Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1062 Those things belong to him

"No." Hua Zhao shook his head: "There is no Ye family in charge here, our reputation is not good, and no one buys it."

Are the private dishes in Beijing really so expensive because they are delicious?


It's because of the Ye family and the circle.

The mountains are high and the emperor is far away here. It is still unclear whether the people in this circle recognize the Ye family. Even if they do, they are definitely just acquaintances.

If you don't need it, there's no need to fawn over it.

It would be nice to give him some face when something happens.

It's not impossible to open a private restaurant here like in Beijing, but it requires someone with energy to take charge.

There is one such person, Ye Shen...

But could Ye Shen be busy with this?

Hua Zhao felt awkward thinking about it.

“The hotel still caters to ordinary people, but it needs to be more high-end,” she said.

There will be more and more rich people in Pengcheng. They don't need fly restaurants, and they won't go there no matter how delicious the food is. They eat for the environment and face.

"Go and choose a location to open a hotel. Have you seen the restaurant in Pengcheng Hotel? We are going to open a more luxurious one." Hua Zhao said.

Zhang Guilan grinned a little. The luxury of Pengcheng Hotel was something she had never seen in the capital. She could not imagine it being more luxurious than this.

"You choose the site and I'll design it," Hua Zhao said.

Zhang Guilan now knew more about Pengcheng than she did, so Hua Zhao felt free to let her choose.

She doesn't care how much she earns from a piece of land. She doesn't plan to sell it anyway. She plans to open a restaurant that can be passed down.

One hundred or two hundred years later, it is still standing there, and it can be regarded as something they left to this era.

If she could be reincarnated and see...

Forget it, think too far.

Hua Zhao smiled and said, "Choose boldly, starting from 10 acres of land."

Zhang Guilan said in surprise: "10 acres? How big a hotel needs 10 acres?"

"Let's build a garden, a garden hotel." Hua Zhao was flooded with ideas, and he immediately took a piece of paper and started drawing for Zhang Guilan.

She wants to build a Chinese-style garden with a hotel hidden inside.

It is an upgraded version of Zhang’s private kitchen.

"Well, speaking of this, the hotel in the capital has to be relocated. The alley is no longer worthy of it." Hua Zhao said.

Before, her thoughts were simple. She thought the restaurant would make money, but she didn't expect it would be so profitable, and the number of people coming there was getting bigger and bigger.

And around it is a large courtyard after all.

The environment is worrying.

"Jingcheng, I will also buy 10 acres of land and give it a change."

Hua Zhao said while drawing.

Soon the prototype of the garden was drawn.

Zhang Guilan took two glances and was moved: "Okay, whatever you say is fine, just do what you say."

Hua Zhao smiled.

What she likes most about Zhang Guilan is that she is courageous and dares to do things.

And the mobility is pretty good too.

Hua Zhao just drew a sketch, and then she stood up to find the land.

"This time you invest and I manage..." Zhang Guilan paused after saying that. She was embarrassed to say that she managed it. Look what she did.

She has lost confidence...

"Every time I learn something, I'll gain wisdom. I'll leave it to you to manage." Hua Zhao said.

"Yes." Zhang Guilan nodded: "I understand, and I will never make the same mistake again."

After saying that, she walked out with her head held high.

The pace is a bit hasty.

Hua Zhao smiled, not sure whether she wanted to avenge her shame, or if she wanted to find something to avoid Xu Zhiming.

When she got there, she realized that Xu Zhiming still had a strong influence on her, and she didn't know if the two of them could break up.

Hua Zhao got up, went to find Dawei, Xiaowei, Qin Xiaoqin and told them about opening a restaurant.

They are not young anymore, and they have the right to participate in major family decisions.

The four little ones were very happy when they heard that they were changing hotels.

"I've long seen that Jin Yuanyuan will not be postponed." Daqin suddenly said.

"What's wrong?" Hua Zhao asked.

"She..." Daqin suddenly glanced at Dawei and said nothing.

Dawei's face suddenly turned red and he glared at his sister to prevent her from speaking.

"How did you buy it?" Hua Zhao became more curious and asked Dawei.

Xiaoqin suddenly said: "She hooked up with her elder brother."

Hua Zhao's eyes widened immediately, and he was glad that he didn't drink water, otherwise he would have squirted out.

But the next second, she narrowed her eyes and said dangerously: "Really?"

Dawei is only 15!

Although he eats well and grows well, and is now over 1.7 meters tall, looking like a fresh and handsome young man, his mind is not yet mature!

What you did to him at this time was simply obscene!

"Don't talk nonsense!" Dawei blushed and glared at Xiaoqin: "It's nothing!"

"She is rushing to wash clothes for her eldest brother! She even has to wash her underwear! If she is not allowed to wash it, she will grab it! Shameless!" said Xiao Qin.

Hua Zhao suddenly wanted to beat Jin Yuanyuan to death.

"And that Jin Taotao, she has been hanging around big brother since she came here, and sometimes even grabs his underwear with her sister!" Xiao Qin said: "It's so disgusting!"

Dawei's face was already red enough to bleed.

Hua Zhao suddenly asked: "What do you mean? Which of the two do you like?"

Dawei's face suddenly turned pale with fright: "No, no! I don't like anyone!"

"Why don't you wash your clothes after you change them and wait for them to snatch them?" Hua Zhao stared at him closely.

"Unjust! I washed them all! They went to my room to look through the things I had washed before taking them to wash!" Dawei looked aggrieved.

"Besides, it's not as disgusting as what they said. They took out all the clothes of our four siblings and washed them just to please..." Dawei said.

Hua Zhao's face improved a lot.

"No! They don't wash my sister's and mine's. They also told us girls to be diligent and wash ourselves." Xiao Qin said.

Dawei grimaced: "It's really none of my business... Later we locked the room and they stopped going in."

"I understand." Hua Zhao nodded.

Jin Yuanyuan, I wonder how Xu Zhiming is doing?

She reached for the phone next to her and called. The other party said that Xu Zhiming was not in the office and was busy.

Hua Zhao was relieved.


Ouyang returned to the rented house dejectedly, and Jin Yuanyuan immediately greeted him.

"How is it? Has she agreed? Will she expose me?" What she is most concerned about now is not the hotel or the plan, but her future.

If the imposter is exposed, her future will be gone, and so will her past.

She is no longer embarrassed to see all her past relatives and friends!

What a shame!

"If she doesn't agree, they will continue to expose you." Ouyang said.

In fact, he didn't ask at all, but he just said whatever he wanted to tie the center of the gold circle.

Jin Yuanyuan's face suddenly turned ashen.

"What now?" she asked.

"How do I know what to do?" Ouyang was too lazy to pay attention to her.

In the past, he was afraid that he would talk nonsense in front of Zhang Guilan, but now it probably doesn't matter whether he talks nonsense or not. Is he still afraid of her?


Ouyang suddenly raised his head and said to Jin Yuanyuan seriously: "Run."

If he runs away, those things will be his own.

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