What the hell is going on?!

At this moment, Nie Xin was confused, and only this sentence was echoing in his mind.

No, I have to go back quickly!

Nie Xin rushed out and ran back to the company.

When he returned to Shengde Company, the scene was in chaos. People were answering the phone everywhere, many people were cursing, and the whole company was as noisy as a vegetable market!

"Boss, Nie Xin is back!"Someone saw Nie Xin coming in and shouted immediately.

For a moment, everyone looked at Nie Xin, their eyes full of anger.

Pan Chengfu, the boss of Shengde, walked towards him quickly, his fat face so gloomy that it almost dripped water.

"Old, boss, me……"Before Nie Xin could finish speaking, he was greeted with a slap!


Pan Chengfu slapped Nie Xin in the face.

The slap was so heavy that Nie Xin fell to the ground with blood flowing from his mouth.

Nie Xin was dizzy and confused by the slap.

He didn't even know what had happened, and he got slapped in the face when he came back.

For a moment, the company was silent, and those employees looked at Nie Xin with a look of watching a show.

Some people even wanted to kick him a few more times.

Pan Chengfu squatted down, grabbed Nie Xin by the collar, his face full of anger, and whispered:"Look at what you have done!"

"I ask you to be low-key and humble in your daily life. What the hell have you done?"

"Who the hell told you to be so arrogant to your customers?!

Nie Xin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said in horror:"Boss, what happened?"!"

""Fuck, what's going on? Come with me, I'll show you a good look!" Pan Chengfu grabbed his collar, pulled him up from the ground, and dragged him directly into the office.

Pan Chengfu dragged Nie Xin to the desk and turned the computer screen to him.

The screen was a hot post with nearly 100,000 comments.

"Read this post yourself! grass! Pan Chengfu cursed, took a cigarette and started smoking.

Nie Xin took a closer look and saw that the post was called"Reveal!" The computer accessories industry is so dark! This is my true personal experience, please avoid the pitfalls!".

This post was posted by a netizen named Shuangmu, who is a computer enthusiast. The beginning of the post stated that he was bought a lot of computer accessories by a business manager named Nie Xin of Sidley Company, and was planning to build two computers..

But these brand-new accessories came back with various problems, and after testing they were all defective or refurbished parts. There was a long and bloody complaint against Shengde Company and Nie Xin.

There were also various screenshots of the accessories at the end of the post. There are text messages and chat records.

In the description behind the post, Nie Xin sounds arrogant, and Sidley Company looks like a blood-sucking capitalist.

You can feel it just by looking at the comments from netizens behind the post. The anger of these netizens

"How unreasonable! Such a disgusting company must expose him!"

"Damn! This post raised my blood pressure!"

"Damn it! This Nie Xin lackey is too abominable! Does he think no one in the country can control him?"

"complaint! I will report it directly to the industrial and commercial office!"

"grass! No wonder the accessories I bought from Sidley broke so easily! It turns out there is something fishy!"

"I also bought accessories from Shengde Company, but they also broke quickly! I suspected at that time that they were reselling defective parts and refurbished parts!"

"It’s such a disgrace to the company in Guangzhou City. Damn it, I’ll close it down quickly!"


Every netizen's comment was filled with anger, and their emotions were completely incited by this post.

The more Nie Xin read, the more shocked he was!

Because... he knew he had never said these words!

Absolutely not!

"Boss! This, this post is slander! Slander!"

"I definitely did not say these words, let alone insult the customers! Absolutely not!"

"Boss, this post was definitely written with malicious intent!"

Nie Xin hurriedly turned around to explain to Pan Chengfu.

Pan Chengfu grabbed him by the collar and cursed:"Idiot, does it matter if the post is true or false now?"

"Now this post has spread all over the Internet, Tianya, Guangshi Forum, Sohu, everywhere!"

"If you post a clarification now, will anyone believe it? idiot!"

"Besides... if these damn things are found out, can the company escape?"

Nie Xin was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and felt as if he was falling into an abyss.

He knew that the company was involved in reselling defective products and refurbished products. These two items were very profitable. Shengde also sold two Years old, they are usually sold together with genuine products, and occasionally sold in batches to lower-level dealers.

Although there are occasional incidents, they can generally be suppressed. Most of the individual buyers who bought defective parts will do so. They think they are unlucky, because those individual buyers are not familiar with computers, and most of them think they are just unlucky.

In the past two years, Sidley has sold a lot of defective parts. If someone finds out, they will definitely be in bad luck.

"Nie Xin, tell me, who did you offend outside? You must have offended someone, and they are going to mess with you!"

"Damn it, now the company is also affected! Fuck!"

Pan Chengfu is a seasoned businessman. He felt strange when he saw this matter. He felt that someone was behind the scenes fanning the flames.

According to the content of the post, the other party knew Nie Xin, and the main target of the accusation was Nie Xin. The two sides must have had grievances.

If Nie Xin had not offended the other party, would the other party use such a horrific method to deal with him?

"Yes, the person you offended?"Nie Xin was startled, and a figure subconsciously appeared in his mind.


Suddenly, a female secretary opened the door and hurriedly shouted:"The boss is bad! People from industry, commerce and taxation are here!"

Pan Chengfu's face turned dark instantly!

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