After a glass of wine, everyone was talking and laughing. They didn't talk about business, but only about love and romance. The atmosphere was quite lively.

Yi Feng saw that Pan Chengfu was not in a hurry to talk, so he was not in a hurry either. Anyway, he was in the initiative now, so he had to let them bring it up first.

After eating and drinking for two hours, four bottles of Moutai were drunk, and everyone was full.

Seeing that the time was almost right, Pan Chengfu stood up and handed out cigarettes, first to Yi Feng, and then to others.

Cai Tongming lit up the lighter and lit the cigarette for Yi Feng himself.

Yi Feng smiled and lit the cigarette without hesitation.

In this dinner, he was the one who received the cigarette, not the one who handed it out. If the other party had a request for him, he would naturally accept it with pleasure.

This is the rule of different drinking parties. When you have a request for someone, or a drinking party where you know each other, you naturally have to be more attentive. When you are asked for something by others, you must be arrogant, otherwise those people will think that you are easy to talk to and dare to ask for anything.

Pan Chengfu lit a cigarette for himself, turned his head and looked at Yi Feng, and said,"Boss Yi, I am really sorry about Nie Xin's incident. Our Shengde Company is also responsible. We will bear all the losses caused."

"I will compensate you for the two batches of goods at twice the price, a total of 240,000. What do you think?"

He also knew that Yi Feng would definitely not be happy if he compensated according to the price, so he first made a condition, doubling the price, to show his sincerity.

I thought Yi Feng would be happy to accept it, but Yi Feng just smoked a cigarette, did not speak at the first time, and his face became a little colder.

When this topic was mentioned, the atmosphere in the box also changed subtly, and everyone was secretly observing Yi Feng's face.

After a while, Yi Feng flicked the ash and said,"Mr. Pan, I feel your sincerity in resolving this matter, but... I'm sorry that I can't accept the condition you said."

Wang Tie, who was holding a dish on the side, echoed,"We always refund one and compensate three for our customers, and we also give new accessories. The loss alone... hehe, is more than this number."

In fact, Yi Feng handled the follow-up promptly and replaced new accessories for those customers. He did not compensate three times the amount, and there were still many accessories that had not been sold, so the final loss was only more than 70,000 yuan.

But Yi Feng couldn't say that to Pan Chengfu. He showed such anger before to create an illusion of heavy losses.

This time, of course, it was to blackmail Shengde Company!

Yi Feng sneered secretly. You want to get rid of me for 240,000? It's a nice thought!

Pan Chengfu narrowed his eyes, stared at Yi Feng and asked with a smile:"Is that so... Then what are your conditions, Mr. Yi?"

Yi Feng took a puff of cigarette, knocked on the table, and said:"This incident not only caused us to lose most of our business, but also made us lose the trust of our customers. For us, the loss is far more than a few times the price of the goods."

"Mr. Pan, if it were you, you wouldn’t be willing to do it, right?"

"In this way, I will have those two batches of goods recalled, and 120,000 yuan of goods will be returned to you. In addition, we will refund three times the loss, and other will be 600,000.

Yu Guangchun's expression suddenly changed,"What?" 600000?!"

This is five times the price of the goods!

I didn't expect Yi Feng to be so open-minded!

It's crazy!

Pan Chengfu's face also darkened, but he didn't speak immediately. He was just thinking secretly and weighing the pros and cons.

600,000, to be honest, it's better than him The psychological expectations are much higher, but... they are not completely unacceptable.

Because of the impact of that post on the Internet, Sidley has lost 90% of its partners and is expected to lose millions in revenue!

That would be the biggest blow to Shengde Company!

He looked at Cai Tongming to see what Cai Tongming meant. The two looked at each other, and Pan Chengfu immediately understood what Cai Tongming meant and took a sip.

Yan Yan felt very unhappy, but he still managed to put on a smile on his face and said to Yi Feng:"I didn't expect that Nie Xin's incident would cause such a big loss to Mr. Yi. I'm very sorry and feel guilty."

"The conditions that Mr. Yi just mentioned, 600,000, are a bit high, but to show our sincerity, and we also want to cooperate with Mr. Yi in the future, this amount of compensation is no problem"

"Mr. Pan……"Yu Guangchun looked a little anxious and wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Pan Chengfu raising his hand.

"Mr. Yi, I will have the finance department transfer the 600,000 yuan to your account as soon as possible, just today. Pan Chengfu stared at Yi Feng and said.

Yi Feng smiled:"Mr. Pan is really vigorous and resolute in his work. I admire him very much.""

"Since Mr. Pan is so straightforward and straightforward, let the past things dissipate with the wind.

Cai Tongming raised his glass and said with a smile:"Yes, yes, what Mr. Yi said is really good. Let the past go. We will continue to work together in the future. Come on, let me toast to Mr. Yi!""

Pan Chengfu also raised his glass with a smile. Only Yu Guangchun was holding back his face and looked strange, but he could only raise his glass.

Yi Feng glanced at the three of them, took in their respective expressions, and smiled. He also picked up the wine glass.

Wang Tie secretly laughed. Sure enough, this amount must have hit their psychological bottom line!

Brother Feng is really awesome!

After this incident, he was even more shocked by Yi Feng's ability to grasp human psychology. Pan Chengfu drank the wine in one gulp, thinking that the most important thing to talk about next was the matter of the online exposure.

Since he had accepted the conditions offered by Yi Feng, he thought that Yi Feng should also know about this matter. How to do it

"Mr. Yi, I have something I need to ask you for help with."Pan Chengfu saw that Yi Feng had finished smoking, and then handed him another one.

Yi Feng took the cigarette, pretending not to know what he wanted to ask, and asked:"Oh? Mr. Pan, what happened?"

"Recently there was a post on the Internet, exposing rumors about our company, Sidley, which had a great impact on us. Does Mr. Yi know about this? Pan Chengfu asked.

Yi Feng showed a look of surprise,"Oh, I've heard about this."

Pan Chengfu stared at him with squinted eyes,"I don't know who posted it. I wonder if Mr. Yi can get the post to be taken down first?""

"Well, there is a way. Now that Mr. Pan has spoken, I will go back and think of a way and try all the options. It shouldn't be a big problem."Yi Feng smiled calmly.

Pan Chengfu felt cold when he heard what he said. Sure enough!

Sure enough, this post has nothing to do with Yi Feng!

And it is very likely that he posted it himself!

Yi Feng, you are so good, you are so knowledgeable!

Let’s see what happens next!

""Ahahaha, thank you so much, Mr. Yi. Thank you very much! Come on, let me toast you!" Pan Chengfu pretended to be surprised and stood up to toast Yi Feng.

"You're welcome, Mr. Pan is so happy about the compensation, how can I not be happy?"Yi Feng stood up and smiled, and had a drink with him.

After the matter was settled, the two parties continued to drink and talk, and occasionally there was a burst of hypocritical laughter in the box.

This drinking party lasted for a total of three hours. Yi Feng looked at the time It was too late, so he stood up and said goodbye.

Pan Chengfu pretended to stay, and then sent Yi Feng and Wang Tie out of Taotaoju. He even took a taxi for them and paid the fare.

Pan Chengfu's expression changed as he watched the taxi drive out. Yu Guangchun became gloomy and said angrily:"Mr. Pan, we really have to pay them 600,000 yuan in compensation! This, this is too high!

Pan Chengfu gritted his teeth and said,"How can he readily agree to take down the post without paying compensation to this guy named Yi?"! grass!"

He turned his head and stared in the direction the car was leaving, cursing in his heart.

Damn it, Yi, wait for me!

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