Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 846: Don't grab it! Better stuff is behind!

Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology Chapter 846 Don't grab it! Better stuff is behind! Ask for a monthly pass

Wang Xiang even couldn't believe the sales data from the people below.

Because the Hanhai 3 mobile phone is not very important in the entire sales system of Changtian Technology.

Longsky Technology has already tilted its hardware devices towards wearable smart devices.

If Apple or Samsung have such terrible sales on the first day of release, then they will definitely increase sales and publicity further.

It may even cause a certain degree of panic to consumers.

For example, tell consumers that the product may be out of stock, and you should buy it as soon as possible.

But Changtian Technology did not do this.

After Wang Xiang told Chen Xiao about the sales situation in the market.

Chen Xiao asked Wen Qi to issue another announcement in the name of Hanhai Technology, hoping that consumers would spend rationally, and once again emphasized that mobile phones are tools, not luxury goods.

Hanhai Technology's announcement also stated that Hanhai Technology will live up to the user's entrustment and develop more advanced and convenient mobile terminal equipment for users.

Such an announcement was supposed to cool down the entire consumer market.

Let consumers consume rationally, and don't rush to buy Hanhai mobile phones in such a panic and save some money to buy wearable devices.

But after this announcement came out, the market's interpretation of the job was completely different from what Changtian Technology had imagined.

Consumers think that Hanhai Technology's announcement is to inform everyone that the inventory may be insufficient, and those who want to grab mobile phones should hurry up, otherwise there will be no chance later.

After all, during this period of time, many users have obtained Hanhai mobile phones, and have tested the carbon crystal laser screen of Changtian Technology.

The answers given in all the evaluations are very awesome.

The unanimous feedback from consumers, including those online big Vs, is that the display effect of the carbon crystal laser screen is more than 100 times better than Samsung's most advanced OLED screen.

under this feedback.

It also stimulates the desire of consumers to buy.

The 6.1-inch large screen and super comfortable mobile phone screen, whether playing games or watching movies, are very cool.

This kind of mobile phone has strong performance, good screen and cheap price.

How could it not be!

After Hanhai Technology's Weibo announced the announcement, it received nearly 100,000 comments from netizens.

"What does Hanhai Technology's announcement mean? Is it telling us that the stock is out?"

"My God, I was planning to buy this year's Double 11, but now it seems that I may not be able to wait for Double 11, and Double 11 may not be available!"

"Buy it, you must buy it, buy it quickly! The price of 4,000 to 5,000 yuan is super good, the display effect is super strong, and the Hanhai 3 mobile phone is still a bio-battery? Why not buy it! If you don't buy the Hanhai 3 mobile phone, do you wait for seven or eight years?" Thousands of apples or Samsung cutting leeks?"

Users think they are very smart.

Completely ignored the last paragraph in the announcement - Hanhai Technology will develop more advanced products.

Instead, users are even more crazy to snap up Hanhai 3 mobile phones.

In this way, the balance of supply and demand is immediately broken.

The demand is strong, but the supply is insufficient.

It's not just the overseas market that is undersupplied, the Xia country market is also undersupplied.

In the scalper market, the price of the Hanhai 3 mobile phone has been fired up to 8,000 yuan.

It is 2000 yuan more expensive than the published price.

Seeing such a situation, Wang Xiang felt a little helpless.

He complained with Jobs more than once: "Why don't consumers understand!"

The Weibo official website of Hanhai Technology even directly told consumers.

"We are about to launch a wearable smart device!"

Unexpectedly, after the release of this microblog, consumers still did not buy it, and many consumers even joked under this microblog.

"Hahaha! Of course we know that wearable smart devices will be released. After all, Changtian Technology has already unveiled the device at the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen!"

"When will Xiaohan be released? In 5 years or 10 years?"

"What kind of wearable equipment do you want, hurry up and grab Hanhai 3, the official website has just released the goods, and I grabbed another one while you were checking Weibo!"

"Damn, those upstairs don't talk about martial arts! Hurry up and grab it! Hurry up and grab it!"

Looking at the reactions of netizens, Wen Qi herself was also very helpless.

All the information has been announced, but everyone still doesn't believe it, and there is no other way if they still want to grab Han Hai 3.

Changtian Technology can only constantly adjust its own factory and replenish the production line as soon as possible to meet the needs of consumers.

Jobs himself was the least fond of scalpers.

In order to prevent scalpers from raising prices and causing losses to consumers, the best way is to expand production as soon as possible to meet consumer demand.

The Hanhai 3 mobile phone is almost sweeping the mobile phone market.

Also tell Apple and Samsung and other mobile phone companies with absolute strength.

Even with some easy upgrades for Hanhai mobile phones, its sales are still topping Apple and Samsung.

Deep powerlessness.

Both Apple and Samsung feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

Because they have struggled repeatedly and made a big fuss on the screen, hoping to surpass Hanhai mobile phones in one fell swoop and re-establish their sales advantages.

Who knows that Changtian Technology is extremely terrifying.

Since breaking through mobile phone screen technology in such a short period of time.

It is not only a breakthrough in this technology, but also an absolute leading position in this technology.

At the beginning, Samsung didn't really believe how powerful Changtian Technology's carbon crystal laser screen was.

So the Samsung headquarters also managed to get a Hanhai 3 mobile phone.

After the mobile phone was in hand, the technicians did not test it, but used it.

They want to take a look at the 100-inch carbon crystal laser screen at the press conference. Is it as good as what they saw on the spot?

The result was a big shock for Samsung's techies.

A full contribution of no less than 500 influences.

The display effect of the carbon crystal laser screen is really good.

In contrast, even Samsung's technicians feel that their oled screen technology is rubbish.

The technicians felt tightness in their chests and shortness of breath.

They just couldn't understand why the decades of technology accumulated by Samsung would be completely broken by Changtian Technology in a matter of a week.

This feeling is quite powerless.

Whether it is a person or a company, after constant self-denial, they will lose their combat effectiveness and confidence.

Samsung's executives even have some self-doubt, they have no courage to invest a lot of money to develop the next generation of mobile phones.

Because they don't know, how different is the next-generation mobile phone from Changxian Technology's Hanhai series?

Because after the release of Hanhai's three mobile phones, the sales of Samsung's classic new mobile phones have plummeted.

The sales volume of this month is less than 1/10 of the sales volume of the month when it was released.

According to this downward trend, by the Spring Festival this year, Samsung's products will just be suitable for the note series, and I am afraid that it can completely stop production, because a large amount of inventory can no longer be sold.

In desperation, Samsung can sell mobile phones in order to ensure its own inventory.

Be able to guarantee the return of your own funds.

The decision to lower the price was forced.

In the end, Samsung's and note series cut prices by 15,002,500 yuan respectively.

After the price drops, the sales price of the mid-end can be almost the same as that of the Hanhai 3 mobile phone.

Only in this way can the competitiveness of Samsung mobile phones be guaranteed.

Otherwise, a fool will spend seven or eight thousand to buy a Samsung mobile phone.

In fact, at the terminal sales office, Samsung's actual sales price is lower than the official price.

Some sellers prefer to make less money, and want to sell their mobile phones as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if the goods are thrown into my hands, it will be my own cash in the true sense!

Since then, Samsung has been solid and does not preserve its reputation.

The reputation of fractured three stars is transmitted in this way.

Cook also learned about the sales volume of Hanhai 3, and he also saw the relevant announcements issued by Hanhai Technology on Weibo and Twitter, which means to let consumers buy carefully.

After seeing this announcement on the official website of Hanhai Technology, Cook was outraged, and some said angrily: "What do they mean by this announcement? Tell me, what do they mean?"

"It's cheap and good-looking!"

Cook said this is actually his own stubbornness.

But he learned that the price of Samsung's mobile phone has been hit, and after the fracture, it means that if Apple does not lower the price, it is very likely that it will not be sold.

After all, in front of Hanhai 3 in mobile phones, Apple has no advantage.

But Cook is much smarter than those high-level executives at Samsung.

They know that the price of Apple mobile phones can never be reduced.

If the price of Apple's mobile phone is cut like Samsung's, then the name of Apple's value preservation will be completely finished.

In this way, users will definitely choose Hanhai 3 mobile phones instead of Apple mobile phones.

So what to do?

If you don’t cut the price, you won’t be able to sell it, and after the price cut, it’s not good for your brand’s reputation.

In desperation, Cook came up with a coup.

This coup is to forget about the iPhone 7 that has already been produced, and immediately reduce the production of the iPhone 7 that has not been produced.

The existing parts are still those parts, but adding iphone7 and iphone7plus to change a name to iphone7se, but the price is really broken.

The terminal sales price of iphone7se is also 4999.

This price is on par with Hanhai San mobile phone, hoping to grab the market of Han Hai San mobile phone.

What is the actual situation?

Do consumers want to pay?

This is only for the market to have the final say.

Changtian Technology Headquarters.

A TV had just been replaced in Chen Xiao's office.

This June is the European Cup.

Chen Xiao is considered half a football fan. Of course, watching football on a 100-inch TV is much more enjoyable than watching football on a 55-inch TV.

Moreover, this TV brand is produced by BOE, and it uses a carbon crystal laser screen, and the display effect is awesome.

The TV was personally delivered by Wang Dong, the boss of BOE.

When Wang Dong saw the products produced by his factory, the pride in his heart was beyond words.

He didn't come to Changzezhou this time just to give Chen Xiao a TV.

Instead, he wanted to discuss something very important to Jingdong with Chen Xiao.

The matter is that Wang Dong hopes that BOE can have its own TV brand and sell its own TVs.

The technology used in the TV produced and sold is, of course, the carbon crystal laser display technology with independent intellectual property rights of Changtian Technology.

Because BOE has seen a very important profit point from this technology.

Instead of making wedding dresses for others and only producing panels, it is better to produce TVs yourself.

Chen Xiao didn't veto Wang Dong's proposal, he just said to Wang Dong: "Changtian Technology owns a large amount of shares in BOE, so Changtian Technology is also very happy that New Oriental can develop."

"BOE wants to make its own TV, and Changtian Technology will not object to that."

"But what I want to say is that you have to eat food bite by bite, and you have to take steps step by step. If you take too big steps, you will tear your eggs."

Chen Xiao's words made everyone in the conference room laugh.

Chen Xiao said to Wang Dong: "Currently, the sales of Hanhai San mobile phones are very impressive. All production lines are rushing to produce, and the same is true for your screen production line."

"In addition, you also know that Changtian Technology has developed a smart wearable device, Zemeng."

"The demand for flexible screens for both devices is very large. At present, all production lines of BOE have started to produce carbon crystal laser flexible screens."

"Mr. Wang, do you think you still have the ability to produce TV?"

What Chen Xiao said was very realistic.

Wang Dong also considered this and was a little embarrassed.

Chen Xiao smiled and said to Wang Dong: "Balance with all product sales and supply Wait for BOE to build more production lines. At that time, you didn't produce TVs. I won't object."

"Not only will Changtian Technology not object, but it will also give full support. We can use the Firefly operating system on your TVs."

After Chen Xiao said this, Wang Dong was very happy.

If you can use the firefly operating system on the TV, the super powerful operating system plus the super powerful display effect.

It's no wonder that such a TV is not popular!

What Chen Xiao is thinking about now is not whether BOE should produce TV sets.

It's the problem that consumers don't listen to Changtian Technology's advice and buy Hanhai 3 mobile phones.

There is actually nothing to do here.

After all, the sales price of Hanhai San mobile phone is too cheap.

This gives consumers a sense that buying a Hanhai 3 mobile phone at this price is a big profit.

If you don't buy it, you will lose money.

At this time, Wang Xiang asked for Chen Xiao's opinion, whether to postpone the release time of Zemeng's wearable device?

Chen Xiao objected to this. He said: "Changtian Technology has formulated a development plan for related terminal equipment last year."

"Our future profit point is not the hardware profit of terminal equipment, but our entire ecological chain."

"So my suggestion is that the release time of Zemeng wearable device should not be postponed and set on December 16."

"We want to use real technology to tell users that mobile phones are no longer the preferred communication tool for users."

Wang Xiang was very excited at this moment.

This is the glory of Changtian Technology and the absolute confidence of Changtian Technology.

Wang Xiang said: "Then the matter is settled like this! On December 16, Zemeng will be released."

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