Rebirth 2003

Chapter 321: Abnormal Tong Yaqian

   "What are you two talking about?"


Seeing what the two sisters were whispering, a girl in a red dress next to her looked a little strange, so she asked curiously, Siming Juan and Dao Xinyi also paid attention. Of course, Liu Yuhu and others were also included. The man was here. In front of beautiful women, attention always follows the beautiful women. ?. .


   The woman in the red dress who spoke just now chuckled and explained: "Just now, Hong Jin and I saw Teacher Liu's junior! There were two big beauties next to me! So I just said, I kind of believe he is really ugly!"


   "Huh? Big beauties? Two? How beautiful are they? Is there our Xinyimei?"


  Si Mingjuan opened his eyes wide and asked, looking curiously, the attention of Dao Xinyi beside her was also completely attracted.


   Everyone subconsciously glanced at Dao Xinyi, it was indeed extremely beautiful.


  The woman in the red dress and the woman who nodded before, Hongjin looked at each other, and asked uncertainly: "Should be on par with Xinyi?"


   Hongjin nodded, then glanced at Dao Xinyi, and said, "It should be about the same!"


Liu Yuhu was very active in front of the beauties, and said with a smile: "I know the two big beauties you are talking about! Among them, the shorter one is my junior's girlfriend! The other is also our trainee teacher here! My younger brother’s girlfriend used to be a roommate! The relationship is very good!" There is one sentence, Liu Yuhu didn’t say in his heart—if he didn’t know that Lu Yang has such a beautiful girlfriend, he might not introduce Lu Yang to him today. These five big beauties.


  Si Mingjuan didn't believe it a little bit. They were all outstanding beauties in their school, but none of them could compare to Xinyi Dao. At most, the figure is somewhat comparable to Dao Xinyi, and now there are two beauties that are comparable to Dao Xinyi? Are they all related to Lu Yang?


   Dao Xinyi blinked his eyes lightly beside him, and still did not speak, but he might not forget Liu Yuhu's junior in a short time. The impression left by him today is too deep.


   was naturally curious about Lu Yang in his heart.


   Is he really what Liu Yuhu said?


  Who is Wen Chou?


   She didn't know before, nor did the other girls, but she couldn't stand the show-off Liu Yuhu to introduce them to them. What kind of top god, his junior, the annual salary is at least one million yuan, and recently sold a game copyright million...


  In this money age, you say that a person is great, and it is difficult for others to have an intuitive impression. But if you have a relationship with money, you only need to tell others how much money this person can make in a year, and it's almost ok! Just like when the Three Young Masters, Big Tomatoes, Big Potatoes and others appeared on the show "Everyday Upward" in another time and space, in mainstream society. Most people don't read online novels. When they see those faces, everyone feels unfamiliar. Even many people have never heard of online novels, even if they have. Most people also look down on writing online novels.


   But the host hit the nail on the head. Just ask how many people earn each year?


   This one said thousands of dollars, the other said twenty to thirty million, and it turned out to be the audience in front of the TV. Regardless of those who don't understand online novels, they are all shocked.


  Your sister! When did the writer make so much money? In the past, Gu Long and Jin Yong wrote novels. Haven't heard of earning one to twenty million, twenty to thirty million a year, right?


  In a short time, those ugly guys on the TV screen became awesome in the eyes of the audience.


   In their twenties, they have earned ten million a year. How many celebrities can't earn a fraction of them in a year, right?


   The society of money is so realistic!


   describes how awesome an author’s work is, it’s useless! Talk about how much money he can make in a year, and everyone may be surprised.




   At the entrance of the No. 3 Middle School, Cao Xue pulled her arms up and Tong Yaqian stood beside him with a smile. Lu Yang looked at the road where a few cars passed, and asked the two girls: "There seems to be nothing to drink nearby. Do you want to take a taxi to the city?"...


   Cao Xue: "I don't know if I can get a taxi at this time?"


   Tong Yaqian smiled and suggested, "Why don't you go to my place? I have coffee, tea, and red wine! Whatever you want to drink!"


   Cao Xue didn't think too much. When he heard that, his eyes lit up and looked at her and said, "Really? That's OK! I don't have to go back and forth in a car at this time! This is a suburb, I'm afraid it's not easy to take a taxi at night!"


Cao Xue didn't think much, but Lu Yang was taken aback. He looked at Tong Yaqian in surprise, but Tong Yaqian's nonchalant expression was greeted. She didn't even discuss with him, so she wanted to take Cao Xue to where she lived. go?


   What does she want to do?


   "Let's go to the city! There is no atmosphere in my own home!" Lu Yang objected.


   Tong Yaqian spread his hands and said to Cao Xue: "Cao Xue! You have the final say today! Do you want to go to my place? The house I rented is very close! Just a few steps away!"


Cao Xue glanced at Lu Yang with a smile, and teased: "When do you like the atmosphere too? Okay! I want the atmosphere next time in the daytime! Now I don’t know when to wait for the car, and I don’t know yet. No taxi passed by! It was such a happy decision! Go to Yaqian's place!"


  Who decided happily?


   Lu Yang still wants to object, Tong Yaqian has already stepped forward to lead the way, and Cao Xue has pulled his arm to follow behind, is it really a happy decision?


   Lu Yang suddenly regretted it. How did you teach Cao Xue this sentence before? Hearing these words at this time, I was panicked!


Lu Yang had read a lot of urban novels before. Most of the protagonists have several women. The women in those books are peaceful, and they can even sleep with the protagonist. Now it’s his turn, Lu Yang knows that he is not so happy. .


   No matter how generous a woman is, she is also selfish when it comes to relationships. Where can she easily accept that her man has another woman?


   Unless in the beginning, that woman came with a man's money.


   In Lu Yang's uneasy mood, the three of them came to Tong Yaqian's residence. Tong Yaqian did not lie. She did have coffee, tea, red wine, and yogurt.


   The three people sat opposite each other across a dining table. Cao Xue sat next to Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian sat opposite. The three opened a bottle of red wine, and Tong Yaqian made a cup of tea for each of them.


   Then something more dangerous happened.


   Cao Xue, who was sitting next to Lu Yang, deliberately leaned against Lu Yang's shoulder. She knew that Tong Yaqian had ideas for Lu Yang, so she wanted to use this method to make Tong Yaqian retreat.


   And Tong Yaqian was smiling on the surface, but under the table, she rubbed a foot in stockings on Lu Yang's calf. She was wearing women's trousers today, but when she came back, she changed slippers.


   Lu Yang wanted to remove her foot, she kicked Lu Yang, and on the surface, she was always smiling, and Cao Xue didn't notice her little movement under the table at all.


   For Lu Yang, this is playing with fire. Once Cao Xue sees it, he will be beaten up.


   By the way, at this moment, he can't scold Tong Yaqian.


After drinking a bottle of red wine, Lu Yang didn't react much. The two girls had flushes on their faces. After drinking the red wine, they drank tea. The two girls happily chatted about the past in college, and then talked about other things. The recent situation of several roommates and classmates, giggling from time to time, and Lu Yang alone was the only one who suffered, and he remained silent most of the time.


   It may be that I drank too much tea. Half an hour later, when Cao Xue went to the bathroom, the smile on Tong Yaqian's face immediately became strange. She glared at Lu Yang and threatened in a low voice, "Come and kiss me!"




Lu Yang lowered his voice and widened his eyes. When Tong Yaqian saw this, the corners of her mouth were slightly tilted, and she continued to threaten: "I count to three, if you don't come and kiss me! When Cao Xue comes out, I promise to make it even more dangerous. Things come!"...


What's wrong?


   Before today, Tong Yaqian was not like this!


   Lu Yang's heart beats, and Tong Yaqian has already started counting: "1..."


"You count so fast?" Lu Yang was startled. Tong Yaqian looked at Lu Yang with provocative eyes, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she whispered: "Come on? Then I'll be a little slower!...6...7 ..."


   Lu Yang is speechless. He counts from 1 to 3, and he actually counts the decimal point. Isn't this all for children to play with? However, Tong Yaqian still counted very fast, so Lu Yang was so frightened, he hesitated, Lu Yang gritted his teeth, stretched his head, and kissed Tong Yaqian’s soft lips. Can a big man be frightened by a woman about this kind of thing? ? Who is afraid of whom?


   Tong Yaqian smiled and watched Lu Yang kiss her. Lu Yang kissed her and was about to return. She stretched out her hands and hugged her neck. There was a narrow dining table between them, and Lu Yang could not return for a while.


  And at this moment, the sound of flushing from the toilet was heard in the bathroom, and Cao Xue was about to come out...


   Lu Yang was anxious, and quickly broke Tong Yaqian's arm with his hand, and returned to his seat. Tong Yaqian looked at him with a smile, deliberately sticking out the tip of his tongue and licking his lips.


   Lu Yang wiped the saliva from his mouth speechlessly. At this moment, if Cao Xue was not there, he would definitely take Tong Yaqian to the bed and clean her up fiercely! Lawless all! I dared to tease him like The bathroom door rang, Cao Xue came out from the inside with a smile, Tong Yaqian's face instantly reverted to the previous appearance, smiling gracefully, no one could tell that she just tuned it` Played Lu Yang.


Lu Yang lamented Tong Yaqian’s ability to change her face. He could only restore her previous look. After another ten minutes, Lu Yang proposed to go back. Cao Xue did not sing against Lu Yang again this time, and left with Lu Yang. .


After    closed the door, Tong Yaqian's expression became lonely, and she could no longer see the way she had molested Lu Yang just now. Lu Yang did not understand her abnormal behavior tonight. In the final analysis, there was only one reason-she was jealous of Cao Xue!


   Cao Xue loves Lu Yangxiu in front of her, she can't be indifferent.


   Leaning on the door, Tong Yaqian stared blankly at the empty living room. Lu Yang was still here just now, letting her flirt with her. Even though he had a helpless expression at the time, she looked at him with joy.


   But now he can't even see his helpless expression. )


  Ps:?? Thanks to Delin Feiyang for the reward of 1 point.

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