Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1416 Will love disappear?

After the family had fun, Yao Lin and several children were sent to rest. The journey lasted about 20 hours, which was quite tiring.

Even the elderly and children can't stand it.

Ye Shu wanted to sleep with Hua Zhao tonight, and Ye Shen was not at home anyway.

Falling on the bed, there were only two people in the room, and Ye Shu's face suddenly fell.

"What's wrong?" Hua Zhao asked strangely.

Ye Shu was not only physically stronger, but also mentally stronger. She rarely saw this kind of expression on Ye Shu's face.

"Do you think love will disappear?" Ye Shu suddenly asked.

"What?" Hua Zhao was startled and asked quickly: "What's wrong? What happened? Yao Kun changed his mind? Just wait and see if I don't flatten him!"

Ye Shu suddenly laughed, hugged Hua Zhao and said coquettishly, "You are so cute."

But Hua Zhao found that there was something crystal clear in her eyes.

This is really a problem.

No wonder he didn't come back!

"No." Ye Shu said, "It's true that he didn't come back because he was busy. He also wanted to come back with us, but I didn't let him."

"Then what happened? Did you change your mind?" Hua Zhao asked.

Ye Shu immediately glared at her: "How is that possible?"

"Then what happened? You are so anxious!" Hua Zhao said.

"Hey." Ye Shu sighed, paused for a few seconds and said, "Yao Kun hasn't cheated yet, he just got along well with a woman in a company, but there really is nothing between them, they are innocent, he is sure You still love me and this family, but..."

Ye Shu frowned: "I always feel like something is wrong, but I can't explain it. It's just that he interacts with me less, maybe it's because the business is too big now, he is really busy and has no time, but I occasionally see him chatting with that woman There is always something wrong with my expression and attitude.

"Although it's normal and not excessive, I just feel unhappy, and it's definitely not because of jealousy.

“There are many beautiful female employees in the company, but I wouldn’t be angry if Yao Kun talked to any other woman or even if I found out about a woman seducing him.

"This woman obviously didn't seduce him, and he didn't do anything to her, but I feel uncomfortable..."

Ye Shu said he was confused: "Oh, it's so confusing. Anyway, I think they have ghosts! But they don't actually have ghosts? Do they have ghosts? I'm so annoyed!"

Ye Shu had too little experience to understand, but Hua Zhao understood it and hit the nail on the head: "You have met a master. He can play with ambiguity so well that he can make men fall into the trap without even realizing it."

In a word, Ye Shu had met a high-end green tea, who was the best at playing with men's hearts.

Men will never recognize high-grade green tea, but women can always spot it easily due to their keen intuition.

Ye Shu realized something was wrong, but couldn't find any evidence.

"Yes! That's how it feels! Ah, you actually believe me!" Ye Shu lay on Hua Zhao's shoulder and was moved: "I almost don't believe in myself!"

Although she is about 10 years older than Hua Zhao, the two of them have always been of the same mental age, even Ye Shu is younger.

Now she can act coquettishly with Hua Zhao without any obstacles.

"Be good." Hua Zhao patted her to comfort her like a child and asked, "Have you warned Yao Kun? Tell him to stay away from that woman?"

"No, I don't dare." Ye Shu said: "Yao Kun doesn't seem to have discovered anything now. I'm afraid that if I wake him up, he will know that the woman is interested in him, and he will be happy instead. It's all my fault, he found out too late."

Ye Shu regretted it.

"Have they been in contact for a long time?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Yeah, it's been almost 2 years!" Ye Shu was really regretful. At first, the other party really didn't show anything. He was very normal, so she didn't care and focused on her children and work.

By the time she realized something was wrong with Yao Kun, the woman's status was no longer the same.

"She is already the company's sales director. Her business ability is really strong and she cannot be easily moved. If she is poached by a rival company, it will definitely have an impact on the company's performance." Ye Shu said.

Hua Zhao was speechless: "Is money more important or Yao Kun?"

"Of course Yao Kun is important, but I have no reason to fire her. I have to fire her forcefully and have no way to explain to others."

After several rounds of financing, Yaoji Food has added several more shareholders in addition to Hua Zhao, the major shareholder.

Kicking away the profitable business director for no reason is indeed nonsense, others will not agree, and it will also damage Ye Shu's image.

Hua Zhao nodded: "That is indeed difficult to handle."

She had thought she was just a secretary or a salesperson or some other small role, but she didn't expect to become a sales director.

This is the global sales director, and only those who are truly capable cannot be qualified.

Also because he is so capable, he and Yao Kun have a lot in common...

Ye Shu didn't even believe that his ability could compare with Xie Liena.

"Then what should we do now? Can we only watch them being ambiguous?" Ye Shu said worriedly.

"Transfer, aren't we going to set up a branch in Mainland China and transfer her here to be the president?" Hua Zhao said.

The sales director and the Asia president couldn't tell which one was more important.

One is an important member of the imperial court, and the other is a feudal official.

Ye Shu frowned: "What if her target is really Yao Kun and she doesn't come over?"

"I will personally sign the appointment letter. If she doesn't come, I will fire her." Hua Zhao said.

She is the major shareholder, and what she says is imperial edict!

Not convinced? Anyone who disagrees must endure it! This is the power of major shareholders.

Ye Shu's eyes lit up, and he immediately hugged Hua Zhao and said, "I love you so much! You are really my lucky star! You can solve any problem!"

She actually held Hua Zhao's face and took two bites.

Hua Zhao was so numb.

"The ten years abroad have really been spent in vain, and they have changed your appearance!" Hua Zhao laughed and hid.

"No, I will always have a Chinese heart!" Ye Shu said.

"Yes, yes, I believe it. Go back and lie down quickly. Stop chewing me." Hua Zhao pinned him down on the bed.

She can press whoever she wants, and no one can struggle.

Ye Shu tried a few times and said, "Now I really believe how you captured Ye Shen."


I can't mention this. I can't help but laugh when I mention Hua Zhao.

That is truly the most proud thing in this life! ~

After laughing, the two of them lay down and slept.

The air became quiet, but no one fell asleep.

How can I sleep?

This happened.

I didn’t expect that Yao Kun would be here today...

He didn't take the initiative to cheat, and he wasn't even cheating now, but if the other party continues to erode her, no one can say what will happen.

All men.

"Is she beautiful? How old is she? What is her race?" Hua Zhao suddenly asked.

"Chinese are very beautiful. They are as beautiful as me. They are two kinds of beauty." Ye Shu said honestly: "And she is younger than me. She is only 28 years old this year. She graduated from Harvard and her family is not poor. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a lawyer. A little better than middle class.”

Hua Zhao nodded. A woman of this kind of background is perfect. Not to mention taking down a CEO, even Prince Li could conquer her.

Give her time, maybe she can do bad things.

Maybe it’s bad now!

Hua Zhao sighed and asked, "What do you think?"

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