Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1372 Meeting an old friend by chance

When the Ye family heard her talk about what happened, they heard that it was Hua Xiaoyu who was in charge of everything, not the force behind the Zhu family, so the Ye family looked better.

Just a little bit.

"No matter who it is, this Zhu family will fight to the end!" Ye Zhenguo said, making the final decision.

Ye Shen nodded: "I'll go back right away."

Strike while the iron is hot, wipe out everything that needs to be wiped out, and then take over the Zhu family's power.

Qiongdao, he has to have the final say from now on, so that Hua Zhao can go there safely.

Hua Zhao also knew that now was not the time to be emotional, so he left Ye Shen to eat a meal, packed him with various medicines for injuries, and then let him go.

"Those underage children should keep their hands when they should, hey." Hua Zhao said before leaving.

Although she knew that children who grew up in that kind of environment would be in trouble when they grow up, she knew the law on the protection of minors by heart.

"What's the matter? It will be the same if we wait until they turn 18 to deal with it." Hua Zhao said.

After the Zhu family is destroyed, these children just need to change their ways and become good citizens. If they can't do it, they don't have to be soft-hearted if they take action again.

"I know." Ye Shen said.

"Also, Zhu Xiao, keep it and don't move." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Shen looked down at her and did not agree immediately this time.

He turned back so quickly, and the first person he wanted to kill was Zhu Xiao!

He wanted to take action before, but Hua Zhao stopped him and refused to let him go. At that time, he didn't have time to ask.

Hua Zhao smiled: "He was poisoned and can't wake up without an antidote. It would be nice to lie down for the rest of his life. It would be even better if Hua Xiaoyu could be found by the Zhu family, captured and served by Zhu Xiao for the rest of his life..."

Ye Shen suddenly felt relieved. This was better than killing Zhu Xiao.

"I know, I will try my best to find Hua Xiaoyu." He also felt that his wife's idea was a good one. For this reason, he could keep a few more people from the Zhu family to suppress Hua Xiaoyu.

Only then did Hua Zhao let him go~~

Looking back, she found Ye Ming standing in the dark looking at her.

"Brother, is something wrong?" She walked over and asked.

The darkness covered up the subtle marks on Ye Ming's face. He was as handsome as when Hua Zhao first met, and he had not aged at all.

It just became more powerful.

Now no woman would have an idea for Ye Ming.

No woman dared to look directly at him anymore, not even YY.

The gap is too big, YY can't get up.

So in the past few years, Ye Ming's side has become much cleaner, which makes him satisfied.

Hua Zhao sometimes had to sigh that God had treated the Ye family so well, and the genes were inherited so stably!

Of course, her contribution is also part of it, and plant essences are not free.

Ye Ming looked at her for a few seconds, didn't say anything, just sighed.

"Brother, you don't think it's because you didn't come with me that I got into an accident, do you? Don't think so. If you were there at the time, you must be lying next to Liu Ming and Zhou Bing now. That's right. It’s not good.” Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming's face suddenly turned dark, and he still looked down upon him so much!

When Ye Shen comes back, will he have to fight Ye Shen in front of her? Let her see his strength?

However, Ye Ming is not 100% sure of victory. If he loses at that time, he will be safe...

Forget it, endure for a while and the sky will be brighter!

"The Zhu family has a huge network of connections, and many people in the capital circle endorse them, so in the past two years, you should not go to Qiongdao. I will look after the orchard for you," Ye Ming said.

Hua Zhao was a little reluctant because she hadn't sown many seaweed seeds yet.

Not only do they need to be spread by themselves, but they must also be spawned by themselves, so as to ensure that they become spirits and follow her instructions, only dragging things, not people.

But looking at Ye Ming's expression, she knew that now was not the time to make a good deal, otherwise Ye Ming would suddenly turn into a chatterbox and try to reason with her.

She was told a few times and it was horrible.

"I understand, brother." She said obediently.

With a good attitude, Ye Ming nodded with satisfaction and left.

When he turned around, all the smiles on his face suddenly disappeared, and his cold eyebrows made people shudder.

Ye Shen was busy in Qiongdao, so the capital side was left to him.

Hua Zhao became a peaceful person again. The children were in school and she was not needed during the day.

At the hospital, she went to see him once a day and helped him put on his own wound medicine, and everything was fine.

On this day, after coming out of the hospital, the weather was just right, the sun was shining, and it was not too hot. Hua Zhao looked at the ever-changing city and suddenly wanted to take a stroll.

Just do it.

She got out of the car with her camera and walked casually along the road, taking pictures wherever she went.

Photos that seem ordinary at the moment will become history a few decades later, making people recall them.

In 1988, Pengcheng had become very prosperous, with many high-rise buildings.

There are more people than a few years ago, an explosive growth.

The spring breeze of reform has been blowing all over the earth. People who had a wait-and-see attitude at the beginning no longer wait and see. If they continue to wait and see, good things will not be their turn.

Suddenly, Hua Zhao's movements stopped.

A figure appeared in the camera that made her frown.

She hadn't seen this person for a long time, but she still recognized him at a glance.

Hua Tai Niu, the youngest son of Huashan who is only a few years older than her.

When Hua Tainiu looked up, he saw a graceful woman standing in front of him, holding a camera, and seemed to be taking pictures of him?

Why is this so embarrassing?

He immediately adjusted his clothes and smiled at Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao took down the camera.

Hua Tainiu's eyes lit up and he was instantly amazed.

But within two seconds, the smile froze on his face.

He looked straight at Hua Zhao in a daze, and he recognized Hua Zhao's face. Anyone who has seen it will never forget it.

What's more, he hasn't just seen it before.

When the woman next to Huatai Niu saw this, she immediately glared at Hua Zhao, then pinched the soft meat on Huatai Niu's waist and twisted it hard!

And he said there are no women out there!

He has such a virtue that his eyes widen when he sees a woman. There are many women out there, right? !

Sure enough, men become bad when they have money, so she quit her job and came to keep an eye on him, that’s right!

Otherwise, she would be dumped by Hua Tainiu sooner or later.

She was Hua Tainiu's royal wife. She came from a good family back then, and Hua Tainiu had to go through a lot of effort to marry her.

But in the past few years, Hua Tainiu resigned and went to work and became rich, so his personality has changed a bit.

He doesn't always talk about it when he comes home, but he always finds fault with her when he comes home. Either he thinks something bad about her, or he thinks something bad about her, as if she is not good enough for him!

Hua Zhao approached the two of them and smiled slightly.

Cao Li's expression suddenly became even worse. Why are there so many vixens outside! You are so shameless and laugh when you see a man!

"Uncle Wu, long time no see." Hua Zhao took the initiative to say hello and greeted him with a smile.

No matter what the relationship between the two families is, she has to be polite in front of others. Hua Tainiu is her fifth uncle.

She is rude and the only person who is embarrassing is herself.

Of course, this does not prevent them from fighting behind the scenes.

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