Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1043 When to set off

Why did the elder brother bring someone to the door?

And Ma Tianming was not arrested?

Logically speaking, he was the one who encouraged Ma Daha to betray Ye Shen.

Even if it's a ploy, he also knows Ye Shen's identity and is one of the threats, right?

"Brother Ye, sister-in-law, I'm here to apologize." Ma Tianming said as he entered the room.

He raised his head for the first time, looked at Ye Shen and Hua Zhao openly, and smiled.

The sun is shining brightly and his face is determined.

When he followed Ma Daha, he looked completely different.

Ye Ming sat down casually.

Ye Shen nodded towards Ma Tianming.

The attitude is also very casual and relaxed.

Hua Zhao even lost his ability. Is this a friendly army? When did it start?

"Let him speak for himself." Ye Shen said.

"I'm sorry, sister-in-law, I'm here to apologize." Ma Tianming added, "Because of Yao Ji, you have suffered heavy losses."

He looked very embarrassed.

I'm so sorry.

Because of Tao Ji, Yao Ji lost more than millions in front of his eyes, and he didn't know how long it would take to repair his damaged reputation.

Foreigners can't tell the difference between "Tao Ji" and "Yao Ji", and they won't buy Yao Ji when they see them in the future, which leaves a bad impression.

This is a huge invisible loss.

"As long as you know the losses are heavy," Hua Zhao said, "Then how are you going to compensate me?"

Even if it is a friendly army, it certainly did not start from the time of Yao Ji.

He would have to compensate for the losses caused!

Ma Tianming actually laughed and was very happy.

"I made a preliminary estimate that Yao Ji has lost about 10 million now and in the future... I hope you can compensate me for a period of time." Ma Tianming said.

He actually admitted the account and even offered a sky-high price of 10 million. Except for Ye Shen, Ye Ming and Hua Zhao all looked at him in surprise.

"Okay." Hua Zhao said: "Since we are friendly forces, I will suffer a little loss, 10 million for 10 million."

Ma Tianming still smiled happily, and then took out a piece of white paper from his pocket. It turned out to be an IOU, stating that he owed Hua Zhao 10 million yuan.

It seems that he is not just talking about it, but really intends to pay it back.

Hua Zhao then looked at him seriously: "How do you plan to pay it back?"

Ma Tianming just glanced at Ye Shen and did not answer the question.

He continued to apologize: "As well as Brother Ye's matter and Ye Shu's matter, I apologize on behalf of the Ma family."

"No need." Ye Shen said, "You have nothing to do with the Ma family now, so you don't need to apologize for them."

The key is that the few things he wants to apologize for have nothing to do with Ma Tianming.

Ma Tianming used to be in the Ma family, mainly to help Ma Daha make money.

He was not involved in the Ma Chenggong Ma National Day incident or the kidnapping incident, which is why he can sit here.

The smile on Ma Tianming's face became even bigger.

Hua Zhaoneng could clearly feel that he was obviously relieved when Ye Shen said that he had nothing to do with the Ma family.

The chain around the loyal dog's neck is untied, and he is naturally happy when he is free.

Seeing Hua Zhao's curious eyes, Ma Tianming said: "Sister-in-law guessed right just now. That manager was indeed arranged by me. I have planned every step. I must prevent the Ma family from turning over!"

There was a flash of murderous intent on his face.

"Ma family? Are other members of the Ma family also implicated?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Yeah." Ye Ming looked at Ma Tianming and said, "Everyone in the Ma family who has a position has gone down, because they have all received benefits from Ma Daha and helped him do things."

This is bribery.

This kid is so cruel. He won't let anyone go in the Ma family, which is so big.

Not only Ma Daha went in, but also the retired Ma Dashuai. Ma Daqiang, who had run outside a long time ago, was also wanted. Those Ma family members who they had looked down upon in the past were all taken in by Ma Tianming and were sent in.

The remaining few are children who have not graduated and have no jobs.

And if the parents have such criminal records, these children will definitely not be able to pass the political review, and this will be the case for the rest of their lives.

The Ma family no longer exists.

This is also the reason why he can bring Ma Tianming in.

They don't make friends with children from the enemy's family, but now that the "enemy's family" is gone, Ma Tianming is just Ma Tianming, himself.

He was a friendly soldier who killed the "enemy's house".

"He told me the addresses where Ma Daha hid the money." Ye Shen suddenly said.

That's it, no wonder he knows it in such detail.

This time to steal, no, to get something, Hua Zhao actually didn't do much. She just went on a date with him, and Ye Shen knew exactly where the things were hidden.

Hua Zhao also suddenly remembered that those things were in her hands and had not been handed over yet.

She blinked and looked at Ye Shen: Do you want to hand it in?

Ye Shen shook his head.

From now on, they can eat this kind of dirty money without having to hand it over.

This is his reward from above.

Hua Zhao didn't know this yet, but she was happy when she saw Ye Shen shaking his head.

Although she didn't like the money, she felt a little uncomfortable after spitting out the stuff in her mouth...

"I didn't think it would go so smoothly." Ma Tianming smiled: "Fortunately, Brother Ye is so good that he wiped out Ma Daha's treasury."

As long as a little bit is left behind, Ma Daha has no energy to burn the boat. He is a person who cherishes his life very much.

"Where did he hide his personal money?" he asked curiously.

This problem has troubled him for a long time. He had always been afraid that the plan would fail at this point.

I didn't expect Ye Shen to be so powerful. He found the small treasury that he couldn't find after years of investigation.

Ye Shen raised his eyebrows, and there was a small treasury that Ma Tianming didn't know about?

Of course he doesn't know either.

The Ye family is not powerful enough to monitor all officials and know where he hides his money.

His eyes turned to Hua Zhao's face, and he saw her blinking at him with her big, watery eyes.

This little expression....

It turned out that Liu Ming was not so tired that he fell asleep that day, but that he had been drugged.

Poor Liu Ming blamed himself so much that he thought he had neglected his duty and was training hard recently.


Hua Zhao felt guilty, but after Liu Ming's training, she also secretly sent him food with added ingredients to compensate him.

"Hidden in a few inconspicuous places." Ye Shen made up a few casually.

Anyway, Ma Tianming will definitely not investigate again.

Ma Tianming really didn't know how, and he was satisfied after hearing the answer.

"Brother Ye, when will we set off?" he asked impatiently.

"Start? Where to go?" Hua Zhao asked immediately.

Ma Tianming looked at her, then at Ye Shen, and found that Ye Shen was staring at him.

He suddenly felt guilty and said: "Brother Ye hasn't told you yet... Then you can ask him..."

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