Hua Zhao found Liu Ming: "I told Song Xue that your leg was broken, and she immediately said she would take care of you."

"What?" Liu Ming was stunned, with surprise in his eyes.

He understood what Hua Zhao meant. He knew that his leg was broken, and Song Xue came over in such a hurry to take care of him!

"Confessions or something, you can take care of it yourself, so you don't need me to do it for you, right?" Hua Zhao said.

Liu Ming suddenly started squirming like a big girl and nodded.

He knew who Hua Zhao was, and he didn't like to make connections with others. Being able to do this was already an exception.

"That's right, do you want me to tell her that I'm rich?" Liu Mingdao.

"I think it should be said." Hua Zhao said: "Financial power is also a kind of strength. There is nothing wrong with you being rich. She likes you to be rich, and you like her to be beautiful. It's fair."

Hua Zhao said: "She can't like you being poor, and you like her being ugly."

Liu Ming's face trembled. It was true, but why did it sound so awkward?

"Of course, if you are a mysophobic and want to find love, find a woman who doesn't care about your job and future and just wants to live a hard life with you, then keep working hard." Hua Zhaodao.

Liu Ming shook his head. A woman who wants to find a poor boy to live a miserable life even though she has a good life, isn't that a fool?

"I understand. When will she come? Do you want me to cooperate and pretend to be lame? Is my leg broken?" Liu Ming asked Hua Zhao.

"You can choose whoever you want, I don't care." Hua Zhao sent him away and called Zhou Bing in.

"Do you have someone you like? Who is it? I'm embarrassed to tell others, can you tell me?" Hua Zhao asked, "If you don't tell me, I will have people continue to find a partner for you."

There was only Hua Zhao in the study, so Zhou Bing felt much more relaxed.

The boss Hua Zhao is the best boss he has ever seen.

His current job is similar to that of a guard or orderly.

He also knew many guards and orderlies before, and his life one had it as easy as him anyway!

They "eat, drink, and have fun" every day, and Hua Zhao also treated them like family members, never throwing shame on them for no reason.

And they didn't give her a chance to lose face. She has been doing very well over the years.

So everyone got along extremely happily, and he didn't treat Hua Zhao as an outsider. If he couldn't say anything to others, he had no problem saying it to Hua Zhao.

"I, I think Zhao Hui is pretty good..." Zhou Bing hesitated.

"Who?" Hua Zhao couldn't believe it for a moment.

Zhou Bing was even more embarrassed.

Zhao Hui was chasing Ye Ming before, wasn't he poaching? Of course, he never touched this corner.

"Zhao Hui? Ding Lan's little daughter Zhao Hui?" Hua Zhao asked.

Zhou Bing still nodded.

This is a fact, there is no other way, he wants to try his best.

"Have you ever had contact with her?" Hua Zhao asked.

"We've been in contact a few times." Zhou Bing said: "In the beginning, she tried to get close to me and asked about Ye Ming. Of course I didn't say anything, so she started to fight with me..."

Zhou Bing smiled: "She is a very interesting person, with a very stubborn temper. She has no foresight and is so childish that she falls into the trap as soon as I set her up..."

Seeing Hua Zhao's expressionless face, Zhou Bing couldn't laugh anymore.

Hua Zhao then laughed, what is this called? Happy enemies?

She asked why Zhao Hui, who was said to have a stubborn temper and accepted death, could not entangle Ye Ming so tightly.

She thought it was the eldest brother who was sniping people away with his venomous tongue, but it turned out that he met Cheng Yaojin?

"Where are you now? Have you confessed your love?" Hua Zhao asked.

Zhou Bing shook his head crazily: "How can you be so embarrassed..."

"Are you embarrassed to confess your feelings and wait for her to ask to marry you?" Hua Zhao said.

Zhou Bing was dumbfounded.

That's the problem...

"That girl is also straightforward. She will definitely be able to give you an accurate answer. You can ask yourself." Hua Zhao said.

Zhou Bing nodded and immediately went out to write a letter to Zhao Hui.

Zhao Hui is working in the capital now. When she is in the capital, they can see each other every few days.

Now there are several bodyguards in the Huazhao family, taking shifts and taking breaks. Everyone does not work 24 hours a day and has private time.

Zhou Bing went out to "fight" with Zhao Hui when he had nothing to do.

If Zhou Bing and Hua Zhao came to Pengcheng, they would write letters and contact each other more frequently than Liu Ming and Song Xue.

Hua Zhao was pregnant and had a baby before, but she never observed it.

After solving these two difficult problems, Hua Zhao stretched himself and returned to the room.

Three little pigs having fun lying on the bed.

Xiao Shenxing was sitting on Ye Shen's lap, with Cui Wei and Jin Wen standing on the left and right, and Yun Fei was reading and telling stories to a few little ones on the other side of the crib.

This scene was so heartwarming that she stopped and looked at it quietly for a few seconds. Then she quietly exited, pretending to take a camera from the study, returned to the room, and clicked to freeze this second.

She is now a professional in the entertainment industry, and her photography skills have greatly improved.

The camera in her hand was the most advanced nowadays, and she thought it would look good when washed out.

The only drawback is that the lighting is lacking.

She turned on all the lights in the room and took several photos.

No one moved to interrupt her.

After reading a story, Ye Shen immediately said: "That's it for today. You all can go and rest."

The little guys were immediately disappointed.

"I still want to sleep with my mother." Shen Xing said.

The smile on Ye Shen's face disappeared: "No, you have been sleeping for several days! We made an appointment until today."

Hua Zhao has been in Pengcheng for several days. Yunfei and Cuiwei missed their mother, so they slept with them.

When Ye Shen was away in the capital, Hua Zhao kept sleeping in the same room as Shen Xing and Jin Wen, but the two little guys became addicted to sleeping together and refused to leave.

Ye Shen's patience has reached its limit!

Except for the day when he came back too late from the beach and the babies were asleep, he ate it secretly once, and he was vegetarian the rest of the time!

Seeing their father's bad expression, the little guys knew the seriousness of the matter, although they still didn't know what happened...

But they left obediently.

Xiao Shenxing is the most squeamish and wants to trick Hua Zhao into leaving.

He was carried away by Yun Fei.

He knows how to wink best.

Hua Zhao suddenly laughed, went to the bathroom to wash up, and fed the three little ones one by one.

Qianjin is thin, she eats first, then Yunteng and Xiuyuan.

After eating three of them, it was just right.

Ye Shen was a little helpless. In the past, every child, even Yunfei and Cuiwei, could give him some leftovers.

It's fine now, there really isn't any left.

Fortunately, his wife is still his.

Turn off the lights and sleep.

In the darkness, Hua Zhao rustled under the pillow and was surprised when he couldn't find what he had put there before.

"Has it been taken away by the children to play with?"

It would be so embarrassing to take out this kind of balloon!

Ye Shen said: "I threw it away."

Hua Zhao immediately backed away from him: "What do you want to do?"

"I had surgery and I don't need that thing anymore." Ye Shen said.

Hua Zhao was stunned for a moment and was immediately overwhelmed by emotion.

Not many men are willing to perform this kind of surgery on women.

She wrapped her around gently...

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