Rebirth 2003

Chapter 282: The misunderstood car on the asphalt road

After Lu Yang walked out of Vice President Sun’s office, he suddenly laughed silently. He originally came to resign, but was turned into a leave by Vice President Sun. In fact, Lu Yang really wanted to resign when he came over this time. Anyway, he participated in this internship. Just to get a graduation certificate and draw a successful end to a few years of university. Now I do have too many things. During the internship in the past few months, the salary I received was not enough for him to fly several times.


It’s just that Vice President Sun said he was giving him a holiday. If he had to resign, everyone’s faces would be ugly. Lu Yang didn’t want to do that. Vice President Sun was good to him. In his heart, Lu Yang still respected him. . The current situation is that the holiday has been approved, but Vice President Sun meant that he would be given a holiday after New Year's Day. During the New Year's Day, someone from the Education Committee may come down to check, and it is not convenient to give Lu Yang a holiday during this period.


When Lu Yang returned to the office, Tong Yaqian looked over with complicated eyes, her smile was not as bright as before. After Lu Yang was startled, she probably understood why this was happening. She must have thought that after he resigned this time, she would Get out of here!


Lu Yang wanted to laugh a little. In fact, before he resigned, he didn't think about not living here after he resigned. On the one hand, he rented a house here, which is far from over; on the other hand, the mountains here. The landscape, including the air, are better than all the cities he’s been to. If he doesn’t go to work, his life here is really good. Thirdly, Tong Yaqian came here for him, and Tong Yaqian paid so much for him. He It's not grass and trees, can't be unmoved, Tong Yaqian came here for him, he can pat his butt, and go first. Leave her here alone?


   After sitting down in his seat, Lu Yang took out his mobile phone and smiled and sent a text message to Tong Yaqian. In the past, Tong Yaqian used to send messages to him like this during working hours. Today it is his turn.


   "The old grandson approved my holiday, so I don't need to resign, don't be depressed!"


   After seeing Lu Yang entering the office, Tong Yaqian, who was sitting across from Lu Yang, went to play on her mobile phone without saying a word to her. She was still a little bit distressed, but suddenly the mobile phone in her pocket rang, and she was taken aback. It happened to see that Lu Yang raised her head and smiled at her again. She immediately understood that Lu Yang was not playing a mobile phone just now, nor was he ignoring her. It was sending her a message.


   was a little happy in my heart. The corners of her mouth turned up slightly, Tong Yaqian took out her mobile phone and blinked when she saw the message Lu Yang had just sent. She couldn't believe her eyes and didn't resign? Lao Sun gave him another long vacation? He will not be the illegitimate child of the old grandson, will he?


   Tong Yaqian couldn't help but think of such a ridiculous idea, which shows how wrong she was in her heart, just a month or two. Lu Yang has already taken three long vacations, a total of 21 days. Now that Lao Sun actually granted him a long vacation, anyone who heard the news would feel incredible.


   Although Lao Sun usually smiles, he is not easy to talk about everything!


   In surprise, Tong Yaqian saw the slight smile on Lu Yang's face on the opposite side. At this moment, she felt that Lu Yang's smile was very ugly, well, she wanted to rush to bite his ear.


"it is true?"


   Tong Yaqian asked softly, Lu Yang on the opposite side smiled and nodded.


   Tong Yaqian's smile at the corner of her mouth gradually became obvious. Soon, her eyes were curved, like two crescent crescents, very beautiful.




Perhaps because of disappointment and hope, Tong Yaqian was in a good mood all day. Not only did she go to Lu Yang at noon to help Lu Yang with sanitation, she also bought a lot of vegetables in the evening and made a table of delicious dishes for Lu Yang. , Sometimes, Lu Yang also wondered how such an elegant and wealthy girl as Tong Yaqian didn't look like that kind of background from a bad family background, how could she still have such a good culinary skill?


  Because of curiosity, Lu Yang also asked her, but every time she just pursed her lips and played with him, she often brags to her when Lu Yang proudly says-"The capable, omnipotent!"


After dinner, Tong Yaqian did not go back, so Lu Yang hurriedly went to the code, while she hurriedly cleaned up the dishes and the mess, then took out the underwear that Lu Yang had placed here, and went to take a shower. Wiping her wet long hair with a bath towel, she smiled and walked into the small room of Lu Yang's code. After a while, the computer shut down sounded in the small room, and then the depressed Lu Yang was pulled out of the small room with a smile and walked into the bedroom. ...


After    after a bit of sex, when she was completely asleep, Lu Yang quietly got out of bed, put on clothes and went back to the small room to continue the codewords. In addition to writing a chapter in a hurry at noon today, only half of the chapter in the evening was written! It was less than ten o'clock at this time, and Lu Yang's biological clock was a bit abnormal. At ten o'clock in the night, he was completely awake, thinking that he could not sleep in bed anyway, so he got up and continued to write today's chapter.


   After writing the two chapters, it is more than one o'clock in the morning.


I was a little sleepy, but Lu Yang suddenly wanted to go online to see the gossip of the industry to see if there was anything new in the online literary circle. For a writer, the dynamics of the industry always have to be mastered, and I want to see it too. Has any other great gods sold other copyrights recently?


  Q`q has just logged in, and Didi’s new message notification sound keeps ringing, and q`q’s avatar looks like anxious, jumping there.


   Lu Yang clicked twenty times in a row before opening all the new message windows, then smiled at the corners of his mouth, replying to the readers and authors one by one.


Most of the private messages sent by readers are asking him when he can make changes. A few readers who are more familiar with Lu Yang still tempted Lu Yang in their private messages, saying that as long as he makes changes, they will vote for him immediately. A few monthly passes, or a reward ranging from one hundred yuan to one thousand yuan.


Lu Yang responded patiently. Every time he sees a private message from a reader, Lu Yang's mood will change, because it only shows that readers love to read his books. If one day there are fewer or no such readers, then It's time for him to review himself.


   Several authors sent messages. Some people asked him about the contact information of audiobooks and comics; others asked him if he had recently sold new copyrights.


Full copyright operation. After this period of heated discussion, no matter how much scorn, there will always be a small number of people, especially those authors, who have expectations. They are probably the ones who most hope that Wen Chou can successfully operate full copyright. .


Seeing those who asked about the contact information of audiobooks and comics, Lu Yang still told them what he knew like a few days ago. For those who asked about the sale of other copyrights, Lu Yang always replied: "Still working on it. ."


   When the twenty-odd private messages were about to be replied, Lu Yang suddenly saw the content of the private message sent by a reader and was stunned.


The private message was sent by the current leader of "Magic Sword Eternity" with banknotes and cigarettes. The content of the private message is: "Wenda! Don't give people your autographed book easily in the future! Have you seen the outside news? You send it. The autograph book for the car on the asphalt road was actually sold by that guy! The autograph book you gave him, such a precious thing, he actually sold it for tens of thousands of dollars! A person like him is not worth it at all You send him a signed book~! Because they don’t know how to cherish your signed book at all!"


   The car on the asphalt road? That privately made a dozen calls for me and contacted readers of three comic companies?


   The sample book I gave him, he actually sold...


At this moment, Lu Yang didn’t know how to describe his feelings at this moment. The sample books for each book were very limited. As the author, he only had a few sets. Since his rebirth, he has written so many books. Only four copies of the signed sample book were given to readers.


   These four copies also include the reader with the screen name: Car on the Asphalt Road.


  I gave him a sample book for his signature. The original intention was to keep him as a souvenir, but now he sells the book he gave him...


   Disappointed? A little! Angry? There is also a little bit.


  Looking at the private letter sent to him by the banknotes and cigarettes, Lu Yang was stunned for a while before he cleared up his mood and replied: "I see."


Then he hurriedly replied to the private messages of the remaining two readers, logged in to the starting point, clicked on the list on the homepage, and found his own "Magic Sword Eternal" and clicked into the book page. After that, Lu Yang did not pay attention to the ranking on the monthly ticket list, and directly pulled the page. In the book review area, Lu Yang believed that if such a thing happened, there should be readers in the book review area.


   The webpage was pulled to the book review area, and Lu Yang saw two related posts in the book review area.


   The number of clicks on the first post has exceeded 3,000, and the number of replies has exceeded 800.


   The number of clicks and replies for the second post is similar.


   The title of the first post is: "Car on the asphalt road! Are you worthy of being a fan of Wenda? Get me in!"


This is obviously a post written by an angry Lu Yang clicked in and took a look. The content of the post made the car on the asphalt road worthless, not as good as bullshit, the post was densely written with at least one With more than a thousand words, it is obvious how angry the readers who wrote this post are. In the eyes of their loyal readers, the sample book of the University of Wenzhou is invaluable. Their so many true loyal readers did not get a copy. The car on the asphalt was lucky to get it. , But for a little money, sold it!


  'S reply below this post was basically all the angry voices of other readers. Almost all the fans were condemning the car on the asphalt road.


   Looking at these angry posts and replies, the anger in Lu Yang's heart slowly subsided, and a thought came to him: The book is his thing for him. He also has the right to sell, why am I angry?




No one knows what the mood was when Zhou Qing and his deskmate Xue Feng were in these two days. When Lu Yang was reading these two posts in the book review area, Zhou Qing was still not asleep, lying on the bed, in a dark room, watching. He stared at the ceiling blankly, holding the last ugly signature sample book in his arms-"Magic Sword Eternal". (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thank you Bailongjianxian for rewarding 588 points, and thank you for your monthly pass.

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