Two hours passed in the blink of an eye, and the table was already littered with cups and plates, but everyone still had a bottle of Feixia Liquid in front of them.

Yi Feng glanced at Ning Feipeng and Feng Ze. They were already drunk and a little drunk.

It seemed like the time was right.

Yi Feng turned to Ning Feipeng and sighed:"Brother Ning, my new store plans to open soon, but I don't have the funds to sell goods. I can't even borrow a batch of goods to fill the market."

"It’s really difficult!"

Ning Feipeng is very loyal. When he heard that Yi Feng was in trouble, and it was because he had no money to get the goods, he immediately patted his chest and said:"Don't worry, brother, I have goods in the store, I can lend it to you first, you can Just speak out"

"By the way, my brother Feng is here too. He is a big dealer."

Ning Feipeng turned to Feng Ze and said,"Brother Feng, Brother Yi is also my younger brother. He is trustworthy. I guarantee with my personality that he is short of money to buy goods now. Can you see if you can sell the goods to my brother first in the form of sales instead of purchase?"

Feng Ze smiled. Before coming to drink, he knew that Feng Ze's intention of setting up this game was to ask him to help ship goods to Yi Feng.

He did not agree at the first time because it was risky. He had to see what kind of person Yi Feng was before deciding whether to help.

However, after drinking this meal, he already had a preliminary understanding of Yi Feng.

This young man is not simple!

He speaks and does things without leaking a single word, and he is comprehensive in his dealings with others. He has a unique and long-term business vision. He is not boastful and is very modest. Such a young man will definitely have a promising future! The young are formidable!

Therefore, for such young people who have just started a business and have a promising future, he is also willing to help. Maybe there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future.

"Oh, no problem. Brother Yi wants those computer parts. Bring me a list later and I'll have someone ship them to you. We can cooperate on the basis of selling instead of purchasing."

"It doesn't matter if you can't sell it. As long as the goods are not dismantled, you can return them to me. Feng Ze said with a smile.

Lan Caiyi covered his mouth and said with a smile:"It seems that Mr. Feng admires Brother Yi very much!""

"Helping young people start their own businesses is the right thing to do."Feng Ze looked benevolent.

Yi Feng didn't care whether he really wanted to help. Since he had agreed in front of Ning Feipeng, the matter was most likely settled.

He stood up and raised his glass to Ning Feipeng and Feng Ze said,"Thank you so much, Brother Ning and Mr. Feng!"

"polite."Feng Ze smiled with his eyes narrowed, and raised glasses together.

Cheng Bo also raised his glasses quickly and shouted:"If Brother Yi is short of anything for the opening of the business, you can also tell us. If you can help, we will definitely help!"

""Yes, yes, we are all family, there is nothing to say." Jiao Tongxing was almost drunk, his eyes were blurry and his speech was slurred.

Wan Laosan, who was standing next to him, was very confused when he saw this scene. Damn it, why didn't anyone say anything when I asked you for help, and kept making excuses.

Now that this Yi kid asked you for help, why did everyone agree so readily?

Fuck! What benefits can this Yi kid give you?!

Wan Laosan was sulking in his heart, and he didn't clink glasses with others, but drank alone.

Ning Feipeng saw it and snorted.

What a petty thing!

You deserve it!

Everyone clinked their glasses, and the atmosphere was still lively.

It's just that Yi Feng became the protagonist of the table, while Wan Laosan became a marginal person, and no one cared about him.

Then they drank for another hour, until nine o'clock in the evening, when everyone put down their glasses and chatted.

This drinking session lasted more than three hours.

Wan Laosan saw that the wine was almost finished, so he got up and walked towards Feng Ze

"Mr. Feng, I will rely on you from now on!"

"I'm waiting for your good news!"

"This glass of wine is for you!" Wan Laosan said and raised his head to drink a glass.

Feng Ze laughed:"Mr. Wan is too polite."

Wan Laosan smiled and said:"This meal is on me!"


The waitress guarding the door came in.

"What are your instructions, sir?"

"How much is this table today?"

The waiter took out a small notebook and replied,"The total is 2,700 yuan"

"Okay, I'll pay the bill, give me the bill and charge it to my account!"Wan Laosan waved his big hand and said boldly.

But at the wine table, Ning Feipeng, Feng Ze, Lan Caiyi, and Cheng Bo all looked wrong.

Ning Feipeng showed a trace of anger on his face, and Feng Ze shook his head, eyes With a bit of disdain,

Cheng Bo looked on coldly, feeling like he was watching a monkey play.

"Mr. Feng, this man is hopeless."

This dinner was invited by Ning Feipeng, and he actually rushed to buy it in front of so many people. Doesn't this mean he doesn't take Ning Feipeng seriously?

And he did it in front of so many people. When I asked about the price of the food, did you think it was too expensive for so many people?

Wan Laosan made a big mistake in rushing to pay the bill.

At this time, Yi Feng chuckled and said:"Hey, Mr. Wan, forget it, forget it, I asked Tiezi to pay for it an hour ago."

"I owe Brother Ning a favor for this meal, so I won’t bother you with this small matter."

Ning Feipeng and the other people at the table were a little surprised when they heard this.

They didn’t expect Yi Feng to pay the bill so early, and what he said was very skillful!

Ning Feipeng felt relieved after hearing this, and his expression eased a lot. He smiled and said,"You, you, brother, you are really a smart guy."

Feng Ze’s eyes showed admiration for Yi Feng.

This young man really knows how to behave and do things!

Wan Lao San was stunned:"You have already paid the bill?"

After saying that, his face suddenly showed a bit of embarrassment.

"Ahem, that really cost Brother Yi a lot of money, so I’ll invite everyone to the sauna later!"

"How about we all take a bubble bath together, massage our feet, and feel comfortable?"

"Men can only talk freely when they are shirtless and honest with each other! Hehehe!"Wan Lao San suggested.

Feng Ze's face turned cold and he waved his hand and said,"I'm not going. If you want to go, go by yourselves. I have something to do later."

Going to the sauna will bring some trouble.

Lan Caiyi was with him. What kind of nonsense was Wan Lao San talking about?

Feng Ze, who was like an old fox, also lost his patience with him and showed a little impatience on his face.

"Mr. Wan, I won’t go to the sauna. I don’t have that hobby. You can find Mr. Cheng and Mr. Jiao."Ning Feipeng bluntly refused.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Wan, I really want to go, but it's too late now, and I have to go home. Let's make an appointment another day!" Cheng Bo found an excuse and got up to say goodbye. Jiao Tongxing was not interested in taking a sauna, so he also got up to say goodbye and left, but he was already staggering as he walked.

Wan Laosan was rejected one after another, and he stood there awkwardly, like a fool.

He didn't expect that these people didn't like to take a sauna.

At this time, Yi Feng stood up and said to Wang Tie:"Tiezi, you send Brother Cheng and Brother Jiao to take the bus downstairs first, and tell the driver to be safe on the road."

"Okay, Brother Feng!"Wang Tie stood up and nodded, and went to help Jiao Tongxing downstairs.

Then, Yi Feng turned to Ning Feipeng and Feng Ze and said,"Before I came, I asked Tiezi to book a teahouse nearby. Mr. Feng, Brother Ning, why don't we Go have some tea and take a rest?"

"This is a good suggestion. Drinking tea can sober you up."

Ning Feipeng likes drinking tea the most. When he heard that they wanted to go to a tea room, he became interested.

Feng Ze smiled and said,"Okay, let's go drink tea then."

He glanced at Wan Laosan who was still standing there awkwardly, with contempt in his eyes.

Wan Laosan, you are really not as good as a young man! Are you really living like a dog at your age?

Several people packed up and left.

Yi Feng asked casually,"Mr. Wan, do you want to come together?"

Wan Laosan suppressed his anger and said coldly,"You guys go drink. I won't go.""


Yi Feng grinned, then turned and left.

Wan Lao San stared coldly at Yi Feng's back as he left, anger rising in his heart.

What's so great about this kid?

Damn it, he really stole the limelight today!


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