A wedding banquet ended successfully, and Hua Zhao took the three little ones home with bewildered faces.

The three little babies were all stunned.

Before they were three years old, Hua Zhao would praise them in various ways, such as how beautiful, good-looking, awesome, the best, and number one!

But after they were three years old, she started praising them cautiously. More often than not, Hua Zhao would tell them truthfully when they did something bad.

We cannot let them live in lies, otherwise they will not be able to accept the reality when they hear the truth.

The three children were a little uncomfortable with this change at first, but with their mother's persuasion, they have accepted their somewhat ordinary reality.

But today, they are extraordinary again and are praised as flowers again.

"Don't take it seriously." Hua Zhao smiled and began to analyze the adult world for them.

Tang Fanghe suddenly smiled and said: "If I give birth to a child in the future, can I send him to study with them? Learn kung fu and knowledge."

She knew that Hua Zhao taught cultural classes to the three children. They did not teach the contents in the textbooks, but taught them what Hua Zhao remembered. It was more like a question of a hundred thousand whys.

She occasionally attended a session and immediately remembered it.

If her child can grow up with the three little ones, receive education together, and develop relationships together, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Hua Zhao said with a smile: "The child is not here yet, so you think too far ahead. When you are born, I can send him over to attend classes together."

She might not have agreed a few days ago. How much responsibility is it to raise a child? She couldn't afford it.

But now that she has taken over the internal affairs of the Ye family, it would not be bad to raise a child who meets her standards from an early age.

Besides, there are four sheep to drive, so one more sheep doesn’t matter.

Ye Ying opened her mouth. She also had two children in her family who were about the same age as Yunfei Cuiwei. They were the sisters that Liu Yuegui brought to fight a few days ago...

Although Hua Zhao had accepted all the mistakes and apologized to her before, she was now too embarrassed to ask Hua Zhao to help her teach her children.

Now there are only two more. Hua Zhao really doesn’t want to teach...because this is not a question of two. After teaching these two, you can’t favor one and the other. There are still a few "little wolf cubs" in Ye Dan’s family that she needs to put under her nose. Still sitting.

She had to smooth their hair down and not let them become a curse.

"Do you know a teacher who is good at teaching cultural classes?" Hua Zhao asked Tang Fanghe: "Chinese and mathematics are not taught for the purpose of exams. They only care about whether they can be taught, whether the handwriting is beautiful, and whether the arithmetic can be done. right."

As for those teachers who are just for exams, they are all in the school and she doesn’t need to invite them to her home.

Tang Fanghe thought for a while and nodded; "I know a few people who meet your requirements."

"Then please come and have a look. If we leave two of them, I'll just set up a small school and invite everyone at home who is still in school." She said.

"In addition to learning writing and arithmetic, I will give another class."

In this way, she left the two most troublesome things to others, and she still took a class according to the original plan, which was still completely fine.

"Okay." Tang Fanghe agreed immediately.

Ye Ying laughed on the sidelines. It was great that even older people could come!

She is worried that there are several children at home who have no one to discipline them!

There are also several children from Ye Dan's family...

"Send it in one piece." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ying really smiled this time, and her eyes looking at Hua Zhao no longer seemed to be separated by a layer of something, but were as warm as before.

Several people returned home happily, and Liu Yuegui came back with the four children who had fought with Yunfei before.

Seeing the harmonious relationship between them, Liu Yuegui laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth.

Although Hua Zhao was mean to her that day, her attitude soon changed and she invited them to come to her house to play more often.

In other words, Yunfei and the others need company.

And everyone is having fun, isn't it?

"We have a guest at home." Liu Yuegui smiled and said to Hua Zhao, "I'm looking for you."

"Who?" Hua Zhao asked.

"It said her name was Sun Xiaojuan. I didn't know who she was, but the guard let her in." Liu Yuegui said.

Sun Xiaojuan is here?

Is this what's going on with Xu Jie?

"Hua Zhao, save Xu Jie!"

Before Hua Zhao entered the room, Sun Xiaojuan came out after hearing the sound, and knelt down in front of Hua Zhao with a "pop".

"Get up." Hua Zhao said as he pulled the person up.

She has been kneeled down by many people in the past, some begging for mercy and some thanking her, and she has become accustomed to this action.

However, Xu Jie is somewhat related to her now, and she can't stand it~

"How is Xu Jie?" Hua Zhao asked.

"She woke up." There was no happy expression on Sun Xiaojuan's face: "But she doesn't recognize me anymore! She doesn't recognize anyone anymore, wuwuwu."

After saying that, he started crying.

The daughter she had raised for more than 20 years felt so sad that she had forgotten her mother, so she was confused and ran to find Hua Zhao.

She must have a way to save her daughter.

Hua Zhao's eyes flickered, has he lost his memory? real or fake?

She has never seen anyone with amnesia.

And "amnesia", why does it sound a bit uneasy?

Maybe she has seen too much...

Or maybe there is her own example, and she is a little overthinking.

"Go and have a look." Hua Zhao said immediately.

Unexpectedly, she was so happy. Sun Xiaojuan looked grateful and quickly dragged her away.

When they arrived at the hospital, Hua Zhao saw Xu Jie who had regained consciousness.

He was looking around blankly, with a dull look on his face.

Although she can answer other people's questions, except for understanding the logic, she doesn't know the answers.

Hua Zhao observed carefully for a long time and felt relieved.

She has post-traumatic stress disorder, not what she thought.

"I can only do so much, but she hurt her brain. I don't know if it will work." Hua Zhao handed Sun Xiaojuan a glass bottle.

Sun Xiaojuan took it over gratefully.

Xu Zhide and Mrs. Xu both had eyes twinkling.

They now have a rough idea of ​​what happened yesterday, more detailed than Hua Zhao, and they also heard that Hua Zhao had a life-saving medicine in his hand.

This medicine is used elsewhere...

Sun Xiaojuan noticed their looks and quickly held the medicine tightly in her arms.

This lesson is her daughter's life!

But what she didn't know was that what Hua Zhao gave her was completely fake...


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