Rebirth 2003

Chapter 279: Young Zhou Qing

   At this time, dozens of other classmates in the class finally understood what Zhou Qing's letter was. It turned out to be three online novels?


   Some students who think that everything is inferior, only the students who are high school students smiled disdainfully and turned their eyes back. It's boring!


   The author's signature book or something, in the eyes of loyal book fans, has a very high status, but in the eyes of others, it is just a few ordinary novels! They may not be willing to give it to them for nothing. ?. .




   Several boys in the scramble, one person suddenly noticed that all three books had a 4 written in the lower left corner, and all three books had this number in the lower left corner of the cover. The strange expression of this man aroused the curiosity of another boy and asked: "Wen Hao! What's wrong?"


   The young man named Wen Hao pointed to the "4" in the lower left corner of the "Doomsday Wasteland" in his hand, and said, "Did you not find out? These three books all have 4 written here! Are they all the fourth episode?"


  Wen Hao said that, including Zhou Qing and Xue Feng, the boys around here all noticed, all of them were surprised, and Zhou Qing was surprised. The eyes of other boys are jealous at the moment. Although they may not be loyal fans of Wen Chou, they may just like Wen Chou's "Magic Sword Eternity", but they also want such a specially numbered signature book!


   But at this time, Wen Hao thought of more. The other students in the class didn't understand. He knew that many local book fans of "Magic Sword Eternal" had recently posted posts in the book review section, asking for an ugly autographed sample book at a high price.


   In the beginning, the local tyrants only offered a price of one thousand, and now there are several asking for ten thousand.


   Nima! what does this mean? It means that Zhou Qing received these three signed sample books. At least 30,000 worth!


   Wenhao stared at Zhou Qing blankly, and said, "Zhou Qing! You are rich!"




   Zhou Qing was only immersed in the surprise of receiving these three signed sample books at this time. He didn't understand Wen Hao's meaning for a while, and several other people didn't react for a while.


Wen Hao looked at Zhou Qing with envy and hatred, and shouted excitedly: "You fool! Do you know that there are several local tyrants asking for 10,000, so I want to buy a signed book like this! Those local tyrants I have left a lot of comments in Wen Chou's book review area! Didn't you see? These three books are worth more than 30,000 at least!" Zhou Qing opened his mouth in surprise, and the others. Including twenty or thirty classmates who heard the same sentence nearby, all looked over in surprise, three novels, worth at least more than thirty thousand?


The few well-studied students sitting in the front row of the classroom heard the exclamation from behind, and couldn’t help turning around. They didn’t hear what the exclamation was just now, but soon they knew that there were classmates who had just heard it. Already whispered in surprise: "What? Those three novels can sell for more than 30,000 yuan?"


   How much does their tuition cost for a year? Only a few thousand yuan, more than 30,000 yuan, enough for them to complete a high school. Maybe there is still left.


   Now, even those top students who hadn't even looked down on before can't calm down.


   There are many things that have not been encountered before, and most people disagree, and often seriously underestimate the value of something, just like antiques. At the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, many people thought that the bottles, jars and scrolls of calligraphy and painting handed down from their ancestors were all ragged. Some people wipe their butts with cherished ancient books; some use porcelain worth tens of thousands of dollars to pack dog food; some even throw priceless treasures as trash.


   And these things, in the eyes of some people, are treasures. If you take them out and sell them casually, you can spend a few lifetimes in a family.


  Wen Chou's novels are not comparable to those antiques, but such an autographed sample book with special significance is extremely collectible in the eyes of many loyal book fans. The current price is only 10,000 yuan. Maybe a few years later. One hundred thousand two hundred thousand one may also be a book.


   After all, wait a few years. Some readers have already rewarded one million yuan for an online work, and there are more than one such readers.


   Just imagine, for a local tyrant of this level, what is it impossible to spend one hundred thousand two hundred thousand for a signed book with such a meaningful value from his beloved author?


Xue Feng stared blankly at the "Magic Sword Eternity" he was holding in his hand, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously, as if suddenly felt that the book in his hand had become a treasure, and he didn't dare to be casual. Turned it over, originally he thought, because of his relationship with Zhou Qing, Wen Chou sent three sample books to Zhou Qing this time, and he could keep one copy with Zhou Qing for his collection! Now that he knew that the book was worth at least ten thousand, he couldn't speak.


   This is not a book anymore, it's more than ten thousand yuan!


   No matter how good a friend is, you can’t just ask someone for 10,000.




The class bell soon rang. The two boys reluctantly returned the other two sample books to Zhou Qing, and then went back to their seats with the other boys. The discussion in the classroom was already open, and they often secretly read novels during class. Zhou Qing of Zhou Qing received three autographed books from an author, each of which is worth more than 10,000...


Even if the class bell rang, many people could not help but quietly follow Zhou Qing with strange eyes. Several girls who had never considered Zhou Qing before, when they quietly followed Zhou Qing, suddenly felt that Zhou Qing seemed to be too. Very handsome, the key is that he now has three signed books worth more than 10,000, and he can have a "large amount" at any time when he sells it.


   The minds of girls are always simpler, or lower horizons. If a boy has money, even if he looks ordinary, they will be moved.


   And now, while Zhou Qing was still sitting in his seat in a trance, a few girls who were a little bit attractive but did not have very good grades were already tempted by him, and many of them had active personalities.


   These gazes, Zhou Qing didn't notice at all at this time. His mind was blank at this time. He just helped Wen Chou make a dozen phone calls, and he actually got such precious three books.


   This kind of trance lasted all morning, and it was only when school was over at noon that he came back to his senses under the reminder of Xue Feng at the same table.


   "Send the book home quickly! You idiot!"


Xue Feng whispered to Zhou Qing’s ear to remind. Zhou Qing was surprised, and then realized that these three books really cannot be brought back to the dormitory. Apart from him and Xue Feng, there are six classmates in the dormitory, plus there are many others in the dorm. The students in the dormitory will come to visit, so that the three books are placed in the dormitory, you can't rest assured.


   Among students, one hundred dollars may be stolen, let alone three books worth more than 30,000?


   Zhou Qing woke up, nodded quickly, put the three books in the envelope, and hurriedly left the classroom holding them.


   In fact, Zhou Qing’s home is not far from the school, only a few blocks away, but in order to manage students, the school forces all high school students to live on campus, with very few exceptions.


Ten minutes later, Zhou Qing returned to her home with three signed sample books. Zhou Qing's family was indeed not rich. His parents were ordinary workers. At noon, his parents were not at home. Zhou Qing didn't even bother to get food. When he was in his bedroom, his head was still a little tranced, so he sat on his single wooden bed holding the three books, and after posting for a while, he suddenly moved.


He threw the envelope containing three signed books on the bed, and ran to the living room to get the home phone, and according to the phone number on the small book that I took out of my trouser pocket, one by one gave several well-known online games in this city and across the country. The company fought over, and he wanted to continue to promote other copyrights for Wen Chou's works.


The phone numbers on this notebook are all he used his spare time to search online in Internet cafes these days. The contact numbers of well-known online game companies are not difficult to find, but the ones that can be found are usually only from the customer service of the other party. It is basically impossible to contact the other party’s senior management directly.


One after another, Zhou Qing excitedly recommended Wen Chou’s works to the other party’s customer service. Unfortunately, maybe his voice was too young and too unstable. He was a teenager. Every time, he called. After listening to his recommendation, the customer service staff politely declined, none of them agreed to report his recommendation to the company's senior management.


   After waiting for Zhou Qing to spend more than half an hour on the small book, when he finished typing the customer service numbers that he had worked so hard to search for in the past few days, all he got was rejection.


   Zhou Qing, who has been in excitement, inevitably looks disappointed.


   He just wanted to repay his favorite author, in his own way, but why did those people just reject it without even considering it? Wen Chou's works are so good...


A deep sense of frustration flooded Zhou Qing's heart. Today's situation is completely different from when he recommended to those comic companies a few days ago. Although those comic companies had several customer services who refused directly, but After listening to at least a few companies, they agreed to report to it.


Zhou Qing, who is only 17 years old, doesn’t know that the difficulty and investment of changing a novel into a comic is much simpler than changing a novel into an online game. If a novel is adapted into a comic, the investment needs 100,000 yuan, then it is possible to adapt it to an online game. It must be as high as tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars, and top online games have to invest hundreds of millions of dollars at every turn.


  The scale of investment varies greatly, which determines how cautious the other party chooses scripts or novels.


After more than a dozen phone recommendations were rejected, Zhou Qing went back to her small bedroom and silently poured out the three autographed sample books that Wen Chou gave him from the envelope. He finally understood why Wen Chou was so so. I haven't contacted the online game company for a long time.


   The company customer service of those dog days is nothing! I never knew what kind of novel it was, so I refused! )


  Ps: ?? Thank you Xiao-Xiang?, Flower appreciation and jade for a reward of 1 coin. This is the third chapter of No. 6, I'm late, sorry. Seeing everyone's monthly pass, I owe you two more chapters by visual inspection. Well, I will pay it back as soon as possible.

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