"Stan is just a small character, it doesn't matter." Ye Ming said with a smile.

"What about the big character? Can you give him a blow through this incident?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Of course." Ye Ming smiled and said, "We will talk about these things later."

He looked at the two strangers in the yard.

Hua Zhao immediately introduced him.

Ye Ming looked at Hua Zhao with a smile.

You really do what you say and act quickly!

And do it better than him.

He has never thought about gathering all the children together and keeping them under his watch to train them. He doesn't know whether they will succeed or not. At least he can understand the temperament of all the children and train them from an early age to prevent them from taking the wrong path, harming others and themselves, and also Thunder harms the family.

"Grandpa will pay for all the money that needs to be spent," Ye Ming said.

Hua Zhao nodded and did not refuse.

This is not a question of more money, but a question of attitude. To Hua Zhao, these are actually "other people's" children, and there is no reason for her to raise them.

It makes sense to let Ye Zhenguo come out. These are his grandsons, his grandsons.

"When does school start?" Ye Ming asked.

"Tomorrow." Hua Zhao said simply.

"From now on, 7pm to 8pm every night will be study time, one course per day, and weekends off," Hua Zhao said.

As for childhood, we can't deprive children of their weekends.

It's not that she doesn't want to spend more time, she really doesn't have the time. Now her children get out of school late, and primary schools usually finish at 5:30 and 6:00.

Excluding the time they spent walking here, there is nothing extra.

And she has to eat all the meals.

"Ouch~~" Several children who were secretly listening began to scream strangely.

I can't tell whether I am happy or unhappy.

I am very happy to come to Huazhao every day to eat delicious food, but I have to study until 8 o'clock and I feel like crying.

Hua Zhao smiled, who told them to give birth at the wrong time? If, like future generations, school ends after 3 o'clock, she would never "abuse" them.

The two teachers left and went home to prepare teaching materials. They had to prepare well for the first class tomorrow, and they must be worthy of the high salary given by Hua Zhao.

200 yuan a month.

Earn a bicycle a month? Both of them are a little bit incapable of riding.

After sending the teacher away, Hua Zhao began to choose a venue in the yard again.

The children who are coming to class are not the only ones who are the same age as Yunfei. She said before that anyone in the Ye family who is in school can come, including those in high school.

There are no siblings of Ye Shen's generation. Ye Li is the youngest and has already gone to college.

Of the remaining younger generation, there are a few from her family, the ones from Ye Shu's family are still in her arms, but there are no Ye An and Ye Tao, so almost all of them are children from Ye Dan and Ye Ying's family.

Plus one Ye Jiaqing.

Thinking of this, Hua Zhao asked Liu Yuegui: "What did Qiu Mei say when you went that day?"

She hasn't forgotten Qiu Mei's instigation of discord.

"I scolded her! She knew she was wrong." Liu Yuegui said.

"Haha." Hua Zhao replied.

Liu Yuegui: "...It's not easy for her now. She is raising a child alone. There is no man in the house. She has to reach out to eat and dress, but she still reaches out to her husband. Her husband has already forgotten her. The last time I haven’t given her living expenses every month..."

She said and glanced at her new sister-in-law Tang Fanghe.

"Really? I don't know, I haven't heard of it." Tang Fanghe said with a look of surprise: "Next time I write a letter, I will remind Ye Cheng. But Qiu Mei is the same, won't she write to Ye Cheng herself? ?”

Never mention her giving money.

Tang Fanghe was confused in her heart. She was mentally ill so she gave Qiu Mei money. That was to give Hua Zhao eye drops. She, the new sister-in-law, foolishly complained for Qiu Mei in front of Hua Zhao.

Liu Yuegui wasn't really stupid. She saw that Tang Fanghe didn't want to pay for it anymore, so she didn't persuade her and kept silent.

After all, this is all about Ye Cheng, who doesn't care about Qiu Mei or his grandson? I also forgot to pay for my grandson’s living expenses.

"What has Uncle San been busy with recently?" Hua Zhao asked Tang Fanghe.

Ye Cheng is not such a narrow-minded person. It is impossible not to give it intentionally. He must have forgotten it or it is inconvenient.

"He didn't say anything." Tang Fanghe said, "We only wrote letters, and we didn't talk about his work in the letters."

Hua Zhao nodded and stopped asking.

Liu Yuegui's good old man's fault happened again: "It's getting dark soon. I'll go to Qiu Mei's house and ask Jiaqing to come to class tomorrow. Don't be late."

Hua Zhao’s small classroom also accepts preschool children.

"I'll go with you." Tang Fanghe said suddenly.

Hua Zhao glanced at her and asked: Why are you so interested?

"I don't know much about this daughter-in-law. I heard that she actually taught her children to talk like that. I have to take a closer look at this kind of person to prevent her from causing trouble behind my back in the future." She glanced at Liu Yuegui and said.

Most of these words were said to her.

She thinks Liu Yuegui is a good person and wants to give her some advice.

Qiu Meidu instigated Ye Dan's children to hate Hua Zhao, which made her family restless. She even made friends online. Sometimes she really couldn't understand Liu Yuegui.

Hua Zhao thought clearly, a good person is a good person, otherwise, how can he be a good person.

She didn't pay attention, sent the two of them off and went back to cook.

Liu Yuegui left, but the children are still here. It seems that they have to take care of the food today.

Miao Lanzhi had a show tonight and had just left.

What's more, Ye Ming finally came here to give him a good meal.

As a result, Liu Yuegui brought Qiu Mei back as soon as the food was served.

Tang Fanghe was speechless beside her.


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