Rebirth 2003

Chapter 263: action

The text on the computer screen appeared line by line. Lu Yang wrote very slowly. The corner of his eye was always paying attention to the gate of Hengxin Foreign Trade Trading Company. Finally, the time came to 11:30 noon, and it was past again. For a moment, some men and women in suits and leather shoes finally appeared one after another in the company's gate. In the crowd, Lu Yang saw the heroic Feng Tingting.


   It’s been a long time since she came out and ended up looking more beautiful than before. She has a dark lady's suit, white shirt, black high heels, and her hair is clipped behind her head with a hairpin. She has become a white-collar worker on the sandfield.


The man driving the Porsche Cayenne that I saw in the restaurant last time did not appear next to her. Lu Yang looked away from the computer screen, but for more than half an hour, he did not see that man. Some of them have been eaten. The lunch employees have been returning to the company one after another, and still haven't seen the man.


   Lu Yang was a little disappointed. During the period, he received a call from Wang Lin, saying that he would invite him to dinner at noon. Lu Yang said that he had something to do in the past two days, and he would not have to eat together for these two days.


In the afternoon, Lu Yang quietly coded words in this coffee house, and wrote two chapters in the afternoon. In the evening after work, Lu Yang continued to pay attention to the gate of Hengxin Foreign Trade Trading Company. Each employee left after work, and Lu Yang saw it again. Feng Tingting's figure, but still did not find the man's shadow.


   Is he not working here? What's the situation?


   Lu Yang couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. The first day passed. Lu Yang packed his computer and returned to the hotel where he was staying. Zhang Li came back that night. The next morning, Lu Yang continued to watch the coffee shop. On the surface, he was still there.


   It may be that Lu Yang stayed here for most of the day yesterday. In the afternoon, I was there for a long time to code the manuscripts, and some waitresses in the coffee shop noticed him. When serving him coffee today, a sweet-looking waitress put down his coffee and glanced curiously at Lu Yang’s laptop screen. , Hesitated for a while, and asked in a low voice: "Sir. Are you a novelist?".


   Lu Yang took a moment to look at her unexpectedly, and that was it. The waitress blushed a bit, but the curiosity in her eyes could not hide.




   Lu Yang laughed, and said casually: "The novelist dare not call it, just eat it!"


  Who would dare to call himself a novelist? Who would call himself a novelist?


  The writer dare not recognize it. At most, he will only say that he is a network writer. Even after many years, those great gods with a monthly income of millions will not call themselves novelists.


   "Huh? You really write a novel?"


The waitress’s eyes lit up. At this time, the business was not very busy. The waitress did not rush to leave. She moved closer, with big bright eyes, and continued to ask curiously: “What novel are you writing? How is the popularity? It should be good, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't come to the coffee shop to write a manuscript, right?"


   Lu Yang smiled and nodded. The little girl is right. A cup of coffee in the coffee shop is dozens of dollars. Generally, a street writer may not be able to earn dozens of yuan after a hard day's hard work, and an author who is not a bit popular cannot bear that money in the codeword of the coffee shop.


   Lu Yang remembers that in his previous life, he was very envious when he heard that Fang wanted to like to code in a coffee house. At that time, he also thought that the atmosphere of the coffee house is very good! The codewords there must feel very good, but it is a pity that he is reluctant to make some hard work all day and spend it there.


   After chatting with the waitress for a while, the waitress was called away by the colleague, and Lu Yang began to code. When it was lunch time, his eyes began to pay attention to the door of the Hengxin Foreign Trade Trading Company.


The Porsche Cayenne and the man that did not show up yesterday finally appeared today. At lunch time, when there were no employees at the gate of Hengxin Foreign Trade Trading Company, the slick Porsche appeared at the door, and the man in the car did not. Get out of the car immediately, but Lu Yang knows that he is probably in the car.


Sure enough, when Feng Tingting walked out of the company’s door, the man came out of the car in a slim and elegant suit crimson. Even his hair seemed to have just been made from a hair salon. From top to bottom, the whole person was full of brilliance. The breath of the elite.


   This is his love rival in the last life!


   Seeing this person walking up to Feng Tingting holding a handful of bright red roses, Lu Yang habitually squinted his eyes, and the smile that often hung on the corner of his mouth disappeared completely.


   finally appeared!


For some reason, Feng Tingting didn't pick up his flowers or get in his car, and went to a nearby restaurant alone. The man stood there for a long time without moving, because the distance was so far, Lu Yang couldn't hear what they said just now. I couldn't see the expressions they had just now, I only saw the man pulling Feng Tingting's arm, but Feng Tingting was thrown away.


How is this going? Are they awkward?


   Doubts arose in Lu Yang's heart, but even if they were awkward, they couldn't let Lu Yang give up this plan.


   Packed up the computer, Lu Yang left the coffee shop immediately, and when he left, the sweet-looking waitress waved goodbye to him with a sweet smile, saying that he was welcome to visit next time.


   Lu Yang gave her a smile, nodded and left.


The man got in the car, and the car turned around and left. Lu Yang reached out and stopped a taxi at the entrance of the coffee house, asking the driver to follow the car, but how could he be able to keep up? The man seemed to be in a bad mood. Well, the Porsche drove very fast and disappeared from the sight of Lu Yang and the taxi driver within a few minutes.


   "Boy! I can't follow it!"


The taxi driver lit a cigarette, slowed down and said to Lu Yang that Lu Yang was silent for a moment, paid for the taxi, got off the taxi, and then stopped another taxi on the side of the road and stood outside the car. Ask the driver: "Master! Do you know where there is a private detective nearby?"


   "Are you looking for a private detective?"


   The driver looked at Lu Yang with a weird look. He glanced at Lu Yang up and down. Lu Yang nodded. He was a big Shanghai. He didn't believe that there was no private detective.


  Sure enough, the driver nodded after looking at Lu Yang for a moment, and said, "Get in the car!"


   So, twenty minutes later. Lu Yang came to the door of a private detective agency and looked at the private detective agency called Pingan through the car window. Lu Yang did not get off the car immediately. The driver felt a little strange and asked, "Handsome man! Can't you get out of the car?"


   Lu Yang's eyes flashed, and he said, "Go on!"


   "Why? Not satisfied with this one? I also know the other two..."


   "Go on!"


   Lu Yang closed his eyes and leaned on his seat. Seeing that he didn't want to talk any more, the driver drove the car and walked forward. Anyway, it was the watcher, so he drove a little longer. He will only earn more.


   Soon after the car drove again, Lu Yang opened his eyes again, paying attention to the shops on the side of the road.




   more than an hour later. Another taxi stopped in front of the private detective agency in Ping An, and Lu Yang, wearing brown glasses and a gray sun hat, got out of the car. This time Lu Yang went straight into the detective agency.


   About forty minutes later, Lu Yang left here again. Stopped a taxi on the side of the road. I got off in front of a Chinese restaurant a few miles away. After having a meal here, I took a taxi back to my residence.


   Still the same sentence, there is a specialization in surgery.


   It is more efficient to spend thousands of dollars to buy the information he needs than to do it himself.


   After this day, Lu Yang returned to normal, not codewords in the hotel every day. Just go to the crew to see what's going on there, eat and drink tea with Dai Qingwa and Wang Lin.


During this period. Zhang Li came to Lu Yang's hotel every night and was more active than Lu Yang in bed.


  If there is no such thing in his heart, such a day would be very happy, but unfortunately, although Lu Yang's appearance is calm, he always remembers that matter in his heart, and has been waiting for news from the detective agency.


   Days passed. Seeing that there were only two days left in this holiday and I had to go back, the detective agency finally called and sent all the information Lu Yang needed.


The two parties met in a park. The other party gave Lu Yang news, and Lu Yang gave each other a reward. The night when he got the news, Lu Yang sent a message to Zhang Li, saying: "I'm going out to meet a friend tonight. You don't need to come over tonight. ."




   When Lu Yang ignored Zhang Li's reply to this message, was he a little disappointed? His thoughts were all put on tonight's actions. The grievances ten years ago will be resolved tonight.


   Things needed for action, he has already prepared these few days.


Before going out, Lu Yang deliberately took a shower. Standing under the shower head, Lu Yang closed his eyes, raised his face, his teeth clenched secretly. He was not afraid that he could not deal with that man. He practiced Bachi for more than three years and dealt with one. If ordinary people still can't take it off, that's a joke!


   He just had some ups and downs. This incident is always a thorn in his heart. It has been stuck in his heart for more than ten years. Now that the matter is approaching, he can't calm down.


Standing under the shower head with his eyes closed, Lu Yang's mind came up with scenes of past events, memories of the past that he thought he would have forgotten, and this moment came out one after another, vividly, as if it all happened yesterday, but Lu Yang knew that yesterday. It's already very far away.


In high school, Feng Tingting sat in his back seat. When he was bored, she liked to slap him on the shoulder, and suddenly slapped him on the shoulder. She was startled when she saw him, and then she couldn’t help laughing, and even followed her at the same table. Haha laughed; sometimes she would ask him to borrow nail clippers on purpose, and then said that the nail clippers are so beautiful, will you give it to me, Lu Yang? Every time Lu Yang smiled and shook his head, not reluctant, but also reluctant! Lu Yang liked her beautiful smile every time she asked him to borrow nail clippers. He was afraid that he would never see that smile again if the nail clippers were given to her.


There are many similar memories. Lu Yang can’t forget that at the last New Year’s party that year, she looked at him with a smile in front of everyone and sang the song "I like you". He didn’t know at the time, but only remembered. She said that the song she was going to sang was called "Like You". Lu Yang didn't understand this Cantonese song at the time, but only knew the name of the song and the direction she was looking at.


Lu Yang couldn’t forget how sweet his heart was that night. It was also that time, let him know that she also liked him, so when he applied for the college entrance examination, Lu Yang resolutely did not agree with Wang Haiyang’s suggestion of letting him fill in that university. Because of her poor English, she couldn’t choose the same major as her, which made Lu Yang quite annoyed at the time.


   There were many sweet memories in the three years I spent with her in the previous university. At this time, they all flashed through Lu Yang's mind like a silent movie.


   Under the shower nozzle, Lu Yang's closed eyes didn't know when they started to cry. All the sweetness ended after the internship.


   That was her choice. She didn't say the reason, he didn't ask, and never even thought of revenge against her. Because of love, he could no longer be friends, and because of love, he couldn't let himself hurt her.


   But the man who drives the Porsche Cayenne is different!


   Lu Yang didn't know him, but the hatred in his heart always existed.


Lu Yang stood under the shower head for almost half an hour before turning off the hot water, took a bath towel and covered his face, silently wiped off the water stains on his body, walked out of the bathroom indifferently, put on his clothes, and waited for it to get dark. .


  Yes, it was still dark at this time, but Lu Yang couldn't wait, but his powerful self-control made him sit quietly on the window sill of the room, lit a cigarette, and half-squinted at the pedestrians and traffic outside the window.


   Time passed by, and the sky was finally getting dark. Lu Yang was still sitting motionless on the window sill, with a cigarette **** in his mouth, still looking out the window with indifferent eyes.


   The private detective gave the information that he had been hanging around in a nightclub called Xiaoye Mao after nine o'clock every night for the past more than a week.


   Lu Yang sat there like a wax statue. There was no light in the room, and he waited in the dark. After waiting for some time, the phone alarm in his pocket finally rang.


   8 o'clock exactly!


   Lu Yang adjusted the alarm in advance.


   The alarm rang, and Lu Yang finally moved. He spit out the cigarette **** in his mouth and strode to the door. If you look carefully, you will find that he is wearing a pair of military leather shoes tonight, lined with steel plates.


There was a small luggage bag at the Lu Yang picked it up and left, the door slammed behind him, Lu Yang strode out of the hotel, stopped a rental car on the street, and reported it. The name of the little wild cat nightclub, and then he leaned back on his seat and closed his eyes to rest.


   Little Wildcat’s nightclub is hidden deep, the whole street is dimly lit, and the lush large camphor branches almost cover the whole street, where a row is almost full of nightclubs.


When the driver said: "Sir! It's here!" Lu Yang opened his eyes and saw the environment here, he couldn't help but laughed silently. It seems that God is helping him, and the man is coming here suddenly. Gods can't save him!


After paying for the car and walking down with a small luggage bag, Lu Yang temporarily changed his mind. Instead of walking into the Little Wildcat Nightclub as planned, he chose a storefront that does not do night market business. There was also a big camphor tree at the door. Lu Yang threw down his luggage and sat down silently beside the big camphor tree. There was a circle of brick and stone flower ponds around the big camphor tree. Lu Yang sat on it silently. I took out the gray sun hat I used that day from my luggage and put it on my head. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you for voting for you, you, and the water red persimmon for a reward of 100 points, and thank you for a reward of 2576 points for Guyue Piying.


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