Rebirth 2003

Chapter 334: Release one

   "The Gate of Rebirth" has no big names in the performance, and the director is not a well-known director in the circle. Therefore, Lu Yang and Wang Lin did not have the idea of ​​a premiere. It was released directly on February 1.

Wang Lin drove Lu Yang to the local Cathay Cinema in Shanghai. Cathay Pacific Cinema is also a well-known big theater in Shanghai. When they arrived, Lu Yang saw the big tiger, the skeleton and the passing lamb, and the little lamb’s girl. Friends, and Wang Lin's mother and cousin.

The big tiger, the skeleton and the passing lamb, as well as the little lamb’s girlfriend, all came to Lu Yang to cheer. Wang Lin’s mother and cousin naturally came to see Wang Lin’s work in the past six months. What kind of movie.

   A few people exchanged greetings and went into the theater together. The movie tickets Wang Lin had already prepared, and the Tigers and the others also received movie tickets from Lu Yang.

   Just walked into the theater hall, and there was a surprise call from the lounge area next to him: "Wen Da? Wen Da is here!"

Wang Lin and others who had just walked into the hall were shocked. Lu Yang was no exception. Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw more than 20 young men and women running over with surprises. There were several. I still have a brand-new book in my hand, come to the cinema with a book?

   Wang Lin’s mother and cousin were at a loss. They didn’t understand what was going on, but Lu Yang, Wang Lin and others immediately understood. These people were called "Wen Da" just now, so they must be Lu Yang’s book fans.

   Sure enough, after these people trot over, you said to me that you were a fan of Lu Yang. Lu Yang also remembered that last night, a reader asked him if he would appear in the premiere of the movie? Where is the movie theater?

   Lu Yang didn't think much about it at the time, and he replied casually. Unexpectedly, there were more than 20 book fans here today.

   "Wenda! Can you take a photo together?"

   "Wen University! Last time you signed for sale in Shanghai, I didn't catch up. Can you sign for me today?"

   "Wen University! Which movie theater are you in? I'll go buy a ticket for that theater too!"

   "Wenda! I came to see you specifically!"

   "Wen University! I'm here to contribute to the box office for you!"

The book fans are very enthusiastic. Wang Lin and others subconsciously let Lu Yang and Cao Xue be surrounded by enthusiastic book fans. Fortunately, book fans and celebrity fans are not so fanatical and will not be crazy. Things come.

Lu Yang satisfies the requirements of these book fans one by one. Those who want to take a group photo will take a photo together; those who want to sign will sign the other party; those who want to shake hands with him are not problematic; Lu Yang also told them that he did not What to hide.

   After hearing the bad news about Dai Qingwa and Wang Lin in the car just now, Lu Yang felt a little heavy in his heart. At this time, surrounded by enthusiastic book fans, the heaviness in Lu Yang's heart was lessened.

   There are these book fans who like his work, even if this movie loses money, what can it do? You won't lose your money, write one more novel and you will earn it back!

After some delay, the time for movie screenings is approaching. Today is the premiere day of "Gate of Rebirth". There are more than a dozen movie posters pasted in the theater hall. The last trailer of "The Door".

   I can hear that sentence from time to time: "Doctor! I think

  I can still rescue it..."


   More than ten minutes later, a group of people entered the 2nd cinema...


On the same day, countless movie fans scrambled to buy movie tickets for "007 Casino Royale". On the same day, many fans of Lu Yang and other great gods walked into the major cinemas under the Lianhe Theater. Buy movie tickets for "Gate of Rebirth".

   The car, Wenhao, Pan Niu, Lan on the asphalt road? People, big love wood = rebirth, a set of old clothes...Thousands of book fans used their own actions to walk into the cinema on this day, buy tickets for "Gate of Rebirth", and support Wen Chou.

Although some of them have been in the group or in the book review section of "Magic Sword Eternal", they said that they would not buy tickets to support this movie, and that the box office of Wenda should fail, and then honestly write books for them, But on the day when the movie was released, many book fans who had clearly said that they would not support it still rushed to the local cinema, bought a ticket, and silently supported it.

It was also on this day that most of the great gods who received Lu Yang's tickets in the online literature circle walked into the theater alone, or brought their girlfriends and friends into the theater. There were also some authors who did not receive Lu Yang's tickets. They also bought one or two movie tickets on this day and walked into the theater alone or with others. They were somewhat curious about the movie written and invested by Wen Chou.

   In any case, Wen Chou, like them, is also a net writer. If Wen Chou can succeed in writing and investing in movies this time, it will be good news for them.

   Even if they don’t plan to invest in movies themselves, what if there is a film company or director because they see a successful movie written by Wen Chou, should they write the script?

   I can have this!


   Shanghai Kodak Movie World, on this day, two young women walked here and bought a movie ticket for "Gate of Rebirth." One of them was Feng Tingting, and the other was Bai Jingjing, who had been cut off from Lu Yang for a long time. Both of them came alone, one after the other, and did not meet.

   In another city, another Lianhe movie theater. At this time, Tong Yaqian was also sitting alone in the movie hall; and at Lu Yangnian University's H city, Rui Xiaoxiu also walked into the movie theater with a female companion.

   Everyone who has nothing to do with Lu Yang, on this day, at this moment, are sitting in cinemas in various cities, waiting for a movie called "Gate of Rebirth" to be screened.


   Shanghai Cathay Pacific Cinema No. 2 theater, the lights went out one by one, and the sound in the theater gradually decreased.

   A beam of colored light beams shot out from the back of the theater, projected on the large screen at the front of the theater, the golden dragon icon of the radio and television appeared, and the sound was also heard from the speakers in the theater.

After the radio and television icon, the big screen was first black and then bright again. A bathroom mirror appeared on the screen. In the mirror, a dark-skinned young man with deep head-up lines appeared on his forehead, the most striking. The thing is that there is a deep scar on the right cheek of this person, and you can see that this person is not a serious person.

   Look at this person's hairstyle and dress.

   has black hair, a cluster of white hair on the forehead, an ear stud on the left ear, jeans on the lower body, big-toed leather shoes, a black leather jacket on the upper body, and a skull necklace around his neck.

   If such a person is also a good person, there will probably be no bad person in this world.

   There was a murmur of whispers in the theater. Some viewers who had not watched the trailer of this movie subconsciously thought that the man who appeared at the beginning was a small supporting role.

  While watching the trailer, he knows that the guy who is so frustrated is the hero of this movie.

   Soon, another man’s voice came from outside the screen: "Duan Cang! Go away! Time is coming!"

The man in front of the bathroom mirror agreed. He took out a cigarette in his mouth, squinted his eyes, and walked out of the bathroom. Outside was a simple dormitory. Three or four men dressed as gangsters were already leaving the house. The guy named Duan Cang squinted his eyes and followed behind with a cigarette in his hand. When he went out, he took a rubber roller on the table and inserted it on the belt behind the ass.

   At this time, the names of the producer, screenwriter, director, and lead actor appeared on the screen.

   These names appear very playful.

   Four or five gangsters walked out of the dormitory and came to a brightly lit street. On a bulletin board on the side of the road, a few words jumped out-Producer: Wen Chou, Wang Lin.

   A few people walked forward for a while, and a few words jumped out on the LED light board of a store-Screenwriter: Wen Chou.

   went a little further, a double-decker bus drove past, and on the windshield in front of the bus, appeared-Director: Dai Qingwa.

   Then two more taxis passed by, and the logo on the roof changed to the name of the protagonist-the leading protagonists: Cheng Bing and Zhang Li.

   This subtitle format makes most of the audience in the theater feel a little bit novel.

After these subtitles, a few gangsters walked into a street where the street lights were dimly lit, and at the same time, an out-of-picture audio sounded: "My name is Duan Cang! I used to be an aspiring young man, but now my profession is... a nightclub thug! As for why? Now? Prefer not to say……"

   "No way? This **** is the leading actor?"

   "I x! This protagonist is too ugly, right?"

   "The gangster movie? The gangster movie is called "Gate of Rebirth"?"

   In the theater, there was a low vomit.

  Lu Yang The number 2 theater where they are located is not high or low. It may be due to the reason that it was just released today. In the small theater, the attendance rate is about 50 to 60%, um, plus Lu Yang and the others.

Lu Yang and the others did not sit at the front of the theater. In order to pay attention to the real reaction of the audience in the theater, the group sat in two or three rows at the back of the theater. Those Lu Yang fans saw Lu Yang sitting in the back row. Sit according to the seat number. Anyway, the cinema is not full, there are many vacancies, and they are all sitting near Lu Yang.

Hearing the spit in the theater, Dai Qingwa, the director, was already clutching the seat armrest beside him with both hands. Wang Lin's expression was also tense. The mother and cousin sitting next to him all watched subconsciously. Gave him a glance.

The big tiger, the skeleton, the passing lamb, and the little lamb’s girlfriend, a few people looked at each other, and their faces were different. At the beginning of the movie, there were audiences complaining about it. They all sweated for Lu Yang. This is a bad film. Rhythm?

   Several of those book fans also glanced back at Lu Yang's face. In the darkened theater, they couldn't see what Lu Yang was on at this time. They could only see that Lu Yang's brows seemed to be frowning.

   Cao Xue, who was sitting next to Lu Yang, subconsciously squeezed Lu Yang's palm, Lu Yang glanced at her, did not speak, her brows were indeed frowned.

  In his heart, he had confidence in the film that he wrote and decided on the editing style. The reason for frowning at this time was not because he was worried about the quality of the film, but because he was worried that the opponents at the same time were too strong!

   "007 Casino Royale", "Love Call Transfer", "Disciples", "Wonderful Night at the Museum"...

   Which one is not a classic in the minds of countless viewers? "Gate of Rebirth" wants to win a high box office in the cracks of these gold suction machines is too small!

   I am afraid that even if the box office dark horses such as "Crazy Stone" and "People on the Road" are broadcasted at this time, they may not be able to achieve impressive box office results like in history.

   On the big screen, the movie is still going on.

The male protagonist Duan Cang and several gangsters entered the nightclub to work. The nightclub’s business was very hot, and the work of several people was very leisurely. Some stood at the door to collect tickets, and some stood at the door of each luxurious box. Duan Cang was in charge of the lobby. The order of the dance floor.

   The guests of the nightclub came and went, coming in and out. It can be seen that the night is getting deeper, and many of the guests have already drunk a lot of wine. Just when some of the audience in the movie hall felt a little impatient, things happened.

Several seemingly drunk guests actually fought for a woman. Duan Cang, who was in charge of the order in the hall, rushed over immediately. Several other gangsters who maintained the order of the nightclub were rushing over. The few guests who fought were still there. Started, one person obviously suffered a loss. In the chaos of punches and kicks, Duan Cang was all alone, blocking this and unable to stop the other. Suddenly, in the theater, a few timid female audience members exclaimed. It turned out that the big screen Above, the male guest who had just suffered a loss actually took out a folding knife from his pocket and stabbed it out. The hapless actor Duan Cang was pulled by another evasive guest and blocked him~www folding knife stabbed into Duan Cang's abdomen without obstruction...

Duan Cang lowered his head blankly, looking at the knife pierced into his stomach. When several drunk guests saw this scene, they were all frightened awake, and they retreated, and then subconsciously wanted to escape from the nightclub, especially It's the murderous man.

On the big screen, Duan Cang's figure shook, and the blood that gushed out like spring water kept flowing. He stretched out his hand to cover it, but there was no effect. The noise, screams, and roars around, all sounded for a while, and then went silent again. , The picture in front of him also began to shake, and finally his right leg softened and fell to the ground.

   There was no sound in the movie hall. All the audience stared at the big screen blankly. The film only started a few minutes before the actor was stabbed. Is this the rhythm of killing the actor from the beginning?

Those who saw the trailer knew that this was just the beginning, but this kind of opening method still shocked everyone. When I watched the trailer, I felt that this scene was very joyful and funny. Now when I watched it on the big screen, I realized that it was actually Not that funny.

   Duan Cang was already lying on the ground, leaning back on a table leg, surrounded by many people in the distance, there were friends who messed up together, beautiful waitresses, and nightclub managers...

   What are these talking about, Duan Cang has no intention of listening, feeling that the voices of these people seem to be coming from the distant sky, faintly, and scenes of the past have begun to appear before his eyes.

   A teardrop fell from the corner of his eye, but he didn't know it. Finally, the horn of the ambulance came from outside the nightclub, and several white coats poured into the hall.


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