Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 859: Heavy! brain-computer interface

What Chen Xiao was worried about was the security of the ecosystem.

In order to attract most application companies to join the development of the Firefly operating system ecosystem, Firefly has given these developers relatively large authority.

It does not mean that these developers have the authority to change some settings or logic of the system.

But as long as these developers can use their brains, through these tools provided by Changtian Technology, after in-depth research, they can understand some things behind the Yinghuo mobile operating system.

If these things are mastered by some people with ulterior motives, it is unpredictable what kind of impact it will have on the development of the entire ecosystem.

When Yang Fei expressed his worries.

Chen Xiao was also weighing the pros and cons.

First of all, Chen Xiao is very assured of the security of the Yinghuo operating system.

After all, Firefly OS uses a collection of applications.

The launch and use of application collections are arranged by Firefly, not by individual application manufacturers.

In fact, even if Changtian Technology gave the Jiuzhang compiler to some application manufacturers for free this time.

Most application businesses can only know the superficial application functions during the mutation period, and it is difficult to obtain the core calculation logic.

Under the addition of these two security modes.

Even if some application manufacturers enter the Firefly OS with malicious intentions, it will be difficult to pose a threat to the Firefly OS and the entire ecological chain.

So Chen Xiao smiled and said to Yang Fei: "How can this world be so pure."

"I never imagined that these application companies really want to join our ecosystem and work together to develop the ecosystem."

"Even those friends from the United States don't want to be with the United States wholeheartedly. Everything is for the benefit."

"The same is true for Changtian Technology's Firefly OS. We have no way to judge the purpose of each application company entering the Firefly OS, but we have our own set of evaluation criteria."

"As long as the applications developed by these application companies are beneficial to the entire ecosystem, we will fully accept them. If they are not conducive to the current system, we will reject them."

Chen Xiao has enough confidence in the safety of the entire ecosystem.

He smiled and said to Yang Fei: "If we can't even guarantee the safety performance of the system, how can we build our ecology well?"

During this period of time, Yang Fei and Chen Xiao have been worried about this matter, the main reason is that Yinghuo has discovered many malicious application companies in the audit.

But now that Chen Xiao has said so, Yang Fei himself has enough confidence in the current review system of Changtian Technology.

In addition, the most critical factor for Chen Xiaozhi's great confidence is the neuron computing group and the human brain interface.

The technology has made a huge breakthrough.

It is expected to be available by the end of 2016.

When the neuron computing group and the human brain interface test are successful, any application will be more transparent, and security can of course be guaranteed.

With the development of wearable device virtual neighborhood.

Blocks are no longer just a commercial application.

It is a virtual world with multiple attributes such as social interaction, entertainment, leisure, and shopping.

Chop Chops Virtual Street was also renamed as Qishui City.

Chop Chop Hands Virtual Street is just one of the applications.

The application of related games developed by Rice Husk Technology is also in Qishui City and has started to run.

At the gate of the amusement park developed by Rice Husk Technology.

Li Youdao put his hands in his pockets and looked at the crowd coming and going with a smile.

There was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

Changtian Science and Technology Life Science and Medical Laboratory, after repeated research in the laboratory and various attempts, the Jinghong 2 chip has been successfully developed.

Compared with the Jinghong No. 1 chip, the Jinghong No. 2 chip, in addition to optimizing the neuron computing group, the most important thing is to get the interface between the chip and the human brain.

In addition, the production cost of the neuron computing group of the Jinghong 2 chip is cheaper than a few months ago, and it is easier to mass produce.

Qu Ping felt a little haggard and put all the design plans of the No. 2 chip in front of Chen Xiao.

Cheng Xiao participated in the design and production of the entire Jinghong 2 chip.

But it was the first time Chen Xiao had obtained such complete technical information.

Qu Ping said: "Master. After repeated verifications, we finally decided to cancel the physical interface between the host and the human brain."

"Use the technology of electric wave resonance to interact with electric waves to control wearable devices."

"Although this will lose some chip performance and information data, it will cause less damage to the human brain."

Chen Xiao kept smiling and didn't interrupt Qu Ping.

In fact, the interface of the entity is not adopted.

In addition to some damage to the skin and bones of the human brain, the most important thing is that the technology is too advanced, and now it is too weird for ordinary people to accept.

If this technique is used.

Then it is equivalent to making a hole at the back of the person's head.

The holes don't have to be huge, but there will always be a hole.

Then there are two ways.

The first way is to pull a thread from the hole to connect the epidermis of the human brain to the device.

The second way is to buy the device directly into the brain epidermis and make contact with the brain epidermis.

Both of these methods are to physically connect the device and the brain.

The biggest advantage is that it can take advantage of the performance of the Jinghong 2 chip to a great extent.

Chen Xiao flipped through the technical information.

This kind of maximum is not just talk.

It's a giant leap forward in human technology.

Take this approach.

Even wearables can be dispensed with.

Because some information is transmitted through the brain epidermis.

The chip can control information to appear directly on the user's retina.

Similar to the user's eyes or the user's retina, it can be regarded as a display screen.

To truly and thoroughly enter the virtual world.

And no external screen is needed.

Or it can be said that users only need to close their eyes and lie on the bed to enjoy the incomparable beauty of the virtual world.

Because all these information exchange activities are carried out in the brain.

Also in this way, users can even experience some real feelings.

For example, happiness and excitement, depression and discomfort, pain, and even the taste of ups and downs.

It really makes people's brain and virtual world merge into one.

If there is a person he is willing.

From the moment of birth.

In real life, as long as he has vital signs, all his social life can be in the virtual world.

This is the ultimate experience that future ultimate life new products can bring to users.

In the technical specification, there is such a description.

if you are willing to.

You can get married and have children in the virtual world, and you can experience all the feelings in it.

This is of course the ultimate form of a biochip.

All information is exchanged directly between the chip and the brain.

No need for any external equipment.

obtain such research results.

It is also discovered by accident in life science and medical experiments.

They did some experiments with mice and came to this argument.

But if you want to further confirm such an argument, you need to use more advanced animals. Of course, the best way is to let people do this experiment.

Qu Ping's people were incomparably surprised when they found out that the scientific and technological achievements should be made.

In fact, many scientific and technological achievements of human beings are discovered accidentally.

But Chen Xiao was relatively indifferent to all of this.

Because in the technical specification, the final development model of the biochip is the brain-computer model.

The chip and the human mind become one.

But at the highest stage of biochip development.

It is not that a chip is implanted in the human brain.

Instead, through the way of cell pluripotency, in the human brain, by reorganizing neurons, a super chip is formed.

However, this technology is too difficult and requires too much influence.

According to the current capabilities of Changtian Technology and the influence accumulated by Chen Xiao, it is not yet able to meet such requirements.

The technology that Qu Ping accidentally discovered is a counterfeit version of the ultimate version of the biochip.

The effect is still the same.

But the technical content is completely different.

In the end, this relatively powerful method was rejected by the laboratory.

It's 2016 after all.

Neither the level of ethics nor the level of civilization of people can meet the requirements of the future world.

So after abandoning the direct access of the chip and the brain.

If the non-direct contact method between the chip and the brain is used.

The laboratory has found a way through repeated experiments and demonstrations.

Information exchange via brainwaves and chips.

This exchange of information is not the exchange of a large number of data streams in the traditional sense.

Rather, it is a simple data output and receive exchange.

The amount of data required is very small, and the host can be controlled by amplifying brain waves, thereby achieving control of wearable devices.

In simple terms.

The first of this approach is to let the brain become the mouse and keyboard.

is an input device.

In this way, when users use wearable devices, their efficiency is higher.

Don't use your eyes to stare at certain numbers or keys.

The second is the sensory receiver.

This is to allow your brain to be stimulated by electric current and experience a certain feeling.

For example, some slight taste, some pain or pleasure, or some simple taste.

Of course, the overall experience is certainly not as rich as the Ultimate Biochip.

But these simple sensory experiences are already a major progress in the history of human science and technology.

This will make the virtual world more colorful.

The reason why all of this can be achieved is the interconnection of the human brain and neuron computing groups.

If there is no neuron computing group, just rely on traditional carbon crystal chips.

Even if the brain's electrical waves are collected, there is no way to convert the relevant information into other senses other than sight and hearing.

This is the biggest feature of the neuron computing group besides emotional computing.

It can be a bridge between the human brain and the device.

at the same time.

After adopting the Jinghong 2 chip, as long as Changtian Technology is willing, Changtian Technology can collect some private data of users.

It's not that users don't want to upload these data, Changtian Technology doesn't know.

But what your brain thinks, the data will be automatically connected to the biochip and uploaded automatically.

However, this is because of the privacy and security issues of users.

Therefore, Changtian Technology still has the integrity of a businessman.

In unnecessary and special cases, this function will not be enabled.

Even if it is to be used, it will be filed with the relevant departments of Xia Kingdom in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

In addition, the size and weight of the Jinghong 2 chip will be smaller than that of the Jinghong 1 chip.

After all, after joining the neuron computing group, it can share some of the calculations originally undertaken by the carbon crystal chip.

The mass and volume of the neuron computing group are inherently very small, almost negligible.

This has led to the volume of the entire host of the device host to be as big as a button.

Therefore, the wearing method of the new generation of wearable devices has also changed.

Instead of wearing the host on the ear like a Bluetooth headset, the entire design of the host becomes like an ultra-thin button battery.

There are two ways to do this pairing.

One is to use a special biological method to permanently paste it on the scalp.

The location can be chosen at the back of the head or at the temple.

Whether you go to work, sleep, bathe, swim or travel, you don't have to take it off, and it won't fall off.

Of course, the equipment will be equipped with the corresponding shedding fluid.

Use the shedding fluid when you need to take the device off.

The second way is to wear it deep in the ear like the Bluetooth headset in the past.

In this way, it will not fall off easily because it no longer has the function of Bluetooth headset.

So there will also be some changes in the way the device sounds.

Because the device can transmit information with the brain through brain waves.

There will of course be audio in these messages.

Audio requires far less data than video.

So the audio can be transmitted directly to the brain

Then through the information transmission of brain waves, corresponding audio will automatically appear in the brain.

Of course, except for this way of speaking.

The second way is through the eardrum sound generating device of the wearable device.

The frame of the wearable device will use some special vibrations to directly transmit the vibration frequency to the eardrum.

It causes the eardrum to vibrate so that the user can hear the corresponding sound.

Both voice modes can be used.

The reason why the device's tympanic membrane sound mode is still retained when the brain waves can transmit information.

This is because the device has not undergone large-scale testing trials.

It is not clear whether the user community has any other side effects to the transmission of data after exposure to brain waves.

After all, the wearable device this time uses the Jinghong No. 2 chip, which is not only a consumer electronic product, but also a biological device.

Things related to biomedicine are closely related to people's health.

The equipment must be successfully developed and launched in the end.

Thorough animal and human experiments are also required to be approved by the relevant state departments.

Qu Ping smiled and took out a Jinghong No. 2 chip from the box.

Then he took out the Zemeng wearable device with Jinghongerxing chip from the box next to it.

Qu Ping looked at Chen Xiao with mischievous eyes and said, "Do you want to try this wonderful feeling?"

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