Rebirth 2003

Chapter 325: repercussions

Lu Yang wrote another chapter before going to bed. At that time, it was already more than one o'clock in the morning, and his head was a little groggy. After Lu Yang finished writing, he did not look at the backstage, book review area, or the Q`Q group. After the message, code, save the manuscript, turn off the computer, go to wash and sleep.

At 8 o'clock the next morning, Lu Yang was still asleep in bed. He was suddenly awakened by Cao Xueyao, who had been waking up a long time ago. He opened one eye in a daze, frowned, and Lu Yang asked vaguely, "What's the matter? Oh Xiaoxue? Let me sleep for a while!"

   "Phone! The publisher's phone!"

   Cao Xue dangled Lu Yang's mobile phone in front of Lu Yang's eyes.

   Publisher's phone number? Calling so early?

   Lu Yang frowned again before reaching out to take the phone. The phone was already in a call, otherwise Cao Xue would not have known that the call was from the publisher.

   "Hey! Hello!"

   Lu Yang closed his eyes and said in a daze, the voice of the general manager of e Province Children's Literature and Art Publishing House came on the phone, with a smile in his voice: "Wen Chou! Are you still asleep?"

   Lu Yang didn’t sleep well, naturally, he was not in a good mood. He hummed, and then casually explained: “I haven’t got enough sleep recently. I slept more at one o’clock in the morning last night, and I’m on holiday today!”

In one sentence, only some key words were said, but it was enough for the other party to understand what Lu Yang meant. The general manager of e Province Children's Literature and Art Publishing House said to Lu Yang a difficult sentence on the phone, said two words of sorry, and then entered immediately.` Entering the topic, said: "That's it! After these days of arrangements, we have arranged the signing schedule for you! January 2nd, Shanghai`hai station; January 4th, Beijing`cheng station; January 6 No., Guangzhou`Zhou Station; January 8th..."

   The other party said in great detail, how can Lu Yang remember, who has not yet woken up? Interrupted: "Don't say so much! Just tell me when you will come! The next schedule, wait until I get there, right! You just said that the first stop is Guangzhou or Beijing? "

"Haha! Good! Let me simply say, according to our arrangement, you will be in Shanghai tomorrow! The first place we arranged for signing is in Shanghai! It is not Guangzhou or Beijing! Well, If you have time this afternoon, it’s best to fly here this afternoon. As for the ticket cost, we will reimburse you when you arrive!"

   "OK! Got it! Goodbye!"

   After talking, Lu Yang hung up the phone without waiting for a response from the other party. He was too sleepy and didn't want to continue talking nonsense! Cao Xue was stunned for a moment. After Lu Yang hung up the call and threw the phone on the bedside, Cao Xue couldn't help but say: "You talk to the general manager of Renjia Publishing House like this? Too? Pull it? Aren't you afraid that people won't publish it to you in the future?"

   What responded to her was that Lu Yang pursed his mouth, already asleep again.

If Lu Yang had just woke up from sleep, it would of course not be possible to talk to the general manager of Renjia Publishing House, but he was woken up by Cao Xueyao. He has suffered from a severe lack of sleep recently. It is rare to have a good night’s sleep today. Who wakes him up? Everyone will be upset, how can you care if the other party is the general manager of the publishing house?

What's more, he doesn’t need to ask publishers anymore. As long as his book fans are still, and when new books come out in the future, even if the publisher is not willing to publish his works, there will be other publishers who are arguing. Rush to publish his book.

   In these years, who has a grudge against Qian?

   About an hour later, Lu Yang was woken up by Cao Xue again.

   This time, Lu Yang's mental head improved slightly, but he still only opened one eye. Today, he wants to make up for all the sleep he lacked recently.

   Cao Xue was holding a bowl of porridge, squatting on the side of the bed, coaxing him with a sweet smile: "My dear! Are you hungry? Would you like to drink some porridge and sleep?"

Lu Yang glanced at her smiling face with one open eye, then glanced at the Si`chuan sprouts on the rice porridge, opened his mouth, still just opened one eye, neither hand took out the bed. Cao Xue actually asked Cao Xue to feed him. Cao Xue had never seen him do this kind of behavior before. She found it interesting in her heart, but she subconsciously gave Lu Yang a blank look, but she still smiled sweetly and used a spoon. He took a spoonful and blew, and put it into Lu Yang's mouth.

   Maybe Lu Yang saw that she had a spoon in her bowl, so he was too lazy to let her feed it.

It took a long time to feed a bowl of porridge. When Cao Xue wiped Lu Yang's mouth with a napkin, Lu Yang fell asleep again. As early as when Cao Xue fed him the porridge, his eyes were open. Closed.

After wiping his mouth, Cao Xue sat down on the edge of the bed amusedly. In fact, she was not angry. She knew that Lu Yang had to code words until about 1 a.m. every night, and sometimes it would be later, and she was heartbroken for a long time. , Sometimes she wants to persuade Lu Yang not to write novels anymore. The money he earns now can be invested in whatever he wants. Isn't it easier than writing novels?

But every time I saw him sitting in a small dark room with his eyes fixed on the computer screen, his hands and ten fingers flying on the keyboard cracklingly, his completely ecstasy made her unable to say anything like that. Lu Yang told her He likes to write novels and the feeling of controlling the fate of all the characters in his pen. He also likes to see the rewards and book reviews given by many readers because they like the stories he wrote.

   Looking at those things, he will feel that his life is meaningful.

   Cao Xue didn't quite understand these. How could someone fix the meaning of life on the novel?

   But not understanding does not mean she cannot support.

   As long as Lu Yang likes it, she can only let him stay up all night to code words like this. At this time, seeing Lu Yang sleeping soundly, Cao Xue looked at it, and the corners of her mouth showed a little smile.

It’s been a long time since I watched him sleep carefully. Looking at it, Cao Xue lowered her upper body slightly and kissed Lu Yang lightly on the forehead. After the kiss, she put out her red tongue naughty. Lu Yang licked his nose.

   was probably wet and uncomfortable. Lu Yang subconsciously reached out and wiped the saliva on his nose while he was asleep. Cao Xue giggled slightly, feeling very funny.

   wanted to lick it again to see how cute he was wiping his saliva unconsciously, but he was afraid of disturbing his sleep. After thinking about it, he dismissed the idea and got up and went out to buy vegetables.

   Lu Yang stayed asleep until more than ten in the morning before waking up. When he opened his eyes, he felt that his whole body was lighter, and he stretched his waist more vigorously than the previous day.

   When he got dressed and came out of the bedroom, Cao Xue was already preparing lunch. Today is a sunny day, and the warm sunshine outside shines into the living room, making people meet, and the mood becomes cheerful.

It’s been a long time since Lu Yang started to practice boxing. Lu Yang suddenly became interested and walked twice in the living room. Cao Xue, who was busy in the kitchen, heard the movement in the living room. He turned around and saw Lu Yang punching. He smiled sweetly and turned back. Get busy with your own business.

After punching his punches, his spirits improved. Lu Yang thought for a while, went back to the bedroom, took a set of underwear, and took a shower. When he came out, Cao Xue was already cooking, and the aroma of garlic and pork was tangy. The spicy aroma seems to be making twice-cooked pork.

   I didn't expect that Cao Xue would even cook twice-cooked pork now.

   With a good mood, Lu Yang went to the small room and turned on the computer. First, he uploaded a chapter of the manuscript, and then glanced at the book review area and the situation on the monthly ticket list.

   This month, he still has nothing to save. The monthly ticket list has fallen to sixth place from the beginning. If he still can't break out this month, he still doesn't know which place he will fall into.

   Lu Yang didn't care about this. The honor is just a matter of getting it. There is no need to dominate it for a long time. After you have enough manuscripts, you can compete with those great gods.

   landed on Q`Q, the beep of the new message sounded as usual, and Lu Yang happily replied one by one.

   Most of them are sent by readers, and some are sent by other authors.

   One of the readers said: "Wen University! Can we release "The Gate of Rebirth" in advance? February 1st is too late, right? Can't wait!"

   Another reader said: "Wen University! The trailer is very interesting! When the movie is released, you are guaranteed to buy tickets for support!"

There are more than a dozen similar readers' private messages. This is the consequence of the increase of the book fan group to 7. A large number of readers send him private messages every day. That's it, sometimes some readers ask him in the group why they are sending messages to He, he does not reply.

  The readers who asked him this way weren't one or two. Lu Yang was confused when he asked, and he answered every time. How could so many people say that he didn't reply?

   Later, when talking in the dark domain group, he was told by the great **** that this is Q`Q swallowing messages. There are too many private messages, and Q`Q will miss some of them.

   Lu Yang shared this explanation with the readers in the group, and then announced the matter on the bulletin board of each group, which made the daily readers' private messages a lot less.

There are seven or eight authors of private messages sent by   , most of them are not authors in the dark realm group, or in the throne group of the gods.

   Skeleton: "Wen Chouju! Congratulations! The trailer is wonderful! I wish the movie a big hit!"

  A passing sheep: "Wen Chou Ju! What kind of movie will you invest in next time, how about calling me one? I will also vote for one million!"

   Big Tiger: "The trailer is really awkward! You really wrote the script? You won't switch to a screenwriter in the future, will you?"

   The boiling dust: "Wen Ugly! I have seen a girl with long legs again! The lingering Chinese cabbage! I still lack a mistress in my villa, what should I do, you know!"

Left-handed knife: "I just watched the trailer of your movie. How can I say it! Exceeded my expectations! It should be popular! However, this is not the reason why you never come to give us lectures! Make time! Those in the group The **** has asked me eight hundred times! You always refuse, don't you?"


   After replying to these private messages, Lu Yang went into the group and checked the chat records of 7 groups. Basically, more than 90% of the comments were positive.

   This is good news, at least this first trailer is a success.

   After thinking about it, Lu Yang found last night’s browsing history again, opened the trailer video page on Youku, and glanced at the number of viewers and the number of posts posted on the video.

   The trailer was released at 12 o'clock last night. At this time, the data showed that the number of viewers had exceeded 3,000 and the number of posts had been more than 200.

   Clicking on these comments, Lu Yang smiled again.

   The top post is written like this:

"I originally watched this trailer with the attitude of watching jokes! I was still laughing when I saw the actor who looked like a turtle. Amateurs are really amateurs! Wen Chou writes novels very well, and he can play movies. As a result, after watching the entire trailer, I just want to say: Your sister! Is it true that the capable is omnipotent? Anyone who writes a novel can make such a movie! Is the world swollen? Is there any other way to survive?"

   Lu Yang noticed that this post had more than one hundred top posts, and only 8 had disliked posts. Under this post, there were dozens of replies.

   was the first to reply: "Anyone who writes a novel can play such a good movie. I don't believe in love anymore!"

   Second floor: "The logic of the horse upstairs? Wen Chou can make such a movie, do you believe that love has a relationship with hair?"

   the third floor: "Since ancient times, the second floor has been silly! The appraisal is complete!"

Fourth floor: "When Wen Chou said he wanted to operate full copyright, many people laughed at him as being naive! After Wen Chou lost his competitiveness in the monthly ticket list last month, many people said he was soft! The result? He sold the audiobook copyright. Now! Comic adaptation rights are sold out! Game adaptation rights and TV series adaptation rights have also been sold! What about those jokes that Wen Chou is too naive? Is the face swollen? The Wen Chou monthly ticket list was soft last month! But people Now the movie is hard! At this moment, I just want to ask: Can the earthlings stop Wen Chou from continuing to show off? Can it still?"

  Fifth floor: "The one upstairs is too much! It's just a trailer. Whether a movie will work or not can't be decided by a trailer!"

  6th floor: "Looking forward to the movie release! Looking forward to Wen Chou's continued awesomeness!"


   Just when Lu Yang read these when he was happy, the phone rang and it was Wang Lin's call.

   Wang Lin: "Have you seen the trailer? How about? Is it okay?"

   On the phone, Wang Lin's tone was relaxed and cheerful, and he was obviously in a good mood.

   Lu Yang smiled and said: "I have seen it! Well done! If the later trailers can maintain this level, the box office of this movie can be expected!"

   Wang Lin: "Don't worry! Before making this trailer, we have already done ten plans. The quality of the later trailers is guaranteed to be no worse than the first one!"

  Wang Lin's guarantee made Lu Yang frowned slightly: "Why isn't it guaranteed not to be more exciting than the first one?"

Wang Lin chuckled, "The first one is to catch everyone's attention! It is naturally the most exciting to attract everyone's interest! How can the later trailers maintain this level? Don't worry! The plans for the next few trailers are not as good as the first one. , But the gap is very small and will not disappoint everyone too much!"

Lu Yang frowned and thought for a while, and said, "If it doesn't work, just cut down the number of trailers! Try to bring the quality of the next few trailers to the height of the first one. Actually, think about it now. In February, there is only one month. We don’t really have to launch ten or eight trailers, just five or so! Spend all the promotional expenses on more media promotion!"

   On the other side of the phone, Wang Lin pondered for a moment before he said, "Okay! I'll discuss with the frog later! Or, you come over and give us an idea? Now on New Year's Day, you should have time?"

   Lu Yang: "I should be here tomorrow! Let's talk about it then!" R1152

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