Rebirth 2003

Chapter 310: Infatuated

Lu Yang didn't expect to return a pot, it would cause trouble. When Zhou Shaofeng learned about it, Lu Yang was still on his way back to his residence, planning to write a few words at noon, even if it was just a thousand. !


   just walked out of the school gate, the phone rang on his body, Lu Yang continued to walk to the residence, while taking out the phone to answer, the screen showed a completely unfamiliar number.


   After hesitating, Lu Yang still pressed the answer button. As his reputation on the Internet grows, there will be more and more unfamiliar calls.


   Lu Yang: "Hey! Hello! Who is it?"


   "Wen Chou, right? The editor-in-chief of the station is bloody, we contacted."


   Blood thick?


Lu Yang stopped, frowned slightly, and asked, "Uh, **** hello, hello! Didn't you ask me to go to the digital station when you asked me this time? Haha, if it's this topic, I can only say sorry NS."


On the phone, there was **** silence for a moment. When he was about to speak, he was blocked by Lu Yang before he could speak. After a while, he said: "Wen Chou! Do you know why the Giant Company can find you so quickly this time? I told them News."




   This statement was completely beyond Lu Yang's expectation.


Bloody continued: "The giant didn't know your contact information. The team leader of their game department responsible for your project evaluation is an old acquaintance with me. He got your Q`Q from me, your mobile phone number. , I came from him yesterday, do you know how much money you made this time because of my help?".


Before Lu Yang could answer, he asked and answered: "More than one million! I received the news. Shanda offered you a price of one million. The starting point is to draw 300,000, plus tax. It will eventually be paid. The maximum amount in your hands is more than six hundred thousand. Saying so much, I don’t want you to thank me, but just tell you the facts. At the same time, I hope that you can consider coming to our website. The treatment is yours!"




   Lu Yang remembered that after meeting with Manager Wang of Giant Company, when he went online, he did see Manager Wang’s application for adding his Q`Q friend.


   But before that. He has already met with Manager Wang.


   Lu Yang: "Did Xue Da only give them my Q`Q?".


Blood thick: "Hehe, without that Q`Q, you didn't meet so soon, did you know that it was when you signed with the giant. The grand evaluation result came out. If the people from the giant company didn't see you so soon, Your game adaptation rights can only be sold to Shanda! Six hundred thousand yuan!"


   Lu Yang: "Blood! Believe it or not, I saw the manager of Giant's copyright department before seeing that friend's application. That Q`Q number didn't work."


Having said that, the **** voice on the phone was silent for a while, before he said: "I just said, I didn't want you to be grateful to me for telling you this. But if you say this, I am very disappointed! You have a problem with being a human being! I think I understand what you mean. Goodbye!"


   Without waiting for Lu Yang to say anything, he hung up the phone. Lu Yang looked at the mobile phone in his hand and smiled bitterly. It seemed that he had offended the editor-in-chief of the digital station.


   is good too! Anyway, I never thought about going to the digital station.


   The digital station was established in 2006. By the end of 2013 when Lu Yang was reborn, the digital station hadn't really risen. At this time, I switched to the digital station. I will regret it later!


   Put the phone away, and Lu Yang continued to return to his place. When you have to choose one of the two, there will always be a person or some people.




   Lu Yang was in a good state at noon. Before he went to work in the afternoon, he wrote more than 2,700 words. Adding another 300 words in the evening is a chapter.


This made Lu Yang feel good when he went out. On the way to work, Lu Yang remembered what Vice Principal Sun had said to him. Vice Principal Sun said that if he really wanted to treat guests, he could give a few hundred yuan to the school cafeteria. Let the master in the cafeteria prepare a meal for everyone.


Lu Yang almost forgot. He took out his wallet and glanced roughly. It was estimated that there should be two thousand yuan in the wallet. Now that he promised Vice Principal Sun, another teacher smiled and told him about a treat recently. Lu Yang After arriving at school, I went to the canteen first, found the chef who had contracted the canteen, took out a thousand yuan, and said what he meant. After listening, the chef patted his chest to ensure that he would do it well. Next For three days, I bought half a piece of pig every day to give everyone an extra meal.


When    walked out of the cafeteria, Lu Yang thought about it for himself, and suddenly smiled.


   How much can someone earn a living from an internship? I’m totally inverted like this!


   Last month’s salary was used to make a tailored suit. This month, I paid another 1,000 yuan. This internship is almost a voluntary job.


   This afternoon, Lu Yang had a class. After finishing the class, he went to the office to look at the materials on Chinese martial arts. This afternoon, I saw the part about Tan legs.


   In this data collected by Teng Hu, there are four schools of Tan legs, namely Linxi Tan legs, Jingwu Tan legs, Shaolin Tan legs and Jiaomen Tan legs.


   According to this information, the "Southern Boxing and Northern Legs" circulated in the martial arts, in which Nanquan refers to Hongquan, and Beiju refers to Tan legs.


   Tan legs pay attention to the legs but not the knees, three-point punches and seven-point legs. Those who practice tan legs practice "fist is two doors, all rely on the legs to beat people."


The materials listed the moves and stunts of the four genres of Tan Tie. When Lu Yang was obsessed with seeing it, Zhou Shaofeng, who rarely came to their office, walked in aggressively, and shouted to Lu Yang with a calm face as soon as he entered the door: " Lu Yang! Come out with me!"


At this time in the office, apart from Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian, there was only Xu Heng. When Zhou Shaofeng rushed into the office, Xu Heng's expression changed slightly. Zhou Shaofeng slapped him twice. He had long regretted the incident. I told Zhou Shaofeng, but the current situation is beyond his control.


   Tong Yaqian frowned and looked at Zhou Shaofeng who suddenly rushed into their office and called Lu Yang. When Lu Yang heard Zhou Shaofeng calling him, he turned his face and looked at Zhou Shaofeng coldly.


   "What's going out?"


   "You'll know when you come out! I have something to ask you! Hurry up! You don't want me to be ugly in the office, right?" Zhou Shaofeng's face was gloomy.


   Tong Yaqian: "Zhou Shaofeng! Is there anything I can't say in the office? Why do you ask Lu Yang to go out? Do you want to fight with him again?"


   Zhou Shaofeng: "It's nothing to do with you! Tong Yaqian, please interrupt me!"


   Tong Yaqian stood up suddenly, with an angry expression on her face. Zhou Shaofeng's tone was too rude.


   Lu Yang stood up with a calm face at this time, stretched out his hand and pressed Tong Yaqian's side, motioning her to sit down. Then he glanced at the gloomy Zhou Shaofeng with cold eyes, said nothing, and walked out of the office first.


   Lu Yang was really angry. He had rescued Zhou Shaofeng from the gangster a few days ago. This kid didn’t appreciate him if he didn’t appreciate him. He still went to the office today. Will he take revenge?


   There is fire in my heart. After Lu Yang got out of the office building, he didn't go to where there were people, and went directly to the back of a male dormitory building in the high school. This is the time for class in the afternoon. The male dormitory is quiet and there should be no one.


   When she leaves the office building, Tong Yaqian wants to follow. Lu Yang stopped him with his eyes.


  Tong Yaqian knew that Lu Yang had brought down Zhou Shaofeng twice last time. But today Zhou Shaofeng's expression was too ugly, and she couldn't help but hesitated in front of the office building whether to report to the leader.


   At this time, Xu Heng's big mouth had already told several teachers about this matter. In private, everyone thought it was Lu Yang who pried Zhou Shaofeng's corner, and they were all guessing whether the two would fight next.


   Zhang Wei, Wu Shiping, and Zhao Xuebing who were present at noon all knew that Xu Heng told Zhou Shaofeng the news. At this time, they are also in their respective offices. Talking about what I heard at noon.


   Qian Xiaoyu and Wang Cuicui also heard the wind soon, Wang Cuicui gave Qian Xiaoyu a white look, and said angrily: "Let you send chicken soup! Is it all right now?"


Qian Xiaoyu flushed with anger, and suddenly ran to the office next to him, pointed his finger at Xu Heng who was telling people about this gossip, and scolded: "Xu Heng! What evidence do you have for me to talk to Teacher Lu? It's related? Let me tell you! I have nothing to do with Teacher Lu! I gave him chicken soup because he rescued me last time! Zhou Shaofeng was there at the time! You are out of context and provoke right and wrong today! What if the two of them do something Whatever happens, I will never end with you! You despicable villain!"


   After Qian Xiaoyu, who has always been mild-tempered, scolded Xu Heng for a while, he turned around and ran out of the office building to find Lu Yang and Zhou Shaofeng.


   Qian Xiaoyu's cursing voice was a bit loud, and he quickly alerted several leaders in the office. Vice President Sun and others all frowned and asked what had happened.


When things got to this point, Xu Heng didn’t have the courage and mood to continue spreading gossip, and his face turned pale. If things were really like what Qian Xiaoyu said, she really had nothing to do with Lu Yang. He provoke Zhou Shaofeng this time. When the individual really fights, he is over! The leader will never let him go.


Soon, someone reported the matter to Vice President Sun and the others. Vice President Sun frowned, glanced at Xu Heng who was pale, snorted, and walked out of the office building, looking for Lu Yanghe if he wanted to. Zhou Shaofeng, several other leaders met, hesitated slightly, and followed out one after another.


  Usually, fights between students are easy to cause uproar, let alone between two teachers? If this one fights and the incident spreads, the reputation of No. 3 Middle School will be damaged.


   is uncertain how the leaders above will punish them.


   Tong Yaqian saw that the leaders had gone out, and hurriedly followed. He also pointed to Lu Yang and told them the direction in which they were leaving, and told them, vice-principal Sun who was walking in the front.




What was happening in the office building, Lu Yang and Zhou Shaofeng knew nothing at this time. They were already standing behind the quiet male dormitory building. Lu Yang turned around and looked at Zhou Shaofeng coldly, waiting for Zhou Shaofeng to say something. .


   Zhou Shaofeng's expression hesitated. After all, he also remembered that Lu Yang had rescued him a few days ago. At this time, the injury on Lu Yang's arm should not have healed!


   But thinking that Lu Yang might have something to do with Qian Xiaoyu, the anger in his heart jumped up, no one knew how deep his feelings for Qian Xiaoyu were.


When a man goes from school to an internship unit for a woman, even if the two are not substantial boy and girl friends, he will regard that woman as his own woman in his heart. No matter who wants to **** him, he will never May give way!


   Taking a deep breath, Zhou Shaofeng clenched his fist tightly, and asked in a deep voice, "Lu Yang! Tell me honestly! Are you related to Qian Xiaoyu?"


   When asked these words, Zhou Shaofeng fixed his eyes on Lu Yang's face, especially Lu Yang's eyes, not letting go of any change in expression on Lu Yang's face.


   At this time, Zhou Shaofeng hoped that Lu Yang would say no, but he was very afraid that Lu Yang would say no. In fact, he was lying to him, and he was extremely contradictory and worried.


   This question was obviously unexpected by Lu Yang. On the way here just now, Lu Yang also analyzed in his heart why Zhou Shaofeng came to him aggressively this time.


Lu Yang thought about many possibilities, but he didn’t think about it, because he had no idea about Qian Xiaoyu now, and he rarely contacted Qian Xiaoyu, so he never thought that Zhou Shaofeng would look for him for this kind of thing. .


   But thinking about it now, there is probably only this kind of thing that would make Zhou Shaofeng so angry. Last time Zhou Shaofeng suddenly took action to teach Shao Dahai, wasn't it because Shao Dahai pulled Qian Xiaoyu's arm?




After Lu Yang froze for a while, his complexion eased. Zhou Shaofeng's current appearance reminded him of who he was at the beginning. That year, he came to H City Normal University for Feng Tingting and studied a history major that he didn't like at all. .


  The difference from Zhou Shaofeng is that he is not as impulsive as Zhou Shaofeng, and he doesn't want to hit people at all times. Suddenly, Lu Yang thought about the last time he went to Shanghai and beat the man himself, and his anger became even smaller.


   Maybe, he is not much different from Zhou Shaofeng.




Zhou Shaofeng tilted his head and stared at Lu Yang's face carefully, a little disbelief, and suddenly shouted: "Xu Heng said he saw you hand Qian Xiaoyu a rice cooker at noon! I saw that rice cooker too! Do you still want to deny?"


   Lu Yang's mouth curled up, and he thought: That's it.


After understanding the reason, Lu Yang did not want to explain in detail. It was not that he deliberately wanted Zhou Shaofeng to misunderstand, but that his personality was like this. Although he understood Zhou Shaofeng a little in his heart, it did not mean that he would softly explain in Zhou Shaofeng's tone. He didn't like it. This feeling.


   Now, repeat: "I'll say it again! No! Believe it or not!"




Zhou Shaofeng raised his eyebrows with anger, and his fists rattled. If Lu Yang was Xu Heng, and if Lu Yang hadn't saved him, he still has injuries on his arm. With his impulsive and aggressive personality, it must be early at this time. Just shot, but there are not so many ifs.


   "Are you really nothing to Qian Xiaoyu?"


   Zhou Shaofeng asked again without giving up. Maybe he didn't understand what he wanted to know at this time. Lu Yang had said twice, why didn't he believe it?


   "Believe it or not!"


   Lu Yang turned around and Originally, he wanted to teach Zhou Shaofeng a lesson, but for this kind of thing... Lu Yang didn't want to do it, it was so meaningless!


   When Zhou Shaofeng saw that Lu Yang was about to leave, he hurriedly caught up and pulled Lu Yang's arm, and said angrily: "What are you going to go? You are not allowed to go until you have made it clear!"


   Coincidentally, at this time, Vice President Sun and others, under the guidance of Tong Yaqian, walked over from the boys’ dormitory building, and saw Zhou Shaofeng pulling Lu Yang and drinking something angrily.


  Vice principal Sun stared, and shouted angrily: "Zhou Shaofeng! What are you doing? Quickly let me let go!!"


  When he was angry, Vice Principal Sun actually called himself Lao Tzu... (to be continued...)


PS: Thanks to Litchi Township for rewarding 100 points, thanks to Xiaogang for rewarding 588 points, thanks to Da Aimu = Rebirth, Xiaoming Shenjun rewarding 10000 points, congratulations to Xiaoming Shenjun and Lao Na for using Rejoice to become the master of this book, thanks Xiaoyao de Cat once again presented ten chapters, thank you for your monthly pass and five-star evaluation ticket.


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