Rebirth 2003

Chapter 292: Half dream

After walking half a street, a small store appeared in Lu Yang's sight. The lights were not very bright. There were only four small tables in the store, but there were five or six small square tables outside the door, an old man with gray hair. The dishes are cooked right in front of the store, steaming hot, and the rich aroma of dog meat can be smelled from far away.


Dog meat, like beef, lamb, is a good food tonic in winter, and it is rarely eaten in summer, especially dog ​​meat. This thing is dry and sexual, and it is easy to get angry when eaten in summer. Nosebleeds.


   Every winter, middle-aged men in their forties and fifties like to come in groups of'dogs' to eat, but young people don't care much about this.


When Lu Yang arrived, the tables inside and outside the store were almost full, only a small table was empty under the shade of the tree closest to the road. When Lu Yang walked over, there were a few middle-aged people outside the store. Staring curiously at his arm hanging in front of his chest, he came to eat dog meat in an apparently injured appearance?


   If it was normal, Lu Yang would naturally not come to find dog meat to eat when he was injured, but now he is upset and just wants to eat dog meat and drink some old wine.


Without paying attention to the eyes of those people, Lu Yang walked over and sat down at the only empty table. A woman in her forties, wearing a red apron around her waist, saw it as a gift from the seller of chicken essence. It was also printed with the words "chicken", and when the guests came again, the woman hurried over with a small notebook and a ballpoint pen and asked with a smile: "Little handsome guy! Come to eat `dog` meat? Do you want more? Something else? We also have cold dishes and lamb soup..."


Lu Yang interrupted her when she was upset before she finished talking. Said: "A dog meat pot! Are there any cucumbers? If you have one, let's get one, and forget it! Besides, what kind of wine are you the most powerful here? I want white wine! A bottle!"


  女`人 only noticed Lu Yang's frowning brows at this time. I quickly shut up and no longer recommend it, but nodded again and again, saying: "Okay, okay! Guest, wait a minute!"


   Then he retreated.


   The dog meat is all cooked. When the woman arranged the tableware for Lu Yang, the dog meat pot that Lu Yang asked for was already filled, and another teenage girl was holding the alcohol stove. When they came up with the pot and met Lu Yang, both of them were stunned for a while.


   "Ms. Lu? What happened to your arm? Is it hurt?"


   The little girl was surprised. It turned out that it was the little girl who asked Lu Yang to instruct them to rehearse "Sweet and Sour It's Me". When she laughed, there was the little girl with two deep dimples on her cheek.


   Lu Yang remembered her name as Ye Ling, the mountain ridge. A very strange name.


   I saw her. Lu Yang showed a little smile, nodded and said, "Slightly hurt, is this shop yours?"


  The little girl Ye Ling smiled slightly, two dimples appeared again, her face looked like a small apple, very cute, anyone who saw it would like it, Ye`ling smiled. Nodded, and said: "Well. The shop belongs to my grandfather, and the one just now is my mother! The one who cooks the vegetables is my grandfather!"


   Ye Ling talked to Lu Yang, while swiftly setting up the alcohol stove, lighting it up, and then putting the dog meat pot up, and things were done.


As soon as the pot was placed, Ye Ling frowned and ran back with the pot. Lu Yang looked confused and didn't know what she was doing, but immediately heard Ye Ling's crisp voice: "Grandpa! Grandpa!" Add more dog meat to this! Hurry up! Add more! That's our teacher! The lecture is good! Hurry up, hurry up~!"


   "Oh, is it your teacher? That is to add more!"


The thin old man in front of the stove raised his head and glanced at Lu Yang, with a gentle smile on his wrinkled face. He picked up the horse spoon and even filled it with two tablespoons of dog meat, and put it in a small dry pot. They are all piled up like hills.


   Lu Yang at the table watched and listened. He didn't stop him. When he left, he thought that he would give an extra one hundred yuan! Two tablespoons of dog’s meat is worth a few dozen yuan at least.


Dog meat, choking cucumber, and old wine were all on the table soon, and the little girl Ye Ling said sweetly, "Teacher, take your time! I'm going to work!" and left, leaving Lu Yang alone. Facing two dishes and a bottle of wine, the voices on the surrounding tables seemed to be floating from far away. At this moment, Lu Yang only felt quiet, perhaps a little lonely.


   opened the wine bottle in silence and poured half of the glass into the glass. The arm that had just been hung around his neck had been taken off by Lu Yang. The skin and flesh injuries were not so serious.


Holding up half a cup of old wine, Lu Yang poured it all into his mouth in one gulp, and the hot sensation slipped from his throat into his esophagus and into his stomach. Coupled with the cool breeze at night, the whole person was shocked. , Lu Yang pursed his mouth, did not speak, and had no expression. He picked up his chopsticks and took a look at the bottom of the dog's meat-yellow teeth white and a few pieces of fried tofu. It was not bad, both were both. Lu Yang likes to eat.


At this moment, Lu Yang didn't think about anything, drinking hot old wine, eating fragrant dog meat, and occasionally choking cucumber with chopsticks. It felt very exciting. Compared with Lu Yang's usual food, tonight's dog meat is considered better. It’s a pity, no matter how much he eats or how much old wine he drank, he was still very upset.


And just when his bottle of old wine was about to bottom out, and a full pot of dog meat was almost finished, the phone in his trouser pocket rang, and with some dimly drunk eyes open, he took out his phone and looked at it, but it was a stranger. Number.


   Pressed the answer button and put the phone to his ear. Lu Yang closed his eyes and asked, "Which one?"


   "Lu Yang? It's me! Qian Xiaoyu, is your arm still hurting now?".


   Turns out to be Qian Xiaoyu, Lu Yang's mouth curled up, he wanted to laugh, but suddenly he thought it was so funny? At this time, he didn't want to talk to any woman or anyone.


   He has this kind of character. When he is unhappy, he would rather stay alone in a quiet place, without saying anything, and not ignoring anyone.


   With his eyes closed, Lu Yang said perfunctorily: "It's okay! Are you okay?".


fine? In fact, his wound has been hurting, but he didn't take it seriously, for him. The physical trauma will heal sooner or later, and what really makes him painful has always been the inner hurt.


   Now he is sandwiched between two women. There is no choice. If you add Rui Xiaoxiu, there will be three women. However, everything is his own making and feelings. He can't blame anyone, so he hates himself. Jintu wanted to use alcohol to numb himself, but he almost drank a bottle of old wine, and an old saying was verified by him personally-wine is sad, and worry is even worse!


   Qian Xiaoyu: "Where do you live? I want to come and see you."


   Lu Yang still closed his eyes. Qian Xiaoyu's beauty, which is not inferior to Tong Yaqian's, flashed in his mind. Before coming to the internship, he thought about taking down this beauty. Upset at the moment. But there is no such idea at all.


   Lu Yang: "No! It's okay, you go to bed early!"


   After finishing speaking, Lu Yang hung up the phone rudely without waiting for her to say anything, gentlemanly? What is that stuff? At this time Lu Yang just wanted to be quiet.


   On the other side, in Qian Xiaoyu's dormitory, Qian Xiaoyu blinked his eyes in amazement when he heard the blind tone suddenly sounded on the phone. When putting down the phone, Qian Xiaoyu muttered to himself: "He seems to be drunk?"


   Lu Yang is here. After hanging up Qian Xiaoyu's phone, Lu Yang opened one eye. Pour the last bit of old wine in the bottle into the glass, because the wine is already on the top, and some of the wine is still spilled on the table. The little girl in Ye Ling is already busy at this time, and she is standing at the door of the store with her mother, watching worriedly. Lu Yang.


   Seeing this scene, her mother curled her lips and said: "Xiaoling! Your teacher is really good at teaching? Is that what he did?"


Ye Ling nodded vigorously and whispered: "Mom! Keep your voice down! Don't let my teacher hear you! Teacher Lu is really good at lectures, and he never has to read textbooks in class. He can open his mouth if you ask him any questions. Just answer, it's the most powerful teacher I have ever met!"


   At this time, there were no new customers in the store. Grandpa Ye Ling also put down the horse spoon in his hand, lit a local filterless cigarette, took a deep sip, heard the two girls talking, and walked over.


   The old voice said: "Your teacher is a bit drunk, wait for Xiaoling to send it off! Don't let him go halfway and fall asleep on the road!"


   "Ah? How can this work? Xiaoling is a girl..." Ye Ling's mother's first reaction was to object.


   Ye Ling said: "Good grandpa!"


Grandpa Ye Ling glanced at his daughter, and said angrily: "You! Where do you think? That's Xiaoling's teacher! And Xiaoling is still young, and no matter how little the teacher is, he won't harm Xiaoling!" "


   Ye Ling: "That's right! Mom's thinking is too dirty!"


   Ye Ling's mother opened her mouth, she was speechless. Although she was still a little worried, she didn't say anything at all. The young teacher Ye Ling didn't look like a bad person, and she still had injuries on her arm.


In the time they were talking, Lu Yang had finished his last sip of wine, put down the wine glass, and did not go to eat `dog` meat. He squeezed out his wallet, took out two hundred, think about it, shook his head, and took it out again. One, with dimly drunk eyes open, looking at Ye Ling at the door, and asking: "Is three hundred enough?"


   Seeing that Lu Yang was about to pay the bill, Ye Ling trot over with her mother. Ye Ling said repeatedly, "Too much, too much!"


   Ye Ling’s mother said: "Oh! You are my Xiaoling’s teacher! How can I ask you for money if you come to our house for a meal?"


   She said that she didn't want money, but Ye Ling's mother had already received two hundred yuan. Grandpa Ye Ling, who was smoking at the door, looked away, obviously unable to see.


   Lu Yang didn't care. He put another hundred-yuan bill on the table, helped the table stand up and left, squeezed a little smile before leaving, and said goodbye to Ye Ling and her mother.


Ye Ling, who had been instructed by his grandfather just now, hurried up to help Lu Yang, still saying that two hundred yuan are still available, and the other one hundred yuan can’t be requested. While helping Lu Yang, he also picked up the hundred on the table, the fortress. To Lu Yang, when it was over, she turned around and shouted to her mother: "Mom! What are you doing in a daze? Don't hurry up and find money for my teacher!"


At this time, Lu Yang was already on his head, and didn’t want to get entangled with the nuns, but he couldn’t collect the money given away. He frowned and gave in. In the end, Lu Yang was still on the top of the liquor. After the defeat, the one hundred yuan was squeezed back into Lu Yang's pocket.


   In 2006, prices hadn't been on the Rockets yet, and such a meal really cost less than 300 yuan.


Ye Ling wanted to send Lu Yang, but Lu Yang didn’t let him go. He pushed him a few times and walked away staggeringly. Ye Ling was worried, followed far behind, kept looking at Lu Yang in the door before turning back. Lu Yang was drunk, but he didn't notice a small tail behind him.


Back in the quiet rental house, Lu Yang swayed against the wall, walked into the bedroom, and fell on the bed. At this time, the pain that Jiu Jin had caused him finally suppressed the boredom in his heart and fell asleep in a daze. Finished.


   That night, Lu Yang rarely recoded, but in his dream, his brows were still frowning.


   After he fell asleep, his cell phone rang several times, but he never woke him up.




In the early morning of the next day, the early morning mist had not yet cleared. Tong Yaqian, with a gloomy expression, carried a portion of fried dough sticks and soy milk, and opened Lu Yang's door with a key. As soon as she entered the door, she smelled a strong scent of alcohol. Tong Yaqian frowned and looked towards Lu Yang's bedroom subconsciously when he reacted to the smell of alcohol. However, he saw that Lu Yang, who had always been in the habit of sleeping and closing the door, opened the door today.


   Did he drink alcohol last night?


   Tong Yaqian was taken aback, stood at the door for a few seconds before turning around and gently closing the door. She could guess why Lu Yang drank last night. It must be because Cao Xue was coming to stay for a long time, and he was embarrassed.


  Because of her Tong Yaqian...


Thinking of this, Tong Yaqian’s eyes were a little sour, and she wanted to cry. She was a little sad, but also a little happy. What was sad was that Lu Yang didn’t know how to solve the complicated relationship between her, Lu Yang and Cao Xue, and she didn’t know how to solve it. How to solve it and be happy is because Lu Yang will be so entangled between her and Cao Xue.


   This shows that Lu Yang also likes her, otherwise why would he torture himself like this?


   With light steps, Tong Yaqian walked into the bedroom silently.


Sure enough, the situation in the bedroom was as she expected. Lu Yang didn't take off his clothes and shoes. Most of his body was lying on the bed, his feet stretched out on the edge of the bed, even the quilt was pressed under him. Did not cover the quilt overnight.


  Hangover, he is not as energetic as usual, Tong Yaqian sees fatigue and haggard on that face that has always been steady and calm.


   Tong Yaqian walked over gently, sat down silently on the edge of the bed next to him, with two slender fingers with some coolness, gently stroked his eyebrows, bones, lips...


   A few tears rolled out of his eyes.


   As early as when she was with him, she knew that there would be this day. She thought that this day was still far away, at least after their internship ended, but she didn't expect it to come so early.


  A dream, only half of it, is it about to wake up?


   Closed her eyes, Tong Yaqian silently wiped away the tears on her face. When she opened her eyes, she had already begun to help Lu Yang take off his shoes and clothes, carefully laid Lu Yang on the bed, and covered him with a quilt. (To be continued...)


PS: Thank you Feng Ge and Anhui Nan for rewarding 100 coins in the north of Hubei, thanks to Mr. Dongguo Taixian for rewarding 200 coins, thanks to Wen Hao who is good for rewarding 2,188 coins, thank you for your five-star evaluation ticket and monthly pass, Continue to ask for monthly tickets! !


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