The next morning, the first ray of sunlight shone through the gap in the curtains and sprinkled on the warm sheets, soft and warm.

The room was filled with a faint fragrance, swaying gently with the morning breeze, bringing a hint of freshness.

Hao Qiang slowly opened his eyes, and what came into his sight was Qiu Yuqing’s quiet and charming profile, with a faint smile. A ray of sunlight sprinkled on her fair skin, adding a bit of softness and warmth to her.

Feeling her breath and body temperature, Hao Qiang was full of satisfaction.

Qiu Yuqing seemed to realize that Hao Qiang had also woken up. Like a child, she murmured and curled up in Hao Qiang’s arms again, as if to integrate him into her body.

The two people’s eyes intertwined at the same time, and then they couldn’t help laughing.

Qiu Yuqing was a little shy, and there was an indescribable charm between her frowns and smiles.


Hao Qiang received a prompt from the golden finger and turned on the virtual screen.

【Writing System】 (September 20, 2004)

【Level 5: 3.7 million/5 million】 (words written/words required for upgrading)

System LV5: Every 10,000 words written = 2,000 yuan reward

Amount that can be withdrawn: 30,000 yuan

【Wealth: 502,500 yuan (including unwithdrawn and uncashed stocks calculated according to the purchase value)】

【Memory: 20】 (superior)

【Thinking power: 17】 (middle-upper)

【Appearance: 14】 (middle-upper)

【Physique: 11】 (middle)

【Four-dimensional attributes: 62】

【Free attribute points: 4】 (wealth reaches +1 to 200,000 yuan; +1 to 500,000 yuan; +2 for the first blood partner)

[Hint 1: Add a super beautiful partner with a face value of 24, and the first blood will reward +2 free attribute points]

[Hint 2: The number of free attribute points added through a partner is limited, please exercise restraint, the body is the capital of the revolution]

“So that’s it, the requirements are quite high!”

“If I just find a little beauty, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?”

Hao Qiang thought to himself, if Qiu Yuqing was not the first time, or her face value did not reach 24, then he would not get free attribute points.

The highest value of each attribute of human beings is 26, and it is rare to reach 25, and a face value of 21-23 is considered a handsome boy or a beautiful woman.

[Note: handsome boy, pretty girl: 16-20

Handsome boy, pretty girl: 21-23

Super handsome boy/beautiful girl: 24-25

God level: 26, the peak level in human history, such as Diao Chan]

According to the system evaluation, Hao Qiang believes that Qiu Yuqing and Han Qingying’s appearance has reached 24, which is considered super beauty, while Zhang Li, the little beauty in his class, is at most 16.

He thought about it for a while and simply raised his appearance to 16, spending 4 free attribute points.

His appearance has also reached the upper-middle level, which is already at the level of a handsome boy.

The four-dimensional attribute has also reached 64 points.

At present, the four-dimensional attribute is still the main focus, and strive to open the second technology.

The skin on his face was only itchy for a minute or two, and then it returned to normal. It is estimated that it will take one or two weeks to complete the transformation.

After Hao Qiang finished the work of the golden finger, he stroked Qiu Yuqing’s smooth back and said gently:

“Yuqing, I have to prepare for the hot pot restaurant these two days, so I may not have time to accompany you.”

“Well, you are busy, do you need my help?”

Last night, the two talked about many topics, and Qiu Yuqing understood Hao Qiang’s family situation.

I always thought he came from a wealthy family, but I didn’t expect it was just a rural family. Hao Qiang used the reward for the college entrance examination to speculate in stocks. He has made hundreds of thousands of yuan and plans to start a business.

She doesn’t care about Hao Qiang’s background, but if her parents know, they will definitely not agree with them being together.

After all, wealthy families pay more attention to the right family.

She has to admit this.

Therefore, she is very supportive of Hao Qiang’s entrepreneurship.

She still has 300,000 yuan in pocket money on hand, and plans to give it to Hao Qiang to speculate in stocks. If he loses, it’s fine, and if he makes money, it’s his.

“No, just do your thing.” Hao Qiang smiled and shook his head, got up and dressed, “I’ll go out for a walk and buy breakfast by the way.”

He kissed her forehead intimately, went to rinse his mouth and brush his teeth, and went out after telling her.

Qiu Yuqing was stuck in bed, mainly because it was a bit inconvenient to move.

After Hao Qiang left, she uncovered the blanket, looked at herself naked, and was shy. She quickly put on her clothes and went to the bathroom, and found that Hao Qiang had prepared a new toothbrush and towel for her.

After washing up, like a little wife, she helped Hao Qiang to make the bed.

When she came to the living room, she found that there were many hot pot spices piled on the floor, and the notebook on the tea table was filled with dense data.

After a while, Hao Qiang came back with breakfast.

The two sat at the dining table, taking a bite each, and happily finished their breakfast.

Hao QiangAfter putting on an apron, he finally found a source of raw peppercorns and began to develop the last hot pot base: spicy hot pot base.

Qiu Yuqing sat in the distance, quietly admiring, and she didn’t expect that Hao Qiang’s knife skills and cooking skills were so good.

What kind of excellent boy is this?

There are too many mysteries!

Hao Qiang was busy until 10:30 in the afternoon, and then went out to buy vegetables and cook.

Qiu Yuqing didn’t want to go anywhere, she liked to be with Hao Qiang.

After lunch, Hao Qiang asked about what happened last night:

“Yuqing, is your relative’s entertainment company reliable?”

“My dear aunt, trustworthy, she is the major shareholder.”

“I still have two new songs on hand, their quality is no less than “Yu Xi Tan”, if used well, it is not a problem to promote an artist.

I don’t plan to sell songs, but I can grant performance rights and information network dissemination rights. Other rights such as reproduction rights and distribution rights are not considered for authorization for the time being.

What I value is the income from mobile phone ringtones. Ask your aunt if her company has SP operator qualifications to cooperate with mobile companies. If so, we can discuss cooperation matters.

If not, then I can only look for another family to cooperate with.

Family ties are family ties, business is business, not to mention that it is not your company. Do you understand what I mean?”

Qiu Yuqing didn’t think it was strange that Hao Qiang still had good songs.

If you can write a good song, you can naturally write more songs.

Nodding with a smile: “Yes, I understand. I’ll call and ask.”

After a while, the call was connected. Qiu Yuqing chatted with her aunt for a while, and Hao Qiang also heard some information.

“My aunt plans to come from Shenzhen tomorrow. I’ll meet you and talk in detail. Is that okay?”

Hao Qiang nodded, Qiu Yuqing replied, and continued to chat for a while before hanging up the phone.

After dinner, the two of them cleaned up the dishes and cleaned the kitchen together.

During the lunch break, Hao Qiang and Qiu Yuqing lingered again. He was like a farmer who had been drought for a long time and couldn’t stop.

After taking a break and recuperating, Hao Qiang continued to work on reclaiming wasteland and cultivating the land without feeling tired at all.

After waking up from a nap, Hao Qiang once again devoted himself to the work of preparing the spicy hot pot base.

Unexpectedly, the fifth variety of hot pot base, the spicy hot pot base, was finally developed.

After Qiu Yuqing became more mobile, she went back to the dormitory and took out her bank card.

At dinner time, the two sat around the spicy hot pot, enjoying the delicious taste of spicy and fresh.

“It’s delicious, much better than the hot pot we had last night, Hao Qiang, I believe you will succeed.” At noon, Qiu Yuqing had tasted the delicacies cooked by Hao Qiang, and the taste was very delicious.

And the hot pot in front of her was even more unique.

She didn’t praise deliberately, but praised from the bottom of her heart, and she had more confidence in Hao Qiang to open a hot pot restaurant.

“Opening a hot pot restaurant is not about making money just by having good taste.

Of course, deliciousness is the most basic requirement, there is no doubt about that.” Hao Qiang tasted a few bites and was quite satisfied with his craftsmanship.

Next, he had to start renting a store, decorating and arranging it, and at the same time looking for food channels and recruiting employees. It was a heavy task.

Qiu Yuqing lent him 300,000 yuan, and Hao Qiang did not refuse. He was in great need of funds at present, the more the better.

At present, the stock price of Moutai is in a rising stage. If there is a channel to borrow a large sum of money, the interest rate is higher, he dares to borrow.

Qiu Yuqing didn’t say a word about her family background, but Hao Qiang had guessed about 70% with his keen intuition.

A girl who is so well-off that she can easily take out 300,000 yuan must have a family that runs a large-scale business.

She didn’t mention it at all, just because she didn’t want to add psychological burden to Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang understood and stopped asking.

When he is strong enough, Qiu Yuqing will naturally confess to him.

The night is short, and the two of them are lingering in the bathroom.

The next morning, Qiu Yuqing reluctantly left the rental house that made her dream.

She knew that Hao Qiang had a lot of things to do and couldn’t help. Staying with him would only affect his work.

She didn’t ask more about Hao Qiang’s high school classmate.

Too much questioning will only make a man feel irritated and cause estrangement, and the one who leaves in the end may be her.

Hao Qiang looked at the empty bedroom and felt a little empty in his heart.

After Qiu Yuqing left, he leaned on the sofa and pondered for a long time.

Having tasted the pleasure of love, it is natural that desires are insatiable.

Maybe this is his current mentality, but he does not regret it.

After this incident, many things suddenly became clear and not as entangled as before.

Instead of deceiving himself, it is better to be a greedy and responsible “scumbag”.

He admitted that he was very selfish in love and could not be a saint.

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