On the other side, Hua Erniu and Hua Shuhuahua rushed towards Yunfei and Sanxiaojie.

"Ah!!" The three little ones screamed and ran away.

His voice was excited and exciting, just like when he usually catches chickens...

"Be serious! This is kidnapping!" Xiao Shenxing took the time to turn around and lecture.

"I can't catch it, I can't catch it~" Qianjin shouted excitedly as she ran.

The little one grinned widely, as excited as when playing games.

"Come on, come on, catch me!" Yunteng turned back and waved at the flower tree, and then continued running.

Xiuyuan didn't say anything, but turned around and made a face at Peanut.

Three people ran in three directions.

Thanks to their special training, they also like to play exciting running games such as eagle catching chicks and throwing handkerchiefs, so they are very fast.

Most people really can't catch it.

The only ones who can control them are Xiao Shenxing and Ye Shen.

Hua Erniu didn't even know which one to pursue. He was stunned for a moment and looked at Yun Fei who was standing there with a "Why don't you run" expression on his face.

Yunfei signaled to him and asked him to chase Qianjin.

The little guy was unhappy because no one was chasing him.

Gao Bei felt even more dizzy. Are these people mentally abnormal?

Or is this how their family gets along?

These people look fierce, but they are actually kind-hearted...what a ghost!

He crawled over with difficulty to check the injuries of his eldest brother and cousins.

My little cousin has a big muscle on his head!

Xiao Shenxing suddenly turned around, kicked Hua Sanniu in the crotch, and said to Yunfei: "Brother, that's it? We can't really let them catch Wu Liuqi."

Yun Fei said, "Why not?"

"Don't run away." He said to Qian Jin and others.

The three excited little ones reluctantly stopped.

Huashu and Peanut were very surprised, but they didn't have time to think too much and quickly caught the person.

Huashu held Yunteng's arm and walked a few more steps, holding Qianjin in his hand.

"Okay." Yunfei said to Hua Erniu, "What do you want to do?"

Hua Erniu was really a little stunned.

Some of them were caught, but a few others were not caught and did not run away.

The two people ignored by them, one continued to draw and the other continued to sit on the grass and weave garlands, as if they had not seen the farce just now.

Are these children in the Huazhao family abnormal?

"Hurry up! Stop the ink. What are you going to do?" Xiao Shenxing asked impatiently.

"We want you to come with us." Hua Erniu said.

"Where to go?" Yunfei asked.

"Go..." There is a cave in the back mountain. It is very hidden. Not everyone in the village knows about it, and those who know don't care. It's just a cave.

Their original plan was to bring a few people there, and then send someone to look after Hua Zhao to ask for things and money. When they arrived, they would take the money and fly away. As for these children...

Don’t think too much about the rest, just finish the previous ones.

Originally, they did not expect that Mrs. Hua could deceive seven people at once. They thought she could only deceive a few young people.

Big ones are hard to fool.

If you catch one or two of Hua Zhao's children, that's probably enough.

Unexpectedly, all 7 of them came, and they also brought 4 oil bottles. They didn't have enough manpower.

Let them follow him now?

Hua Erniu suddenly felt blessed and said in his heart: "Follow us obediently! Otherwise we will kill some of them!"

He pointed at the three little ones.

"That's pretty much it." Xiao Shenxing said with satisfaction, "You can get one and let me see."


Are the Hua Zhao children at odds with each other? This little guy wants to borrow a knife to kill someone? Except for these few younger brothers and sisters who compete with others for favor?

More ruthless than them all!

Hua Erniu didn't believe that such a young child could be so cruel, so he just thought Xiao Shenxing didn't believe it.

"Get him!" Hua Erniu shouted to Peanut.

Peanut raised his big palm and slapped Xiuyuan.

If this slap were real, Xiu Yuan would be stunned even if he didn't die.

This time it's enough.

Xiao Shen rushed over like a wind. He didn't complain at all and was there in the blink of an eye.

The next second, the peanut flew out.

Xiao Shenxing was about to pursue the victory when a tiger roar suddenly came from the woods.

The voice was low, like thunder in the sky, but it made Hua Erniu tremble all over, turned around and rushed towards Jinwen who was painting by the river.

If you want to run, you have to take someone with you.

But before he could lift his feet, he got caught in the weeds and fell to the ground.

This is in the mountains, and there are rocks everywhere, even under the weeds.

Hua Erniu hit his head on a stone and fainted on the spot.

A Siberian tiger has sprung out of the woods and headed straight for the flower trees.

Huashu was so frightened that her legs were weak and she couldn't even scream.

He dropped the two children in his hands and ran away.

The tiger was chasing after him, but not very fast. Instead of knocking him down, he chased after him.

The three little ones were so excited that they pointed at the tiger and shouted: "Big tiger!"

"Bigger than the one at the zoo!"

"Still fat!"

"Is it going to eat people?"

"Isn't it not good?"

Yunfei looked at his younger siblings speechlessly, feeling that they really lacked experience.

When he saw a wild tiger for the first time... he wasn't afraid either.

never mind.

"Let's go." Yunfei said.

"I haven't finished painting yet." Jinwen said.

"Then just paint for a while." Yun Fei said.

Then Jinwen continued painting.

Cui Wei had already made a garland and called Qian Jin over to put it on her.

Then she continued to make up the next one. She planned to give it to Xiao Shenxing. He looks better when he is unhappy.

Gao Bei was completely stunned by the operations of several people.

That's a tiger! Not a feral cat!

Also, are these people on the ground dead?

Hua Erniu was unconscious, and Hua Sanniu curled up on the ground after being kicked. He didn't even scream, but his body was shaking. He saw it and was definitely not dead.

The one who was kicked away by Xiao Shenxing before was lying there motionless, and he didn't know what happened to him.

This this....

"Let's go quickly! What if the tiger comes back soon?" Gao Bei shouted while pushing his brother and brother, trying to wake them up.

"Don't touch them."

Yun Fei came over and said, "This may cause secondary harm to them."

However, he had just estimated the intensity so that several people would not be brain-damaged, otherwise he would have taken action in advance.

Yunfei put his hand on Gao Nan's head and rubbed it a few times. Gao Nan woke up immediately.

Then came the other two children.

Yunfei took out 4 candies from his pocket, one for each person.

"Take it, it will relieve the pain." Yunfei said.

The three children, who were dizzy and had headaches, had not yet reacted, so they obediently took it and ate it.

Then the effect was almost immediate, I just felt cool and cool on my head and the pain was less.

This was specially prepared by Hua Zhao for his children, and it is certainly very effective.

"I seemed to have been knocked unconscious just now?" Gao Nan rubbed his head and looked around.

Gao Bei ate the candy and his head no longer hurt, and he immediately said: "Quickly go! There are tigers! There are bad guys!"

He turned around and advised Yunfei, "Why are you painting now? It's important to save your life!"

What will happen if these bad guys wake up soon? What should I do if the tiger turns back?

"It's okay." Yunfei said and glanced at the woods, and several bodyguards came out.


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