The plan of Changtian Technology is very simple, and it is clear at a glance.

That's how the shopping street is treated as a platform.

Any business and individual can join this platform.

Of course, in order to ensure the user's shopping experience.

The platform will be divided into east and west areas.

The East District allows private merchants to settle in and sell some cheap and cheap products.

The West District is similar to the shopping streets of first- and second-tier cities, mainly to facilitate the entry of some big brand products.

Ali's role in it is more similar to that of an agent or general wholesaler.

The plan given by Changtian Technology is that the construction of the entire commercial street will be decided by Changtian Technology, and Ali's decision will not count.

But how many shops Ali needs, how many buildings, and which street the shops need, all of these are negotiable.

Changtian Technology does need Ali to integrate resources to enter the virtual business.

But for the healthy development of the commercial street in the future, it is absolutely impossible for Ali to form a monopoly in it.

All eggs cannot be put in one basket.

Chen Xiao understood this truth.

Because according to the character of the businessman.

You never know when the backlash will come.

The profit distribution between the two parties is also very simple.

It is rent plus profit sharing.

Changtian Technology will charge some rent according to the area and location of the shop.

Of course, compared with those physical stores in real life, these rents are too little, and they are only equivalent to a threshold fee.

The most important source of profit is the share of sales profits.

In order to maintain this ecological chain, in order to allow the virtual commercial street to go further.

Changtian Technology will not do things like killing the chicken and picking the eggs, which will benefit the merchants.

Therefore, in the agreement, Changtian Technician and Ali have signed a tripartite agreement.

The three parties agree on the profit.

The total profits drawn from merchants between Changtian Technology and Ali will not exceed 5.

But Ali can charge merchants some management fees.

The management fee is to be discussed later between Ali and the merchant.

The system of Changtian Technology will conduct statistics and analysis on the sales volume of merchants every year.

Set a cap on administrative expenses based on last year's profit.

In order to protect Ali's interests, it also uses the resources of a large number of merchants in Ali's hands and Ali's mature online sales management methods.

Changtian Technology can sign a long-term lease contract with Mr. Ali.

This period can last for 10 or even 20 years.

And lease the location in the core area of ​​the commercial street to Ali.

At the same time, it is also to maintain the ecological development of the entire commercial street.

There is no uniqueness in the protocol.

That is to say, the commercial street may introduce other independent merchants or commercial groups in the future.

Feng Yuan watched Changtian Technology make such an agreement.

There are some touches in my heart.

It should be said that Changtian Technology is pursuing the maximization of benefits.

It seems that this is not the case.

Because the rent and profit share sold by Changtian Technology are not higher than the conditions proposed by Feng Yuan just now.

If Chen Xiao chooses to cooperate in development and owns 30 shares, then the profits obtained will definitely be much greater than the conditions proposed by Changxing Technology.

But Chen Xiao didn't do that.

Feng Yuan can understand.

compared to short-term profits.

Changtian Technology is more interested in the creation of the ecological chain.

Only if the ecological chain is successfully built, then profit will be a matter of time.

Now the ball is on Feng Yuan's side.

According to the cooperation conditions of Changtian Technology, Ali does not have the uniqueness, nor does he have the absolute right to speak.

This made Ali very unhappy.

An example can describe Ali's current situation.

The plan proposed by Ali is similar to Ali being a shareholder of Central Street in Bingcheng, Chunxi Road in Rongcheng, and Jinling Road in Shanghai.

Whichever store he is willing to let move in, he will enter, and whichever store he does not want to settle in, he will leave.

Not only can you get the rent of the store, but you can also get a commission from the sales of the store according to the sales volume.

There is also the plan given by Changtian Technology, which instantly reduced Ali's specifications to be similar to a supermarket.

The supermarket is looking for Changtian Technology to rent a house, but it can only rent one or two rooms.

The sellers under Ali are similar to the merchants who sell products on the shelves of supermarkets.

This disparity.

Certainly not acceptable.

But Feng Yuan looked at Chen Xiao's smiling face.

It is very clear in my heart.

It is related to Ali's fate, and it may be in his decision today.

Ali has resources in his hands.

Of course, you can very proudly refuse to cooperate with Changtian Technology.

In this way, for a long time, the virtual commercial street was an empty shell.

It is also impossible for users to buy what they want in the virtual commercial street.

But things must develop in a twists and turns, just like when Feng Yuan established Ali.

Feng Yuan believes that the tide of history is rolling forward.

Even if the virtual commercial street developed by Changtian Technology has no business for a year, two or three years, no merchants have settled in.

When the number of users of wearable devices increases.

There are bound to be merchants.

Commercial streets are also bound to be prosperous.

The traditional online shopping mode will also be replaced by a virtual commercial street.

Destiny lies ahead.

There is no room for hesitation or retreat.

If monopoly cannot be achieved, then it is necessary to seize the opportunity as soon as possible.

Let Ali, as a whole brand, appear in the virtual business world.

This brand must be of high quality and high experience!

When other shopping websites or brand companies did not react, Ali must play this card as soon as possible.

And it is necessary to establish Ali's advantage in the virtual shopping street as soon as possible.

The think tank accompanying Feng Yuan was very anxious.

This time they approached Changtian Technology to discuss cooperation because they firmly believed that Ali had an absolute advantage, and Changtian Technology would definitely compromise.

But judging from Feng Yuan's expression.

On the contrary, Feng Yuan is likely to compromise.

Feng Yuan knew what his subordinates were going to say.

He waved his hand to stop his subordinates.

This is a challenge and an opportunity for myself and Ali as a whole.

Feng Yuan smiled and said to Chen Xiao: "Then the cooperation plan between us will be formulated according to your company's framework agreement."

Chen Xiao stood up, took the initiative to shake Feng Yuan's hand and said, "Happy cooperation!"

A person will live in multiple parallel worlds.

Chen Xiao hopes that in this parallel world of his own, Xia Guo's private companies, especially technology and Internet private companies, should take advantage of the golden time of the rise of Xia Guo's Internet and computer technology to gain a foothold in the world as soon as possible and occupy a Lots of markets.

After Feng Yuan and Chen Ling shook hands, the two of them knew each other.

Perhaps the cooperation between the two companies can take advantage of this opportunity to promote the simple Xiaguo manufacturing into Xiaguo creation and Xiaguo brand.

This is especially important in the clothing, textile, bag and cosmetic industries.

Feng Yuan has worked in the field of online shopping for so many years.

Tai also knows that the economic development of Xia Kingdom is not easy, and the textile industry is not easy.

In the bustling neighborhoods, all kinds of beautiful and expensive clothes of big brands, 99.9 are all produced by Xia Guo.

However, Xia Guo's manufacturers may only make a small part of the money in this link.

For example, for a dress worth 1,000 yuan, the manufacturer in Xiaguo may only make less than 20 yuan.

And the huge profits have been taken away by the clothing brands, that is, those Western companies.

In the virtual commercial district.

Users will completely change the previous shopping patterns.

Will have access to more and better products.

This is the golden age for the Xiaguo brand to break through.

After Chen Xiao and Feng Yuan signed a cooperation agreement.

The teams of both parties immediately abandoned the dispute, approached together, and repeatedly negotiated on the first phase of the development of the commercial block.

After half a month of consultations.

Both parties agreed to build a commercial block with no more than two floors on the basis of buildings combining modern trends and ancient styles.

Moreover, the first and second floors do not go up from the stairs in the traditional shopping mall, but through outdoor stairs and corridors.

This ancient commercial district is named Qishui Street Commercial District.

The reason why only two floors are built and the traditional commercial building model is abandoned is mainly due to two reasons.

One is to ensure that the environment of Qishui Street is beautiful, fashionable and ancient, so as to attract more users.

The virtual world is not only a place for shopping, but also a place for people to enjoy another life.

Iconic buildings and special architectural styles attract everyone, and the key is also where users check in.

The second is that both Ali and Changtian Technology have absorbed the disadvantages of the traditional business model.

There are two traditional business models.

One is the shops on the street. Customers are very convenient. They can see what the shop sells and go in to buy it.

The other is a large shopping mall.

Customers enter the mall and go upstairs to buy what they need in the store of the mall.

Obviously, the first model is more in line with consumers' shopping habits, while the second model is a burden to consumers.

The most indispensable thing in the virtual world is land.

Different places can be switched through the login point without walking.

Therefore, the construction of Qishui Street directly abandoned the large shopping malls and adopted the model of street-facing shopping malls.

After the plan is finalized.

The two sides will work separately.

The speed of the technicians of Changtian Technology is very fast.

A week later, the overall planning and design of Qishui Street was completed.

After two weeks, the modeling was completed, an ancient poem, a few lines in the ancient mountain, and a modern-style Qishui Street was completed.

When Chen Xiao, Wen Qi and the others used eco-friendly equipment to enter the commercial district of Qishui Village.

Everyone was delighted and extremely surprised.

Where is the virtual world here?

completely indistinguishable from the real world.

But whether it is the architectural style or the rushing feeling, it is more touching than any commercial district.

Wen Qi even said: "Even if this is not a commercial store, but just a scenic spot, I think it is very popular."

Wen Qi is even imagining the countless tourists shopping here, what kind of bustling scene is it?

At the same time, Ali's speed is also very fast.

Ali directly selected more than 3,000 high-quality enterprise-level sellers in online stores, and sent a technical team to provide free technical and equipment support.

The equipment support also includes the wearable equipment and product input equipment purchased by Ali from Changtian Technology.

Ali encouraged these more than 3,000 companies to actively deploy virtual malls while running tm mall stores.

Ali even gave Ce more than 3,000 companies a series of support measures such as two-year free virtual shopping block rent, two-year free technical support, and two-year free store decoration.

That is to say, these enterprises can enter the virtual commercial district at almost zero cost.

If someone else lets the business do this.

Then everyone may doubt or not believe it.

But this time, Ali and Changtian Technology are in the virtual commercial district, and the two leading companies are endorsing it.

And it does not add any burden and cost to the seller.

You just need to display the existing products in the virtual block.

So more than 3,000 companies are very active.

April 13, 2016.

This is a very special day.

After Changtian Technology expanded its production capacity, the sales volume of wearable devices has reached 23 million units.

It has truly become the best-selling wearable device in the world.

Among the more than 23 million devices, no less than 5 million have flowed overseas.

Some of them are used by overseas Chinese, and some are used by overseas non-Chinese users.

In Southeast Asia and Europe, companies or communication companies in many countries are urgently negotiating with Hanhai Technology to discuss whether they can introduce wearable devices.

Some of the equipment flowing into overseas markets.

Chen Xiao also turned a blind eye.

And require the server to treat everyone equally and provide services for everyone.

On April 13th, more than 3,000 merchants have all settled The commercial block of Qishui Village in the virtual world is officially announced to open to the public.

Changtian Technology and Ali publicized this news in various ways, encouraging users to go shopping on the virtual street.

And this day.

Changtian Technology and Ali also substantively subsidized merchants and users with no less than 20 billion yuan in cash rebates.

Set something on fire.

The best way and the most basic way is to give subsidies.

The 20 billion subsidy is real.

For example, a bag of the same brand.

It may cost 6,000 yuan to buy it in a physical store, but it may only cost more than 4,000 to less than 5,000 yuan to buy it in a virtual neighborhood after receiving the subsidy.

This kind of real discount has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of users for shopping.

In addition, most of the users who have the money to buy Zemeng wearable devices do not have too bad family conditions and are very eager to shop.

So at 2 pm on April 13, 2016, when Qishui Shopping Street opened.

At the same time, 10.84 million people logged into the virtual area.

Wen Qi, who was in the virtual street, was still a little dazed after seeing so many tourists.

I thought I was on Jinling Road in Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Of course, the number of tourists that can exist in any block is also limited.

Even in the virtual world, it is impossible for 10 million users to appear in physical form.

Therefore, the virtual blocks are divided according to the provinces of Xia Kingdom, and there are more than 30 Qishui commercial blocks in total.

If you don't choose a province deliberately, then you'll be logged into the commercial region where your actual province is located.

And the users who just entered the commercial street were even more stunned when they saw such a gorgeous and ancient commercial street.

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