"Second Aunt, what are their looks like? Have you seen it?" Hua Zhao asked directly.

Liu Yuegui knew what was going on without having to lower her head. She immediately reached out and patted the two boys: "This is your second aunt. Why don't you call me when you see someone? Quick, call me second aunt."

The two boys raised their heads and continued to glare at Hua Zhao, their eyes even more fierce.

Even though he is just a child of seven or eight years old, he still has emotions and can also hate.

"What do they mean? Are they blaming their parents' fault on me?" Hua Zhao asked.

"No, no." Liu Yuegui said quickly: "Ye Dan and Wang Jian did something wrong themselves, and they cannot blame others. If they really want to blame, they blame me for not teaching them well."

She sighed, almost crying.

She really thought so.

Therefore, Hua Zhao can't do anything to her.

This person has no evil intentions, but because of his different life philosophy, he always does things that she doesn't like.

"Wang Dong, Wang Liang, what did grandma teach you before? Be kind to your second aunt..."

"She was the one who killed my parents! Without her, my great-great-grandfather would have settled my parents' affairs. My father wouldn't have to go in, and my mother wouldn't have to leave! We wouldn't become wild children that no one wants! It's all because She!" the older Wang Dong suddenly shouted.

Liu Yuegui was startled and shouted: "Who told you this? He is sowing discord!

"Who said no one wants you? Don't grandma and grandpa want you? I serve you delicious food and drink every day, but all of them end up in the dog's belly?" Liu Yuegui scolded.

She was not a young lady in the past, and she did not have the elegant cells. She could also curse people.

Moreover, she felt really sad.

Because these two children now have special status, she loves them especially, and told the children of Ye Ying's family to keep the children of Ye Dan's family, especially the youngest ones, out of fear that they would be wronged.

The result is not good, they think they are wild children?

But what do children know? This is all taught by adults!

"Speak! Who told you these words?" Liu Yuegui shouted.

Although she had been estranged from Hua Zhao's family before because of Ye Dan's incident, and her relationship was very complicated, there was absolutely no resentment against Hua Zhao in it.

Ye Dan blamed herself, her husband, and even Ye Xing for what happened, but no one could blame Hua Zhao.

Even without Hua Zhao, if this matter was discovered, the old man would never tolerate them.

Liu Yuegui saw this very clearly and told the children, but they obviously didn't believe it.

Wang Dong and Wang Liang remained silent, but Liu Yuegui became anxious and struck.

The answer came out in no time.

"The fifth aunt said it."

Ye Xing is the fifth eldest boy in the Ye family, and Qiu Mei is the fifth aunt.

"It turns out it's her!" Liu Yuegui rolled up her sleeves and said, "She can't live her own life anymore, and she dares to sow discord! Do you have to have someone kick her out? I'll go find her right away. !”

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Take them with you." Hua Zhao suddenly said.

Liu Yuegui turned around and saw Hua Zhao pointing at Wang Dong and Wang Liang of Ye Dan's family, as well as two little girls from Ye Ying's family.

"Let them play here for a while. I was there to fight. It's inconvenient to take them with me." As she said this, Liu Yuegui remembered that she was still holding one in her arms and wanted to put it down.

As a result, Hua Zhao was still holding a child in her arms and couldn't pick it up. Others... She turned around and saw Ye Shu walking over. Unfortunately, Ye Shu also had a child in his arms.

Finally she gritted her teeth and was about to put the child on the table in the yard.

"Quickly, take them all away." Hua Zhao said, "They just finished fighting, so they probably won't be able to play together."

"It's normal for children to play and fight. After a few more fights, everyone will kiss." Liu Yuegui actually insisted on keeping the child.

She brought them here not just to play with them, but also to restore their relationship with the Huazhao family.

The Ye family will depend on Ye Ming and Ye Shen for the next few decades, and they cannot be at odds with Ye Mao's family.

It is best to use a few children to resolve conflicts and increase feelings.

Although the method is good, Hua Zhao does not accept it at all.

She didn't want to "resolve" any conflicts or increase feelings with Ye Dan's family.

"Yunfei and the others don't have weekends. They have classes every hour. Their schedule is full and they don't have time to play. Second Aunt should take the people back." Hua Zhao made it clear.

Not only do I have no time to play with them today, I will also have no time in the future!

Liu Yuegui's eyes lit up: "You have to learn so much? Then let them learn together? Let's compete together, and we will still be motivated to learn!"

For the first time, Hua Zhao felt that Liu Yuegui was also very difficult to deal with.

Hold it!

The three brothers of the Ye family, she has already messed up the third brother's family, she can no longer mess with the second brother's family!

Otherwise she would really become a house disturber!

"Second Aunt, the child and I both want to rest. We don't like to make noise..."

"I will never let them make noise again! I promise you will be quiet and sleep as long as you like!"

Hua Zhao...

Ye Shu couldn't listen anymore and said directly: "Second Aunt, this is your grandson. You can take care of it yourself and don't trouble others."

Liu Yuegui still wanted to talk.

Ye Shu could guess what she was going to say and retorted directly: "Do you think raising a child is just a matter of giving food to keep them hungry and thirsty? Doesn't the character need to be cultivated? Doesn't the principle need to be taught? I feel tired even raising a child I’m so panicked that I don’t have the energy to take care of other people’s children.”

Liu Yuegui looked at Hua Zhao and the three children beside her.

Hua Zhao has raised three children, but she has never said she is tired.

It didn't make sense directly. Ye Shu rolled her eyes in anger. She glanced at Hua Zhao and said that she didn't care. Let Hua Zhao say whatever she said about her.

Hua Zhao has nothing more to say.

"Second Aunt, go and settle the score with Qiu Mei. If you don't handle this matter, I will go. They are so pitiful orphans and widowed mothers. It would be better to reunite them with Ye Xing," Hua Zhao said.

"No, no, no, no. You know how pitiful they are to orphans and widowers. I'll go talk to her." Liu Yuegui hugged the naughty bag and left with the four children.

Hua Zhao knew this would happen.

Liu Yuegui is a soft-hearted person who sympathizes with the weak. No matter how hateful the weak was at the beginning, when she sees how pitiful he is now, she immediately generously forgives him for all his past mistakes.

Qiu Mei is now living with her tail between her legs in the Ye family. The man has run away, her mother-in-law doesn't want to see her, and she doesn't have a job. She has to spend a penny to ask for what others want, and it's so pitiful to look at other people's faces.

She actually didn't want to go over and fight Qiu Mei. She wanted to go over and reason with her and tell her what women should do.

The people finally left and the yard finally became quiet, but Ye Shu still felt heavy in his head.

"Will she come again in the future? Bring her children again? Will the door be opened?" she asked.

"What does it look like if you don't open the door?" Hua Zhao said.

Liu Yuegui is Ye Shang's wife, the second wife of the Ye family, and Ye Shen's aunt. He has never done anything sorry to her, but just because she doesn't like to listen to her talk, he doesn't let her come to the house?

And the children of Ye Dan and Ye Ying's family will never be able to enter her second aunt's house again?

That's so unbecoming of a human being.

Word spread that it was her fault to say that Potian was the one who had worked so hard to earn the fame in the past, but she would soon be replaced by being "arrogant and aloof" and "not understanding of the world."

Such people are never welcome.

"What should we do?" Ye Shu was worried for Hua Zhao and himself. Could she still sleep in in the future?

"Mom, don't be afraid!" Yunfei suddenly said: "I have a way!"

"Oh? What can I do?" Ye Shu asked immediately.


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