Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1388 My mother is the most powerful

There were several small roads in this area of ​​the mountain. When Hua Zhao and his party saw them, they avoided them in advance and took another road.

Although they were not far apart, it was a bit difficult for Huashan to come over and cry again.

Huashan stared at Hua Qiang's figure with wide, cloudy eyes. He was walking on the mountain road with steady steps and steady breathing, just like the young man next to him.

Unlike him, he was out of breath even when his son carried him on his back.

The jealousy in Huashan's heart burned like wildfire, and it wasn't just jealousy, it was the desire for life.

People have to die to realize that nothing is more important than health.

Huashan's arms tightened around Hua Sanniu's neck, almost strangling him to death.

Hua Zhao's children shuttled nimbly through the dense forest like small animals in the mountains.

Young, fresh and full of vitality.

The eyes of the Huashan family were all on them.

Huahu Huabao stared at Cuiwei without blinking.

The 11-year-old girl was as beautiful as a bud, ready to bloom. She was as beautiful as they had ever seen.

Neither of them could pull their eyes out.

Just as Hua Zhao was about to do something, he saw Cui Wei moving on her own.

She waved her finger slightly, and the weeds at the feet of Huahu and Leopard suddenly fell down and covered their feet without anyone noticing.

Hua Zhao shook his head inwardly, Cui Wei's powers were still not powerful enough, or her heart was not ruthless enough.

Hua Zhao moved his fingers, and some unknown powder flew to the two of them in the wind.

Only when Hua Zhao and his party were far away did the Huashan family move.

Instead of continuing to visit the grave, he also walked back.

As soon as they lifted their feet, Huahu and Huabao staggered and fell forward.

There is a downhill slope ahead, and the mountain is full of rocks and trees. If you fall down, it will be hard for you.

The two of them grabbed the people around them casually.

They are the strongest in the Huashan family. They inherited from their father, who is as strong as an ox. When they pull him, neither of them can hold it back when the other is not prepared.

As a result, Huahu and Huabao pulled Hua Danniu and Hua Erniu and rolled down the mountain like a gourd. It took a long time to stop.

Headache and bleeding.

Xiao Shenxing jumped down from the tree and snorted coldly.

Now that his sister has taken action, he will do it next time!

After coming down from the mountain, the main purpose of returning to Kaoshantun was achieved.

They would stay for another two days until the peanut seeds arrived, and then they could leave.

"What is there to do in Paoshan Village?" After returning home, Xiao Shenxing asked Hua Boss who was quietly watching them at the door.

Hua Laoda's eyes lit up. This little brother didn't dislike him at all and wanted to play with him.

"There is a small stream at the foot of the mountain. The water is shallow and you can catch fish." Hua Laodao said.

He has bad legs and feet, so he hasn't been to many other places, and they aren't very fun. He just likes to catch fish in the creek, and he can eat them when he takes them home.

Xiao Shenxing's eyes also lit up. He also likes to catch fish.

"Let's go! Take me there quickly!" he said.

The two people turned around and left.

Followed by a little tail.

Qianjin and the other three little ones like to play with their little brother the most. He always takes them to do some exciting things...

It’s not like following big brothers and sisters, not letting them do this or that.

If you follow little brother, you can do anything!

"Follow you." Hua Zhao said to several bodyguards.

Yunfei and Cuiwei watched, worried, and followed him.

Jinwen looked left and right and followed Hua Zhao honestly. She was very interested in the earthen house where her mother had lived since she was a child.

She found a small drawing board from her luggage, set it up in the yard and started drawing.

Hua Zhao's yard is not desolate. When she and Hua Qiang left, she asked the villagers to plant it, and everything they planted would belong to the village.

Now the small courtyard is full of sunflowers, which are in bloom. They are as beautiful as a painting. She has to draw them.

Hua Qiang sat in the yard and looked around with a smile.

He didn't expect that Huashan would have so many troubles when he was about to die, and his cows had not corrected their evil ways. From then on, he would not come back to this village.

Later, Hua Zhao was asked to move the graves of her grandmother and father, and their family could reunite in the capital.

Hua Zhao and Fang Haixing went out, bought some chickens from several households in the village, asked for some mushrooms, and went back to make lunch.

Today we have chicken stewed with mushrooms. There are so many people, so we have to make several pots.

Just for her few snacks, she has to eat 2 chickens.

As soon as the first pot was ready, they heard the excitement.

Someone came down the mountain howling.

Hua Zhao laughed without looking.

Fang Haixing stood at the door curiously and saw that it was the Huashan family.

She thought they were looking for trouble again, but the family passed by the door like a ghost and ran away.

"What's wrong?" she asked in surprise.

Hua Zhao gestured behind several people and said, "Look."

Fang Haixing took a closer look and suddenly said "Oh!"

I saw a swarm of bees chasing behind them, unwilling to give up.

"Are they stirring up a hornet's nest?" Fang Haixing exclaimed.

"I guess so." Hua Zhao smiled and went back to cooking.

This is worse than poking a hornet's nest. If you poke a hornet's nest, you just need to run fast enough so that the wasp can't catch up.

But she sprinkled something on the tigers and leopards, and within 3 days, all the wasps around them would chase them to death.

The Huashan family came down from the mountain and ran all the way through the village, alarming the whole village.

Several children playing in the creek at the foot of the mountain also heard it. Cuiwei's eyes lit up and she stopped playing and ran home to ask her mother.

But Fang Haixing was beside her, so she said nothing and just looked at Hua Zhao with twinkling eyes.

Hua Zhao knew about the abnormalities of several people, and they also discovered that there was something different about their mother...

Cui Wei, in particular, has the same superpower as her, and has the deepest experience with it.

It looked like an animal riot, but she smelled a familiar scent.

It turns out pollen can be used in this way! She learned it!

"Tell them to come back for dinner." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

"It's time to eat!" No need to shout, a few snack foodies came back.

Yunteng looked childish and shouted as soon as he entered the door.

Looking at the envious looks of the little kids behind him, if he had a tail, it would have been raised.

His mother is the best! It makes the most delicious food! The whole village’s children are crying!

"Childish." Xiao Shenxing pressed his head and ran past him very fast. He wanted to eat a chicken leg!

There are too many children in the family, and sometimes there is nothing that can be done for each child. Two chickens have four legs.

Therefore, Huazhao stipulates that it is first come, first served.

Basically, there will be no fighting. Yunfei, Cuiwei, and the older Jinwen will give way to their younger siblings.

4 legs is just enough.

Go and ask your Grandma and Aunt Ma to come over for dinner. Hua Zhao told Xiao Shen.

Xiao Shenxing went out carrying a chicken leg with satisfaction.

When he got to the yard, he didn't eat it. Instead, he stuffed the chicken legs into Hua Lao Da's hands: "You guys eat."

Hua LaoDa was so moved that his eyes were red. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had eaten chicken legs. No, he seemed to have never eaten chicken legs before!

He didn't want to eat it, so he gave it to Xiao Shenxing.

"You can eat it if you are told to!" Xiao Shenxing's eyes widened, with a hint of majesty in his beauty, and Hua Laobao made a move.

Xiao Shenxing had already run away, looking for Aunt Ma and Ma Qiuping to come over for dinner.

The two of them did not refuse.

I owe Hua Zhao so much that I am not short of a meal.

After the lively lunch, the two went back to pack their luggage. They wanted to leave with Hua Zhao.

But not long after, Hua Zhao heard screams from down the hillside.

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