Rebirth 2003

Chapter 769: So meeting one

At about 1.50 in the afternoon, Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian were sitting in the back seat of Land Rover, and He Baiming drove to the location of the **Technology Company. ※%※%,


   In the car, Tong Yaqian took Lu Yang's arm, looked out the window with a smile, and asked Lu Yang, "Why did you want to take me over this meeting? Afraid that I will be bored at home alone?"


   Lu Yang smiled when he heard the words, and didn't tell the real plan in his heart. He smiled and said, "Yes! And, you're going to be the boss's wife! Always take our company to recognize the door, right?"


   Tong Yaqian does not suspect him, and the smile on her face is even worse.


   The car soon arrived under the building where **Technology is located. The car stopped steadily. Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian got out of the car hand in hand, and He Baiming drove the car into the parking lot.


The building that appeared in front of Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian had only a dozen floors. In the modern city of Greater Shanghai, it did not look very eye-catching. Tong Yaqian looked up and smiled: "It's right here! I didn't expect it to be so famous now* *The company headquarters is in such a building!"


   Lu Yang also looked up and laughed. The real situation is even more shabby than Tong Yaqian saw. **Technology is just one of the many companies in this building.


   Maybe it's time to consider renting or buying a building alone to house ** technology, bookworm reading, and his and Wang Lin's Ugly Lin Film Company.


  Sometimes, a magnificent company building can also give users and partners a little more confidence.


   With these thoughts in his mind, Lu Yang has taken Tong Yaqian's hand and walked to the gate of the building.


At the gate of the building, Pu Tanglin, Shang Xuebin and other company leaders were already waiting. Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian were seen getting out of the car, led by Pu Tanglin. Seven or eight people walked over here quickly.


   Shang Xuebin, who was ordered by Lu Yang to come to the meeting, had arrived early.


   "Hello, Mr. Lu!"


   "Welcome to Mr. Lu!"


   "President Lu, please!"


   "President Lu! Is this Miss Tong? Hello, Miss Tong! Welcome!"


   Pu Tang Lin and others greeted Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian enthusiastically as soon as they came up. Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian both responded with smiles. After a delay, a group of talented people gathered Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian into the building. At this time, He Baiming, who was going to park, had already rushed over, silently following Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian behind them.


   At the same time, the eyes of some employees and passers-by of other companies inside and outside the building were also attracted, curiously looking at Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian who were welcomed in warmly and politely, guessing the identities of the two, either openly or secretly.


  ** The employees in the technology company are in good spirits!


   When a group of people came out of the elevator, Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian were crowded by Pu Tanglin, Shang Xuebin and others into the **Technology company. Along the way, all the employees Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian saw were in good spirits. Everyone was busy without saying anything, basically with a smile on his face. When I saw the general manager and others crowding Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian in, everything they met and saw was immediately respected to him, Tong Yaqian, and Pu Tanglin and others. greet.


   These people did not slow down their work because the company's office space was not stylish enough, which surprised Tong Yaqian a little.


   From this point, we can also see the recent development momentum of **Technology. It is difficult to imagine a company with poor performance and poor development momentum, and employees can have the mental state and outlook that she sees now.


   was surrounded and walked straight into the largest conference room in **Technology. Along the way, Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian smiled and waved and nodded to the employees who greeted them. To Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian, the employees they saw were very strange. Lu Yang felt familiar at best, but he and Tong Yaqian, especially Lu Yang, were in the eyes of these employees. No stranger.


   This is due to his more and more celebrity feeling in recent years, not only in real media and online news. I can see his photos and reports about him from time to time.


   also because of the internal staff training of **Technology and some meetings, when the company was born. Every time some slides are played, a photo of Lu Yang is often displayed.


   Leave this practice alone, whether it is vulgar or not, at least this practice allows the company to know who the big boss of this company is, so that one day when the big boss walks into the company, he will be stopped by the front desk of the company.


  Because the company is no stranger to Lu Yang, Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian responded with a smile. In the eyes of these employees, they felt a kind of intimacy and felt that the boss and the boss’ girlfriends were pretty good.


   Waiting for Lu Yang and others to enter the meeting room. After the door of the meeting room was closed, the chattering in the office area buzzed.


   Female Employee A: "This is the ugly character? It's really not obvious! It's not like written at all. I believe that he is an athlete! But the aura is so big! It's much better than the photos!"


   Female employee second: "What is so handsome? It's not obvious? Be careful to be heard by the leader to deduct your salary! Can a handsome man only look at his face? Our boss doesn't rely on face to eat!"


Male employee A: "Yes! Xiaoyun! I warn you! Don't discredit my idol! What does your little girl know? How handsome does a man depend on himself? It depends on his career! And his side How beautiful are women! Didn’t you just see that your boss’ girlfriend is so beautiful and so temperamental? Dump you to Nine Streets!"


   Female Employee C: "You always have to suggest to your boss to give us a raise this time. After being heard, everyone else will raise your salary. Only a few of you will not raise your salary. You will regret it at that time!"


   Female employee Ding: "Huh? Sister Li! What you said is true? Will President Pu really suggest that the boss give us a raise this time?"


Male employee B: "This should be true! I also heard about it! As a result, our company's business and performance have been growing explosively, and Mr. Pu must also feel that our salary is low. Come on! Hey... I heard that Pu always intends to mention this when the boss is about to get married, and he must be in a good mood, in order to increase the probability of the boss agreeing to a salary increase..."


   Female employee second: "Really? Mr. Pu is so insidious! Hey, but I like it! Mr. Pu is wise!"|


   Female Employee A: "Salary increase? How much will it increase? It seems that the Lancome I wanted to buy last time is gone!"


   Male employee C: "You guys are not promising! Our company has such a good performance. Isn't it a matter of time for a salary increase? Look at your excitement!"




   Lu Yang and others in the meeting room could not hear the discussion in the office area.


   When Lu Yang and the others came in, in the long conference room of about fifty square meters, the long conference table was almost full of the brains of the ** technology.


   Since this period of time, as the number of users of ** has increased sharply, ** Technology’s performance has continued to rise, business volume has also increased, and the company’s employees and leadership have also expanded and expanded.


   Today, there are more than one hundred people in the company.


   "President Lu! This is your seat! Miss Tong! Your seat is next to Mr. Lu!"


   Pu Tanglin personally guided Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian. At this time, in the meeting room, except for the footsteps and voices of the ten people they had just entered, everyone else remained quiet. As Lu Yang and others took their seats one after another, the meeting room gradually became quiet.


   Lu Yang sat in the upper seat of the conference room, with Tong Yaqian alone beside him, and He Baiming stood blankly behind him with his hands on his back.


   Pu Tanglin sat in the first seat on the left side of the conference table, and Shang Xuebin, who came to attend the meeting temporarily, occupied the first place on the right side.


   After the meeting room was quiet, the smile on Lu Yang's face faded. He glanced at the fifteen or six heads in the meeting room, and reached out his hand to indicate to Pu Tanglin on the left to signal that the meeting could start.


Pu Tanglin nodded, retracted his gaze to look at Lu Yang, lowered his head and opened the folder in front of him to take a look, looked up at the people below, and coughed: "My colleagues! I am very glad that we have today’s meeting. Mr. Lu and Tong Yaqian are here, everyone is welcome!"


   As he said, he took the lead and began to applaud. Naturally, the heads and brains below who are holding Lu Yang's job will not show face at today's meeting. Although the number of people is small, the applause is very warm.


   Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian smiled and applauded casually, smiled and nodded at everyone. After a brief applause, Pu Tanglin began to formally enter the conference agenda.


   first raised the issue of ** payment that he reported to Lu Yang on the phone.


   Lu Yang didn't know if they went straight to the theme in their usual meetings, but Lu Yang admired the way they went straight to the theme today.


   When Lu Yang used to watch the news, he felt painful when he saw the stylized meeting screens on the news. After a few hours of meetings, everyone didn't have to do anything for half a day.


   As long as you attend two such meetings a day, you don’t have to do anything in one day.


   Can the problem be solved by just shouting slogans and talking about it?


After    Pu Tanglin raised this issue, the heads and brains below have spoken. It is not so much a speech, that it is more accurate to say to Lu Yang!


   Because Lu Yang soon discovered that these people were not arguing with each other at all, but they all looked at him and stated the necessity and urgency of the company's launch of ** payment.


  One, two, five, eight, all speak the same all the speakers looked at him.


  Where is this a meeting? It is basically a collective proposal and a collective petition!


   After the "speaking" of those people, Pu Tanglin also pretended to sum up: "Well, I have heard everyone's opinions, Mr. Lu, and you see, Mr. Lu...Is this topic passed?"


   Lu Yang looked at him speechlessly. Although he realized in his heart that ** should launch his own payment system, is it really good for the meeting to be like this?


   Is this still a meeting?


   In the conference room, except for Tong Yaqian's smiling eyes and He Baiming's indifferent eyes, everyone else looked expectantly at Lu Yang.


   With a light cough, Lu Yang nodded helplessly, and said, "Let’s discuss the name of our payment system!" (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thanks to the people who have fallen flowers and flowing water, Zhang is a hero for rewarding 100 points, thanks to Weimo Xiaochen for rewarding 200 points, thanks to Tibetan bow and burial horse for rewarding 588 points, and thanks to the brothers and sisters who voted for monthly tickets! u

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