Rebirth 2003

Chapter 284: Signs

On Wednesday afternoon, when there was a lot of trouble on the Internet because of the car on the asphalt road, Lu Yang was in an activity room, instructing three little girls in the singing of the song "Sweet and Sour Is Me". A youthful and lively song, these three little girls actually want to play a chorus. Lu Yang promised them that day. They happened to have a physical education class this afternoon. After asking for leave from the physical education teacher, the three have borrowed one from the school teacher. Activity Room.


One class time passed quickly. The three little girls happily said goodbye to Lu Yang. Lu Yang took the key given to him by a little girl, smiled and locked the door there. Originally it was the three. Little girls, it’s just that when they leave, they ask Lu Yang to help them, and then return the key to their head teacher by the way. Most teenage girls are not used to dealing with the head teacher.


Lu Yang had just locked the door here, and the door of the warehouse next to it suddenly opened. Vice President Zhou’s wife, Qi Xiaoling, came out with a stack of brand-new manuscript papers. She saw Lu Yang next to her at a glance. Qi Xiaoling’s eyes lit up and she smiled before she said a word. Stroking the hair hanging in his ears, he smiled and said, "It's Teacher Lu! Why are you here?"


   "Oh, some students asked me to help them prepare for the New Year's Day party program. This is not just over, teacher Qi get something?"


   Lu Yang answered casually, nodded and prepared to leave, but Qi Xiaoling exclaimed, "Hey! Wait for Teacher Lu!"


   "Huh? Is there anything wrong with Teacher Qi?"


   Lu Yang stopped unexpectedly and looked back at Qi, Qi Xiaoling had a normal face but a devilish figure. Not only the size of the chest is not small, but a thin waist and fat buttocks are extremely exaggerated. The width of the buttocks is much larger than the shoulders. At this time, Lu Yang has a more intuitive impression when facing her at close range. A well-seasoned breath came to his face. If it was before, if Qi Xiaoling was not the wife of Vice Principal Zhou, if she had not been related to Chen Bin. Well, Lu Yang may have some thoughts about her body, but now! Although she felt that Qi Xiaoling's figure was very sexual, Lu Yang had no interest.


   Qi Xiaoling didn't know what Lu Yang thought of her. He pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Ms. Lu, why are you in a hurry? I happen to have something to ask you for help!"


   Lu Yang: "Teacher Qi, you say!"


   How to say Qi Xiaoling is also the wife of Vice Principal Zhou. Although he didn't want to see such a woman in his heart, Lu Yang was polite on the surface.


Qi Xiaoling: "That's it, Mr. Lu, this month I have a document that I need to enter into the computer, and then send it to the mailbox of the Municipal Education Commission. Well, I have almost finished the manuscript, but I can’t use the computer. Typing is also possible. Not so much. I heard other teachers say. You have to type a lot of words on the computer every day, so you want to help me enter that manuscript into the computer. Look, can you help me with this little favor?"


It turned out that it was such a thing. Lu Yang frowned. He typed thousands of words every day. In fact, he was a little bored with typing. This is the same as many people think that chefs like cooking. In fact, most chefs, Outside of work, I don’t want to cook a single dish, and I’m tired of doing it in a restaurant.


   is also the same. It seems that 10,000 words a day are not enough. Many people think that it is written. The most favorite is the code word. Actually shit! Occasionally writing three to five thousand characters is really cool, but writing ten thousand characters in the sky makes Gods tired.


Lu Yang frowned, but in name Qi, her position was higher than him, and she was considered his leader. Even in the face of Vice President Zhou, Lu Yang couldn’t refuse such a trivial matter. Thinking about it, Lu Yang smiled. Nodded and said: "Okay! When will you give me the manuscript, I will take the time to help you enter it into the computer!"


Seeing Lu Yang's promise, Qi Xiaoling was very happy, with a smile on her face, and said, "Hey! Thank you, Mr. Lu! My manuscript is in the office. By the way, Mr. Lu, do you have any class in the afternoon? If there is no class, come to me. Go to the office to help me lose? I have a computer in my office, so I can use my afternoon time without taking up Teacher Lu's spare time. What do you think?"


   "Hmm! Okay!"


   Lu Yang certainly wouldn't refuse to take up his time outside of work. Now there is still an hour away from work. As long as Qi Xiaoling doesn't write a book of ten thousand words, there should be enough time.


   According to Lu Yang's estimation, Qi Xiaoling's manuscript lasted at most 3,000 words.


   Qi Xiaoling smiled and brought Lu Yang to the office of their school affairs office. The staffing of the school affairs office was also a director and two officers. Qi Xiaoling was one of the officers.


At this time, the newly appointed director Ji Deping and another officer did not know where they were. There was no one in the office of the school affairs office. When they arrived, Qi Xiaoling enthusiastically asked Lu Yang to sit in her office chair and turned on the computer. Then she went to make tea for Lu Yang. Lu Yang said you don’t need to be so polite. She kept on. When a cup of hot tea was placed in front of Lu Yang, she bent over in front of Lu Yang and went under the desk. Looking for the draft in the cabinet, the big and round fat hips swayed in front of Lu Yang's eyes.


   Lu Yang did not expect that during work hours, there was no one else in the office of the school office. At this time, when he was in the same room with Qi Xiaoling, a woman with a bad reputation, Lu Yang already regretted it in his heart.


At this moment, another female officer of the school affairs office came in from outside with a bag. Qi Xiaoling searched for the draft that she had not found for a long time. Somehow she found it all at once. She hurriedly straightened up and smiled and put the draft in front of Lu Yang. Desk.


The female officer who just entered is also the wife of a school leader, but that school leader is in charge of the high school department. Seeing this scene, she smiled and said: "Mr Qi, why did you invite our great talent? What are you doing? We are not here, do you want to eat our talented tofu?"


   "Fuck you! What nonsense? I can be Teacher Lu's aunt at my age, right? I think you want to eat Teacher Lu's tofu, right?"


Two women in their forties were laughing and quarreling. Lu Yang smiled and did not answer. After flipping through the draft, he found that there were only three sheets of paper. So he immediately created a new document on the computer. At this time, Lu Yang just wanted to quickly edit this After the matter is finished, leave immediately.


A few minutes before leaving work, Lu Yang really helped Qi Xiaoling enter the manuscript into the computer. When she left the school office, Qi Xiaoling repeatedly expressed her gratitude. When she sent Lu Yang out of the office, she glanced around and saw that she was nearby. No one, she said, "Ms. Lu! To thank you for your help today, I want to invite you to dinner tonight. You must come!"


   Looking at her **** eyes, if Lu Yang didn't know her thoughts, he would be a root of wood.


   "Is Principal Zhou at home?"


   In order to confirm her meaning, Lu Yang asked more.


   "No, he went on a business trip." Qi Xiaoling replied in a low voice.


   This woman, just a few days after leaving Chen Bin? I went to Lu Yang, and Lu Yang shook his head, and said, "Don't bother Mr. Qi! If you really want to invite me, let's wait for Principal Zhou to come back!"


   The smile on Qi Xiaoling's face froze for a while. Before she could respond, Lu Yang nodded and left. Lu Yang didn't know how Qi Xiaoling would have liked him, but ordinary people couldn't understand the thinking of this kind of woman.


   When I returned to the office, I was about to get off work. Tong Yaqian, who was sitting across from Lu Yang, frowned and asked Lu Yang, "Why did you come here until now? Didn't the three female students say that there is only one gym class time?"


   "The school office has a manuscript, let me enter it into the computer for help."


   Lu Yang didn't say that Qi Xiaoling was looking for him. After this kind of thing, it's better not to mention it again. It's not good for anyone. As for whether Qi Xiaoling will find someone else, Lu Yang doesn't care so much.


   Anyway, he doesn't wade in this muddy water himself.


   After this day, when Qi Xiaoling saw Lu Yang again, her expression became indifferent, she didn't even give a little smile on her face, but she still smiled enthusiastically when she saw other colleagues.


   Lu Yang didn't care either. For someone who doesn't care whether the internship period can pass smoothly, he doesn't care who here will hate him.


In the past two days, after Lu Yang got off work, in addition to the code, he was still paying attention to the movement of the cars on the asphalt road. Before, Lu Yang, as many people thought, the cars on the asphalt road were sold for money. Two sample books. When they landed on q`q on Wednesday night, Lu Yang learned that there was a follow-up development of this matter. The car sold sample books to help him.


Lu Yang wanted to contact the car on the asphalt road and told him that he would pay for the cost of the plan, but after searching for his book fan group with a limit of 500 people, Lu Yang could not find the car on the asphalt road. After speaking and asking in the group, I realized that because of this news, a group owner had kicked the car on the asphalt road out of the book fan group.


   Lu Yang found the post made by Xiaoqi in the book review section of "Magic Sword Eternal", and left a message below to ask Xiaoqi to contact him, but he did not get any response for two consecutive days.


   And in Lu Yang's book fan group, many people have been discussing recently. Seven or eight leaders have already contacted the car and will provide funding for the event, inviting book fans who have time on the weekend to participate in this event.


   When I saw everyone talking about this topic, Lu Yang said in the group that the funds were provided by him. As a result, everyone's babbled answers made him helpless and moved.


Pan Niu said: "Wen University! Just write a good don't have to worry about this! Isn't it tens of thousands of dollars? Our leaders have already made up enough! There are a few more. The leader, although there is no time to participate this time, he also provided some funding!"


   High-energy warning: "That's right! Next, don't tell Wen Da, the group number of this event!"


   Face reality: "I won't tell you, I won't tell you! I just won't tell you!"




   A group of book fans just excluded Lu Yang. (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thank you for calling me something to hinder you. Spring? Yao, Aisimo, Aku, you are so handsome and rewarded with 100 points, thanks to h Anqijixi for rewarding 588 points, thanks to Banshi Dianpei, rewarding 3776, becoming the elder of this book, thanks to the handsome Wen Hao Reward 10400 coins and become another master of this book. Um, ask for a monthly pass. Streaking this week, and continuing to run streaking next week, I can't afford to hurt you without a recommended position! Relying on the monthly ticket ranking to appear in front of readers. u

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