Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1350 Meeting Hua Zhao again

Hua Zhao met Jin Yuanyuan the next day.

She looked at people speechlessly...

Jin Yuanyuan shyly followed Qin Zhuo to meet his parents, but when he looked up, he realized it was Hua Zhao, as if he had seen a ghost!

"Long time no see, Jin Yuanyuan." Hua Zhao said.

Jin Yuanyuan turned around suddenly, raised her legs and ran away.

After running a few steps, his high heels tilted and he fell down.

The confused Qin Zhuo hurriedly went to help him, but Jin Yuanyuan waved his hand away, gave up his shoes, and ran away barefoot.

It was so fast that Qin Zhuo wasn't sure he could catch up.

He looked at Hua Zhao blankly.

"Let's go, come in and talk." Hua Zhao said.

Qin Zhuo followed Hua Zhao into the house with a confused look on his face, carrying a bunch of gifts in his hand.

The two of them entered the house. Ye Shen and Ye An, as well as the rest of the Ye family, who were waiting in the house, were also at a loss.

"Where are the people?" Miao Lanzhi asked.

"Run away." Hua Zhao said.

This answer also confused everyone.

Hua Zhao was actually quite confused. There were so many women in the world, so why couldn't she avoid Jin Yuanyuan?

Only Zhang Guilan understood.

She asked Hua Zhao speechlessly: "Is it really that Jin Yuanyuan?"

Ever since Qin Zhuo mysteriously introduced his girlfriend yesterday, Zhang Guilan has been feeling bad.

I just hope it has the same name.

It seems not now.

Hua Zhao nodded.

Qin Zhuo couldn't help it anymore: "Second sister-in-law, what's going on?"

"Ahem." Hua Zhao cleared his throat and said, "As you all know, my mother opened Zhangji Private Restaurant in Pengcheng before. She hired a manager at that time, and then he was dismissed, and the reputation of the restaurant was almost destroyed.

"This manager is Jin Yuanyuan." Hua Zhao said.

Hua Zhao did not tell the world about Zhang Guilan being ousted by a pretty boy.

Everyone sitting here vaguely knew about Zhang Guilan's scandal at the hotel, but they didn't know that the woman's name was Jin Yuanyuan.

Qin Zhuo looked collapsed.

His heart was moved for the first time!

He finally found a woman who had similar interests to him and was career-minded. He was preparing to work with her for the rest of his life and make progress together!

Hua Zhao doesn’t think Qin Zhuo’s eyesight is bad. He’s a man. He can’t understand women, just like women can’t always understand men.

Men can't tell the difference between green tea and black tea.

Jin Yuanyuan is not bad looking, has gone to college, has some conversational skills, and is really ambitious in her career. It is inevitable to attract men.

Qin Zhuo is also a stupid young man who has never made friends, so it is not surprising that he was hooked.

"She doesn't have access to your company's finances, does she? Will she go back and transfer all your money now?" Hua Zhao said suddenly.

Qin Zhuo was stunned for a moment, his face became a little solemn, but he couldn't believe it: "She can't..."

This is accessible!

Hua Zhao was speechless, she didn't expect him to make no distinction between public and private affairs when it came to love.

"She is in charge of finance in my company..." Qin Zhuo stood up and ran away after finishing speaking.

If you can, let’s go back and have a look!

The rest of the people in the room looked at each other.

This was the first time they had encountered this scene, and they couldn't handle it.

Life, as long as you live, you can always encounter wonderful things.

"Let's eat as usual." Hua Zhao said.

She was not in a hurry at all. Even if Qin Zhuo went back and all his money was taken away by Jin Yuanyuan, it wouldn't matter.

Take it as a lesson learned.

Let him look better when he looks at women in the future!

Sun Shang, who was huddled in the corner as a guest, sympathized with Qin Zhuo the most at this time. Good guy, we are brothers in trouble!

This kid will probably be able to understand him in the future!

Women and stuff, that’s terrible! It’s better to stay away!


Qin Zhuo didn't come back until dinner time. He disappeared for a long time and looked very bad.

"It's not like there's really nothing left, is it?" Hua Zhao said speechlessly: "How do you manage the accounts? An accountant can take away all the money without your consent?"

"Not all, just a small part..." Qin Zhuo said.

But this is nothing to boast about.

Jin Yuanyuan only took a small part because most of his assets were fixed assets!

For example, a house.

I really didn’t expect that the person who promised her yesterday that she would marry and have children would run away with his money today!

He is really blind! blind!

"How much money did you lose?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Three, more than three hundred thousand." Qin Zhuo said sheepishly.

"Why so many?" Miao Lanzhi asked in surprise.

She was actually surprised that Qin Zhuo was so rich... There was 300,000 yuan left in the company's safe for anyone to take away at any time.

"It's the rent we just collected, the hotel's running water for three days, and the workers' wages, which we plan to pay tomorrow..." Qin Zhuo wanted to cry.

Although so much money won't break his bones, it will make him cry for the rest of his life!

"Is the hotel business good?" Let's skip this topic and don't keep rubbing salt on his wounds. Hua Zhao asked Qin Zhuo about his work.

Speaking of this, Qin Zhuo's aura became less dark.

"Sister-in-law has great ideas. Everything is a good idea. The business of the hotel is really good. It is full every day. We have made reservations for a month later." Qin Zhuo said.

Hua Zhao previously sold him a piece of land and asked him to build a house and hotel.

It's not that kind of five-star luxury hotel. You can't afford it for 2 million, and even 20 million may not be enough.

Hua Zhao asked him to open a slightly higher-end express hotel.

The decoration does not need to be luxurious. With Huazhao's tips, you can show your class by spending a little money.

The room does not have to be luxurious, a double room or a single room is enough. The only thing to note is that each room must have a bathroom.

The target customers are small business owners from all over the country.

They can't afford to stay in a five-star hotel that costs hundreds of yuan a night, but they are willing to stay in a fast hotel that costs tens of yuan a night.

Qin Zhuo's hotel has five floors and more than 100 rooms. When it is full every day, it generates a turnover of more than 10,000 yuan.

It's almost all pure profit.

It's so profitable that it makes people jealous.

"How is the agency's business?" Hua Zhao asked again.

She had previously suggested that Qin Zhuo open a real estate agency and do business without capital, and Qin Zhuo listened.

Anyway, the hotel didn't need him to do anything himself. He had plenty of time, so he went to work as an agent.

This is not difficult, as long as you open the store, the business will come by itself.

There are too many people who want to rent houses and want to rent houses, and they need him so much.

"I listened to you and opened a chain store. There are now 13 stores in Pengcheng with 100 employees." Qin Zhuo said.

The salary of so many people plus commission is tens of thousands of dollars.

Coupled with the many houses in his hands, the rent collected amounted to more than 300,000 yuan.

He had noticed before that his finances were always delayed for a day or two before being deposited into the bank, due to various unexpected reasons.

Now I know that it was Jin Yuanyuan who was reluctant to give it away. Maybe she hesitated every time she saved so much money?

Then she didn't kill the goose to retrieve the eggs. She chose to take over Qin Zhuo, the golden son-in-law. Then wouldn't all the money from now on be hers?

Unfortunately, she met Hua Zhao again.

Jin Yuanyuan, who was sitting on the sea at this time, hated Hua Zhao to death.

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