Rebirth 2003

Chapter 222: Lu Yang's small eyes

After the reception banquet, Lu Yang went to a small supermarket at the entrance of the school by himself to buy some daily necessities. When Lu Yang came, Shao Dahai, who was in the same dormitory, was lying on the bed and slumbering. Tonight, he was also planted in Yangmeibao. Above wine.


  As soon as he walked into the small supermarket, Lu Yang saw Qian Xiaoyu, a Chinese language education major, and a female classmate, picking things from the shelves, apparently also buying daily necessities.


Lu Yang was tall, and just walked in. When he saw Qian Xiaoyu and Qian Xiaoyu's classmates, Qian Xiaoyu also glanced over here. Lu Yang smiled and nodded with her. In other words, he was an alumnus. I thought about it before. Put her in bed during the internship! Although Tong Yaqian is here now, this plan may be ruined, but it's okay to nod when meeting.


   Qian Xiaoyu was obviously taken aback, then smiled and nodded in response.


   She was the same as Lu Yang thought. Everyone was alumni. They didn't come up to talk to each other, but just nod their heads to say hello. She was not so cold, and she was not of this kind of personality.


   After nodding, Lu Yang went to choose what he wanted to buy.


   shampoo, toothpaste toothbrush, towel, washbasin, footbath, tea cup, electric kettle...


   While holding the electric kettle, Lu Yang thought of Tong Yaqian, he hesitated, and took another one. As for Shao Dahai in the same dormitory? Let him live or die.


   Because it is not bad money, Lu Yang bought all the things that Lu Yang could think of. Unlike his internship in the previous life, he had to plan carefully when buying some daily necessities.


   After paying the bill, Lu Yang took two big convenient bags back home. The contents were not only useful. There are also some food and drink, although I choose to come for an internship, I have a little more life experience. Expanding his social circle, but Lu Yang didn't intend to treat himself badly.


Qian Xiaoyu and her female classmate saw Lu Yang's checkout scene in their eyes, frowning slightly, and the female classmate Wang Cuicui next to her also frowned, and whispered to Qian Xiaoyu, "That Lu Yang, Hua Money is lavish! Those things just now are almost enough for his internship salary for two months, right?"


   spent three days and two nights on the train together. Almost all of the internships knew each other, and they knew Lu Yang's name a long time ago.


   "Never mind him! Shall we go see the shower gel?"




   Two girls. In other words, a woman stopped talking about Lu Yang and continued to choose what she wanted to buy.


   Back to the dormitory building, passing by the door of Tong Yaqian and Xu Xiaoman's dormitory. Lu Yang stopped. Suddenly I felt that I had bought one less electric kettle. Xu Xiaoman lived with Tong Yaqian. He bought it for Tong Yaqian, but forgot to buy one for Xu Xiaoman. On the surface, Xu Xiaoman was in the same class with him for three years. , Speaking of it, the relationship should be closer than Tong Yaqian.


   Lu Yang decided to give them both electric kettles. Just wait a minute and buy another one by yourself, it's only a few tens of dollars.


   knocked on the door of Tong Yaqian and their dormitory. It was Xu Xiaoman who opened the door. Seeing Lu Yang standing there with two oversized convenience bags outside the door, Xu Xiaoman was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "Student Lu Yang! What are you doing? So many things. Are you going to give it to me and Tong Yaqian? Who do you want to be with?"


The black thread on Lu Yang's forehead twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly. He shook his head and took out two electric kettles from a large convenient bag and handed them to Xu Xiaoman, saying: "For you! The tap water here, don't you It looks much clearer than ours, and don’t think it’s summer, just go drink cold water. We didn’t grow up here. Drinking cold water will cause diarrhea in all likelihood!"


   Xu Xiaoman was taken aback, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.


"how do you know?"


   Lu Yang Xiaoxiao did not answer this question, "Take it! Be sure to boil the water before drinking!"


Xu Xiaoman took the two electric kettles in a daze, and then glanced at the two big convenience bags subconsciously. He did not see the third electric kettle. He blinked his eyes twice and smiled and handed back one again. With a smile: "I can use one with Tong Yaqian! Use this one by yourself!"


   Seeing that she handed it back one, Lu Yang thought that they had one and they had enough water, so he smiled and picked it up, and then said goodbye to his dormitory.


   Why did Lu Yang think of sending Tong Yaqian an electric kettle just now? Is he not afraid that Tong Yaqian will misunderstand?


the reason is simple! Just like what Lu Yang said to Xu Xiaoman just now, they came from Province A and never lived in Province Y. The water quality here is much clearer than that in Province A, and the water still has a touch of sweetness, but they If you really dare to drink the raw water here, at least nine out of ten will have diarrhea and weaken legs.


   On the contrary, province A looked a little muddy, with some soily raw water. They occasionally drank a little, nothing would happen.


   This is a typical unacceptable situation.


Back in his small room in the dormitory, Lu Yang went out to wash the kettle, then boiled a pot of boiling water and filled a large cup of tea. After thinking about it, he put the electric kettle under the bed and covered it with a suitcase, Shao Dahai The actions these days have made Lu Yang a little uncomfortable, so let him taste the bitterness of being unaccustomed!




Not long after Lu Yang returned to the dormitory, Tong Yaqian also came back from outside. She went to the bathroom just now. After returning, she saw Xu Xiaoman playing with the electric kettle in the small living room, plugging the plug of the electric kettle into the socket, and Tong Yaqian was taken aback. , "Xiaoman! Did you go shopping just now?"


   Xu Xiaoman smiled and looked back at her and smiled, "No!"


  Tong Yaqian: "Where did you get the electric kettle? Didn't it come from the school?"


Xu Xiaoman smiled and said, "Lu Yang just sent it! He took out two to give us. I don’t think he has a third one in his bag. Only one is needed. Lu Yang told me that there is tap water here. Don't look very clear. If you drink it raw, you may get diarrhea. From now on, we will share this electric kettle, right?"




   Lu Yang sent it? Only bought two, and gave both to us? Did you forget to buy three? Is the other one that was originally intended to be given to me or is it given to Xu Xiaoman?


   responded with her mouth, Tong Yaqian had already turned several thoughts in her heart, she has always been a smart girl, only a few turns of her eyes, a smile appeared on her face.


   She didn't believe that Lu Yang's other was only given to Xu Xiaoman. And forgot to buy her one too.




   Before going to bed, Lu Yang opened his notebook and wrote two chapters. There was no network cable in the dormitory. Fortunately, the laptop can access the Internet wirelessly, and there is no problem uploading chapters.


   There was nothing to say all night. At 6 o'clock in the morning the next morning, Lu Yang woke up, put on his clothes, went out to wash, and brought his mobile phone and wallet. Ready to go out and eat some rice noodles.


   has been away from here for almost ten years, but has been missing all kinds of rice noodles here over the years.


   Casserole rice noodles, pork rice noodles, bridge rice noodles...


   Several alumni in the hallway of the dormitory have already got up, and some of them are ready to go out. Some took toothbrushes and towels to wash in the water room next to them. When Lu Yang passed the door of Tong Yaqian and their dormitory, they just opened the door and both girls changed into fresh clothes. Compared to the simplicity in school. I drew a little makeup today and looked at the pixel face, but it looks much better than the plain face.


   Xu Xiaoman's appearance is not bad, just standing with Tong Yaqian, the light is completely obscured by Tong Yaqian.


   Tong Yaqian belongs to the kind of natural beauty, tall, beautiful and elegant, Xu Xiaoman can only be regarded as a bit of beauty at best, the same is the same. Both women belong to the beauties of temperament, and Tong Yaqian's body is more elegant. Xu Xiaoman's body is more bookish.


   The two women saw Lu Yang just out of the house. They were a little surprised. Xu Xiaoman smiled and said, "Lu Yang, you wake up so early? Don't you guys like to sleep late? Except for the entry formalities today, you don’t have to go to class!"


   Tong Yaqian smiled and looked at Lu Yang without speaking.


   "I'm out for breakfast! Do you want to be together?"


   "We are also going to have breakfast! I don't know what's delicious here." Xu Xiaoman said.


   "Let's do it together?"




   Then the three of them went downstairs and went outside the school in a happy mood.


After going downstairs and walking on the empty campus boulevard, the three of them all felt refreshed. Compared to yesterday evening, the morning air here is fresher and the sky is still so blue. Looking around, all the flowers and trees on the campus are It is verdant, and if you live here, you may live longer.


   Xu Xiaoman smiled and asked, "Lu Yang! What are you going to eat?"


   "Rice noodles! Would you like to try it?"


   Xu Xiaoman and Tong Yaqian looked at each other, Tong Yaqian smiled and nodded. Xu Xiaoman was also heart-stricken. I have long heard that the rice noodles here are delicious. It is definitely a shame not to try it.


   So, Lu Yang took them to an old shop more than a hundred meters away from the school, where a dozen people were already eating and sweating.


   On such a hot day, it is almost impossible to eat hot rice noodles without sweating, even though there are two big electric fans in the shop.


   "Did you step on the spot last night?"


   Seeing Lu Yang brought them here directly, Xu Xiaoman and Tong Yaqian both felt curious. There are several rice noodle shops next to the school gate.


   "Boss! Here is a casserole rice noodle! You two want to order what you want! I invite you!"


Lu Yang smiled and did not answer Xu Xiaoman’s question. He directly told the boss who was busy at the door what he wanted. The boss enthusiastically agreed. Seeing two tall beauties, he immediately enthusiastically asked the two beauties if they wanted to eat. What?


   At this time, Lu Yang had already noticed four acquaintances in the rice noodle shop.


A young man and a woman are my alumni. The English class students who came here for internship this time have already met on the train. The boy’s name is Wu Tianfa and the girl’s name is Wang Xia. The two seem to be lovers, and they are already sitting at this time. In the corner you said I was eating rice noodles with a smile, and there were two bottles of ice tea on the table.


   A man and a woman in their thirties were the chemistry teacher and his wife in the same office during the internship in the previous life. At this time, he did not know Lu Yang.


This teacher is talented and exquisite. The biggest impression given to Lu Yang is that this person is superb. In the next year, two teachers with similar qualifications will be planted in his hands, and afterwards, Few people know that he made the move.


   If it weren't by chance, Lu Yang wouldn't know the inside story.


   In his last life, Lu Yang also suffered from his dark losses.


When Lu Yang, Tong Yaqian and Xu Xiaoman went in to find a seat, the bright eyes of the chemistry teacher cast over him, with a smile on his face from beginning to end. Lu Yang went from knowing him to leaving this place. The school never saw the smile on his face disappear, as if it had become a facial makeup.


   "The three are also new teachers? Come and sit together! I am also a teacher in the third middle school, my surname is Bi! You can call me Bi Ge!"


Sure enough, this person was very enthusiastic when they first met. Xu Xiaoman and Tong Yaqian saw that he was so enthusiastic, and they were also old teachers in the Third Middle School. They glanced at Lu Yang and sat down at their big round table, Lu Yang's face He also walked over and sat down with a smile, no one could tell that he was already wary of this person in his heart.


   Anyone who sees this teacher Bi’s warm smile and words will think he is a good and enthusiastic colleague.


After everyone sat down, Bi Dongxue introduced his wife with a smile on his face. His wife was smiling and looked gentle and dignified. This is also the capital of Bi Dongxue. Many male teachers envied him for having such a gentle and dignified wife. I like to walk around the campus holding hands.


   Lu Yang and others naturally introduced themselves.


   Through conversations, they know each other's information.


   Bi Dong is a junior high school teacher in chemistry. He patted his chest and said if there was anything to do in the future, just ask him for help.


   When Lu Yang returned to the dormitory, Shao Dahai had already gotten up, but his face was a little pale, his brows were frowning, and he was sitting on the wooden chair in the living room with one hand on his stomach, as if he was paralyzed.


   Lu Yang knew what was going on, smiled in his heart, but asked, "Boss! What's wrong with you?"


Shao Dahai put his chubby right hand weakly, and said weakly, "Don't mention it! I don't know what's going on. I started having diarrhea in the middle of the night. I had diarrhea three or four times in one night, and two more times in the morning, **** it yesterday! There must be a problem with the restaurant’s food! By the way! Did you pull it?"


   "Diarrhea? I didn't! Would you like to buy some medicine?"


   Seeing the appearance of Shao Dahai, the unhappiness that Lu Yang had accumulated these days was wiped out, grandma's! They are all brothers in the same dormitory, and they are always thinking about taking advantage of their brothers.


"I went to buy medicine just now! Damn! My legs are stretched! No! Why are you all right? Several classmates next Several have been pulling since last night! That's right! I’m a little dehydrated, please help me take a cup to get some tap water! Grandma’s! The tap water in this horrible place is pretty good, and it’s a bit sweet!"


   is in a dormitory after all, and Lu Yang didn't plan to continue to fix him. He was surprised at the moment: "No? Did you drink raw water for diarrhea? Did you drink raw water for diarrhea last night?"




   Shao Dahai was stunned. The water quality here is much better than that in his hometown. In the summer of his hometown, he often drank raw water. He had diarrhea since last night and he didn't think about the water quality at all.


"No way?"


   Shao Dahai will be suspicious. (To be continued...)


PS: Thanks to my family. General Bai Qi, Dongguo Taixuan Jun, Invincible is the most handsome, sad ↑Star rewards 100 coins, thanks xhy79 for rewards 200 coins, thanks to yy stray life for rewards 588 coins, thanks to Yang Jiadi A five-star evaluation ticket for one person, as well as monthly ticket support for Zui Xiaodao, Pink Monkey, Wo Shi Xiaohao, Xiao Mingwa and others.


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