Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 887: To do it is to achieve absolute monopoly (1)

The intersection test of Sky Auto is actually very simple.

But any driver who can drive the car on the road, as long as his skills are not too bad, will back off a meter or two when encountering an intersection, let the opposite car pass by, and then pass through the blocked road.

This is very simple for people.

But for the intelligent driving system of new energy vehicles, this requires more complex algorithms.

If the intelligent driving technology backs up every time it encounters a stop in front, how can it be determined whether the other party is waiting in line to pass or parked there?

This problem is extremely difficult for any smart driving company, and it is very difficult to solve.

Cars are not supercomputers.

Many new energy vehicle companies and smart driving technology vehicle companies currently have no way to break through the above problems.

Because according to the current mainstream silicon crystal chips on the market, and conventional programming methods.

The operation logic of an emergency scene will lead to a huge amount of data and operation rules.

As for road traffic, there are too many uncertain and unpredictable factors.

This kind of calculation and data volume is unbearable for ordinary supercomputers, let alone the crude version of chips and systems mounted on cars.

It is for this reason that assisted driving technologies, including Tesla, only support very regular traffic signs and very regular road conditions.

As for the alley intersection just now, for Tesla's L-level assisted driving, it is like a primary school student doing high math problems.

This is something that can't be solved even by Mongolian answers. How can there be a solution?

As for Sky Auto, it is easy to complete such a test.

This completely shows that the autonomous driving technology of KQ Motors and the vehicle intelligent technology have already reached the top level.

The world's first generation of driverless technology in the true sense is not present in Tesla, nor in Google or Apple, but in Cangqi Automobile, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology.

At the press conference, Chen Xiao said: "The in-vehicle intelligent system of Cangqi Automobile is comprehensive, so in addition to driverless technology, users can experience the feeling of being at home in the car."

In the following demonstration video, the driver and passengers in the car can control some functions of the car through voice control or through the wearable device carried.

Such as opening and closing windows, closing doors, air conditioning, music, entertainment functions and so on.

On the demo video, there is also a scene of being extremely surprised by doing so.

When the autopilot mode is turned on, the entire operation console in the cab shrinks.

The cab has become a very comfortable and spacious seat.

The driver can lie on the seat like a passenger and enjoy the journey.

These are not the most important.

Most importantly, users can remotely control the driving of the car.

In the introduction of the video, a short video was played.

Users stay at home with wearable devices, can be in the virtual car scene, and drive the sky car.

At present, Changtian Technology is discussing with relevant national departments about the popularization of 5G communication.

However, most areas at home and abroad still use 4G networks.

Coupled with the impact of digital and bandwidth in some areas or base stations, the network is not so stable.

Therefore, virtual driving technology is used in conjunction with intelligent driverless technology.

The purpose of this is to avoid some unnecessary dangers caused by users suddenly being unable to control the car due to network reasons and car disconnection in an emergency.

Used in conjunction with driverless technology, this ensures that the car can drive smoothly even when the user is disconnected.

I just finished listening to Chen Xiao's introduction, and after watching the short video on the scene.

At the press conference, the audience was stunned.

They are quite suspicious, are they in 2017, are they watching the 2017 car conference?

Because the technology of Changtian Technology is too advanced, the car is not a product of this era, whether it is in terms of energy, power or intelligence.

At today's press conference, Cangqi Auto compared any point of technology with any car company in the world today, and the rest of the technical standards are completely superior to the other party.

Not only the audience at the scene will feel this way, but the netizens who are watching the live broadcast also feel a little dazed.

After a short silence.

The whole studio was boiling.

"It's hard to believe that this is the smart car technology of 2017!"

"I remember not long ago, I saw a very strange test vehicle in the Shanghai stock market. At that time, I wondered why there was no steering wheel and instrument panel in the cab. Now I know, it turned out that Changtian Technology's Cangqiong car was testing !"

"Now no one will say that Changtian's technology is plagiarized, right? Which car company or smart company in the world can have such advanced smart technology?"

"It's really shocking! When domestic car companies built a big tablet on the car and regarded it as smart car technology, Changtian Technology has left them behind forever."

"Super intelligent human-vehicle integration, this may represent the future intelligent driving technology!"

"I don't know the price of the Cangqiong car, I really hope to buy one!"

"This thing is simply a magic tool! Anyway, driving sales are energy blocks, and it doesn't cost much. In the future, when you go shopping, drive there, and then let the sky car go home automatically or find a cheap parking lot, park it yourself, and wait for us. He is picking us up after shopping, saving a lot of parking time!"

"Wow, it seems to be true! I think this car is really useful for our unit! Every time we drive to a meeting or participate in project negotiations, there is no parking place. If we can drive intelligently to drive us It’s really great to send it over and then return to the unit automatically!”

“Pretty attractive, would love to buy one!”

"I don't know what the price is! I look forward to Chen Xiao announcing the price!"

Netizens around the world who are watching the live broadcast of this conference have contributed countless influences.

At the press conference, Chen Xiao stood in the center of the stage.

He could feel the constant flow of influence.

This time the decision to convene the release of the sky car rules is correct.

As the tech tree becomes harder to climb, it's important to accumulate more influence as quickly as possible.

After the video on the big screen was played, all the lights at the front desk of the press conference were turned on, and all the lights were gathered on the body of the Cangqiong car.

Under the control of the backstage, all 4 doors of the Cangqiong car were opened, and the extremely luxurious interior with extremely elegant colors was presented in front of everyone.

Chen Xiao walked up to Cangqiong Automobile and said, "Currently, Cangqiong Automobile's self-driving technology has been approved by the relevant state department."

"Unmanned driving can go on the road!"

The audience applauded enthusiastically.

"How much does this car sell for!"

Some audience members roared and asked.

This is actually the question that many people want to know the most.

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "As you wish, now I want to announce the final price of the Sky car."

At this time, Chen Xiao was still interacting with netizens who were watching the live broadcast on the Internet.

The official live broadcast channel identified by Changtian Technology, as well as the virtual press conference site, will pop up a pop-up window for price guessing.

Users are invited to guess the price of the top-of-the-line car.

If the guess is correct, the one that is accurate to yuan is the unit, and Changtian Technology will present a set of Zemeng wearable devices, and the one that is accurate to 10 digits, Changtian Technology will present a Hanhai 3 mobile phone.

As soon as this event came out, it immediately attracted a large number of netizens to participate.

Changtian Technology's Douyin official live broadcast room has 30 million netizens in an instant, reaching the peak.

Such terrible data also makes many Internet celebrities or official accounts of other brands of cars envious.

Each user can guess the price once.

Prices are, of course, varied.

"With such advanced technology, such clean and cheap energy, the price must not be cheap! I guess 10 million!"

"The upstairs is crazy. What kind of car can be sold for 10 million? I think the price of the top model should be around 2 million."

"I agree, I guess it's 2.18 million!"

"1.3 million! 1.3212 million, I hope I can get a Zemeng device."

At the scene of the press conference, many representatives of other brands of cars were silently guessing the sales price of the Cangqiong car.

An ideal car, with 4 wheels, a chassis and a big screen, can sell for five to six hundred thousand.

The representative of Ideal believes that the sky new energy vehicle has such terrible high-tech and such efficient clean energy. If Ideal has this technology, it will definitely sell for more than 3 million.

Those who have the same idea will also be Xiaopeng's new force car manufacturing company in the future.

In fact, the representative of the future is even thinking that if Changtian Technology's new energy technology or the intelligence of the sky car, if any technology is given to the future, the future car can become a top-ranked car in the world.

After thinking of this, the representative of the future sighed silently in his heart, Changtian Technology is really terrible.

If the price of the sky car is in a reasonable range, there will be no market for lithium battery cars or fuel cars.

This representative shook his head. He was just a staff member, not the boss of the car company.

So he doesn't have to think about such troublesome things.

At worst, if you go bankrupt in the future, you can just find another job by yourself.

How much is the price of the sky car?

Chen Xiao, Gao Miao and others discussed the price of Cangqiong Car in detail.

All people classify Cangqiong Automobile as an automobile product.

But Chen Xiao was not.

Chen Xiao classified Sky Cars as an electronic fast-moving consumer product, the same as mobile phones and laptops.

The biggest advantage of this product is that it can be integrated into large-scale production.

As long as a product can be integrated and scaled, its production cost will be very low.

To the outside world, the bio-battery and intelligent system of Cangqi Automobile must be quite valuable.

But as far as Changtian Technology is concerned, these two technologies happen to be the least valuable.

The intelligent system only needs to inject the corresponding sensors of the chip and the operating system of the Firefly car version into the car.

Changtian Technology has already passed the research and development stage. Products such as software and chips, as long as they pass the research and development stage and enter the mass production stage, the cost will be ridiculously low.

Biobatteries cost less.

This is the most mature technology of Changtian Technology.

So through repetition, if only the production cost is calculated, the production cost of a top-equipped sky car is less than 150,000 yuan.

The cost of Changtian Technology's production of cars is calculated and used through precise and quantitative calculations.

In addition, Changtian Technology's powerful artificial intelligence sets up production units for the factory, so the cost can be minimized.

Such production costs are far lower than Tesla's ideal Xiaopeng or even BYD's new energy technology.

Ideal Xiaopeng will not talk about waiting for cars in the future. They actually lose money selling a car.

The most fundamental reason is that the core technology is not in their own hands, and the production mode of the foundry is adopted.

The core technology and production are not in their own hands, only relying on concepts and network marketing.

How can the production cost of this kind of car factory be reduced?

The production cost of Changtian Technology Cangqiong Automobile is 150,000 yuan

The main cost is human resource cost and some raw material cost.

Gao Miao used the supercomputer of Changtian Technology to conduct simulation calculations.

After the factories in Rongcheng and Shanghai are completed and the scale of intensive production is expanded, the production cost can be reduced to less than 100,000 yuan, or even lower.

After the cost is fixed, it will be a question of sales Xia Guo has a lot of car companies that have just been established, and they shout slogans that they want to become a world-class car company, produce luxury cars, and compete with Bentley Rolls Sri Lanka and other competition.

This is actually very unrealistic.

An automobile company must first survive, then occupy the market, and finally establish its own luxury brand.

A company that has never produced cars was suddenly established, and then told the world that what I produced was a luxury car, will anyone pay for it?

Consumers definitely don't agree.

Now the world's best-selling luxury car group, BBA, started out as an ordinary family car, and it has come to where it is today step by step.

Therefore, the price of Cangqiong Automobile must not be outrageous, and it must not be too low.

Since Changtian Technology and Chen Xiao decided to make a car, it is definitely not enough to sell tens of thousands to 20,000 units a month.

Chen Xiao's goal is to achieve an absolute and complete monopoly on the automobile industry.

It is to completely defeat all the mainstream new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles currently on the market!

In the future, there will only be two groups in the entire auto industry.

Possess an absolute advantage and sales of sky cars and others.

And if the car price is set too low, the damage to the brand is very great.

Taking Wuling as an example, it is not impossible for the Wuling brand, which has always been selling cheap cars, to break into the 300,000 yuan market, but it will definitely cost Wuling a huge price and a long time.

Chen Xiao said at the press conference: "Kangqi Automobile has fully considered the current domestic and foreign market conditions and the actual experience of users, and launched three versions."

"The Sky A01 Elite Edition, the Sky A01 Deluxe Edition, and the Sky A01 High Performance Edition."

"The selling prices of these three versions are..."

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