Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1396 Entering the Mountain

The big dog smacked his lips again, as if he could still taste the biscuits from that day.

He looked at Hua Zhao, suddenly a little shy and said: "You... are different."

Hua Zhao is the mother of those children.

Mom, it turns out it can be like this.

She is beautiful and clean, treats her children well, speaks softly and kindly, and looks at her children with adoration in her eyes.

Nothing like his mother! His mother was like a dominatrix! Every day he either yelled at them, scolded them, or simply went to play cards with his father without seeing anyone.

After Hua Dagou finished speaking, he ran away.

Hua Zhao looked at his back and sighed, but because of his words, she decided to save her father, Peanut, for life.

"Have the children gone into the mountains?" Hua Qiang walked in and asked.

He originally thought that the children were going to the village to play together, but just now he saw someone going to the back mountain.

Isn't this bad? Kaoshantun belongs to the Xing'anling Mountains, and the back mountain is a deep mountain forest. There are wild boars, tigers, and black bears. These things are really cannibalistic.

Especially the hordes of wild boars.

Although the children are not very ordinary, they are still children, especially the three little ones who also followed them into the mountains.

Hua Qiang was worried.

"Don't worry, I'll go too." Hua Zhao said and went down to the ground, followed by half of his bodyguards.

These people were just about to follow, but she stopped them.

They went and were so frightened that the Huashan family did not dare to take action.

Hua Zhao also went, and Hua Qiang felt relieved.

A wild boar or something really bumped into his granddaughter, who was here to deliver food.

In the forest, the triplets were a little nervous at first. They looked left and right, wondering where the bad guys who wanted to catch them were.

But as we walked, we forgot about it and started playing happily.

The three of them had different growth experiences from their elder brothers and sisters. They didn't go out much, although they traveled back and forth between Pengcheng and Beijing every year.

But both sides are home.

Traveling by plane or car on the road does not count as going out.

It was their first time entering this deep mountain and old forest, and their eyes were filled with wonder.

The same goes for the other children. They haven't been to this kind of place often.

And this is the place where my mother lived when she was a child, so it seems particularly interesting.

Xiao Shenxing glanced in one direction behind him, snorted coldly, ignored it, climbed up the tree, picked a few wild fruits, and distributed them to his older brothers, sisters, and younger siblings.

A few people had a great time eating, just like going on an outing.

Hua Sanniu, who was glanced at by him, was muttering in his heart. Why did he feel that that glance was looking at him just now?

But looking at the weeds in front of him that buried his whole body, he believed that this was a coincidence.

The road leading to the back mountain hot spring was thin because there were so many people walking on it, and a few people walked very fast.

Mrs. Hua couldn't even keep up, so Yunfei and Cuiwei held her up, almost carrying her away.

They want to get to the place early, solve the trouble behind them early, and go home for dinner.

This was very painful for the few people following in the grass and bushes on both sides of the mountain. After a while, they were cut with numerous small cuts on their bodies.

In addition, the bag that was stung yesterday was still not healed, and several people suddenly felt agitated.

"Fuck, these little brats don't know a thing, go down and follow them, just stay away." Hua Sanniu said.

Hua Erniu felt that this was inappropriate. The hot spring was a good place. Now that they were no longer forced to work every day, the adults and children in the village went to take a dip if they had nothing to do.

If they meet someone along the way and something happens to these children, they will think...

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, we won't be making a living in this poor ravine anymore! If you move the tree, you will die and the person will live!" Huashu said, and he was the first to rush down.

Spend three cows and peanuts to keep up.

Hua Erniu could only follow him.

They were "lucky" today. No one came to the hot springs in the summer, and they didn't meet anyone along the way.

Until we got to the hot spring.

Xiao Shenxing was still a Sheniu. When he saw the people at the hot spring, he immediately walked over and asked, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

There were actually people having a picnic by the hot spring.

There were eight people, big and small, like two families.

The two couples each had two children.

There were 3 boys and 1 girl in total, all young.

The eldest boy is about the same as Yun Fei, and the youngest girl is about the same as Xiao Shenxing, about seven or eight years old.

The two families were surprised when they saw the sudden appearance of several people.

It is rare to see so many such beautiful children at once.

But looking at their faces, they look like a family, so it’s not surprising.

But what kind of life is it? The foundation must be extremely good.

"We are from An County. I heard there is a hot spring here. Come and play. What about you?" A woman smiled at Xiao Shenxing.

She looked at Xiao Shenxing carefully, but still couldn't tell whether he was a boy or a girl.

The sportswear he wore was somewhat unisex.

This little face is so beautiful.

"Kids, where are you from? Where are the adults in the family?" Another woman came over, glanced at Mrs. Hua and asked.

Although this old lady is an adult, her dress and temperament obviously don't match those of the children, and she doesn't look like a family.

"My master is at home." Xiao Shenxing said.

"Oops." Several adults exclaimed at the same time.

This hot spring is located deep in the mountains. It takes more than an hour to get to the nearest village. There are often wild animals around.

Why are adults so confident in letting such young children go into the mountains by themselves?

This old lady who can't even stand still has no protection.

"Follow us!" A little girl of seven or eight years old jumped up to Xiao Shenxing, pulled his sleeve and said, "My dad is awesome! He will protect you!"

Xiao Shenxing sneered and shook off his sleeves, his father was the most powerful! He doesn't need protection from others either.

"Tiantian." Yunfei came over and pressed his shoulders with a warning tone.

He cannot be rude when others are kind to others.

Outside, they all call each other by their nicknames and never by their first names to avoid exposing their identity.

"I know." Xiao Shenxing said to the little girl with a straight face, "Thank you for your suggestion, but forget it, we can protect ourselves."

Beautiful people look good even when they are angry.

A beautiful child who is cute even when he is arrogant.

And he knows how to say thank you.

Yu Juan fell in love with this "little girl" so much that she gave birth to two brats. She had no sons. She wanted her daughter... No, she could also be a daughter-in-law!

She fell in love with this "outstanding" "little girl" at a glance.

"Xiaonan, Xiaobei, come here and play with your little sister!" Yu Juan shouted.

Xiao Shenxing knew immediately that she had made a mistake, and was about to explode, so Yunfei rubbed his hair vigorously, and he immediately became honest.

He is strong and fast, and he can't beat his big brother...but when he was 3 years old, he knew that the consequences of fighting against his big brother would be dire.

Big brother can always make him regret it afterwards!

So he listened to Yunfei's words. Sometimes his parents' words didn't work, but his elder brother's words definitely worked.

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