Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1242 Take away for inspection

"But how much or how little you should eat varies from person to person! Some people are fine after eating more than a dozen tablets, while others die after eating 4 tablets! What do you want me to do?" Pan Lizhen was about to cry with anger.

How could he poison his own son? What if you accidentally poison yourself? Who will she rely on for the rest of her life?

"Then do it bit by bit until they slowly develop symptoms of poisoning!" Jin Kevin has always been smart and has just thought of a series of plans.

"When they are found to be poisoned, we will immediately go to my uncle and let him make the decision for us!" Jin Kaiwen said: "If we don't marry our two daughters in, Hua Zhao will have to go in!"

"Tsk." Jin Kaiwen suddenly smacked his lips, feeling a little pity.

It would be a pity for such a wonderful person to go in and waste his time. It would be better to stay outside and be his in-laws.

But it's much prettier than that Ye Shu.

Pan Lizhen saw what he was planning at a glance and immediately gouged him hard.

But there is nothing we can do.

This is the virtue of a man.

She didn't have the time to care about his flirtatious behavior now, she was already used to it.

She is only worried about her son now: "But they are poisoned after all! This poison can't be cured! Let's exchange the lives of Chengwang and Chengxue for the future of the Jin family..."

"What? You don't want to?" Jin Kevin immediately glared at her.

"Without them, what future would the Jin family have?" Pan Lizhen said.

Jin Kevin's eyes flashed. Without them, he would still have several sons outside.

But I am really reluctant to let go of my eldest son.

"Don't worry, the Ye family has a magical medicinal wine that can detoxify hundreds of poisons, and the golden orange that Hua Zhao just gave them can also detoxify. Poisons that outsiders can't detoxify, maybe she can... "

After Jin Kaiwen finished speaking, he was stunned. He had to talk to his uncle about such an important matter.

"Hurry up and give them medicine, one tablet a day! I have to go out first." Jin Kevin stood up and went to the bathroom, washed up in a hurry, changed clothes and came out.

Looking back at Pan Lizhen: "You can do it, right? If you can't do it, someone will do it for you."

Pan Lizhen understood his threat and cried immediately.

Jin Kevin turned around in disgust and walked away quickly.

A woman who can cry so much that she cries like pear blossoms and raindrops is very beautiful, and he really liked it at the time.

But what is something that you don’t get tired of watching for a long time?

Cry, cry, cry, just know that crying is of no use at all, the whole family has been defeated by her crying!

When Jin Kaiwen went out, because he changed his clothes and Seed didn't follow him, Hua Zhao couldn't capture his position.

She didn't care about him, she concentrated on "seeing" what Pan Lizhen would do.

Pan Lizhen sat on the ground and cried for a while, then called the hotel to deliver food. Then with trembling hands, she took out two capsules and dissolved them in two glasses of milk, and watched her two sons drink them.

Hua Zhao immediately took back the power and didn't want to look at it anymore.

She was waiting for the move.

At home, Yao Lin already knew what happened before, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​marrying with the Jin family again.

However, he still had some doubts about the master.

"I had a divination with Master An back then, and it was very accurate. He calculated that my son was in trouble but would not die, and that Kun'er had a fatal knot. He said that as long as we get through it, the Yao family will be prosperous and prosperous..."

Isn’t it really accurate?

His son was disabled but not dead.

His grandson met Hua Zhao when he was dying. From then on, the Yao family has been in great peace and is about to reach a height never seen before.

This hexagram couldn't be more accurate.

"Having the ability does not mean that you have a right mind." Hua Zhao said: "Is it possible to deliberately make a few mistakes and do a few things that are beneficial to oneself?"

"This..." Yao Lin was speechless after saying this.

He was not familiar with Master An. It was Master An who went to Country M back then. He was introduced by a friend to meet him and did some fortune-telling. He didn't understand him at all.

Yao Lin smiled: "Even if they have a plan, it means that our family will definitely become prosperous in the future. They just want to get married."

If the Jin family were so clear, the other party's plans would be bigger.

Now the Jin family is indeed very rich, a jewelry tycoon, and internationally renowned, which is no worse than the current Yao family.

"Let's not talk about them anymore. Anyway, the marriage has been abandoned." Yao Lin stretched out his hand towards Hua Zhao: "I heard that you are studying medicine? Come and check my uncle's pulse. I have been feeling a little chest tight and breathless recently."

"Huh? Chest tightness and asthma? Then I have to take a closer look." Hua Zhao immediately took Yao Lin's pulse.

But with her shallow pulse reading skills, she really couldn't figure out anything: "I'll take you to my master tomorrow and let him take a look at you."

"Okay." Yao Lin said immediately.

He cherishes his life now. His family is very happy. He has a great-grandson who is still so young. He wants to watch him grow up!

It would be great if I could see him get married and start a family...

Xiao Han came back during dinner and handed Hua Zhao a tape.

"This is the content within 2 hours of them entering the door. I have compiled the useful ones here.

"Later, because I didn't have time to go in and change it, it was interrupted for a while, but before I came back, I changed another set and put it in, and I was able to monitor for another 2 hours." Xiao Han said.

"Thank you for your hard work." Hua Zhao asked, "Do you know where that Jin Kevin left?"

Xiao Han was stunned. How did Hua Zhao know that Jin Kevin had left?

Hua Zhao lowered his head, wishing he could give himself a slap. He was really in his own home, facing his own people, and he almost exposed his secret!

She had no explanation.

Xiao Han thought for a while, maybe Hua Zhao sent his brothers to monitor him later.

Xiao Han shook his head: "I didn't follow him. I stayed next door to monitor him and couldn't leave."

He listened to the conversation in real time and knew that they were going to poison his own son. He was extremely curious at the time and wanted to know what Pan Lizhen would do.

He gestured to Hua Zhao: "Just listen."

Hua Zhao thought for a while and called Ye Ming to listen together.

She felt that Ye Ming had to be involved in what happened next, especially when Jin Kaiwen mentioned an uncle.

Who? Listening to what he meant, even the Ye family didn't look afraid.

As a result, Ye Ming came back as soon as Hua Zhao picked up the phone, and his expression was not very good.

"What happened this afternoon?" he asked as he walked in.

"What do you know?" Hua Zhao asked him.

Ye Ming shook his head: "Suddenly in the afternoon, someone started to spread the news that you specialize in raising poisons and almost poisoned your guests to death, but you don't admit it."

He looked in the direction of the attic: "Has anything been discovered there?"

He went to work and didn't know about the visit from Jin's family.

It doesn't matter who the poisoned guest is, what's important is that the news about Hua Zhao raising the poison spread.

"I'm a student of agriculture, so what's so strange about growing plants in the laboratory?" Hua Zhao said: "Besides, who said I only have poisonous plants here? There are many non-toxic and beneficial ones."

Ye Ming still frowned: "I heard that the higher-ups will send people to collect these plants for inspection."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone was already knocking on the door.

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