Rebirth 2003

Chapter 236: Unprecedented punishment

   On the morning of October 5th, Lu Yang, who was still sleeping on my desk, was bumped into by the dean of academic affairs Chen Jian. This time Chen Jian's face was a little dark, too shameless! He is also the dean of the school's junior high school. He just warned yesterday that he is still asleep today? Also, I don't care about me as the dean of academic affairs.


Yesterday, Chen Jian used **** to knock on the table to wake Lu Yang. Today, he was a bit angry, and there were three other teachers in the office. This kind of obvious slap in the face made Chen Jian a little bit unconscious on his face, and he was very angry. The ground jumped straight from the sole of the foot to the forehead.

   Two slapped slaps on Lu Yang's desk, but Tong Yaqian is not there at this time today, otherwise she would definitely wake Lu Yang with her foot under the desk.

   With such a loud noise, Lu Yang will be awakened no matter how loudly he dozes. Opening his sleepy eyes, Lu Yang saw Chen Jian's black face, and he showed a wordless wry smile at the time.

  I wondered if the dean of academic affairs was so idle all day long? Just came to inspect the office yesterday, come again today? Did you let people sleep well?

   Of course, it is impossible for Lu Yang to utter such silly words in his heart.

   rubbed his head and admitted his mistake honestly: "Director! Sorry! I will definitely not sleep next time!"

   Hearing Lu Yang took the initiative to admit his mistakes, Chen Jian's face looked better. Everyone is a colleague. Although he is a leader, it is not the relationship between the teacher and the students.

   immediately nodded reluctantly, and warned: "Get a good night's rest! How does this mental state work?"

   Seeing Lu Yang nodded and said, "The director is right! I must have a good rest tonight!"

   Chen Jian nodded, glanced at the others, and turned away.

   "Hey! Lu Yang! You are amazing!"

   As soon as Chen Jian left, Xu Heng behind another desk gave him a thumbs up. He had never seen Lu Yang go to bed during class before in university. He didn't expect to work now, but he showed this side.

In my heart, Xu Heng was envious and hated of Lu Yang, and he was envious of Lu Yang when he was in college. He published so many novels and opened an Internet cafe to make money. His girlfriends are also pretty and jealous of him. The object of hate, every dick's silk is happy to see the other party's unlucky food in his heart.

   This is like ordinary people seeing the downfall of a certain official on the news, or a pornographic photo of a certain celebrity. It is absolutely delightful to see!

  Another old teacher also laughed and said, "Ms. Xiao Lu has a personality! Director Chen's face was dark just now, hehe, he almost went crazy!"

   Another female teacher also laughed and jokingly said, "Mr. Lu! Do you still dare to sleep tomorrow? If you dare to sleep tomorrow, I will really be convinced!"

   Xu Heng roared, "Lu Yang, if you dare to sleep tomorrow, I will treat you to a big meal!"

Lu Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head, usually for fear that the world will not be chaotic. However, he really can’t guarantee that he won’t sleep tomorrow. Recently, he updates at least three chapters every day, sometimes four chapters and five chapters a day. The famous quick gunner was chasing him, and Lu Yang had to accompany him to fight for speed.

However, the current Sanshao has long been a full-time codeword, and he spends more codewords every day than him, and he is determined to get the number one on the monthly ticket list in the first month of its launch. Lu Yang does not sacrifice the time codeword for sleeping. Really can't fight him.

   Sure enough, when I came back from work at night and saw that "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen" was only 80 monthly tickets away from "Magic Sword Eternity", Lu Yang couldn't calm down.

   The abnormality of San Shao actually updated six chapters today. This is the beginning of the month! Do you want to be so inhumane?

Lu Yang was reluctant to be the first of this month. He gritted his teeth and had no cooking. He soaked a bowl of instant noodles and started fighting. At around 7 o'clock in the evening, the first chapter was written, upload the chapter, continue the code, wait until almost. At 10 o'clock, the second chapter is completed, and the third chapter continues. When the third chapter is well coded, the time is almost half past one in the morning.

   Someone may ask, why has the third chapter been written for so long?

   This is a typical example of having more than one heart but not enough energy!

For so many days of lack of sleep, Lu Yangneng insisted on finishing the third chapter is already very good, plus a chapter written at noon, there are already four chapters, the more tired he writes later, after ten o'clock in the evening, Lu Yang's head started. I feel dizzy, I can’t keep up with my energy, sometimes I write, my head is like a chicken pecking rice, and when I wake up suddenly, I find that there are a lot of messy text on the document, which is not coherent at all. , You can only delete and rewrite, and the more words you write, the more uncontrollable your fingers will be, and your fingers will start to soften. How can it be possible to continue to maintain the normal codeword speed in this state?

   The text written in this state will have to be overhauled at the end, otherwise there will be a lot of nonsense and typos in the chapter!

   These days, Lu Yang has been in this state because he typed too much every day, and even his fingers started to peel off.

   (In other words, some time ago, with the outbreak of 12,000 words every day, Lao Mu’s fingers always peeled off. Recently, the skin was changed.)

   Turn off the computer, and when Lu Yang went to bed after washing up, it was almost two o'clock in the morning. The steamed buns shop downstairs opened the shutter with a crash and prepared buns and steamed dumplings.

   At 7 o'clock in the morning the next morning, Lu Yang would not wake up at all if the phone alarm was not ringing, and he could barely get up, his head was also dizzy.

   So that morning, Lu Yang, a warrior, risked the world's worst. Under the warning of the dean for two consecutive days, he resolutely lay on his desk to sleep.

Chen Jian, the dean of academic affairs, might want to check the results of his warning. He thought that Lu Yang would definitely not dare to go to bed during working hours today. He was ready in his heart. Then, in front of everyone, he would praise Lu Yang. After all, he I also heard that Lu Yang, an intern who is both civil and military, is able to share a little work for himself if he is drawn to work under his own hands.

   Unexpectedly, just walking to the door of Lu Yang's office with a smile on his face, he saw Lu Yang lying on his desk like the previous two days, sleeping soundly.

This is?

   Chen Jian held his breath in his chest and almost yelled at him. In an instant, 10,000 grass mud horses galloped past his heart. Above his forehead, there seemed to be a group of crows screaming and flying past.

   This is totally improperly using the village head as a cadre!

Several teachers in the office who were drinking tea and reading the newspaper saw this scene. The female teacher who had only teased Lu Yang yesterday snorted and couldn't help laughing. Everyone saw Chen Jian’s face darker. I was so angry that my body started to tremble.

   Fortunately, Tong Yaqian was in the office at this time. When she saw Chen Jian appearing at the door of the office, her expression changed and she hurriedly kicked Lu Yang's leg under the desk.

Lu Yang, who was sleeping soundly, kicked her back, and then he woke up, raised his sleepy eyes, half opened one eye, and looked at Tong Yaqian on the opposite side, frowning and asking, "Why are you kicking me? Stop it! You're sleepy!"

   Tong Yaqian was almost dying of anxiety, so she hurriedly made a gesture to Lu Yang's back.

Lu Yang is not a fool either. Seeing her anxious expression, he felt a little in his heart. If he knew it was not good, he still wanted to save it. He rolled his eyes twice and blinked quickly, trying to get rid of the sleepy sleepiness on his face, and then deliberately Increase the volume and say: "Why are you kicking me? I was not sleeping just now! I only promised Director Chen yesterday! I was just thinking about the problem..."

   "Ms. Lu Yang!!!"

   Standing at the door, Chen Jian suddenly yelled, interrupting Lu Yang's self-washing, his face was red with anger, he warned the day before yesterday, he still dare to sleep today? I saw it with my own eyes just now, he still dare to quibble? Do you think I can be fooled by you without looking back?

   deceive people too much!

  Is there still me as the dean of education?

   is too arrogant!

   Under the raging anger, Chen Jian called Lu Yang's full name for the first time, and the anger in his heart can be imagined.

   Several teachers in the office, except Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian, all laughed, and Xu Heng laughed so much that tears were coming out.

At this time, Tong Yaqian was no longer in a hurry, so she could only look at Lu Yang helplessly, with worries in her eyes as well as dumbfounding. Who would have thought that he would go to the dark one by one. The dean of academic affairs has warned me for two consecutive days. He simply ignored the dean's warning, and no leader could calm down this kind of thing. Besides, Chen Jian was just a young man in his early thirties, so how could he bear such a tone.

   Lu Yang stood up reluctantly and turned around, looking at Chen Jian at the door awkwardly. At this moment, he was embarrassed to continue saying that he was not asleep just now.

   Self-cleansing has failed, and continuing to quibble at this time will only arouse Chen Jian's anger even more.

   "Come to my office!"

   Chen Jian gritted his teeth and glared at Lu Yang, gave a low voice, turned and left.

   Lu Yang sighed, no sleep, and wanted to scratch his head. This situation is difficult to resolve! He was too embarrassed to face Chen Jian.

Yesterday, Lu Yang’s female teacher joked again at this time: "Mr. Lu! You are a real warrior! I have never admired anyone before, and now I have served it! Really served! Real warrior, dare to face the bleak Life, face the dripping blood! Haha!"

   Another male teacher also laughed and said, "Director Chen must hate you to death! The expression just now is almost the same as wanting to eat people! Teacher Xiaolu! Take care! You must come back alive!"

Xu Heng laughed and slapped his feet on the table. He laughed breathlessly and said, "Lu Yang! Are you trying to eat the meal I invited? Hero! God of cook! I finally understand what a bird is eating. Now! You are here to eat my feast, and you will die! Take it! Lu Yang, brother Lu! I will call you brother Lu in the future! Of course, if you can come back alive!"

   Tong Yaqian: "Go! Be careful! You didn't listen to me asking you to go to bed early at night, do you regret it now?"

   Lu Yang glanced silently at the few teachers who were not smiling well, shook his head and walked out of the office to Chen Jian's office.

   Xu Heng's second grade second voice came from behind: "The wind is depressed, but the water is cold... The strong man is gone and never returned..."

   Return your next door!

   Lu Yang couldn't help but cursed in his heart, what kind of classmate is this? Glorious to such an extent? However, Lu Yang sighed inwardly, and he didn't blame others for gloating.

   It's a pity, it's all to blame San Shao that fast `gun`man who fights with him every day to spell out the number of words, otherwise, why would he bother to code words every day at one or two in the morning?


   Take a deep breath and walk into Chen Jian's office. Chen Jian's office is not only Chen Jian, but also two teachers named as Academic Affairs Office. Both their desks are in this office.

   Chen Jian was sitting behind the desk, staring at him coldly. When Lu Yang walked in, he noticed that the two teachers were looking at him strangely, with undisguised smiles in their eyes.

   Seeing other people's bad luck, everyone is always happy.

   as long as it is not oneself.

   Lu Yang walked to the opposite of Chen Jian's desk. If it was the usual, Chen Jian would definitely let him sit down. After all, Lu Yang's current identity is a teacher, and his colleagues still have to give this respect.

But at this time Chen Jian was annoyed on his chest, did not mention half of the word "sit", and stared at Lu Yang coldly. After Lu Yang stood still, he suddenly slapped his desk on the desk and said angrily: "Lu Teacher Yang! How did you promise me yesterday? Yesterday, the day before yesterday, and even the day before yesterday, I have heard that when Vice President Xiang Tianlu visited your office, you were sleeping too! How did you explain? A few days on National Day Just after the holiday, you slept openly in the office during working hours every day, and you did not change it! What do you want to do? Is there any leader in your eyes? Do you want the signature of the leader after the internship? Do you want to stay in school to teach? Just your attitude! Just your attitude! I'm mad at me! Tell me! Don't pretend to be dumb! What do you say about this matter? How to solve it?"

   Allow Chen Jian to vent, until he stops to drink tea Yang has a chance to speak.

   "Sorry! Director Chen! Give me another chance, this time I really promise that I won't sleep again."

   The two teachers in the office pursed their lips and grinned.

Chen Jian pointed at Lu Yang with his finger and wanted to scold him again, but he had cursed so much in one breath just now, and his heart was not as full as before. After calming down a little bit, he straightened his clothes and stopped scolding Lu. Yang, scolding can’t solve the problem, and it offends people. Lu Yang’s current status is qualified to give him grades every year when he comes down from the top of the assessment. Sometimes the leaders who come down from the top will ask them, these interns, to ask, they During the internship, how did the leaders treat them.

   There is such a procedure every year, and now Lu Yang is offended. If you ventilate with a few good interns, he will be criticized next time the leader comes down for an assessment.

   After thinking for a while, Chen Jian took a stack of blank draft paper from the table and threw it in front of Lu Yang.

Lu Yang thought he was asking him to write a review, but he heard Chen Jian say: "You sleep in the office every day, I guess you are idle! This way! Isn't it all said that you are good at writing and have published many novels? Our school happened to have it recently. A few good people and good things, give you three days, write me a few manuscripts and give them to me, then I will submit to the newspaper in the name of the school! Your manuscript written by a great writer will definitely pass? If you can’t make it. , You can rewrite it for me! Keep writing until it can be published in the newspaper!"

   Lu Yang opened his mouth slightly, is there such a punishment?

   The other two teachers in the office also looked surprised.

   unprecedented! RS

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