Rebirth 2003

Chapter 219: The sea and the sky

Three days later, sitting on the train back to City H, Lu Yang's mind was still echoing the words Cao Xue's mother said to him-I hope you will marry Xiaoxue after graduation.


After graduation, Lu Yang never thought that marriage would be so early in this life. If it was before, when Cao Xue was still by his side, maybe he agreed on impulse, but now his relationship with Cao Xue is still Boy and girlfriend, but I always feel that it's not as good as before.


   Looking at the scenery from the car window, Lu Yang remembered the text message Bai Jingjing sent last night.


   "Lu Yang! I won't contact you again in the future."


   Thinking of this text message, Lu Yang felt a little melancholy in his heart.


In the previous life, if he could be with Bai Jingjing, he would be very happy, and Lu Qingqing, who are all good girls, but unfortunately, they are not in ancient times. It is impossible to marry all the girls they like. As they get older and older, He must make a choice.


   Lu Qingqing hasn't contacted him for a long time, he must have put it down, Bai Jingjing is the second one, who is next? Tong Yaqian?


   The last time she asked me where to go for an internship in the cafeteria, I didn't tell her, presumably as the internship and graduation, we will gradually disconnect from each other!


   Where is Rui Xiaoxiu?


   gave it to him for the first time, and it seemed that he could not give up, and it had already taken a place in his heart.


   Fortunately Xinxin?


   What happened that night was just impulse. Besides, she also left City H. He will go elsewhere soon, maybe he will never see each other again in this life.


   Sitting on the train back to City H, Lu Yang silently sorted out his feelings. He didn't manage the relationship well in the previous life. There are too many women in this life, but they are dazzled, and they still can't deal with emotional matters.


   Sometimes when I'm upset. I really don’t want to fall in love anymore. Just like after graduating from college in my previous life, I fell in love with a woman, weaving a set of lies, designing a romantic beginning, and then putting her in bed as soon as possible, so that I am happy both physically and mentally. You can also enjoy the thrill of being curious, and you won't be tormented by feelings in your heart and leave the bed. He still lives in his own world, coding, fishing, listening to music, watching movies, and occasionally going out to find some food.


   Especially after the relationship problems with Cao Xue, such thoughts often surfaced. Life is just a few decades. It's really tiring to struggle so much.


   What are you going to do?


   Lu Yang looked out the car window, his eyes a little confused.


   Before his rebirth, his savings for many years were only 100,000. Now, he has several million in assets. Without the pressure of survival, he is entangled in emotional matters.


   Thinking about it, Lu Yang suddenly smiled silently.


   I thought: What do you want to do?


   can enjoy. Enjoy it! Is it just to make more deposits in the bank? If the days after rebirth are still as boring as before. It's not even as good as before, what's the point of success?


   However, Lu Qingqing and Bai Jingjing have to leave it alone. One has been playing since childhood, and the other is a good friend in high school. Playing with their feelings is really guilty!


In Lu Yang’s mind, Zhang Li from the Central Academy of Drama, the top beauty in the entertainment industry, had long white legs in his memory. They were very **** and had no friendship with her. If they could get her in bed, it would be great. There will be no guilt either.


   drunk lying on the knees of a beauty, awakening the power of the world.


   Lu Yang can't be so chic, but it shouldn't be a problem to make more money and enjoy a few beauties.


   People's thoughts are changing every period of time, and Lu Yang is also changing little by little.


  Life is not a movie, no one's thoughts can remain unchanged for decades.




On the night when he returned to City H, Lu Yang called Rui Xiaoxiu to come and ate and drank together in the evening, and then went to bed after bathing with each other. The shackles in his heart were released. Lu Yang had a great time that night, no When I slept with Rui Xiaoxiu before, I always felt sorry for Cao Xue.


   This evening, I tried many poses with Rui Xiaoxiu. From the bed to the bed, from the bed to the window, from the window to the balcony, there were traces of the two people's love and love.


Nearly two hours later, the two were exhausted and lay on the bed. Rui Xiaoxiu leaned on Lu Yang's broad chest, turned his face to his side, and stared at Lu Yang who was resting on the bedside with bright eyes, and asked softly: "Lu Yang You are different tonight than before!"


   Lu Yang chuckled, "You don't like it?"


   Rui Xiaoxiu showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, and said, "No! I like it very much."


   Looking at her smiling face, Lu Yang felt more relaxed.


   thought: Maybe I am right! Between men and women, everything is true, and each other will be very tired, and they will look a little better. Sometimes a lie makes each other more harmonious than the truth.


   Just like with Rui Xiaoxiu, he was entangled in the past, and Rui Xiaoxiu followed him in his heart, always worried that one day he would not want her, but like tonight, she will be happier, and she will no longer have that much pressure in her heart.


   Cao Xue should be the same. If you tell her that he has another woman, will she be happy?


   As long as you don't say anything, when you are with her, treat her better, she will naturally be happy too.


  Life is a drama. On different occasions, in front of different people, play your role well, and everyone will be satisfied.


   "After I leave, you can help me take a look at this house when you have time! Open the windows occasionally to let the room ventilate."


   Relaxed, Lu Yang smiled and explained to Rui Xiaoxiu.


   Rui Xiaoxiu blinked her eyes, a little puzzled.


   "You go for an internship, don't you return this house to the landlord?"


   "I have bought the house." Lu Yang touched Rui Xiaoxiu's hair and explained with a smile.




   Rui Xiaoxiu opened her small mouth and looked very cute in surprise.


   Lu Yang smiled and held up her little head, and kissed her slightly opened mouth. Rui Xiaoxiu blinked her eyes twice, then closed her eyes and began to respond.


For a long time, Lu Yang touched Rui Xiaoxiu's face, and said, "There are also my two Internet cafes! Tomorrow I will take you to introduce to a few network administrators. In the future, when I am away, you will take time to help me occasionally take a look. , Call me if you have anything!"


   "Huh? Are you afraid that your girlfriend knows?"


   Rui Xiaoxiu was surprised again.


   Lu Yang shook his head slightly. Said: "I told them that you are my friend and there should be nothing wrong."


   Rui Xiaoxiu was a little disappointed, but immediately became happy again. In any case, this is already an improvement, and Lu Yang started to introduce her to others, even though it was only a friend.


   Around ten o'clock, when Rui Xiaoxiu left Lu Yang, she was in a good mood, with a smile on her mouth. Brisk footsteps.


   And Lu Yang also relaxed from the inside out.


   went to take a shower again, and then went back to the study. Open the notebook, log in to the author's background, and publish today's second chapter.


   Today is August 22.


   "Magic Sword Eternity" is still at the top of the monthly ticket list, and its popularity remains high.


   Landed on Q`Q. It was discovered that he and the Necromancer were making a joint film in the group.


   A set of old clothes: "Wen University is no longer reconciled to being just a network god! The Necromancer is also our number one leader! It is bold! I wish Wen University a great success in its first movie!"


  : "The movie is not fun. Moreover, the Master League said that the investment is only 4 million yuan, and it also includes post-production and publicity expenses. It is very difficult for a small-cost movie to become a big hit!"


   Brother Yuan: "No matter what, I will definitely support Wen Da and the Master League. After the movie is released, I will definitely contribute a movie ticket!"


  M changed: "Take my horse with me at that time! Contribute two!"


   Attack the deepest part of the night: "I also contribute two!"


   Mo innocence: "I contributed three!"


   Yiqiu: "What's the situation of innocence? People take a girlfriend to contribute two, do you have two girlfriends?"


  Yy stray life: "Innocence is too lascivious! But I contributed 4 photos. Haha!"


   His eyes were so messy: "Bringing bragging and not drafting!"


  Yy stray life: "Bringing? What is there to brag? One horse and two lovers, jealous?"


   A set of old clothes: "Grass! Too lustful! Idol!"




   Lu Yang looked at the chat in the group and was smiling. Q`Q's avatar suddenly jumped, and with the beep of Didi, he clicked on it to see that it was a person with the screen name Bai Qi who applied to add him as a friend.


   wrote in the application information: "Wen University! Newcomer authors ask for advice! Be sure to add me! Please."


   Lu Yang was a little surprised, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he clicked to agree.


   Then the newcomer author named Bai Qi sent a private message.


   Bai Qi: "Thank you Wenda! Does Wenda have time now?".


   Lu Yang: "You're welcome, something?"


   Bai Qi: "That's it. I am also a fan of Wenda, and I am currently writing books at the starting point, but my popularity is definitely not comparable to that of Wenda. I want Wenda to spare some time and give me a newcomer!"


   Lu Yang: "I can't talk about it, let's talk to each other! What do you want to ask?"


   Bai Qi: "Wen Da! How can I write a popular work? My popularity is so bad, should I advertise more?"


   Lu Yang smiled, and replied, "Give me the link to your book, and I will see."


   Lu Yang has encountered a few things about the newcomer author looking for the old author to give pointers. Although he barely spent the second line with food and clothing at that time, in the eyes of some newcomer authors, he is already a great god.


   Bai Qi quickly copied the link of the new book, Lu Yang clicked on the book, and the title made Lu Yang frowned.


   "Legend of Floating Leaves"


   Newcomer author named such a book?


  From the title of the book, who can tell what the main content of the book is? The pen name is not well-known, and the title of the book still has such a literary name, and it is really a newcomer through and through.


  Lu Yang continues to read the Newcomers can’t write introductions, please forgive me! But I can guarantee that the content of the book is very exciting! It is definitely not worse than those written by the great gods! Please support! "


   Looking at the cover again, there are still a few willow branches floating there, there is no cover at all.


  The number of words to read again: 64326


   Click 51


   Recommendation 6


   Lu Yang didn't click on the content of the book, there is no need to click on it anymore.


   Such a book title, such a brief introduction, such a cover (no cover), and a completely newcomer, even if such a work is written by himself, he is not sure to use this pen name to make this book popular. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you xhy79, ykjh, and Dongguo Taixuan for the reward of 100 coins, thank you crazy song for the reward of 588 coins, and the monthly pass of @神@, save~help~help~.


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