Chen also said that the main thing is to see if the equipment can be used. If the equipment can be used, there is absolutely no problem in producing some products after simple improvement."

Chen Xiao raised the production of new energy vehicles to a very high position.

So Wang Xiang felt that he should go to this matter himself.

The factory in Ning City can be regarded as the property of Bird Company no matter what.

As the rotating CEO of Bird Company, Wen Qi also thought it was necessary for her to make a trip.

"Okay, Mr. Wang, let's go there together."

Everyone immediately drove to Ning City with the technical team.

Ning City is in the coastal area, where there is a factory covering an area of ​​500 mu.

This place is the automobile production plant jointly established by Bird and Changfeng Automobile.

Many years have passed, and no one cares about it, only a few gatekeepers and a small number of factory technicians are on duty in turn.

The uncles thought that they had been forgotten by the company long ago, but thinking that the company has been paying their own wages and no one is in charge, they are also happy.

Today, the company actually came!

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