Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1045 Travel Exercise

Ye Shen asked her, "Are you going too? I came back about a month after I went there the first time. Are you going by yourself or just taking Shen Xing with you? Or are you taking both of them?"

Only then did Hua Zhao remember that there were four little tails behind him.

When you become a mother, you can't just leave at will, not to mention that three tails have already gone to school. She is like a cat tied by the neck and cannot wander around.

However, I still really want to go out for a walk.

"I'll give them a week's leave and take them out to see things." Hua Zhao said.

There is a saying that Hua Zhao agrees with: a child has as much knowledge as he has seen the sky.

Not to mention that they will leave the house sooner or later and wander around, so there is no need to take them out at a young age. Hua Zhao feels that going out early, venturing out early, and training their minds and vision early will have different effects.

People who have been everywhere since childhood will be very confident when they go to college at the age of 18, while people who have only left their hometown in a small county at the age of 18 will inevitably be timid.

So it’s worth missing a few days of school.

"Bring all the children with you!" Hua Zhaoyi said through gritted teeth.

Now that the family values ​​of the next generation of the Ye family have begun to be cultivated, the three little ones cannot be taken out alone to eat Xiaozao.

On the surface, if they have it, everyone else has it too.

"Anyway, my eldest brother will reimburse me and we will go on a trip." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

Ye Shen smiled, since she thought it was good, then she would do it.

In the small class that day, Hua Zhao announced the news that he would travel south for a week.

The classroom was immediately buzzing with excitement. Both the older and younger children were more excited than during the Chinese New Year! It howled happily and almost lifted the roof off.

Hua Zhao suddenly felt that this decision was the right one, and she would take them out more often in the future.

Ye Ming was still unknown, so he came over to ask after hearing the commotion here. After finding out, he saw Hua Zhao smiling happily, and once again felt that leaving the house to her was the right thing to do.

"Don't be too happy, there is homework when you go out to play." Hua Zhao said.

The warm atmosphere cooled down.

"In seven days, each person will write a travel note. There is no limit to the number of words and the content. Submit it to me for review." Hua Zhao said.

"Oh!~" Everyone became happy again.

It turns out it’s this, go out and write travel notes, it’s simple and fun!

Hua Zhao smiled and added: "Also, prepare your own luggage. If you don't know how to prepare it, you can ask your elders, but you can't let the elders do it and just sit back and enjoy the results."

We should also start training their self-care ability.

They all grew up with jewels like treasures. Even the eldest 15-year-old boy in Ye Ying's family was said to not know how to wash his own clothes. This must be changed. Ye Shen started to learn to kill people when he was 15 years old.

After a few more words of explanation, Hua Zhao left, instructing the youngest Jinwen to pack his luggage.

Yunfei and Cuiwei didn't need her guidance. The two little guys had traveled many times, and under Hua Zhao's special training, they could basically take care of themselves.

At least I know how to pack my luggage.

Not just those few things, prepare clothes and daily necessities, as well as emergency supplies.

Unexpectedly, Jinwen didn't need her guidance.

Yunfei and Cuiwei taught her how to do it.

The 3-year-old little one packed her little suitcase in style.

Even at the age of 3, she is very happy when she knows how to go out to play or when the whole family goes out together.

The slight disapproval in Ye Shen's heart disappeared.

That a small trip could bring so much joy was beyond his expectation.

"You haven't been a child for many years, and there is a generation gap with them." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

Ye Shen smiled, nodded good-naturedly, and then went out to arrange train tickets.

"Children under 6 years old have sleeper tickets, and children over 6 years old have seat tickets." Hua Zhao said, "We need to let them see the world of ordinary people."

Ye Shen paused for a moment before nodding in agreement.

The next day, a group of children got on the train.

When they found out it was a seat ticket, they were a little unhappy at first, but soon they became happier.

It was more lively than they had ever seen before.

As the train drove farther and farther, they saw people from all over the world and heard all kinds of new things that they couldn't find in books or around them.

A group of children seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

Hua Zhao also left Yunfei and Cuiwei among his brothers and sisters, allowing them to experience the world.

They have never sat on a bus, never sat in a train, and have never even chatted with strangers.

Hua Zhao sat peacefully in the soft sleeper carriage with Xiao Shenxing and Jinwen.

Ye Shen couldn't sit still for a while.

"What's there to worry about? Liu Ming and the others are all here." Hua Zhao said.

She didn't just leave the children there, she was waiting for them to be abducted by human traffickers. Human traffickers and swindlers are very rampant nowadays.

So she brought 6 bodyguards with her this time.

Ye Shen thought about it, calmed down again, and waited for the children to grow up.


The initial excitement passed, and they knew it would be difficult after dark.

It's really uncomfortable to sleep sitting up. My butt hurts, my legs hurt, my waist hurts, and my whole body aches when I want to sleep and can't sleep.

It was a tough night, and the rest of the night felt like a year.

But what made Hua Zhao very satisfied was that no one came to her to cry, and no one sat on a chair and cried.

Including several children about the same age as Yunfei Cuiwei.

They saw that Yunfei and Cuiwei both insisted on sitting there, not crying or making trouble, and they actually didn't cry or make trouble either.

I don’t know when it started, but several children started to learn like Yunfei and Cuiwei.

More than a few children, and later, the remaining older children also looked at Yunfei and Cuiwei.

The two of them are so young, and they have been better off than they have been since they were young. No one else cried, so why are they crying?

Isn’t it just three days and three nights? If Yunfei and Cuiwei can bear it, they can bear it!

Hua Zhao also didn’t expect that his two babies would be so powerful!

Not only did she sit on the hard seat for three days and three nights, but they didn't even come to see her during these three days.

After getting off the train, Hua Zhao looked at the two babies who looked haggard and seemed to have lost weight, and felt extremely distressed.

But she didn't go over to hug them and comfort them.

The other children didn't have their parents with them, they were the only ones with their parents, and it wasn't good for her to pamper them at this time.

"Everyone is awesome!" Hua Zhao looked at everyone and praised: "Reward everyone with 100 pocket money."

"Oh long live!" Immediately there was another group of cheers, and the fatigue of three days and three nights disappeared.

"Isn't it a bit much?" Ye Shen asked in a low voice, "Didn't we agree to let them suffer?"

"It's hard work. The children of the Ye family must learn to spend money and have money so that they won't be blinded by money in the future." Hua Zhao said.

What she said made sense, but Ye Shen fell silent.

Hua Zhao didn't say anything anymore. She saw Zhang Guilan who came to pick her up at the platform.

There is also a man beside her.

He looks really good.

Moreover, he can travel by Zhang Guilan's side on such an important occasion?

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