Rebirth 2003

Chapter 327: Stop 1

On the morning of the 2nd of January, Feng Tingting absently browsed the webpage in a dormitory building. Lu Yang was signing for sale at the entrance of a Xinhua Bookstore in Shanghai today. She had already seen the notice on the bulletin board of the Wen Chou Primitive Group last night. In this group Many people in, in this period of time, have received his signature book one after another, and many people posted photos of the signature book in the group, which aroused the envy of many people. . .


   Every time she sees the photos of the signed book, she feels very complicated. When he sees her name, he will also send her a signed book.


It stands to reason that the relationship between the two is like this. After entering the university, he deliberately alienated her. She shouldn't expect his autographed book, but just like when he was in college, he went to see his works on the Internet inexplicably, and joined his only book fan. In the group, there were more than 300 book fans who acted together last time, and she also participated in it. In many cases, emotional matters cannot be judged by common sense.


   The more I want to forget a person, the clearer I tend to remember.


   These days, sometimes watching those book fans in the original group of Wen Chou discuss signing the book, she watched it quietly, and thought in her heart: If he doesn't send her a signed book, let's put it down completely in the future!


However, when I was in the group last night, I saw that he would be doing a signing in Shanghai today, and a thought always came into her mind, making her want to go to the scene too, if he didn't send it to her, she went to the scene today. You can also get a copy of his signature book.


   This thought has haunted her until ten o'clock this morning.


   According to the announcement in the group, at this time, the signing event has already begun.


   Feng Tingting never made up his mind whether to go or not.


   sat in front of the computer for a while. Feng Tingting finally stood up, changed into a water-red windbreaker, and stepped out on high heels.


   About half an hour later. Feng Tingting came to the entrance of the Xinhua Bookstore, and the taxi that had just brought her over went away behind her.


   Standing under the high steps of the bookstore, Feng Tingting suddenly wanted to turn around and go back. After hesitating for a while, she carried her Kun bag and walked up the bookstore steps with a complex expression into the spacious bookstore lobby. Twenty or thirty people gathered. Most of them were queuing with one or two brand-new books in their hands. There were also men and women like bookstore staff watching and maintaining order.


   Standing on the steps in front of the bookstore, Feng Tingting could no longer move. Looking through the gap in the crowd, she saw Lu Yang in black casual clothes smiling and signing someone's signature. After a few strokes of the signature pen in her hand, she signed a copy. That posture. Like a big star.


There are still many people watching in the lobby of the    bookstore. These people should not be his book fans.


   After watching for a while, Feng Tingting still turned around silently, she still didn't have the courage to walk in front of him.




   Lu Yang, who was signing for Feng Tingting, didn't notice. There were more than 300 book fans who came to the signing site today. By this time, it was already over. After signing these dozens of people, the signing event here in Shanghai can end.


   came to the signing ceremony today. In addition to more than 300 book fans, there are also three great god-level authors in Shanghai, all of whom are familiar with Lu Yang. Come here today, one is to cheer for Lu Yang, the other is to have a drink with Lu Yang.


   One is a big tiger, one is a skeleton, and the other is a passing lamb.


These three people appeared on the scene. If it weren’t for Lu Yang’s introduction, the more than three hundred book fans would not know them at all. The writers are not celebrities at all. Perhaps the works of these three people are among the book fans who came to the signing ceremony today. I have seen it, but no one knows what the author looks like.


After Lu Yang introduced it, some book fans took Lu Yang's book after signing it, and asked the three authors to sign. With the first such fan, there will be a second and third. indivual……


   Later, after getting Lu Yang to sign, almost most book fans went to find the three people to sign, making them dumbfounded.


   Sign your pen name on someone else’s book...


   I think it’s funny.


   After finally signing the last book, the tiger rubbing his sour fingers gave a wry smile and said to Lu Yang: "Today I lost a lot! You sell the book, and we actually want to sign it!"


   Skeleton echoed with a smile: "Yes! Today you are going to hire a dragon!"


The passing lamb sighed and sighed: "I suddenly regretted why I wrote the pen name so long in the first place! You sign a name, double slam, and it's done, but I have to write five characters! Too! His mother is cheating!"


   Speaking of this, Lu Yang laughed.


   Skeleton said: "You're not bad! If Fenghuo engages in a signing event, he will definitely be exhausted!"


Speaking of Fenghuo, several people at the scene, including the lambs passing by, all laughed. The full name of Fenghuo's pen name is "Fenghuo Opera Princes". Usually this pen name looks very handsome, but I really want to get an autograph meeting. The pen name of so many strokes. Absolutely cheating!


   At this time, Lu Yang was thinking of Big Tomato. In his memory, Big Tomato's code word has not been signed for many years. I don't know if it is because his pen name is too long.


The signing is over, and it’s almost time for dinner. The staff of the publishing house has already set the food. This time the one who is in charge of the signing event for Lu Yang, in addition to the editor in charge who usually contacts Lu Yang, there is also a publishing house’s staff. Editor-in-chief.


At the dinner table, the atmosphere was very good. Everyone talked and laughed. Lu Yang didn’t talk much. Most of the time, he listened to others with a smile. The big tiger was calm and the skeleton was a bit shy. Sheep is said to be a civil servant, and the witty words at the banquet are like beads. He wants to come and usually participates in all kinds of banquets.


   Of course, the most enthusiastic and atmospheric people are the staff of the publishing house. There are not only the editor in charge of Lu Yang, the deputy editor, but also two men, two women and four young staff members.


  Not long after the banquet started, Lu Yang discovered that the deputy editor of the publishing house was very enthusiastic about Big Tiger and others, and he obviously wanted to bring these three people to his own publishing house to publish books.


Now, according to the lunar calendar, it is still the end of 2006. If it is calculated as the solar calendar, it is already the beginning of 2007. After the rise and development of online literature over the years, a large number of popular writers have emerged, such as big tigers, skeletons, and passing lambs. , Popularity is not low. Basically both simplified and traditional characters have been published, especially the passing lambs. This person debuted very early and his fame on the Internet can only be ranked second, but in the physical publishing industry, especially in Taiwan. Bian has long been famous, otherwise, with his popularity on the Internet, he would not be eligible to enter the dark realm group.


   Not to mention, the current works of these three people are suitable for publishing in simplified Chinese. At least the strength of the three people is there. Maybe the book will be a big hit, and it may not be suitable for the mainland market.




   After the meal, Lu Yang and others came to the residence of the passing lamb.


   In a new house that has just been renovated. Here, a few people saw Lamb’s girlfriend, a small and delicate girl. According to the big tiger, Lu Yang quietly told Lu Yang that the lamb and the old cow were eating tender grass! This girlfriend is still in college.


   Between the words, although he despised the passing lamb, he couldn't hide his envy.


The people from the    publishing house did not follow. According to the itinerary arranged by the publishing house, Lu Yang would just rush to the next signing point tomorrow.


Because Lu Yang’s holiday was limited and he didn’t need the publisher’s carriage fees, the publisher generously prepared all airline tickets for Lu Yang. Although the distance between several signing points was extremely long, it was within a day by plane. , Where can't you make it?


   Sitting down in the passing lamb’s living room, drinking tea made by Lamb’s girlfriend, the four of them started chatting casually. Lamb’s girlfriend was very gracious to wash the lamb in the bathroom.


   once again attracted the envy, jealousy and hatred of the big tiger and the skeleton, these two people are still bachelor!


   This is also a great sadness for writers! Many writers above the second-line, even if their monthly income has long surpassed most white-collar workers, they will still not meet a suitable lifelong event.


  The writer’s life circle is too small!


   A lot of people, at least, it’s normal for one or two months to stay in front of the door and fail to move. They can’t get in touch with women of the same age all the year round.


   Someone once described internet writers like this-moving like a virgin, quiet like a rabbit!


   and traditional: Quiet like a virgin, moving like a rabbit, just the opposite!


   This sentence, at first glance, seems to make no sense. How can it be like a virgin when you move, and when it’s quiet, it will look like a rabbit running around? Since it is quiet, the rabbit shouldn't get rid of it!


   In fact, this sentence really means that when the writer is moving, it is like a little girl, quietly, and when it is quiet, the thinking is like a running hare, very active.


   In other words, in the life of a writer, it is so low-key that there is almost no sense of existence, but on the Internet, when writing online articles, the brain is in a highly active state!


  A dwarf in action, a giant in thought!


Such a person, not to mention that you rarely come into contact with girls, even if you do, they may not be favored by girls, unless you happen to meet a girl who loves and you happen to be big Use the money to seduce her!


The four of them chatted for a few words. With the help of Jiu Xing, the shy skull and crossbones also increased. They rubbed their hands and said: "My old book has recently finished, and I am preparing a new book. Now I have a few ideas. Please help me refer to it. ! Which one is better?"


   "Let's talk about it!" The big tiger came interested.


   Lu Yang and the passing lamb also smiled and waited for the skeleton to say.


Seeing that several people were interested, Skull immediately came up to talk about sex, organizing the language and saying: "The first idea is... the original kind! Isn't the recent "Buddha's Truth" very popular? I thought, If I take advantage of this shareholder spirit, and I also write a book of primitive subjects, will it also be popular?"


   The big tiger said with a smile: "You! Still can't change the habit of following the trend!"


The passing lamb disagrees with the big tiger's point of view, and smiled and shook his head and said, "What's the matter? "Buddha is the Way" can be so popular, it shows that works of this subject matter have readers' market! We write web articles, not just for it. Do you make money? Are you looking for your ideals? What are you planning to write a "Dream of Red Mansions"?" (To be continued...)

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