Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1353 Return to the Wu Family

"Why did you push him? Why did you push him?" Liu Yuegui cried and shook the naughty bag.

The naughty bag was frightened.

In this family, grandma has always been the best to him. She never hits or scolds him. Of course, no one else has ever hit or scolded him.

But he knows sensitively that others don't like him.

Everyone looked at him with cold eyes.

Liu Yuegui kept asking him why he pushed him, and seemed to already know.

The naughty boy forgot to lie and said loudly: "I hate him!"

Liu Yuegui was stunned. She didn't expect that he really had a reason. He really had a reason.

That is subjective and intentional, not unintentional...

There is really no room for this.

"You're still so young, how come you..." Liu Yuegui looked at the naughty bag in confusion and disbelief.

This is just over 2 years old! Not 20 years old!

"What happened if I just pushed him? He even pushed me!" Naughty said.

Liu Yuegui breathed a sigh of relief and said to Hua Zhao: "He is still young and ignorant... He thought it was just a push..."

Children know what it is to fall into a well and not to fall down a well, and what life and death are. Children know how to push and push.

By chance, Xiao Shen was walking by the well, and the naughty boy saw him and wanted to push him...

Hua Zhao was so angry that his body was still trembling, but he had calmed down mentally.

She asked softly: "Why do you hate him?"

"Because everyone likes him! More than me! He has more toys than me, he has more clothes than me, and he eats more than me!" the naughty bag said loudly.

Grandma taught him to speak loudly and confidently, so that he can be powerful and worthy of being a member of the Ye family.

He knew that his name was Wu En, but he didn't know about the Wu family. He thought he was from the Ye family.

"Everyone likes others more than you. Everyone likes Yunfei, Cuiwei, Jinwen, and..." She named several people one by one.

"Everyone likes them more, but you are ranked last among them all. What should you do? Are you going to push them all?" Hua Zhao said.

The naughty bag's face turned red with anger.

A small child can be very angry.

He yelled: "I hate them all! Push them all!"

Hua Zhao took what he said seriously because he felt it himself.

At this price, it seems that no one except grandma likes him.


Hua Zhao didn't want to ask anymore, and asked him why he didn't push on flat ground, but only pushed when Xiao Shen was walking by the well.

It makes no sense. She is a 2-year-old child after all. She just asked, and others thought she was a child and was ignorant.

"Second Aunt, how do you deal with this matter?" Hua Zhao asked Liu Yuegui, his voice cold.

Ye An looked at his mother with heavy eyes and tried his best to hint.

Liu Yuegui is not a fool. She knows what Hua Zhao means and how to handle this matter.

"I'll send him back to the Wu family now. After all, it's the Wu family. It can be considered as a reunion of father and son." Liu Yuegui said.

Hua Zhao was satisfied, but he didn't say anything, turned around and hugged Xiao Shenxing and left.

Ye An immediately took action, supported his mother, watched her pack the naughty bag's clothes and toys, and personally took them to the train station.

The naughty boy didn't know what was happening yet, but the atmosphere was serious and he was scared.

When he arrived at the train station, he was even more scared. He didn't like taking trains. He was confined to a small space every time, and it was hard to eat and have fun.

"Grandma, are we going back to the capital again? I'm not going back! I want to go home and play." He thought that the place with a bunch of children was his home.

In fact, his concept of family is very vague, because he has no parents, brothers or sisters. He has always been attached to Liu Yuegui and followed her around.

Liu Yuegui wiped away her tears and said, "Don't you always ask me where your parents are? I will take you to meet your parents, and your brothers and sisters."

The naughty bag was immediately happy and asked in surprise: "Really?"

At the age of 2, he doesn't know much, but he doesn't know a lot. At least he knows that other children have parents, brothers and sisters, so why doesn't he?

He only has grandparents.

"Really." Liu Yuegui said.

The naughty boy calmed down and followed him back to the capital.

Then Liu Yuegui handed the person over to Ye Ming and ignored him.

Ye Ming sent the person back to the Wu family.

Liu Yuegui didn't show up. She didn't want to see the naughty boy crying heartbrokenly.

After all, I have been pulling it since confinement, and I can’t bear to let it go.

But I can't help but send it back.

She was also afraid that the Wu family would make trouble, so after getting rid of him, she immediately got up and went back to Pengcheng, hiding out.


Hua Zhao called Ye Ming and asked him about the follow-up progress of the matter and whether the Wu family was in trouble.

Ye Ming sneered: "It was such a big fuss. They said that the child was not theirs and that their family was dead. Then they threw him at the door of the second aunt's house and ran away."

The Wu family found out the address of Liu Yuegui's home back then and placed it in front of her house.

"Then what?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Then I asked someone to take them in and 'question' what happened back then, and the Wu family became honest," Ye Ming said.

They are all ordinary people. Although they have many evil intentions, they are not hard-boned. They confessed the dirty thoughts in their hearts in a few times and took the children back.

Hua Zhao sighed with relief: "This is what we should have done, but now it's two years too late..."

Ye Ming's face looked ugly there, it was true.

When he heard that Xiao Shenxing was almost pushed into the well, he almost got up immediately and came to Pengcheng to throw the naughty bag into the well himself.

When he arrived in the capital, Ye Ming personally picked him up.

The naughty boy with a big temper was as honest as a mouse in Ye Ming's hands.

He dared to yell in front of Hua Zhao. He was from the Ye family, so he should hold his head high and speak loudly!

But only in front of two people did he dare.

That is Ye Ming and Ye Shen.

One was smiling, the other was cold, but their aura also scared him.

Now I'm even more scared, and I don't even dare to breathe.

"He is still young. I hope he will forget the experience of the past two years and return to normal." Hua Zhao sighed and said.

She was not lamenting that the naughty boy did not have a good life, she was lamenting that she was not cruel enough and allowed him to live a good life for two more years!

Just a little bit, a little bit close, her little caution would be in danger!

Drowning, if discovered late, she is not a fairy, how can she be saved?

And since the naughty boy had this idea and was "ignorant", he happened to push Xiao Shenxing this time. Next time, would he pick up the triplets and throw them into the well?

A 2-year-old wouldn't do this, but a five-year-old or a six-year-old, or a seven-year-old or an eight-year-old?

Some people are born evil!

"Leave early and get clean early." Ye Ming understands Hua Zhao's worry, because he has thought of it too!

The two complained about the naughty child together, and then hung up the phone happily.

No matter what, the naughty kid is thrown back now.

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