Rebirth 2003

Chapter 308: The story of 1 pot of chicken soup



Lu Yang glanced at Tong Yaqian next to him. Tong Yaqian still looked at him with a smile. Lu Yang felt that he should be calm at this time. The more flustered, the more he would make Tong Yaqian feel that there was a ghost in his heart, so he politely said to the phone: " Forget it! The wound is almost healed, go back quickly! Drink the chicken soup yourself! Didn't you twist your ankle too?".


   On the phone, Qian Xiaoyu insisted: "Don't refuse! Come here! It's a bit cold outside tonight. I'll be at the school gate and wait until you come! That's it! See you later!"


   After speaking, a blind tone came from Lu Yang's mobile phone, and Qian Xiaoyu actually hung up like that.


   "Hehe! Hehe!"


   Listening to the blind tone in the phone, Tong Yaqian sneered, ah, still the smiley expression, just look at Lu Yang.


Lu Yang spread out his hands helplessly, and explained: "It's not what you think! Didn't my arm hurt? That was when Cao Xue called the other day and said to come over, your side... Anyway, I was not in a good mood that night. I wanted to go out to find a drink, and then happened to encounter Qian Xiaoyu, Wang Cuicui, and Zhou Shaofeng who were robbed by the five criminals who got it. I rescued them and got a knife accidentally on my arm. Qian Xiaoyu gave me chicken soup. Because of this incident, I was under the office building two days ago, and also because of this incident. Since the internship has been so long, when did you see me come to Qian Xiaoyu's side?"


   Tong Yaqian listened quietly, paying attention to Lu Yang's expression, especially Lu Yang's eyes. After Lu Yang finished speaking, she continued to stare at Lu Yang for a while, but she didn't see the slightest panic in Lu Yang's expression. She chuckled slightly: "The hero saves the United States? It's so romantic! Go ahead! The beautiful lady Qian is waiting at the school gate! Didn't you hear her say it's a bit cold tonight?".


   Lu Yang carefully examined Tong Yaqian's expression, and couldn't see that she was angry, but he felt her words. It seems to be a bit insincere.


   "Are you telling the truth? I'll call her to go back! See how careful you look!"


Lu Yang said, he picked up his mobile phone to call back Qian Xiaoyu’s number, but Qian Xiaoyu hung up as soon as the number was dialed. This was the case three or four times in a row. Obviously Qian Xiaoyu did not wait for him to pass. Won't answer his phone.


   When Lu Yang called Qian Xiaoyu back. Tong Yaqian just smiled and watched without saying anything, but neither she nor Lu Yang thought that Qian Xiaoyu would no longer answer Lu Yang's calls.


   Seeing that Lu Yang called back again and was hung up again. Tong Yaqian sighed slightly, waved his hand slightly, and said, "Go! Stop dialing! I'm not that careful! I came back with the chicken soup, just because I was also a little hungry."


   Lu Yang looked at her in surprise. The corners of Tong Yaqian's mouth curled slightly. Angrily said: "What are you looking at? Why don't you go and come back! Do you want me to get it for you?"


   Looking at her smiling face, and looking at the mobile phone in his hand, Lu Yang nodded, said "I'll be back soon", and went out.


   There is no ghost in her heart. Lu Yang is actually not very afraid of Tong Yaqian's misunderstanding. She has explained everything that should be explained. She really wants to think about that. He can't help it, he can't do it from now on. Don’t you associate with other women, right?




When Lu Yang rushed to the school, he saw Qian Xiaoyu in a cowboy costume holding a pot from a distance, standing alone under the school gate, her shadow stretched very long under the faint street lamp light. Occasionally, a chilly wind blows by, rolling up a few fallen leaves on the ground, adding a sense of desertedness.


   Seeing this, Lu Yang quickened his pace, and came to Qian Xiaoyu a moment later.


   Some people say that looking at beauties under the light, the more you look, the more beautiful you look.


At this moment, Lu Yang realized the true meaning of this sentence. Tonight Qian Xiaoyu wore a denim jacket, jeans on the lower body, and a small denim jacket on the upper body. Inside was a white shirt, and the neckline of the shirt was like a string of pure white flowers. It's the same, it's not the traditional standard shirt.


The dim light of the street lamp reflected on Qian Xiaoyu’s oval-shaped face. The smooth skin seemed to reflect a hazy halo. As mentioned earlier, Qian Xiaoyu was six to seventy-six similar to Pan Yingzi when he was young, with a large oval face. Peach blossom eyes are definitely a big beauty.


   Otherwise, Zhou Shaofeng would not have chased her here from the university.


Seeing Lu Yang walking quickly, Qian Xiaoyu smiled, and passed the rice cooker in his hand, and said: "You are finally here! You called me a few times just now, did you want me to go back? Haha, I just don't. catch!"


   Lu Yang showed a helpless smile, and said, "I said no thanks, you are so polite, or else, you should take the chicken soup back and drink it yourself! You think you are also quite thin!"


   This sentence, Lu Yang is right and wrong.


   If you only look at Qian Xiaoyu's waist or legs, she is indeed very thin, but if you look at other places below the face, hehe, it is obviously a lie with your eyes open.


Qian Xiaoyu looked down at her body, her face was a little red, because when she lowered her head, she didn't see her feet and didn't catch Lu Yang's words. Her face was red, and her hand was covered with a rag on the edge of the rice. The pot gallbladder was handed to Lu Yang, looking embarrassed in Lu Yang's eyes, and said, "You are here, so don't refuse! You can take the pot away! Return the pot to me after you finish it! It's weirdly cold tonight. Yes, you take it back quickly, and I can go back quickly."


   Seeing her blushing, Lu Yang also felt that the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing. It seems that in the future, a girl cannot be said to have lost weight, especially when there are only two people.


   Touched the edge of the pot with his hand, Lu Yang didn't think it was hot, so he didn't have a rag to take Qian Xiaoyu's hand, and took it with the edge of the pot.


   "Aren't you hot? It was cooked just now."


   Qian Xiaoyu looked at Lu Yang in surprise, Lu Yang smiled lightly and said to himself: "It's okay, I have a thick skin!"


   "Then I went back?"


   "Well, see you tomorrow!"


"See you tomorrow!"


   gave Lu Yang another charming smile. Qian Xiaoyu turned around and went back. Under the dim street lamp, Lu Yang found that Qian Xiaoyu's back was also very beautiful, graceful and charming, and she was a natural stunner!


   If it weren’t for a few women, if the first person I met wasn’t Cao Xue, but her, maybe Lu Yang would have been after her when he was a freshman.


   stood at the gate of the school and watched Qian Xiaoyu's back for a while. When Qian Xiaoyu suddenly turned around and smiled at him again, Lu Yang smiled and nodded with her, then turned back.


   In this era, there are many beautiful women, but now it is not ancient times, and no one can marry all the beauties of their own heart.




   Back to the residence, Tong Yaqian had already placed two sets of tableware on the dining table, as well as a large spoon for soup, smiling and sitting at the dining table waiting for his... chicken soup.


   If Qian Xiaoyu knew about the chicken soup that she had just delivered, another girl was already waiting for her with a bowl, and she didn't know what her expression would be.


Lu Yang shook his head speechlessly and brought the chicken soup to the dining table. Tong Yaqian opened the lid with a smile, and a strong scent of old hen chicken soup rushed over his face. Tong Yaqian closed his eyes slightly, took a sip of the scent with a smile, and praised: " It's so fragrant! I haven't drank such fragrant old hen soup for a long time! Hey, Daqingsheng! I won't be polite to you!"


With that, Tong Yaqian stretched out her hand to tear off a chicken leg and put it in her own bowl, then picked up the big soup spoon, made a few splatters, and filled her own bowl with fragrant old chicken soup with a layer of chicken soup floating on it. The yellow-orange-orange chanterelles, the pale yellow chicken, and the snow-white yam are all tempting to look at.


   Lu Yang looked at him speechlessly, shook his head, and picked up his own bowl to fill a bowl.


   The two moved on, making the old hen soup for supper, a life for the gods!


While drinking, Tong Yaqian praised: "I don't see that Qian Xiaoyu has this craft! This chicken soup is well stewed! There is no messy taste, except for a little salty taste, it is a strong aroma and salty taste! Completely! It highlights the original taste of the old hen chicken soup! Like it! Hey! That's right! Great love, if she will give you chicken soup next time, you must not refuse! I love this soup! Haha!"


   "Drink your soup! So many words! Do you want to make people poor?"


   Lu Yang said Tong Yaqian angrily, Tong Yaqian smiled and was not angry, maybe it was figured out! Another woman gave Lu Yang chicken soup, but she did it first. This feeling is pretty cool to think about now.




   Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian were eating chicken and sipping chicken soup here. Qian Xiaoyu had just returned to the dormitory. When they came back, they saw Wang Cuicui's sorrowful eyes.


   "What are you doing? Looking at me like that? It's oozing!"


Qian Xiaoyu smiled and said Wang Cuicui's words, and Wang Cuicui rolled his eyes: "You girl of the opposite **** and innocent! It's so annoying! Such a big old hen! I broke the drumstick for you! The stew is good! It’s gone, even the pot left! Didn’t you see that I was almost drooling? I didn’t even leave a mouthful of the soup! Miss Qian Xiaoyu! I now officially announce to you that I’m going to break my relationship with you for an hour! I’m so angry! Human! Damn! My old chicken soup! Can I still sleep tonight?".


Qian Xiaoyu walked over with a smile, and put his arms around Wang Cuicui's shoulders, and comforted: "Oh! Don't be sad, Xiao Cuicui! When my sister is paid this month, I will buy you another stew, OK? Are you not? I know! A pot full of soup, and a half pot is left after the stew. I will leave you a little and I won’t be able to deliver it!"


Wang Cuicui rolled his eyes again: "Don't talk to me! I just announced solemnly that I will break your relationship with you for an hour! I will count the time from now! By the way, I must buy another one after my salary is paid! Otherwise, I will. I'll never break friendship with you!"


   Qian Xiaoyu’s smile on his face grew stronger, and he said, "Good! I will buy it for you if I get a salary! By the way, Xiao Cuicui! Is there any more crispy corners? My stomach is a little hungry too!"


  Wang Cuicui: "Don't talk to me anymore! Let's break our friendship now!"




Qian Xiaoyu smirked, and suddenly stretched out his hand to scratch Wang Cuicui's two squeaky dens. Wang Cuicui, who was still serious, couldn't keep the seriousness on her face. Her body twisted into a ball, and she couldn't stop giggling. While hiding and begging for mercy, he also said to Qian Xiaoyu: "Qian Xiaoyu! Qian Xiaoyu! Don't scratch, don't scratch! We are breaking up!"


  ……(To be continued…)


  PS: Thanks to Lizhi Township and Feng Ge for the 100 points reward.


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