Rebirth 2003

Chapter 249: Drive a tiger and devour a wolf


Teacher Fu and Teacher Wu, you say and I mean only one thing, that is, it is absolutely impossible to conduct a second investigation, not to mention whether Lu Yang threatened those students, even if not, if the average of the second investigation The score is a few points higher than the first time. Where do they put their two faces? Isn't that telling everyone that their survey scores are problematic? How do you manage other teachers by taking surveys and scoring things in the future?

Dean of Academic Affairs Chen Jian took out a cigarette and lighted it, looking at Lu Yang and said, "Mr. Lu Yang! This time the score is fine, no matter whether your score sheet can be found at the end, the Academic Affairs Office will no longer embarrass you with this matter. However, there are still a few manuscripts to be written by the Academic Affairs Office recently. If you are good at writing, just take it and write it! I will help you submit it to the newspaper after you finish it!"

  I still want to write a manuscript?

   Lu Yang almost laughed angrily, how much money can I get to write a manuscript for the newspaper? Last time I wrote three manuscripts to Chen Jian and published them in the newspapers, so I paid 80 yuan for the manuscripts. What about the beggars?

Not to mention that the cost of the manuscript is very low. It is because the scoring thing made this time that it was so disgusting that Lu Yang could no longer write him a manuscript. At the moment, Lu Yang sneered and said: "Excuse me, Director Chen. Please be smart!"

After    spoke angrily, Lu Yang didn't even look at Chen Jian's face, turned around and left the Academic Affairs Office.

In the Office of the Academic Affairs Office, Chen Jian was almost choked by a puff of cigarettes. His face was extremely ugly. Teacher Fu and Teacher Wu were taken aback for a moment, and then Teacher Wu patted the table and said, "Director Chen! This intern can't be cured! The task you assigned yourself. , He dared to refuse directly, he didn't understand the rules!"

   Teacher Fu also said: "Director Chen! I want to beat him!"

   Chen Jian: "……"


Lu Yang walked out of the Academic Affairs Office angrily, and ran into Liang Hongyun head-on. Liang Hongyun exclaimed, but his voice was not loud. The exclamation sound was a bit sweet. She was nearly forty years old. However, her charm still exists, and her voice is delicate, which is not objectionable.

   Lu Yang subconsciously hugged her and almost knocked her to the ground. Liang Hongyun, the wife of Vice Principal Lu, was hit so hard that it was even harder for him to gain a foothold in this school.

Liang Hongyun was not angry. After exclaiming softly, he stood firmly under Lu Yang's embrace, gave Lu Yang a white smile, and left Lu Yang's arms, smiling: "Ms. Xiao Lu! How can he walk? In such a hurry? Almost knocked me down!"

   "Sorry Mr. Liang! I'm sorry!"

Lu Yang quickly apologized. Liang Hongyun didn't have any angry look on his face. There was still a smile on his face that never disappeared. He glanced up and down at Lu Yang, covered his mouth and smiled, and said: "Okay! It's okay, you're busy. Go! Don’t go so fast! You will be miserable if you bump into the principal and the principal!"

"Ha ha."

   Lu Yang smiled awkwardly, nodded and walked to his office. Liang Hongyun turned and smiled and looked at Lu Yang's leaving back, then pushed open the door of Vice Principal Lu's office, and walked in generously.

  Vice principal Lu was writing something, Liang Hongyun came in, he just raised his eyelid, and didn't speak, anyway, it was the couple, he didn't have to do superficial work with her.

   Liang Hongyun habitually filled his teacup with some boiling water, and then leaned against the edge of the desk with a smile, hugging his arms and smiled: "Guess what I heard just now?"

  Vice President Lu didn’t lift his eyelids when he heard the words, and said angrily: “When will you get rid of this gossip problem? Don’t be afraid that people will see the joke!”

Liang Hongyun was not angry, with a groaning smile on his face, and continued: "The little Lu Yang went to the Academic Affairs Office just now and asked Chen Jian for last week's scoring form, but Chen Jian couldn't get it out. Teacher Wu followed Teacher Fu was still next to Xiao Lu Yang, Chen Jian also wanted to ask Xiao Lu Yang to help him write the propaganda draft, but the angry teacher Lu Yang refused in one fell swoop..."

   "Is there such a thing?"

  Vice President Lu stopped the pen in his hand, a little surprised.

   Liang Hongyun looked at him with a smile, and said, "How? Little Lu Yang is your own family! Both are surnamed Lu, five hundred years ago, maybe they were really a family! Are you not going to help him get ahead?"

Vice Principal Lu chuckled and said, "According to your statement, the teachers in the school must have the surname Lu, should I still do work? Okay! I see, we don’t have to intervene in this matter. When the time comes, I will discuss with Lao Sun and change the number of teachers to do it. If the scores are too different, let's talk about it!"

   "I don't care what you do!"

   After Liang Hongyun said with a smile, he left the office of Vice Principal Lu, not knowing where he was going for a stroll.


   Everyone underestimated Lu Yang's character. What does it mean that a bachelor should not have sand in his eyes?

   Lu Yang quickly explained the meaning of this sentence to everyone, the workplace version! Leaving the Academic Affairs Office, he ran into Liang Hongyun. After a few words, Lu Yang's anger had almost calmed down. However, he didn't want to swallow that breath. Anyway, he didn't plan to stay after the internship. Here, not to mention that Chen Jian, the dean of academic affairs, is young. Although he is in a high position, he is not powerful.

  Vice principal Sun is the boss of the junior high school. After saying goodbye to Liang Hongyun, Lu Yang originally wanted to go back to his office directly, but after halfway through the road, he turned his eyes, turned around, and knocked on the door of Vice Principal Sun’s office.

   Chen Jian has always wanted to challenge the authority of Vice Principal Sun and speak his own voice. Naturally, Vice Principal Sun cannot be on the same road as Chen Jian.

   Most of the interns hadn't noticed these things, but Lu Yang had known it a long time ago.

"Come in!"

When Lu Yang walked into the office of Vice President Sun, Vice President Sun was talking to Director Chen, the number one dogleg under his command. When Lu Yang came in, Director Chen from the School Affairs Office smiled and nodded to Lu Yang, which was regarded as a greeting. Vice President Sun also showed a smile on his face, and asked in a harmonious voice: "It turns out to be Teacher Xiaolu! Is there anything wrong with Teacher Xiaolu?"

   Lu Yang: "Principal! I'm here to resign!"

Lu Yang wants to give Vice Principal Sun a reason to intervene in this matter. Otherwise, even if Vice Principal Sun is the boss of the junior high school, he would not be able to intervene in the work of the Academic Affairs Office. However, if it involves personnel issues, Deputy Sun The principal has enough reason to intervene.

Director Chen of the School Affairs Office's eyes lit up, Vice President Sun frowned slightly, looking at Lu Yang, and said, "Mr. Xiao Lu! Internship is not a trivial matter. It is related to whether you can get a diploma after graduation. You have to consider it. Clear!"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "The principal! It's not that I am sloppy. I always thought that my lectures were okay and the students liked it. However, in the survey conducted by the Office of Academic Affairs, I only scored 37 points. Such a low score clearly shows me. I am totally incapable of this job, so, in order not to mislead others, I request to resign!"

Vice President Sun looked at Lu Yang and did not speak for a while. Chen Bin, who was sitting on the sofa next to him, suddenly said: "Mr. Lu! I heard that you are very uncomfortable with the grading this time. You think there is a problem with the grading this time. Are you sure? "

  Vice principal Sun still just looked at Lu Yang without making a sound, but the expression in his eyes changed slightly.

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Yes! My students told me that they gave me high marks when I was in class, so I never believe that the average score is only 37 points, but the Office of Academic Affairs Insist that this is the real score, I have nothing to say, only resign!"

After speaking, Lu Yang added another sentence: "I asked to see the score sheet written by the students. Director Chen Jian agreed, but they could not find the form. I asked for a re-grading. Director Chen and the two officers of the Academic Affairs Office also resolutely refused. Agree, I can’t interfere with the work of the Academic Affairs Office, but for my own work, I think I have the right to resign!"

   stunned head green!

   Chen Bin and Vice President Sun had this idea in their minds, but the matter still needs to be resolved. If for this reason a recognized intern who is the most talented is left, what will they say behind the leaders of the school?

Fortunately, this matter has nothing to do with them. Vice President Sun nodded and smiled again, and said, "So! Teacher Xiaolu! What about this! I know, I will help you to ask questions. You will go back to work for the time being and quit your job. Let’s not talk about the matter for the time being. After this matter has the results, we will talk about resignation, okay?"

   That's what Lu Yang wanted. He nodded and said, "Okay! I'll wait for your news from the principal."

   then politely nodded goodbye to the two and exited the office.

  Wait for Lu Yang to Both smiles appeared on their faces, and Chen Bin said, "Principal! Let me do this, right?"

  Vice Principal Sun smiled and nodded, "Be more beautiful!"

   "Don't worry, you!"

   Chen Bin smiled and went out.

  Walking out of Vice Principal Sun’s office, Lu Yang smiled slightly, driving away the tigers? Leverage strength? Whatever the plan, as long as the matter can be resolved.

   He doesn't take the initiative to provoke others, but since others have already attacked him, he can't let anyone squeeze him.

   This time the score is only 37. Next month, in order to protect his face, will the Academic Affairs Office continue to give him more than 30 points? Even lower?

   Back to the office, Xu Heng smiled and asked, "Lu Yang! Did you go to the Academic Affairs Office just now? How about? Did you get the score wrong? Did Director Chen apologize for you? When will the real score be announced?"

   The other teachers also looked at Lu Yang with a smile, and Lu Yang glanced at Xu Heng coldly, then packed up the things on the desk, and then turned away.

   took advantage of this opportunity to go back to the codeword, but when he was discovered by the leader, it could be said that he was in a bad mood.

   Not far after leaving the office, Tong Yaqian sent a message over. Lu Yang took out his mobile phone while continuing to walk out of school, and saw Tong Yaqian asking in the message: "Where are you going? Are you not going to work?"

   "Go back to the codeword, don't worry."

   Lu Yang replied casually.

   Returning to the residence, Lu Yang really set his mind and starting code, and wrote two chapter codes after five o'clock in the evening, which made Lu Yang feel good. RS

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