Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 934: what is the meaning of life?

The strange thing is that among the more than 10,000 terabytes of data, there is actually a mass of consciousness. roundabout

This group of consciousness is completely consistent with the person who uploaded the data.

Full possession of thoughts, memories, and self-awareness.

After seeing this report.

Chen Xiao's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, it was exactly as I expected.

This report has two very important technologies that deserve attention.

One is the current server storage mechanism of Changtian Technology. roundabout

The server storage mechanism of Longsky Technology adopts two methods.

One is the carbon crystal storage mechanism, and the other is the dna storage mechanism.

The former has mature craftsmanship and has been used for many years.

But the storage capacity is limited, and it consumes a lot of power.

Although the energy usage of carbon crystal storage is far lower than that of traditional semiconductor storage.

However, it is also very power-hungry for the existing energy sources of human beings.

A very simple example. roundabout

If the server uses traditional semiconductors.

A set of very basic commercial servers with a power of 750w

According to the development of this energy consumption, the amount of data generated by human beings every day is calculated.

After 110 years, the daily energy consumption of semiconductor servers built to store data generated by humans will be greater than the sum of the energy produced by humans in that day.

And if human beings want to enter the artificial intelligence society.

To store and use a large amount of data, it is necessary to continuously implement supercomputing.

Let's not talk about whether the computer's level can meet the requirements of human beings. roundabout

From the perspective of energy consumption alone, an artificial intelligence society is absolutely impossible to realize.

More advanced than traditional semiconductor chips and storage mechanisms is the carbon crystal storage mechanism.

The carbon crystal storage mechanism developed by Changtian Technology consumes about 1/101/20 of the power consumption of traditional servers.

It seems to save energy, but if human beings enter the era of artificial intelligence, the number of X-Trails and the storage capacity of data will be tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of times.

The servers equipped with carbon crystal chips and carbon crystal storage are also very dependent on energy consumption.

Therefore, Changtian Technology Hardware Company and the biological laboratory jointly developed the dna memory.

DNA can store all the information of life, which shows that this kind of storage mechanism stores a very large amount of information and consumes very little energy. roundabout

Last year, the biological laboratory of Changtian Technology made great achievements.

The dna memory was successfully developed and began to be applied to Changtian Technology's commercial servers.

A dna fragment has countless bases, and the combination and pairing between bases is the simplest principle of information storage.

One gram of DNA may be less than the size of a dewdrop on the tip of a needle, but it can store up to 700 terabytes of data.

However, if traditional semiconductor technology is used, if humans want to produce a 700tb hard drive, its weight will be as high as 150 kilograms, or 300 kilograms.

This is only the weight of the core storage components, without calculating the weight of the shell that protects these core components, as well as the heat dissipation and power pack.

Therefore, the dna storage mechanism with low energy consumption and small volume, but large storage is definitely an important measure for internal storage information. roundabout

The DNA storage mechanism server currently built by Changtian Technology, a set of servers can store up to 100 million terabytes of data.

The weight of its core components is only 143 kg.

But the dna memory must exist in the biological gelatinous environment created by Changtian technology.

Adding other hardware and some protection equipment, a set of servers capable of storing 100 million terabytes of data weighs less than 300 catties.

This has unique advantages over traditional servers.

It is precisely because of the application of super large storage capacity that the experimenter of Changtian Technology will passively upload the 10,000 TB data volume of his brain to the server.

The second technology worth paying attention to is that in the virtual world, to be precise, it is based on dna storage, the design is very delicate, extremely lifelike, and even completely consistent with the real world, including the world's operation, physical rules, mathematical rules, and chemistry. The rules and so on are all modeled according to the real world in this world. roundabout

The same thinking and consciousness group as people in real life appeared.

The emergence of this consciousness group is not just a matter of artificial intelligence.

but a whole personality.

What is personality?

That is, he has all the past memories of the uploader, the complete personality of the uploader, including the way of thinking and behavior, the same response and adaptability as the uploader, etc.

This cannot be compared with human cloning, because the personality of the cloned person is likely to be completely different from the cloned object.

And the thinking group can be said to be exactly the same as the uploader. roundabout

This will open up a whole new world.

It is subverting human ethics, history, ways of thinking about problems, and the future.

It can even be subverted, which is something that human beings can never break through—life span!

Think about it.

Like Gao Miao, Chen Xiao was a little excited and also a little apprehensive.

He said to Gao Miao, "Let's go and have a look."

Gao Miao was a little dazed, and then came back to his senses. roundabout

"How to see?"

Takamiao means by what means to see.

It is the outside world, through the big screen and the actual communication inside.

Or wear a wearable device, enter the time inside, and communicate face-to-face with the employees there?

In fact, after seeing Gao Miao's report, Chen Xiao felt a little panic about the virtual world in his heart.

Human panic mostly comes from the fear of the unknown and the inability to grasp.

So Chen Xiao would definitely not choose to enter this new world with a wearable device before confirming the real situation of the matter. roundabout

"Look through the monitors in your lab."

Gao Miao chuckled lightly and said, "I knew what you meant, things are ready."

On the way to the server console.

Chen Xiao asked Gao Miao two questions: "You haven't told other people about this, have you?"

Gao Miao nodded and said, "Not yet. The issue involved is serious. We came to you as soon as we found out."

"What's the situation with this employee?"

"The employee's name is Lu Xiaomei, a c5-level employee of our biology laboratory, 26 years old, healthy and beautiful."

Being able to be a c5-level employee at the age of 26 is already considered very good.

After Changtian Technology carried out position reform, it was divided into C-level employees and T-level employees.

C-level employees are technical posts, C1-level employees are basic technical posts, and C-10 employees are scientific research experts.

T-level employees are management posts.

Level t1 is the supervisor, that is, the department head of the subsidiary company.

Level t5 is a senior director.

Staff above level c6 can be exchanged with staff at level t1. roundabout

That is to say, this little sister named Lu Xiaomei, if there is no accident, can become a middle-level cadre of a subsidiary after working for a year or two.

But Chen Ling still touched his nose.

Gao Miao deliberately emphasized that what the **** is this Lu Xiaomei who is so beautiful?

Gao Miao couldn't help laughing at Chen Xiao's embarrassed look.

The originally tense atmosphere suddenly became a little more relaxed.

Came to the central control room of the server.

The monitoring equipment was not turned off, and the 24-hour display of the implementation of the world was created. roundabout

Gao Miao said to Chen Xiao: "This world was commissioned by Yuedong Internet to build through the new server."

"Currently, the world covers an area of ​​300 square kilometers. It is a coastal city called Luoying Town."

"Because this world is a supplement to the existing world, and it is going to be made into a scenic and entertainment town, and some other areas, young people shopping in the mall come to take pictures and listen to the sound of the sea."

"The world hasn't been put on the shelves yet, and this kind of thing happened."

Chen Xiao nodded and looked at the big screen.

While not using wearables, go straight into the virtual world.

But Chen Xiao could feel the reality of this world from the screen on the monitor. roundabout

Being able to determine that the world does not appear to be computer modeled, nor is it virtual.

but real.

The leaves of the roadside trees trembled with the breeze.

A few birds were wandering in the sky, and after getting tired, they landed on the branches.

Under the sunlight, you can still see the fine dust.

The computer and chip revolution of Changtian Technology has made the virtual world extremely realistic.

How realistic is it? roundabout

After all, according to Chen Xiao's requirements, this world has almost achieved the conservation of matter and energy.

It is so realistic that if you cut off the branches of this tree and burn them as firewood, the specially produced carbon dioxide can enter the atmosphere of this world and re-enter the circulatory system.

And the energy and matter in this world are conserved.

On the sandy beach by the coast.

On the beach by the coast, a woman in a red floral dress can be seen.

The girl was tall and tall, with jet-black hair hanging down her back.

Her footprints slowly landed on the beach, and the ebb and flow of the tide slowly healed the wound on the beach. roundabout

"Lu Xiaomei!" Gao Miao adjusted her tone and called out very gently.

This was the first time Chen Xiao heard this sound.

After all, Gao Miao didn't pay much attention to his image when he talked to him before.

It even made Chen Ling forget that Gao Miao was a girl.

Lu Xiaomei, who was walking on the beach, looked up at the sky.

Although looking at the sky from Lu Xiaomei's perspective, there is no picture.

But Lu Xiaomei could hear everyone talking. roundabout

She knew that Gao Miao was watching her through surveillance.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiao was a little lost.

Is this melancholy girl really a consciousness group?

If others do not say.

Chen Xiao thought he was a woman who entered the virtual world with a wearable device to relax.

Gao Miaojia turned off the microphone, and explained to Chen Xiao at the fastest speed: "According to the request of Lu Xiaomei in the inner world, we built a model of Lu Xiaomei for her."

Chen Xiao asked: "What about Lu Xiaomei in the real world?"

Gao Miao sighed and said: "Lu Xiaomei in the real world knows her own consciousness and uploaded it to the virtual world, and the consciousness group inside is exactly the same as her own, including memories and feelings, etc. She is a little autistic."

"I was afraid that this girl would do something stupid, so I gave her a few days off and asked him to go back and have a good rest."

"The two Lu Xiaomei only met once."

Chen Xiao nodded and said, "I can't accept this matter on me. It's an experimental accident."

Gao Miao said with some self-blame: "It is indeed an experimental accident."

Chen Xiao definitely couldn't accept it.

If you are also trapped in the virtual world. roundabout

To be precise, there is an identical self in the virtual world.

So how should the self in the virtual world accept the current situation?

His memories, his lover, everything about him are all in the outside world.

In the outside world, there is a self just like him.

The more Chen Xiao thought about it, the more confused he became.

It's not just a matter of experimental accidents.

Instead, a series of issues such as law, ethics, morality, etc. have become a mess. roundabout

Gao Miao continued to turn on the microphone, and said to Lu Xiaomei inside: "Xiaomei, Mr. Chen and I have come to see you."

I heard Gao Miao say such a thing.

Lu Xiaomei showed a pale smile.

This kind of smile passed through the screen, and Chen Xiao looked a little creepy.

He couldn't help shivering.

Lu Xiaomei said in a soft voice: "Mr. Chen, hello, I am Lu Xiaomei, a c5-level employee."

Chen Xiao nodded and said, "Hello, Lu Xiaomei."

Chen Xiaoyou opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Because what he is facing now is not a virtual npc, nor is it a person in real life who has entered the virtual world wearing a wearable device.

But a person like a real person.

It's just that the place where she lives is the virtual although she can't see Chen Xiao.

But Lu Xiaomei clearly felt Chen Xiao's sigh.

Lu Xiaomei continued: "Mr. Chen, do you know what the meaning of life is?"

what is the meaning of life?

Countless philosophers have been discussing this issue for thousands of years.

But after all, there is no answer that satisfies everyone.

Lu Xiaomei did not answer this question, but walked slowly on the beach and said: "You know, when I realized that I was trapped in it, but I knew that there were two me, my heart was Crashed."

"I have tried to commit suicide, as long as I commit suicide, then the me in the following world should not have any troubles."

"But I am me after all..."

Lu Xiaomei murmured to herself, saying something intriguing. roundabout

But Chen Ling didn't understand her feelings.

Lu Xiaomei said with some sadness: "What is life? Life is not a life of walking dead like animals, but because of memories, experiences, thinking, personality, and feelings..."

"These are all mine."

"For Lu Xiaomei outside, she had an experimental accident, and she went back to have a good rest after being put on leave."

"As for me, Lu Xiaomei, I had an experimental accident, and then I was trapped in the virtual world."

"Is my description correct? Mr. Chen?"

After hearing these words, Chen Xiao's heart was hit hard, and she was a little terrified, and suddenly figured out a physics problem. roundabout

He whispered to Gao Miao, "It seems that we...unintentionally...created a parallel universe."

"Every time you choose, there will be a different you, a you in a parallel space."

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