"It hasn't been decided yet." Although they were inseparable, Ye Shen didn't want to say it out before the final order was given, otherwise he would let her down again.

Hua Zhao felt a little relieved again. No matter what the task was, they would always be separated.

"So the vacation isn't over yet?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Yeah." Ye Shen nodded.

"Oh yeah!" Hua Zhao immediately jumped over happily, enjoying the few vacation time he might have.


Early the next morning, well, it was almost noon when Hua Zhao got up.

Xiao Shenxing had already eaten and drank enough to take a nap in her arms.

As long as he is in Hua Zhao's arms, he won't cry or make trouble, just like his brothers and sisters, just feed him.

But when she is in someone else's arms, things become more complicated. If she is not comfortable in the arms, she will frown and look unhappy.

Although it is a small group, it still has its own ideas.

Everyone was heartbroken and funny when they saw it.

His brother and sister have been happy since childhood, but they don't have so many expressions.

Ye Shen had disappeared. Hua Zhao asked and found out that he left before dawn in the morning and didn't know what he was doing.

She frowned and didn't ask again. So what if she asked, she couldn't decide on his new mission.

If she was asked to give Ye Shen a task, she would let him work from home... But obviously this was impossible.

"Let me look at Dabao. He is so fat and cute." Hua Zhao hugged Xiao Shenxing and exchanged words with Ye Shu.

She had been in a bad mood in the past and paid less attention to the child.

Now that things are over and everything is calm, she is in the mood to take a good look at Ye Shu's child.

This is incredible. The little guy has not yet reached the full moon and will grow to 15 pounds. He is so fat.

"Isn't he only 8 pounds when he was born? This is no good, he needs to lose weight!" Hua Zhao said quickly.

"Do you still need to lose weight?" Ye Shu didn't know that such a small child also had to lose weight: "It's not too bad, right?"

"It's not good to be so fat! What do you feed him every day? He's so fat!" Hua Zhao said speechlessly.

"What else can I eat? Of course, breast milk." Ye Shu actually felt that the child was too fat and she couldn't hold it.

It doesn't weigh 15 pounds, but you can see if it weighs by hanging it on your hand every day.

"I mean, what did you eat? Your breasts are too fat. Give him less." Hua Zhao said.

"No, he will cry if he eats less than one bite. He can't bear it." Ye Shu said sweetly and tangledly.

Hua Zhao thought about it, she did hear Dabao crying occasionally, but the cries stopped immediately. She thought he had a good temper.

It seemed that feeding him milk made him shut up.

"No, you must control the amount of milk. If you continue to be so fat, you will get sick." Hua Zhao said.

Even her three little ones get sick occasionally, let alone ordinary children.

"All right..."

The weather is very hot, and Dabao is so fat. His body is covered with eczema, especially the bottom of his neck, which is frighteningly red.

If it weren't for the homemade ointment she made from Huazhao, which was very effective and went off as soon as she applied it, she would have died of panic.

But as soon as I went down, I was warmed up again.

I can't get fat anymore.

Ye Shu and Hua Zhao discussed several ways to help Dabao lose weight, and Zhang Guilan came in and asked them to go out for dinner.

When they went out, they saw Xu Mei also at the dinner table.

Seeing the two people coming out, Xu Mei immediately looked at the two babies.

"Oh my, they are all so cute, which one is better to hug?" She rubbed her hands happily.

The older she got, the more she found herself drawn to children.

But she won't have it herself, so she can only care about others.

"Xiao Tiantian is afraid of life, and the big baby is too heavy. I'm so confused." Xu Mei said with a smile, and stretched out her hand towards Dabao.

Don't be afraid if it weighs too much. She can still hold it with this weight.

It's terrible to be afraid of life. When Xiao Tiantian starts crying, it's almost life-threatening.

Although she wanted to hold the little guy more.

The big black eyes are like a replica of Hua Zhao, and the frowning look is particularly cute.

"You'll be one month old tomorrow, right? Do you want to treat me?" Xu Mei asked Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao then remembered that Xiao Shenxing was almost one month old.

During the past month, her mind was not focused on this.

"Do you have any plans for the full moon?" Hua Zhao asked Zhang Guilan.

She had even forgotten what she had in mind, but her family would definitely have arrangements, right?

"What your mother-in-law means is that she doesn't have to take care of her anymore. She wants to live a normal life and be raised lowly." Zhang Guilan said.

Although it's not lively or grand, as long as it's good for the children, anything will do.

Hua Zhao didn't care, the child was still so young, what he knew, the ceremony and so on were all arranged by adults.

It would save you the trouble if you don't do it.

As long as Xiao Shenxing is in her arms, she can do anything.

After finishing the meal happily, Hua Zhaocai asked Xu Mei: "Why are you here free?"

Shouldn't she be busy reuniting those people in the factory these days?

"Ahem, I drove them two-thirds open. They were making trouble at the door, so I came out and hid for a few days." Xu Mei said a little embarrassed.

Hua Zhao...

Xu Mei laughed awkwardly: "Didn't you tell me to relax? I'll kill all those who cheated and cheated before..."

In 1981, the wave of layoffs had not yet hit in full force. There were very few poorly managed factories that closed down, and even if the factory closed down, the workers would be placed in other units to continue working.

The iron rice bowl is solid.

Most of those without jobs are educated youth who came back from the countryside.

Xu Mei dare not use this kind of person...

But in the end, some of the people she recruited were also unreliable.

Most of the people who dare to work in private companies at this time are desperate people who cannot find other jobs.

Although the wages in the private sector are a little higher, the job bowl is not iron, it is made of porcelain and will break if dropped on the floor.

Like now, if the boss says you should fire, you will be fired, and your future is not guaranteed.

And there are no separate rooms.

Therefore, people who are unemployed still choose state-owned enterprises first, and only choose state-owned enterprises when they are desperate.

You can only imagine how serious you can be about this job with no guarantee of the future.

Moreover, most of these people came from closed state-owned enterprises, and they are the best at working as foreigners.

Xu Mei didn't attack everyone because she restrained herself.

"The factory has stopped production?" Hua Zhao asked.

"No, I recruited another group from the countryside. The message I sent out last night has already filled up this morning!" Xu Mei said with a smile.

Country people are different from these people.

Nowadays, rural people still think that going to the city to work is a big deal. Even if it is not a state-owned enterprise, even if they are not allocated a house, as long as they are paid, they will work seriously.

I am afraid that I will be driven back and go back to the fields to farm. Not only is there no money, the most important thing is to be embarrassed!

Hua Zhao nodded. She could have mentioned this when building the factory, but she didn't. She chose to let them figure it out on their own.

Only by experiencing more can you grow.

"So don't hide, go back and solve the problem." Hua Zhao said to her: "Tell them why they were fired, and if they should be criticized or scolded, do it if they don't accept it. Don't hide, as if you are in the wrong.

"If you hide, they will be more aggressive. If you fight back, they will be honest."

Xu Mei.....

"Okay, you're right." She stood up quickly and walked away menacingly.


Hearing that the incident calmed down quickly, Xu Mei stood at the door and "reasoned" with dozens of people, leaving everyone speechless and the crowd reluctantly dispersed.

This almost made it to the newspapers.

As a result, Hua Zhao pressed him down.

They have more than 8 people to hire. How many people are suitable to hire has not been studied yet. They don't want to run into the gun and be regarded as a model again.

A few days later, Xu Mei did not come, and Liu Qian came to see Hua Zhao with a sad look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Hua Zhao asked.

She was a little curious about things that could make Liu Qian look bitter.


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