Rebirth 2003

Chapter 153: Peach Blossom? Peach Blossom Tribulation?

After coming out of the kitchen, although Lu Yang tried not to show his inner emotions, Cao Xue still noticed the change in his mood at a glance. 【First Release】

"What's the matter, dear? I don't seem to be happy just now?"

"Nothing! Is the meal ready?"

"It's ready soon!"


While eating, Cao Xue suddenly remembered one thing and told Lu Yang.

"By the way! Tomorrow is Zhou Jing's birthday. Her boyfriend will treat her to her birthday tomorrow. Zhou Jing told me during class in the afternoon, let us go together tomorrow. Do you have time?"

"Zhou Jing has a boyfriend?"

Lu Yang was a little surprised and had never heard of it.

"Yeah! The boy started chasing her last semester, and only recently confirmed the relationship. Do you have time? Last year I celebrated my birthday, but Zhou Jing came and gave a gift!"

Lu Yang nodded and agreed. Recently, he has published a new series, but there is no pressure of codewords. This kind of thing should be there. Speaking of being able to get together with Cao Xue, Zhou Jing also created opportunities for him.

Although the publisher's refusal to sign the visa somewhat affected Lu Yang's mood, after dinner, Lu Yang still went to the study to continue coding, and he couldn't let a publishing house decide his writing direction.

At midnight, when the code word was over, Lu Yang logged into his mailbox and checked it. Several publishing houses that submitted the manuscript had already responded. Of course, it was not a review message so quickly. He just responded to him. The manuscript has been submitted to the reviewer and asked him to wait for the review result , Most of the review time is half a month. Only the smallest e and f publishing houses have the shortest review cycle in order to grab the source of the manuscript. The reply to Lu Yang is to give the result within a week.

After school the next afternoon, Lu Yang and Cao Xue went back to the rental house to change their clothes, and went to the restaurant where Zhou Jing's boyfriend had a treat, a new Hunan restaurant opened this semester.

When the time came, everyone was almost there. Cao Xue and several of his roommates, Yao Yao, Tan Xiaoxiao, Guan Pingping, and Tong Yaqian were all present.

To Lu Yang's surprise, Jiang Shigang from Sanda Club also came today, sitting next to Guan Pingping. When Lu Yang entered the door, Jiang Shigang enthusiastically shook hands with him.

At the beginning, Jiang Shigang asked him to help introduce Guan Pingping. Lu Yang was not optimistic about him. After all, his image was really bad. He didn't expect that after all these days, he actually won Guan Pingping. .


When shaking hands, Lu Yang smiled and congratulated him.

Jiang Shigang patted Lu Yang on the shoulder with joy, and said in a low voice, "Thank you too!"

In addition to Guan Pingping's boyfriend, Yao Yao also saw a boy who looked a bit rich. He was a little thin, with a fair and delicate skin, and he couldn't help but feel weak. I don't know how Yao Yao liked it.

Of course, Lu Yang also saw Zhou Jing's boyfriend, a bookish, medium-sized boy with a pair of high-quality glasses on his face. Looking at the thickness of the lenses, he was afraid that there would be no more than five hundred degrees.

I was a little shy, but when Lu Yang and Cao Xue came in, they just stood beside Zhou Jing with a shy smile, and reached out and shook Lu Yang.

As soon as Cao Xue entered the door, she hugged Zhou Jing's arm and said to the shy boy in a joking tone: "Chen Jie! You are not allowed to bully Zhou Jing in the future! If you dare to bully my quiet, I will let Lu Yang beat you! Lu Yang practiced, you know?"

The boy named Chen Jie smiled awkwardly, repeatedly saying that he would never absolutely not.

This was originally just a very ordinary birthday party, but the atmosphere at the dinner tonight was a bit wrong. Everyone toasted Zhou Jing and Chen Jie separately. When it was their turn to catch each other freely, Yao Yao and Tong Yaqian’s goal was always Lu. Yang and Cao Xue added that when they were in their junior year, the girl who had said that she didn't drink before went to the wine table and became fierce.

Besides, Yao Yao, as a northern girl, already has a lot of alcohol.

Tong Yaqian always toasts to herself and Lu Yang, Cao Xue knows what it is because of, but Yao Yao is also the same, she is a little confused, and thinks she is venting her anger for Tong Yaqian!

Cao Xue's drinking volume is only average. Although she usually likes to accompany Lu Yang for two drinks, she is definitely not Yao Yao's opponent. Besides, there is also Tong Yaqian, and other people on the table will clink glasses with her from time to time.

If a boy asks her for a drink, she can still find an excuse to shirk, but Yao Yao and Tong Yaqian are both her roommates who have slept with her for two years. In many cases, they must drink with her, and she cannot refuse.

So, halfway through the meal, Cao Xue became a little dizzy, lying on the table to rest from time to time, saying that he would not drink anything.

In order to stop her from drinking, Lu Yang also drank a lot. In addition, there were four boys on the table. Several big men could not always look for girls to drink, and they could not always refrain from toasting. We drank a lot together, especially Jiang Shigang, a guy with no eyesight. Seeing that Yao Yao and Tong Yaqian were always looking for him to drink, they also joined in the fun. They always went to Lu Yang for a drink, and said thankful words over and over again.

For several times, Lu Yang really wanted to knock on his forehead and ask him if something went wrong with his brain. Is anyone so thankful? Helping others to drink him?

In September, it was hot, and everyone was drinking beer. As soon as I drank too much beer, I always wanted to go to the bathroom. Most people at the table had gone to the toilet several times.

Finally, Lu Yang couldn't hold back anymore, so he told everyone, opened the door of the box, and walked lightly and hard to the toilet.

And in the box, when he saw Lu Yang go to the bathroom, Cao Xue was lying on the table and couldn't lift his head. She also drank a lot. The somewhat drunk Tong Yaqian narrowed her somewhat drunken eyes, unexpectedly. Followed out of the box.

Everyone has noticed this scene, but everyone is getting a little bit of alcohol, so no one cares.


After holding back for a long time and finally letting it out, Lu Yang suddenly felt relieved. He shook his head, pursed his mouth, walked out of the bathroom, washed his hands in the sink outside, took some water by the way, and wiped his face.

After that, when I raised my head and wiped the water stains on my face with his sleeve, I noticed that the drunk-eyed Tong Yaqian was leaning on the brown wall next to it.

"You can't hold it anymore?"

Lu Yang joked casually.

Unexpectedly, Tong Yaqian didn't speak at all, just staring at his smiling face, with complicated expressions in her eyes, and she didn't know what was thinking in her heart.

Lu Yang was a little unnatural when she saw this, so he said, "I'm going back first!"

As soon as he wanted to leave, his right hand was suddenly pulled by Tong Yaqian. He turned back in amazement, but Tong Yaqian plunged into his arms. With two cold hands, he hugged his head tightly, and his diamond-shaped lips kissed him tightly. On his mouth.

I was forcibly kissed again...

Last time it was also after drinking, but the last time the heroine was Rui Xiaoxiu, this time she became Tong Yaqian.

Lu Yang's eyes widened, but Tong Yaqian closed her eyes tightly and kissed very hard, making his mouth full of saliva. Lu Yang wanted to push her away, but suddenly saw her closed eyes pouring out. A stream of tears.

The outstretched hands stopped like that, and when Lu Yang reacted again and pushed her head away, several seconds had passed.

Before Lu Yang spoke, Tong Yaqian was already crying and said, "Cao Xue lied to me! Cao Xue lied to me! She said that she gave you to me, she lied to me..."

Lu Yang didn't know what to say. Cao Xue told him about it. Actually, Tong Yaqian just liked him. It is very difficult for a woman who likes herself, Lu Yang, or all men. Under my heart, I had to pat her back, hoping she could calm down quickly.

Lu Yang’s reaction seemed to have given Tong Yaqian the wrong message. She suddenly hugged his head and kissed her again. Lu Yang pushed her with a hand, but she didn’t let it go until Lu Yang pulled her hand away. She pushed away completely, not daring to comfort her any more, and said embarrassedly: "I'm going back." Then she hurried away.

Tong Yaqian was left alone, and suddenly squatted on the ground with her face covered, sobbing silently, shrugging her shoulders, crying very sadly. She is usually calm. Even if Cao Xue told her last time that she and Lu Yang were together again, she never cried like this, but today after drinking alcohol, the emotions that had been holding back for so long finally turned into tears. Out of the eyes.


Tong Yaqian was sad here, and Lu Yang who left in a hurry was also a little confused. A girl like Tong Yaqian who was excellent in all aspects, once she really pursued a man, very few people could refuse it. If it weren't for Cao Xue, he might have just been. Really moved. Especially when she saw her eyes closed today, but she couldn't stop crying.

Although Tong Yaqian once told him that she is a woman who likes to deceive, but Lu Yang doesn't think she is also deceiving tonight. If this is also false, then she can really be a queen.

Soon after Lu Yang returned to the box, Tong Yaqian also packed up his emotions and returned to the private room. From time to time, he looked at him with inexplicable eyes. Lu Yang felt uncomfortable, so he took Cao Xue back to rest and withdrew from the birthday party ahead of schedule.

After this incident, Lu Yang was a little scared to meet Tong Yaqian, thinking in his heart, I hope she can slowly let go of this relationship, after all, the two have never really started, and they should not be deeply stuck.

After waking up, Tong Yaqian seemed to be sensible too, and did not call Lu Yang again, did not call, and did not text messages, and each other's lives seemed to have returned to peace again.

A week later, Lu Yang received replies from e publishing house and f publishing house successively.

e Publishing House approved, but the remuneration was only the price for newcomers. Each episode of 4500.f Publishing House had not reviewed it. The replied review result was that the killing scene was too Yang did not contact e Publishing House immediately, yet Waiting for the reply from a publishing house and b publishing house.

In these days of waiting for the results, Lu Yang still did not stop the creation of the new book, maintaining a speed of about 6,000 words per day, slowly advancing the plot.

The first movie world has been opened.

This time, Lu Yang chose "Reaper Is Coming 1".

This is also a classic Hollywood horror movie. Lu Yang doesn't remember whether the second movie world of the "Infinite Horror" is this, he chose this one anyway.

In this scene, there are no superpowers. The protagonist and supporting roles are ordinary people, but the degree of danger is exaggerated than "Resident Evil 1". Although the movie version of "Resident Evil 1" is murderous, in the end, the heroine is still alive. Down. But in "Reaper Is Coming 1", in the end, the protagonist and supporting roles are all extinguished, and no one lives to the end.

Dangers are always unexpected and hard to prevent. rs

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