Ye Jia didn't go to Ye Fang for a prenatal check-up after she got pregnant. At that time, she was still angry and didn't want to see this partial aunt.

Then a problem was discovered more than a month into the pregnancy, and the fetus stopped developing.

She dared not say anything to anyone.

She could tell that the Miao family still valued this child.

She also wanted to save the child.

Isn’t Hua Zhao omnipotent? Can't her medicinal wine cure all diseases? Then let Hua Zhao save her child!

Just when she was thinking of a way, Miao Fang came to hint her about Mr. Miao's needs, and she agreed at that time.

Kill two birds with one stone, no, why not do three birds with one stone?

I want medicinal wine to save her child, save Mr. Miao, and arrest Hua Zhao! What a great thing?

How could my aunt see that?

"My child has always been fine, you're talking nonsense! You just know how to talk to Hua Zhao!" Ye Jia shouted to Ye Fang.

With little medical knowledge, she had no idea that such a thing could be seen.

Ye Fang sighed, she didn't mean to look at it, and she didn't think about it that way. It was the nurse who helped Ye Jia clean up after her accident. While doing it, she casually said that the size did not match the month of her pregnancy.

She just thought of this possibility and checked it specifically.

Originally, Ye Fang didn't want to tell her if she didn't make trouble, so as to give her the last bit of dignity.

I didn't expect that she would still use this matter to embarrass Hua Zhao, so that wouldn't work.

Not to mention Ye Jia, even if she had a biological daughter, she would not agree to frame anyone for such a thing.

"I have retained the organization for forensic identification," Ye Fang said.

"That's not mine!" Ye Jia said immediately.

"DNA technology, others don't understand it, but you should know it." Ye Fang just said.

DNA technology has not yet begun to be fully promoted, but Ye Xing used it a few years ago, and Ye Jia must know what is going on.

Ye Jia was silent.

"Do you still want to detain me now?" Hua Zhao turned around and asked the police officer who was following him.

The two of them had expressionless faces, neither answering nor looking at her.

"I have something to do, so I'll leave first." Hua Zhao didn't want to make a noise with them in public.

These two people are just pawns. What's the point of arguing with them? The people behind them are the ones we should be looking for.

Hua Zhao walked not far away when he heard a commotion behind him.

Miao Fang was scolding Ye Jia.

They were also deceived by Ye Jia. They thought they had given up a grandson and started to argue, but in the end they lost their wives and soldiers!

Now that the medicine and wine are not available, Hua Zhao is fine. On the contrary, they were accused by Hua Zhao for false accusations and are in trouble.

Hua Zhao smiled and stopped paying attention to them.

If she sued them, it would only be a torment for them. Their false accusations had no serious consequences for her. If she were an ordinary person, she could only criticize and educate her.

Now that the Ye family has taken advantage of it, the matter is more serious, and the Miao family is not unable to escape.

It's just a waste of some more favors.

Detention is a great shame and humiliation for the Miao family! If they go in, they will feel like their level has dropped immediately and they will never get up again.

Therefore, the Miao family did everything possible to settle this matter.

A lot of connections have been consumed again.

Hua Zhao was satisfied after hearing the follow-up of Wu Luo's tracking.

"How is Ye Jia doing now?" she asked.

Did the Miao family give her good fruit to eat?

"The Miao family rented a separate house for her and Miao Bin. However, after that, Miao Bin either lived in the work unit, went to Miao Fang's place, or went to the countryside to see Mr. Miao and his father. He never saw her again."

Wu Luo felt sad that the dignified eldest lady of the Ye family had gotten to this point all by herself...

When Hua Zhao tried to stop her from getting married, it didn't work, so she had to jump into the fire pit herself.

"In addition, her last debt was not settled, and people came to her door every day to mourn her. The neighbors were already very dissatisfied. Miao Fang started looking for a house in the countryside again, and it seemed that she was planning to move her to the countryside." Wu Luo said.

"What? Are they planning to completely abolish Ye Jia's move?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I guess so." Wu Luo nodded: "After you left that day, Ye Jia went to the hospital again a few days ago. After examination, the doctor concluded that her hope of having children in the future was slim."

Hua Zhao suddenly remembered Zhou Lihua's previous nagging, saying that Ye Jia had not been punctual since she was a child, and the doctor said she was afraid of affecting her fertility.

This time it finally happened, but it stopped inexplicably, and then it went through all kinds of trouble again, so it was strange that the root cause of the disease was not left behind.

"You continue to send people to keep an eye on her." Hua Zhao said.

She felt that Ye Jia was in a desperate situation now, and people in desperate situations tended to do stupid things, either to cause trouble for her or to cause trouble for themselves.

She was not afraid of trouble for her, but she was really afraid that Ye Jia would trouble her, and she couldn't think about it.

If another daughter of the Ye family commits suicide, the family will unfortunately become famous and have to be talked about.

Wu Luo nodded: "I will keep an eye on her."

"Yes." Hua Zhao put down Ye Jia and asked Ye Li, "How is she?"

"I arranged for someone to work in their school's logistics department." Wu Luo said, "Ye Li has performed well in school recently. She has joined the student union and studies seriously. Her relationship with Tao Lan is still the same, neither far nor close."

Hua Zhao nodded. A few months had passed, and she could still hold back from revealing her secrets, which was good.

However, Wu Luo's expression was a little hesitant.

"What's wrong?" Hua Zhao asked.

She asked, and Wu Luo expressed the suspicion in his heart: "In the past few months, I have personally gone to the school to observe twice. I found that Tao Lan's attitude has changed a bit. Originally, it was just Ye Li who took the initiative to approach him, and she was single. I think he wants to respond now.

"Fortunately, Ye Li hid on two occasions." Wu Luo said: "I think you should take charge of it. If Ye Li doesn't cause trouble, it's even worse if the other party does."

Hua Zhao was silent.

What is this, Ye Li finally impressed him?

"I understand." Hua Zhao said.

This matter cannot be put off. If you delay it for a day, something might happen.

That night, she held another family party.

Anyone who has time comes to eat at home.

There is no theme, it is just spring, the meat frozen in winter needs to be civilized, and it must be disposed of as soon as possible if it cannot be saved.

The winter in Beijing is very cold now, definitely below 0 degrees, and there is a large natural refrigerator outside, so put the meat directly in a cool jar and bury it in snow, and you will definitely be able to eat it until spring.

Hua Zhao often holds banquets without themes like this, and everyone has become accustomed to them.

Just come over for a meal.

So it's all very positive.

Huazhao's cooking is so delicious....

Of course Ye Li is here too.

After a few months, Hua Zhao never made trouble for her, and she never made trouble for Hua Zhao... Then she discovered that getting along with Hua Zhao was actually very easy.

She doesn't have to be careful when speaking, as long as she doesn't say anything unpleasant... Hua Zhao won't be angry with her.

As long as she didn't do anything detrimental to the family, Hua Zhao didn't care what she did. She didn't care when she went on a trip with friends during the holidays. He even gave her a suitcase and lent her a camera.

Ye Li was simply flattered.

But now she won't be nervous when seeing Hua Zhao, and she is already in her 20s and starting to be sensible.

Although she couldn't put her face down to please Hua Zhao, she found that as long as she didn't do anything annoying, Hua Zhao was very good to the family.

So now she meets Hua Zhao and chats easily.

"When does school start?" Hua Zhao asked.

"March 1." Ye Li said.

"That's still early. Do you want to go somewhere else in the remaining days?" Hua Zhao asked.

Ye Li paused and said, "I don't want to go far away because I'm afraid something might happen on the way and I won't be able to come back. So a few local classmates made an appointment to climb the Great Wall together tomorrow."

Not everyone in the capital has been to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is also a hundred miles away, so transportation is inconvenient and far away.

But ordinary college students have nothing to do during their holidays. They are not afraid of far distances and just have fun.

Speaking of this, Ye Li said again: "Can you lend me your camera again?"

After she came back years ago, she immediately returned the camera.

She wouldn't dare not pay it back...

But now she dared to ask for excuses.

"No problem." Hua Zhao said happily, and then asked casually: "Are there many local students in your class? How many people will go together tomorrow?"

"There are still a lot of local students in our class, more than a dozen. But tomorrow, not just our class will go. The activity is organized by the counselor of our class. He unites several classes and everyone goes together. I heard that there are fifty or sixty people. people."

When she said "counselor," Ye Li's tone was a little softer. If she hadn't meant it in advance, she wouldn't have heard it at all.

Hua Zhao smiled: "Speaking of which, I haven't been to the Great Wall for a long time, and I haven't been there in winter. The white Great Wall must have a unique scenery. Will you allow me to bring my family?"

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