Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 946: Much anticipated, big buy!

"Because we have prepared our best gifts for the enthusiastic American people, we hope that Changtian Technology's wearable devices can be recognized by American consumers."

Wen Qi deliberately sold a pass, and did not tell everyone what the gift Changtian Technology prepared for the United States?

This sentence sounds a little strange to everyone.

Does Changtian Technology really value American consumers so much?

After the press conference.

The audience at the scene and the netizens on the Internet can only wait for the device to go on the market with these questions.

At the same time, many netizens, especially the big V of some digital products, can't sleep all night.

They continuously log in to the official website of Changtian Technology and Hanhai Technology, and read the detailed introduction and functions of the wearable device of Zemeng 2 word by word.

Some bloggers even watched the replay of the press conference repeatedly to sort out any details of the press conference.

The more I look at many technology bloggers, the more startled I am.

They can be sure that after the release of the Zemeng 2 wearable device, it will definitely be able to change the current way of life of human beings.

The future virtual lifestyle created by Changtian Technology will surely become popular all over the world.

And such a way of life will involve every aspect of everyone.

Earth-shaking changes will take place from the very beginning of study to work, and even housing, entertainment, socializing, love, etc.

A technology blogger wrote on Weibo: "The changes that technology brings to the human world are happening all the time. From being single to affecting our lives, it is very likely that you have already changed it unconsciously. It has been realized, and I am full of awe, curiosity and hope for such a future.”

Some bloggers also wrote on Weibo: "I am very grateful that I can be born in such an era of abundant scientific and technological achievements! I am very much looking forward to the launch of the Zemeng 2 wearable device, and I am already looking forward to experiencing it in the virtual world." What kind of experience is a virtual world that is completely different from the marriage between the real world and the real world?"

Many netizens stayed up all night, discussing the equipment for this press conference in their groups.

"I hope that Changtian Technology can develop a few more virtual worlds, especially some game worlds. If you can be immersive and play games in the virtual world, it will be very exciting."

"It is a strong suggestion to launch a fun game!"

"Different from your ideas, I hope to introduce more real world."

"Real life is already very hard. If I can have a villa in the virtual world, with gardens in the front and back, where I can plant flowers and look at the sea, then I will be satisfied."

"My thoughts are the same as those above, and I also hope that Changtian Technology can build more virtual real worlds. I am now working in the Shanghai stock market to deliver food. I live in a group rental house. There are three bunk beds in one bedroom. I can only Sleeping in a bed, I am willing to spend money to buy the Zemeng 2 wearable device, as long as I am resting, I will live in the virtual world, and I only need to work hard and eat enough in normal times.”

"As for finding a girlfriend? Forget it! There are so many people in our country, even if I don't reproduce, my surname will not be extinct, and with my current conditions, I can't afford a house. Which girl would marry me? ?Even if some girls with similar conditions marry me, the next generation we give birth to is not a social animal working for others. I have worked so hard, how could I want my children to work as hard as me? So I long for the virtual world! I have already prepared the money to buy the equipment, as long as the equipment is released, I will be the first to buy it!"

"I agree with the statement above! What qualifications do we social animals have to live in this world? It's not about working for others. Some things are born with something, and if they are not born, they will not have it if they work hard for a lifetime. Then I might as well go to the virtual world and start from scratch, maybe the virtual world is a good opportunity, and the success I get here can turn salty fish into real life!"

"I really agree with what you said earlier. I just studied the description of the virtual world in detail at the press conference. The virtual world is divided into two parts, one is the real virtual world, and the other is the virtual world of games. The real world The virtual world also has corresponding regulations and codes of conduct, if we go in first and develop first, maybe we can achieve a career in the virtual world."

There are still many people with similar views.

Changtian Technology has priced the Zemeng 2 wearable device at nearly 40,000 yuan.

Logically speaking, this price should be very high. If it is placed in a fourth- and fifth-tier inland city, it is likely to be a person's annual income.

But the high price does not mean that only the middle class or rich people are buying.

There are many social animals like the takeaway guys in Shanghai, and they also want to buy equipment.

They are likely to be in their 30s to 40s. They have worked hard and struggled for most of their lives, but they have achieved nothing, and they still have a lot of debt.

Buying a house is definitely something you will never be able to afford for a lifetime. After all, housing prices in first-tier cities have been rising crazily in the past few years.

Marriage is definitely not enough.

Whether it is a rich place or a poor place, girls have the same requirements for marriage and life, having a car, a house and a stable job.

So these men, or social animals, who patiently and blindly live every day just to get food and clothing, suddenly see a virtual world and can start again, of course they are willing to spend all they have on buying equipment.

The next day, Chen Xiao was presiding over a meeting at the Changtian Technology Headquarters in Changzezhou, and two things were in the pipeline.

The first thing is the listing of Zemeng wearable devices.

Zemeng wearable devices were sold simultaneously in Xiaguo and the United States after the campaign.

Xia Guo will not talk about it here.

Simultaneous online and offline sales.

After all, Hanhai Mobile has a lot of experience stores, and it is very convenient for the masses to go to the site to buy.

And because the price of Zemeng equipment is relatively high.

Therefore, the expected sales are definitely not as good as the first-generation equipment and Hanhai mobile phones.

At present, the inventory of Zemeng 2 wearable devices is close to 100,000 units.

It should be enough to cope with the first wave of sales at home and abroad.

Sellers in the United States only support online sales.

After all, Changtian Technology does not have a mobile phone experience store in the United States, nor does it cooperate with major communication manufacturers.

Online sales are the most appropriate approach.

The second thing is to create a virtual world.

Not to mention the users in the United States, the "Free World" carefully created by Changtian Technology for the users in the United States has been fully set.

If the entire virtual world map is viewed from the map of the real world, it is greater than or equal to New York City, and its urban environment is much more prosperous than New York City.

Moreover, Changtian Technology has also created thousands of NPCs for this world, and there are many game scenes, which can ensure that users in the United States will have a good time playing.

The virtual world released in Xia Kingdom is completely different from the "Free World" in the United States.

The first one is the real virtual world, which is also Yunhai County.

Changtian Technology is planning to expand the scope of Yunmeng County, adding play areas and residential areas in Luoxia District.

In addition to the super-large amusement park shown at the press conference, the play area also has some beautiful natural scenery, zoos, underwater worlds, many delicious and interesting starlight night markets, fishing trips, diving, adventures, etc. Users get great relaxation in Yunhai County.

In addition, in the original business district, a complete virtual school from elementary school to high school was built.

For this reason, Changtian Technology has hired excellent teachers in various subjects with high salaries, and let excellent teachers teach students in the virtual world.

The advantage of the virtual world is that users experience a class of 10 to 20 students in the virtual classroom.

In fact, an excellent teacher may hand in 15 or even more than 10 classes at the same time.

The teacher's advanced teaching philosophy can be spread to hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of students at the same time.

Also online classes.

Attending class with the teacher face to face, watching the teacher write on the blackboard, watching the teacher explain each knowledge point in detail, is a completely different experience from watching the teacher live broadcast the class in front of the screen.

The questions raised by the students are also very easy to solve.

Changtian Technology has created a teaching thinking group of excellent teachers through the neuron computing group.

So even if students ask questions, the same teacher in different classrooms can answer them separately when get out of class is over.

In addition, a virtual hospital has also been built in the virtual business district.

As long as the patient has undergone relevant examinations in the hospital certified by Changtian Technology, an electronic version of the examination list will be generated.

In the virtual hospital, the best doctors in the country can answer your questions.

The way these doctors operate is consistent with the way teachers operate.

So it will never exist, there are fewer doctors, more patients, patients queue for a long time, and there is no way to see the situation of doctors.

Start with both health care and education.

Changtian Technology hopes to enable ordinary users to enjoy the best quality service through a platform like the virtual world.

Of course, some people may say that the current price of Zemeng wearable devices is very expensive, and ordinary people may not be able to use them.

One day the price of Zemeng's wearable devices will drop, so the creation of the virtual world and the construction of the platform cannot be stopped for a moment.

One day, the price of Zemeng's wearable devices has been reduced to a considerable extent.

When most users can afford the equipment and can enter the virtual world.

The virtual world construction system of Changtian Technology can basically be completed.

Until then, the virtual world and the real world will complement each other to create a better world for the people.

Luoxia District is also a residential area set up for users.

Users can purchase plots of land at the specified location in the residential area and build houses by themselves.

As for who can buy which areas?

How can virtual world currency be earned?

Long Sky Technology has also set up a set of very feasible measures.

With the enrichment of the virtual world, there must be some jobs in the virtual world, and users can earn rewards through work.

For example, you can catch fish by the sea and provide fish catches for the night snack stalls in the Starlight Night Market.

You can also set up a stall in the night market and provide delicious juice or delicious food to tourists.

If you have the ability, of course you can apply to enter a virtual hospital, or a virtual school as a doctor and teacher.

You can also become a freelancer, go to the back mountains and wild hunting and so on.

With the gradual improvement of the virtual world, especially the improvement of the details of the world, and the gradual improvement of the world's ecosystem - such as fishing, barbecue, food, toilet quality conservation, people's lifestyles will be diverse.

And the work in the virtual world will no longer depend on your academic qualifications, but on your real ability.

The purpose of Chen Xiao's meeting is to improve some rules of the virtual world.

Only when rules are established, can the public have a better experience in the virtual world.

At the same time, the virtual world has also launched a real-life shooting game "survival".

In an immersive shooting game, bullets hurt the body, and when bleeding, there will be a sense of loss of life.

Coupled with complex combat terrain and hot and cold weapons, users can get great relaxation in the virtual world.

In addition to shooting games, Changtian Technology will also develop a variety of games such as comprehension, magic and even strategy to enrich the ecological chain.

After the meeting, the senior executives and technicians of Changtian Technology took their positions and completed the tasks assigned by the boss.

And a week later, the Zemeng wearable device went on sale.

Changtian Technology previously had a stock of 100,000 units, of which 20,000 units were released in the US market, and 80,000 units were released in the Xia country surprised Chen Xiao.

The 80,000 units of equipment were sold out in one day.

Changtian Technology's return of funds was almost 2.4 billion RMB, and the profit exceeded 1 billion RMB.

Seeing such a terrible sale, Chen Xiao didn't expect it at all.

Chen Xiao originally thought that it would be enough to sell 10,000 to 20,000 units. After all, the equipment has just been launched, and word of mouth has not yet been established.

Did not expect 80,000 units a day.

what to do!?

Only those who let the factory work overtime continue to produce.

Moreover, Chen Xiao's analysis of the buyer group was even more unexpected.

He originally thought that the people who bought these devices should be those middle-class people who like to play with digital products.

At least those who do not have much financial pressure in life, those who pursue fashion, to put it more bluntly, are those who were the first batch of people who bought iPhones or Hanhai mobile phones.

As a result, analyzing the age of buyers, it was found that the average purchase age was over 40 years old.

Most of them are women, and most of them are in third- and fourth-tier cities, while there are fewer first- and second-tier cities.

Users in first- and second-tier cities are not unwilling to buy, but they have not grabbed it.

Analyzing the purchase needs of these buyers again, it is actually for children!

What for the child?

For children to be able to attend classes in virtual classrooms in the virtual world.

In third-tier, fourth-tier and fifth-tier cities, educational resources are extremely expensive and scarce.

But the virtual school of Changtian Technology is full of the most famous teachers in the country, and they can enjoy the best education in the country, and it is free.

Parents, of course, flock to it.

On the Internet, Chen Xiao was blacklisted by the children for this reason, but became the favorite male **** of the parents.

Chen Ling touched her nose, what the **** is this!

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