Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1383 This is how people live

"No." Hua Zhao refused directly.

After she first traveled through time 12 years ago, the few quarrels she had with Jiang Qin were all trivial matters.

She can ignore it.

But she remembered that when the original owner was young, she lived in Huashan's house, and Jiang Qin used to bully her.

She could not forgive anyone for the original owner.

Jiang Qin also expected that she would not agree easily, but she had not forgotten that Hua Zhao was not a good-tempered person.

"You are still holding a grudge... The third aunt apologizes to you! It was all the third aunt's fault in the past. The third aunt was blind and did not offend you! You should be more generous and forgive the third aunt! For the sake of a few of you For the sake of my nephew being still young!”

Jiang Qin shouted outside: "Big dog, two dogs, three dogs, big girls and little girls, come in and see your Aunt Huazhao, and beg her to give you a bite to eat!"

Immediately outside the door, several children came in, the eldest was seven or eight years old, and the younger could just walk.

He was dressed in rags and tatters, his clothes were all black and patinated, his hair was like weeds, and his face and hands were covered in ash.

Only a pair of big eyes were left, looking straight at Yun Fei and others behind Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao suddenly frowned: "Aunt Sanniu is a very clean person. She cleans up everything herself, but she doesn't know how to clean it up for the children?"

"I'm poor. I can't wash and dry my clothes, so I have nothing to wear. As for my face... big dog! Why didn't you wash your younger siblings' faces?" Jiang Qin shouted to the eldest child.

The big dog ignored her and continued to stare at the biscuit in Qianjin's hand.

Qianjin is delicate. Her mother didn't cook tonight's meal. She didn't eat a few bites. Now that she's hungry, she'll eat some biscuits made by her mother.

The eyes of Dagou and his children were so eager that they couldn't bear the money.

She looked at the dirty children, looked down at the cookie jar in her hand, and then handed the jar over.

Only halfway through, the cookie jar was snatched away.

Big dog, two dogs, and three dogs. I don’t know whose hand touched the jar first. Anyway, the three of them are now grabbing like little wolfdogs who have been hungry for several days.

The big girl and the second girl next to her legs didn't look weak, but they didn't show any weakness. They cried and squeezed into the three of them, trying to grab them too.

As a result, I was pushed by someone and I sat on the ground unable to get up.

Qian Jin was dumbfounded by this unexpected incident.

She had been well protected since she was a child and had never seen such a battle.

Yunteng and Xiuyuan are similar.

Only Yunfei and Cuiwei frowned slightly.

The two of them have been taken out alone by their father or uncle in recent years and have seen the real world.

They had seen situations like this many times.

It's just that those are orphans who don't have enough to eat, but these few in front of me have a father, a mother and a grandmother, right?

Hua Zhao suddenly felt even more displeased with Jiang Qin. Her own children didn't know how to educate them, so how could they expect her?

Poverty is not a reason. Among Aunt Ma's grandchildren, Hua Lao is very sensible and doesn't want any toffee brought to him!

Let alone being born, they are all children of the Hua family, and their fathers are not all that good. The key lies in their upbringing.

Looking at the skilled movements of these children, it is estimated that they usually rely on grabbing food.

What kind of family education is this?

"Don't grab it, don't grab it. This is all given to you by your little sister. No one will snatch it from you. Eat slowly. You little sister still has some."

Jiang Qin glanced at the dumbfounded daughter and said to Hua Zhao: "Is this your daughter? She is so beautiful! Just like you when you were a child..."

She suddenly bit her tongue, and she couldn't speak. Hua Zhao wasn't fat when he was a child, but he was dark and thin, and dirtier than her grandchildren.

When it comes to eating, he can grab more food than these kids!

Even the old sow and the big black dog can't catch her! Or how could she survive until Hua Qiang came back...

Jiang Qin suddenly felt guilty.

Several children on the ground have finished eating a small bucket of biscuits. Everyone's mouths are full, and they are covering their mouths with their hands to chew, fearing that some crumbs will fall out.

The empty bucket was finally grabbed by two girls, who went to pick up the biscuit residue inside.

Hua Zhao suddenly no longer disliked them for being uneducated. If they weren't so hungry, who would be like a mad dog?

In this regard, Hua Tainiu said that Hua Sanniu's family had the best life.

But look at Jiang Qin, she is as smooth as before, wearing Lenin clothes, not thin, but she has aged very much, and she no longer has the arrogance of the brigade accountant back then.

"What's going on with her family?" Hua Zhao asked Aunt Ma directly.

Aunt Ma thought that she was leaving Kaoshan Village soon and would no longer have to deal with the Huashan family's cows, so she said:

"Don't be blind and soft-hearted, their family is not poor! They are just bad! They are picky! They obviously have food in their family, but they don't give it to their children!

"Let them go out to eat hundreds of meals, and they won't be chased away. If you don't give them food, they will rob it. For such a small child, I really can't hit or scold him, he just gets angry."

Aunt Ma usually restrained her children from going to other people's houses for dinner. They were all people with whom she had a very good relationship in the past. When she was not at home, she called the children to eat.

Not so with Jiang Qin's family. They want the whole village to raise their children!

"As you can tell, we really have no money!" Jiang Qin rolled her eyes at Aunt Ma and said.

"Well, your man and your son spent all the money gambling!" Aunt Ma said.

Hua Sanniu and his two sons somehow got involved in gambling.

Every day he fantasizes about getting rich overnight, and spends all the money he has at home on gambling.

However, Jiang Qin tightly held the grain in her hands and did not let them sell it, so in terms of food, it was really not possible for the children to starve like this.

Hua Zhao suddenly felt even worse towards Jiang Qin.

"You take the child away quickly, we have to rest." Hua Zhao said.

"The peanut..." Jiang Qin said.

"Peanuts? Peanuts are on the kang of your house! They are not available here. Let's go!" Hua Zhao said.

Jiang Qin’s eldest son is named Peanut.

After Hua Zhao finished speaking, several bodyguards stood up and took Jiang Qin out.

Big dogs, second dogs, and third dogs know how to wink the best, so they can avoid being beaten.

Seeing the eyes of several bodyguards, they didn't need anyone to teach them, they just picked up the older girl and the second girl and ran away.

These two little sisters are useful, because they are small and others pity them more.

Just when they came into the darkness outside, several children stopped and turned to stare at the weak candlelight of Ma's house, savoring the taste of the biscuits in their mouths and thinking about the children they had just seen.

That is the life that people should live...

"Bah! What the hell! Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi! I think she can be proud for a few years! When she gets old and ugly, she will definitely be kicked out of the house and go back to Kaoshantun to eat glutinous vegetables! When I see it, I won't Treat her well!"

Jiang Qin cursed, but didn't dare to say it loudly.

"Nai, you are so much older than her. You will be dead long ago when she gets old." Hua Dagou suddenly said.

Jiang Qin....

"You little bastard, come here!" Jiang Qin kicked off her shoes and held them in her hand.

The big dog ran into the darkness and disappeared.


The room was quiet and everyone had left. Hua Zhaozhen planned to take the child back to rest.

But she asked: "Aunt Ma, where is my Uncle Ma?"

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